天津滨海职业学院毕业设计(论文)数控铣床孔类零件加工 管立宇 院系:天津滨海职业学院机电工程系 专业:机电一体化技术 年级:2010级 学号: 20100141309 指导教师:章黎丽 摘 要盘类零件是由多个端面、深孔、螺纹孔、曲面、沟槽、外轮廓组合而成的较复杂的盘形零件。其特点是零件基本形状呈盘形块状,零件表面汇集了多种典型表面。加工时,装夹次数一般较少,但所用刀具一般较多,编制程序较繁琐。加工前需要做好充分的准备,包括图纸分析、确定加工工艺、选用机床型号、选用毛坯大小、确定走刀路线与加工顺序等,其前期的准备工作比较复杂。关键词:盘类零件 图纸分析 确定加工工艺 机床目 录 一. 盘类零件加工工艺性分析 11.1 选择并确定数控加工中心加工盘类零件 11.2 盘类零件图样的工艺性分析 21.3 盘类零件的加工路线 3二. 盘类零件加工工艺的确定 32.1 工艺分析 32.2 工艺卡片 5刀具卡片 62.4 走刀路线 62.5 程序的编制 11三. 误差分析15四. 结论15参考文献 16 一 盘类零件加工的工艺性分析盘类零件加工工艺性分析是编程前的重要工艺准备工作之一,根据实际加工,利用数控加工中心具有高精度、高柔性、高效率,且适合加工具有复杂轮廓、端面的零件等特点。通过对使用BV75型数控加工中心加工盘类零件,来阐述以下几个方面的问题: 1.1 选择并确定数控加工中心加工盘类零件在选择加工盘类零件的设备时,应充分发挥数控加工中心适用于加工复杂端面这一加工优势。选择BV75数控加工中心的主要依据如下:BV75立式加工中心采用专业化厂家提供的数控系统,各直线运动轴、主轴及追加旋转轴均采用伺服电机驱动,三轴或四轴联动,可进行各种铣削、镗孔、钻铰孔、刚性攻丝等一般机械加工,并实现数字化精确定位,通过运动轴插补联动可实现旋切大螺纹、多种曲面加工,且同一台机床上可实现工件一次装夹过程中多种工序的粗、精加工。同时,数控系统中配备了多种典型循环程序供加工过程中编程选用。机床工作过程中的切削加工、冷却液提供、刀具交换等均由预编制程序控制,且换刀过程中自动实施主轴中心吹气,保持刀柄及主轴锥孔清洁。机床切削过程中产生的切屑根据配置不同或者由冲刷系统及排屑器等定向排送到集屑小车,或者人工清理。BV75立式加工中心主要技术参数如下:机床行程范围X轴 mm762Y轴 mm510(带A轴为450或490)Z轴 mm560工作台参数工作台尺寸 mm610*900T型槽尺寸 mm5-18*100*125工作台最大承载能力(均布) kg500主轴端面直工作台面距离 mm152712主轴中心至立柱导轨面距离 mm移动速度快速移动速度 mm/min24000切削进给速度 mm/min315000主轴参数主轴锥孔7:24主轴轴径 mm70刀库参数斗笠式刀库机械手式刀库刀库容量(把)2124换刀方式任选随机换刀时间(秒)6最大刀具直径 mm8075相邻无刀最大刀具直径 mm160120最大道具长度 mm304290最大单刀重量 kg6刀库承载能力 kg68801.2 盘类零件图样的工艺性分析根据BV75数控加工中心加工盘类零件的特点,对零件图纸进行工艺分析时,应着重考虑如下几点:(1) 盘类零件图纸的尺寸分析根据盘类零件图纸的分析,应首先确定零件上各端面的相互位置、相距尺寸,保证加工时刀具的走刀路线不会干涉到零件的各个端面。例如,在加工时刀具直径为10mm,零件两端面距离为9mm,若在加工前发现这一点便会在保证加工精度的情况下更换合适的刀具。相反,如果在实际加工前对图纸的分析不够透彻,便有可能出现上述错误,造成零件加工失败,不仅浪费时间,还提高了加工成本,得不偿失。(2) 顺铣和逆铣对加工的影响 在铣削加工盘类零件时,采用顺铣还是逆铣方式是影响加工表面粗糙度的重要因素之一。逆铣时切削力F的水平分力FX的方向与进给运动Vf方向相反,顺铣时切削力F的水平分力FX的方向与进给运动Vf的方向相同。铣削方式的选择应视零件图样的加工要求,工件材料的性质、特点以及机床型号、刀具规格等条件因素综合考虑。通常,由于数控加工中心传动采用滚珠丝杠结构,其进给传动间隙很小,顺铣的工艺性就优越于逆铣。为了降低表面粗糙度值,提高刀具的耐用度,对于铝镁合金、钛合金和耐热合金等材料,尽可能采用顺铣加工。但如果盘类零件的毛坯为黑色金属锻件或铸件,表皮较硬而且余量一般较大,这时采用逆铣较为合理。1.3 盘类零件的加工路线(1) z轴方向走刀路线在加工盘类零件时,Z轴的切削深度尤为重要。必须要看清图纸的标注,并在深度上也要保证高精度。铣削外轮廓时,尽量选择在工件外下刀。铣削内轮廓时,要选好下刀点,必须保证不能干涉工件的尺寸精度。(2)x、y轴方向走刀路线在加工盘类零件时,x、y轴方向走刀路线是否正确直接影响到零件加工的质量。x、y轴方向在走刀路线正确的情况下基本能保证零件成型正确。若x、y轴方向走刀路线错误,则直接导致工件作废,成为废品。如果走刀路线偏差较大,不仅会导致零件作废,更会威胁到操作人员的人身安全。(3)对于二维轮廓加工通常采用以下几个步骤:(1)从起刀点下刀到下刀点;(2)沿切向切入工件; (3)轮廓切削; (4)刀具向上抬刀,退离工件; (5)返回起刀点。二 盘类零件加工工艺的确定2.1 工艺分析图1 盘类零件需要加工的盘类零件如图1所示,零件的材料为45号钢,毛坯选为100mm×80mm×27mm的方形毛坯料。且底面和四个轮廓面均已加工好,要求在BV75立式加工中心上加工顶面及孔。