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    英语学科 八年级(下)学期日综合素质测评八上复习(日综合素质测评1)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:一、 单项选择。(5×10分50分)1Last week Vivian _ a dress for her mother with her first salary.AbuyBboughtCwill buyDwould buy2They _ good time there last week.Ahad aBhave aChadDhave3- Did Qingdao show _ to the world during the SCO Summit (上海合作组织峰会)?- Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development.Asomething special Banything specialCspecial something Dspecial anything4Did you go anywhere interesting this summer vacation? . I just stayed on my uncles farm and helped him.AOf courseBNo problemCNot reallyDSounds great5There is _ water here, but there are quite _ empty glasses.Afew;littleBlittle;a fewCfew;a fewDlittle;a little二、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5×10分50分)6Lisa went to Beijing _  _ (度假) last year.7We have _ _ _ (相当多的) books in the Book Corner.8He _ _ _ (为考试而学习) last night.9They _  _  _ _(去海滩) on their school trip.10Last year I _ _(拍照片)with my family on the Great Wall.出错题号错因分析经验教训启示八上复习(日综合素质测评2)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅一、单项选择1How often do you play tennis?Twice week. And I often play it in sports center in our schoolAthe;Ba:anCan;theDa;the2一_ do you have dinner with your family at restaurants?一Hardly ever.AHow oftenBHow longCHow manyDHow much3He studies _ at Chinese for one year, but he can still_speak itAhard,hardBhardly,hardlyChard,hardlyDhardly,hard4I _ get to school by bike.AsometimeBsome timeCsometimesDsome times5_ do your family take a vacation every year? Three times.AHow many timesBHow oftenCHow soonDHow long二、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5×10分50分)1The students (几乎不)bring their mobile phones to school now.2Do you often (帮忙做家务) .3What does Mike do (在周末) .4The good schoolgirl always comes to school on time and she (从不迟到) .5We often (上网) to buy all kinds of things出错题号错因分析经验教训启示八上复习(日综合素质测评3)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅一、单项选择1He tries _ English well. And he practices _ English every day.Ato learn;to speakBlearning;speakingClearning;to speakDto learn;speaking2_ it is raining hard, the policeman is still working at the crossing.ABecauseBWhenCIfDThough3Dumplings are very delicious. _ of my parents like them.AAllBBothCNoneDNeither4Be _!Look!The baby is sleeping _.Aquiet;quietlyBquiet;quietCquietly;quietDquietly;quietly5She always does her homework than her brother.Acareful Bmore careful Ccarefully Dmore carefully二、完成句子6事实上,我根本不喜欢这个角色。_ _, I dont like the character at all.7我比我妹妹更外向。Im _ _ _ _ my sister.8杰瑞比汤姆在音乐方面更有天赋。Jerry is _ _ in music than Tom.9乔的答案和我的一样。Joes answer was _ _ _ mine.10林涛在许多方面与他爸爸相似。Lin Tao _ _ _ his father in many ways.试卷第3页,共3页学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司出错题号错因分析经验教训启示八上复习(日综合素质测评4)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅一、单项选择1He is one of _ students in our class.AExcellent Bmore excellent Cthe most excellent Dmost excellent2There are some good ways to learn English. _, you can listen to tapes every morning.AHoweverBIn factCFor exampleDBecause3There are _ books in this bookstore, and they are very cheap.Aall kind ofBa kind ofCall kinds ofDkind of4It doesn't need to be true! You can a story.Aset upBstay upCput upDmake up5-Shall we go to the mountains, Mom?-It _ the weather.Ais similar toBis up toCis good atDbrought up二、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。6杰克擅长弹钢琴。 Jack is_ _ _the piano.7去哪里吃饭,由你定。 _ _ _ _ _ _to decide where to eat.8抱歉,在本次运动会中我没有发挥重要的作用。 Sorry,I didn't_ a _ in this sports meeting.9 各种各样的蔬菜都在打折销售。 