College of Foreign Languages,HUSTFinal Examination of English Chinese Translation for English MajorsGrade 2011,5th Semester(2014,Dec.)(Test Paper B)TEST TIME:130 minutesClass_ Registration Number N a m e Score1.Please translate the following sentences.(209)(注意添加合适的连接词以及文化因素的处理。)1)疾风知劲草。2)火车未停,请勿开门。3)打肿脸充胖子,吃亏的是自己。4)功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应西北流。(李 白 江上咏)5)几乎所有的物质都是热胀冷缩的6)因为石油深埋于地下,靠研究地面,不能确定石油的有无。7)A small leak will sink a great ship.8)Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.9)From a physical standpoint,there ought to be as many colours as there are differentwave lengths.10)The bacteria pneumonia(肺炎)may complicate influenza at both extremes of age.2.Please translate the following complex sentences.(4 0)(注意意义的分解,语序的安排,措词准确规范,文体风格等方面的处理。)1)The companys top executives all are refugees from the countrys bureaucratic andunderfinanced state research sector.(39)2)All the way along the line,form the border right up to Peking,as far as the eye could see,thecountryside was literally covered up with a green carpet of growing crops,holding a promiseof bumper harvests.)3)Corporations such as Microsoft,AT&T,and Motorola are but a few of many UnitedStates corporations that actively make their own venture investment,often co-investingwith private venture capital firms.(39)4)If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesnot wish to get into trouble,he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street.He is wellknown.(4,)5)The infatuated young man actually proposed something like marriage in an interceptednote,which the one-eyed apple-woman(独眼的卖苹果妇人)was charged to deliver.(4)6)It had been a fine,golden autumn,a lovely farewell to those who would lose theiryouth,and some of them their lives,before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall.G)7)By 2001,the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty millionand possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expandfood production to fill the additional mouths.This will be particularly true since energypinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashionthat makes it possible to combine fbw farmers with high yields.(4 只翻译戈 I线部分)8)Economies contain two sorts of activity:tradable-manufacturing and services that canbe supplied readily at a distance;and non-tradable-haircuts,childcare and so forth.With economic development,productivity in the former tends to rise faster than in thelatter.(59)9)The government in Beijing has used some of the past decades worth of breathing-space shrewdly,launching a charm offensive in South-East Asia,building hospitals,roads and schools,and becoming the largest trading partner of many of the regionscountries while America whistled a lonesome,security-obsessed tu n e.(主题是关于中美在东南亚的影响角力)(5,)10)Another advantage is reliability.Mini-computers have been made possible by thedevelopment of integrated circuits(集成电路).Instead of soldering bits of wire to joinseparate components such as resisters and capacitors sometimes in the most intricatenetworks-designers can now produce many connected circuits in one unit whichinvolves no soldering and therefore no risk of broken joints at all.(5,只翻译戈ij线部分)3.Please translate the following paragraphs.(409)(首先在意思整体理解清楚了再动笔;翻译时注意直译和意译之间的把握,句式分解;表达时做到风格一致,用语简洁书面化。)