(1) 加工部位分析加工顶面;加工32孔;加工60沉孔;加工4×M87H螺纹孔;加工2 × 12孔;加工3 × 6孔(2) 工步设计工步号工步内容刀具号刀具规格1粗铣顶面T1端面铣刀1252钻32、 12孔中心孔T2中心钻23钻32、 12孔至T3麻花钻4扩32孔至30T4麻花钻305钻3×6孔至尺寸T5麻花钻66粗铣60沉孔T6立铣刀18,2刃7钻4×M8底孔至T7麻花钻8镗32孔至T8镗刀9精铣顶面T1端面铣刀12510铰12孔至尺寸T9铰刀1211精镗32孔至尺寸T10微调精镗刀3212精铣60沉孔至尺寸T11立铣刀18,4刃1312孔口倒角T13倒角刀20143×6、M8孔口倒角T3麻花钻15攻4×M8螺纹T12丝锥M8序号加工工序刀具刀具名称主轴 速度进给 速度mm/min刀具长度补偿刀具半径补偿刀具补偿值1粗铣顶面 T1端面铣刀125240300H01实测值2钻32、 12孔中心孔 T2中心钻21000100H023钻32、 12孔至11.5 T3麻花钻11.5550110H034扩32孔至30 T4麻花钻3028085H045钻3×6孔至尺寸 T5麻花钻61000220H056粗铣60沉孔 T6立铣刀18,2刃3701000H06D067钻4×M8底孔至6.8 T7麻花钻950140H078镗32孔至31.7 T8镗刀31.7830120H089精铣顶面 T1端面铣刀125320280H0110铰12孔至尺寸 T9铰刀1217042H0911精镗32孔至尺寸 T10微调精镗刀3294075H1012精铣60沉孔至尺寸T11立铣刀18, 4刃4601000H11D11301312孔口倒角 T13倒角刀2030050H13143×6、M8孔口倒角 T3麻花钻30050H0315攻4×M8螺纹 T12丝锥M8100125H12刀具选择与加工目的转速r/min进给量mm/min背吃刀量mm端面铣刀125 240300中心钻2 10001002麻花钻55011030麻花钻30 2808535麻花钻6100022015立铣刀18,2刃370100010麻花钻95014030镗刀83012027铰刀121704230微调精镗刀329407527立铣刀18,4刃460100010倒角刀2030050麻花钻30050丝锥M8100125271)粗铣顶面2)钻32、 12孔中心孔3)钻32、 12孔至4)扩32孔至305)钻3×6孔至尺寸6)粗铣60沉孔7)钻4×M8底孔至8)镗32孔至9)精铣顶面10)铰12孔至尺寸11)精镗32孔至尺寸12)精铣60沉孔至尺寸13) 12孔口倒角14) 3×6、M8孔口倒角15)攻4×M8螺纹序的编制如图所示为本文数控程序编制的流程图。加工工艺参数输入部分以人机交互对话方式输入盘类零件铣削加工的有关工艺参数,如刀具半径,起刀点、加工走向,主轴转速、进给速度等。NC 数据处理部分根据几何形状数据及加工工艺参数,对数据文件中的实体(直线、圆弧、列表点) 的数据重新排序,列表点先以三次B 样条曲线进行拟合,再用双圆弧法进行插补,形成标准的G 代码格式。刀具轨迹仿真部分主要是检验数控程序语法错误,加工时是否有干涉现象或刀具轨迹不合理等,可以减少实际加工中试切次数和防止设备、刀具、工件的损坏。加工程序编制如下:O0001;N3 G17 G90 G40 G80 G49 G21;G91 G28 Z0.;N5 M06 T01;N8 G90 G54 G00 X120. Y0.;N9 M03 S240;N10 G43 Z100. H01;N11 Z0.5;N12 G01 X-120. F300;N13 G00 Z100. M05;N14 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N16 M06 T02;N19 G90 G54 G00 X0. Y0.;N20 M03 S1000;N21 G43 Z100. H02;N22 G99 G81 Z-5. R5. F100;N23 X-36. Y26.;N24 G98 X36. Y-26.;N25 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N27 M06 T03;N30 G90 G54 G00 X0. Y0.;N31 M03 S550; N32 G43 Z100. H03;N33 G99 G81 Z-30. R5. F110;N34 X-36. Y26.;N35 G98 X36. Y-26.;N36 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N38 M06 T04;N41 G90 G54 G00 X0. Y0.;N42 M03 S280;N43 G43 Z100. H04;N44 G98 G81 Z-35. R5.0 F85;N45 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N47 M06 T05;N50 G90 G54 G00 X40. Y0.;N51 M03 S1000;N52 G43 Z100. H05;N53 G99 G81 Z-15. R5. F220;N54 Y15.;N55 G98 Y30.;N56 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N58 M06 T06;N61G90G54G00 X0. Y0.;N62 M03 S370;N63 G43 Z5. H06;N64 G01 Z-10. F1000;N65 G41 X8. Y-15. D06 F110;N66 G03 X23. Y0. R15.;N67 I-23.;N68 X8. Y15. R15.;G00 G40 X0 Y0;N69 G01 G41 X15. Y-15. D06;N70 