10 _ _ _vegetables are all on sale.10所有这些信息都是编的,对吧? All the information are_ _,right?出错题号错因分析经验教训启示试卷第4页,共2页八上复习(日综合素质测评5)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅一、单项选择1What a big surprise! I didnt _ to meet my primary school teacher at the airport.AlikeBexpectCmissDneed2Sally plans _ shopping with her friends tomorrow.Ato goBgoesCgoingDgo3-Nick , would you mind _ out of the bathroom?-Sorry, I won't be long.AcomeBto comeCcomingDcomes4He _ late to watch a football match last night.Agot upBstayed upCput upDcut up5Can you _ who broke the window of the classroom?Alook forBfind outCfindDcome out二、用所给单词的正确形式填空6They plan_ (have)a big party for their son's birthday.7Do you mind_ (open)the window?8My sister expects me _ (teach)her to play chess.9Our teacher often tells us to read some_ (education)books.10English is interesting but math is _ (bored).出错题号错因分析经验教训启示八上复习(日综合素质测评6)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅一、单项选择1What's your New Year's _?I'm going to study harder.AjobBsubjectCresolutionDexercise2Ken is going to _ a hobby like playing chess.Alook upBtake upCget upDstand up3(易错题)This is an important phone number. Please _.Awrite down themBwrite it downCwrite them downDwrite down it4You and your father _. Both of you are very tall.Ahave one thing in commonBhave many things in commonCare different from each otherDare the same as5The little girl was unable _ her name.Ato writeBto writingCwriteDwriting6I can't tell you what she said. I've promised _ it a secret.AkeepBto keepCkeepingDkept二、根据汉语意思完成句子7.你记下老师说的内容了吗?Did you _ _ what the teacher said?8.我打算从事烹饪,因为我喜欢吃美味的食物。I'm going to _ _ cooking because I like eating delicious food.9. 汤姆与此事无关。10. Tom has nothing _ _ _ the matter.10.由于这个原因,他打算搬到乡下去。_ _ _,he is going to move to the countryside.出错题号错因分析经验教训启示八上复习(日综合素质测评7)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅试卷第7页,共3页一、单项选择1_ Tom was tired and hungry, he still went on working.ABecauseBButCAlthoughDIf2He got an A in last week's math test.It is _ ! His math is always the worst.ApossibleBsimpleCimpossibleDbored3(经典题 )I am _ my dictionary. Can you help me?Alooking atBlooking forCfindingDfinding out4That old house _ after a heavy rain yesterday.Aput downBcame downCfell downDturned down5I _ he _ tomorrow.Adon't think; will comeBthink; won't comeCnot think; will comeDthink; don't come二、完成句子6玛丽经常在家帮忙做家务。Mary often _ _ housework at home.7说实话, 我不同意你的意见。To tell the truth, I _ _ you.8街上有位老人跌倒了。我们赶紧跑上前去帮他。An old man _ _ on the street. We quickly ran up to help him.9你需要反复练习这首曲子。You need to practise playing the music _ _ _ _ .10汤姆, 有个人正在找你。Tom, there is someone _ _ you.出错题号错因分析经验教训启示试卷第1页,共3页八上复习(日综合素质测评8)测评日期 班级 姓名 测评时间 5 分钟 命题人:王椿梅一、单项选择1Would you like to have _ cake?No, thanks. Im full.AmoreBanotherCotherDthe other2Susan her friends invitation because of an important meeting.Atook downBput downCturned downDwrote down3-What are you going to do tomorrow?-Im going to the math test.Astudy forBborrow fromClearn fromDcome to4-Can you go to the movies with me, Helen? - .ASure, Id love toBDont worryCThats too badDNo, I dont know5Shanghai is a wonderful city. I look forward to there.AworkingBworkCworkedDworking in二、用所给单词的正确形式填空6Susan felt really _(surprise)at the surprising news.7He often goes to school without _(have)breakfast.8I miss my parents very much. I'm looking forward to_(see)them again.9Kim invites me _(spend)my summer vacation with him in Tibet.10He _(catch)me by the arm and said, “Don't forget.”出错题号错因分析经验教训启示10


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