Background:The paragraph is an excerpt from a speech by William Faulkner(威廉福 克 纳),the 1950 Nobel Laureate,delivered at the prize awarding ceremony.Hetalked about the responsibilities of a writer and the meaning of writing.Until he relearns these things he will write as though he stood among and watched theend of man.I decline to accept the end of man.It is easy enough to say that man isimmortal simply because he will endure;that when the last ding-dong(拟声词)ofdoom has changed and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the lastred and dying evening,that even then there will still be one more sound:that of thispuny inexhaustible voice,still talking.I refuse to accept this.I believe that man will notmerely endure:he will prevail.He is immortal,not because he alone among creatureshas an inexhaustible voice,but because he has a soul,a spirit capable of compassionand sacrifice and endurance.The poets,the writers duty is to write about these things.It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart,by reminding him of thecourage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which hasbeen the glory of his past.The poefs voice need not merely be the record of man,it canbe one of the props,the pillars to help him endure and prevail.Notes:endure(to continue in existence)繁衍生息 change(to shift to a lower register)音调变弱Answer SheetCollege of Foreign Languages,HUSTFinal Examination of English Chinese Translation for English MajorsGrade 2011,5th Semester(2014,Jan.)(Test Paper B)TEST TIME:130 minutesClass_ Registration Number N a m e ScorePart I Sentence translation(20)Part 11 Complex sentence translation(4(F)Part III Paragraph translation(40)TotalSignature1.Please translate the following sentences.(20)1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)2.Please translate the following complex sentences.(40)1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)3.Please translate the following paragraph.(405)Answer Key1.句 子 翻 译(20,)1)A good pilot is not known when the water is calm.2)Do not open the door till the train stops.3)If you go beyond yourself you will suffer.4)Sooner could River Han flow back to its mountains than fame and wealth can remain.5)Almost all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.6)As water is buried deep in the ground,its presence cannot be determined by ageographical study of the surface.7)千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。8)司法部门如果对此不闻不问,那就是没有尽到责任司法部门不能不负责任,对此置之不理。9)从物理的角度来看,有多少种不同的波长就有多少种颜色。10)患有流感的幼儿和老人可能并发细菌性肺炎。2 长 句 和 复 句 翻 译(40,)1)该公司的高层管理人员都来自该国的国家研究机构。这些机构不仅充满官僚主义气息,而且研究经费不足,他们很难在那里呆下去2)从边境到北京,一路上沿铁路线,极目所望,但见田野到处是茁壮的庄稼,仿佛披上了一层绿毯,预示丰收在望。3)美国需多加公司自己也积极进行风险资本投资,一般和私有风险资本公司共同投资,如微软,AT&T以及摩托摩拉这样的公司,只是其中的几家。4)上星期傍晚,有人曾见某君在教堂取走雨伞一把。取伞者如不愿卷入纠纷,还是将伞送至布劳德街十号为妙。此君为谁,尽人皆知。5)这个神魂颠倒的年轻人给夏普小姐写了一封情书,托卖苹果的妇人替他去送,被人发现,信里的话简直等于是向夏普小姐求婚。6)那是一个晴朗的秋日,美好的秋色为那些青年人送行。在下一个黄叶纷飞,和平的秋季到来之前,当日的青年们已经失去了青春,有些甚至是生命。7)虽然在美国的高耗能耕作模式下,投入少量农民就可以获得高产,但由于能源匮乏,这种耕作方式将难以维持,因而食品短缺这一困境将是不可避免的。8)经济包含两种不同类型的活动,可交易的包括制成品和服务,可以在相隔一定的距离之外提供;另一类是不可交易的理发,照顾孩子等等。随着经济的发展,前者的产出比起后者增长得更快。9)北京政府很机灵地利用了上个十年的宝贵喘息之机,在东南亚发动魅力攻势,建医院、道路和学校,并成为该地区许多国家的最大贸易伙伴,而美国此时却打起了孤立牌,忙于安全问题。10)过去,要在极复杂的网络中,用导线将诸如电阻器和电容器之类的单个电子元器件焊接在一起,而现在设计人员可以将许多相互连接电路集成在一个芯片内,不用焊接因此也不会有脱焊的危险。3.段落翻译(40,)他必须重新学习这些普遍而古老的真理。否则,他的写作就如同是站在人群中,看着人类走向末日,而无所作为。我拒绝相信人类必将毁灭这种说法。那种认为人类不朽是因为人能够不断繁衍生息的说法过于简单化了。这种说法认为,当世界末日的钟声敲响在矗立在残阳中没有潮水冲击的礁石上,直至那时,在那消逝的叮咚声中,仍然会有一个声音人类的微弱而不绝的声音“声声不息”。我拒绝相信这些。我相信,人类不仅能延续,人类还能战胜一切。人类不朽,不是因为在万物中只有他才拥有不知疲倦的声音,而是因为他有灵魂和精神同情心、牺牲和坚忍精神。诗人和作家的职责正是记录这些精神。诗人和作家的殊荣就是鼓舞他们的斗志,帮助他们记忆起勇气、荣誉、希望、自尊、同情、怜悯和牺牲精神,这些昔日的荣耀。诗人的声音不应该只是记录人类,而应该是帮助人类永存并取得胜利的支柱和力量。