G03 X30. Y0. R15.;N71 I-30.;N72 X15. Y15. R15.;N73 G01 X-16. Y0.;N74 Z-4.7 F1000;N75 X-61. F110;N76 X-56.5 Y-41.586;N77 X-12.213 Y-16.017;N78 X15. Y-15. F1000;N79 G03 X30. Y0. R15. F110;N80 G01 Y51.;N81 X0.;N82 Y16.;N83 G40 Y0. F1000;N84 G00 Z100. M05;N85 G91G28 Z0.;/ M00;N87 M06 T07;N88 G90 G54 G00 X23. Y0.;N91 M03 S950;N92 G43 Z100. H07;N93 G98 G81 Z-30. R5. F140;N94 X0. Y23.;N95 X-23. Y0.;N96 G98 X0. Y-23.;N97 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N9 M06 T08;N102 G90 G54 G00 X0. Y0.;N103 M03 S830;N100 G43 Z100. H08;N101 G98 G76 Z-27. R5. Q0.1 F120;N102 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N106 M06 T01;N107 G90 G54 G00 X120. Y0.;N108 M03 S320;N109 G43 Z100. H01;N110 Z0;N111 G01 X-120. F280;N112 G00 Z100. M05;N113 G91 G28 Z0.;/ M00;N115 M06 T09;N118 G90 G54 G00 X-36. Y26.;N119 M03 S170;N120 G43 Z100. H09;N121 G99 G82 Z-30. R5. P1000 F42;N122 G98 X36. Y-26.;N123 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N9 M06 T10;N102 G90 G54 G00 X0. Y0.;N103 M03 S940;N100 G43 Z100. H10;N101 G98 G76 Z-27. R5. Q0.1 F75;N102 G80 G91 G28 Z0. M05;/ M00;N134 M06 T11;N137 G90G54G00 X0. Y0.;N138 M03 S460;N139 G43 Z5. H11;N140 G01 Z-10. F1000;N141 G41 X8. Y-15. D11 F80;N142 X15. ;N143 G03 X30. Y0 R15.;N144 I-30.;N145 X15. Y-15. R15.;N146 G01 X-16. Y0. ;N147 Z-5. F1000;N148 X-61. F110;N149 X-56.5 Y-41.586.;N150 X-12.213 Y-16.017 ;N151 X15. Y-15. F1000;N152 G03 X30. Y0 R15. F150;N153 G01 Y51.;N154 X0. ;N155 Y16. ;N156 G40 Y0. F1000;N157 G00 Z100. M05;N158 G91 G28 Z0;/ M00;N185 M06 T12;N187 G90 G54 G00 X23. Y0.;N188 M03 S100;N190 G43 Z100. H12;N192 G98 G84 Z-27. R10. F125;N193 X0. Y23.;N194 X-23. Y0.;N195 X0. Y-23.;N196 G80 G91 G28 Z0.;N198 G28 X0. Y0.;M30; 三 误差分析在数控加工的整个过程中,经常会产生以下几种误差:(1) 近似计算误差:主要产生在加工列表曲线、曲面轮廓时,采用近似计算法所发生的逼近误差。(2) 插补误差:这是由于用直线段或圆弧段逼近零件轮廓曲线所产生的误差。减少插补误差的方法是密化插补点,但这会增加程序段数目,增加计算和编程的工作量。(3) 尺寸圆整误差:这是将计算尺寸换算成机床的脉冲当量时由于圆整化所产生的误差。数控机床能反映出的最小位移量是一个脉冲当量,小于一个脉冲当量的数据只能四舍五入,于是就产生了误差。(4) 操作误差在加工过程中,操作者在操作过程中,工件的安装引起的误差和寻找工件坐标原点过程中容易引起误差。首先安装过程中,可能会产生工件面与定位面之间靠不紧,解决办法:在安装过程中四个压板要同时压紧,不能其中某个压紧。先让四个螺栓稍微拧一下但是不要彻底拧紧,并且用尼龙棒或者木棒在工件上轻轻敲打,使工件底面与定位面之间靠实。并且拧紧顺序为对角拧紧。寻找坐标原点过程中,由于使用的设备的精度不同,会带来不同的误差。解决办法:使用精度高的仪器,如:千分表、寻边器等等。四 结论通过对盘类零件的工艺分析,合理制定了其加工工艺过程,选择了合适的加工刀具及切削参数,合理的编制了加工盘类零件的数控程序,经过独立的分析、计算及改善加工过程,避免了可能产生的各种误差,使用BV75数控加工中心加工出的盘类零件,精度较高,尺寸符合图纸要求。即提高了产品的加工质量和效率,又降低了工人的劳动强度。 对我个人的数控技术及独立完成加工的技能有了很大的帮助,并且使我更加喜欢数控技术专业,我充分看到了自己的不足,使我的技术有了一次跨越性的提高。参考文献1.徐宏海 数控加工工艺 学工业出版社,2003,7-50252.徐嘉元、曾家驹 机械制造工艺学 机械工业出版社,1999,7-1113.华茂发 数控机床加工工艺 械工业出版社,2000,7-1114.5.6.ag an employment tribunal clai Emloyment tribunals sort out disagreements between employers and employees. You may need to make a claim to an employment tribunal if: you don't agree with the disciplinary action your employer has taken against you your employer dismisses you and you think that you have been dismissed unfairly. For more informu, take advice from one of the organisations listed under Fur ther help. Employment tribunals are less formal than some other courts, but it is still a legal process and you will need to give evidence under an oath or affirmation. Most people find making a claim to an employment tribunal challenging. If you are thinking about making a claim to an employment tribunal, you should get help straight away from one of the organisations listed under Further help. ation about dismissal and unfair dismissal, see Dismissal. You can make a claim to an employment tribunal, even if you haven't appealed against the disciplinary action your employer has taken against you. However, if you win your case, the tribunal may reduce any compensation awarded to you as a result of your failure to appeal. Remember that in most cases you must make an application to an employment tribunal within three months of the date when the event you are complaining about happened. If your application is received after this time limit, the tribunal will not usually accept i. If you are worried about how the time limits apply to you If you are being represented by a solicitor at the tribunal, they may ask you to sign an agreement where you pay their fee out of your compensation if you win the case. This is known as a damages-based agreement. In England and Wales, your solicitor can't charge you more than 35% of your compensation if you win the case. You are clear about the terms of the agreement. It might be best to get advice from an experienced adviser, for example, at a Citizens Advice Bureau. To find your nearest CAB, including those that give advice by e-mail, click on nearest CAB. For more information about making a claim to an employment tribunal, see Employment tribunals. The (lack of) air up there Watch m Cay man Islands-based Webb, the head of Fifa's anti-racism taskforce, is in London for the Football Association's 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend City's Premier League match at Chelsea on Sunday. "I am going to be at the match tomorrow and I have asked to meet Ya ya Toure," he told BBC Sport. "For me it's about how he felt and I would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was." Uefa has opened disciplinary proceedings against CSKA for the "racist behaviour of their fans" during City's 2-1 win. Michel Platini, president of European football's governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into the referee's actions. CSKA said they were "surprised and disappointed" by Toure's complaint. In a statement the Russian side added: "We found no racist insults from fans of CSKA." Age has reached the end of the beginning of a word. May be guilty in his seems to passing a lot of different life became the appearance of the same day; May be back in the past, to oneself the paranoid weird belief disillusionment, these days, my mind has been very messy, in my mind constantly. Always feel oneself should go to do something, or write something. Twenty years of life trajectory deeply shallow, suddenly feel something, do it.一字开头的年龄已经到了尾声。或许是愧疚于自己似乎把转瞬即逝的很多个不同的日子过成了同一天的样子;或许是追溯过去,对自己那些近乎偏执的怪异信念的醒悟,这些天以来,思绪一直很凌乱,在脑海中不断纠缠。总觉得自己似乎应该去做点什么,或者写点什么。二十年的人生轨迹深深浅浅,突然就感觉到有些事情,非做不可了。The end of our life, and can meet many things really do?而穷尽我们的一生,又能遇到多少事情是真正地非做不可? During my childhood, think lucky money and new clothes are necessary for New Year, but as the advance of the age, will be more and more found that those things are optional; Junior high school, thought to have a crush on just means that the real growth, but over the past three years later, his writing of alumni in peace, suddenly found that isn't really grow up, it seems is not so important; Then in high school, think don't want to give vent to out your inner voice can be in the high school children of the feelings in a period, but was eventually infarction when graduation party in the throat, later again stood on the pitch he has sweat profusely, looked at his thrown a basketball hoops, suddenly found himself has already can't remember his appearance. Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted. r plays an important role in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause),e can expect a lot of turbulence. We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives; instead of letting the world soften us,