会计学1英语写作手册对外汉语本科课程英语写作英语写作手册对外汉语本科课程英语写作What is a paragraph?n nAparagraphisacollectionofrelatedsentencesdealingwithasingletopic.n nTobeaseffectiveaspossible,aparagraphshouldcontaineachofthefollowing:Unity,Coherence,A Topic Sentence,and Adequate Development.第1页/共76页1.Unity:n nTheentireparagraphshouldconcernitselfwithasinglefocus.Ifitbeginswithaonefocusormajorpointofdiscussion,itshouldnotendwithanotherorwanderwithindifferentideas.第2页/共76页2.Coherence:n nCoherenceisthetraitthatmakestheparagrapheasilyunderstandabletoareader.Youcanhelpcreatecoherenceinyourparagraphsbycreatinglogicalbridgesandverbalbridges.第3页/共76页logical bridges:n nThesameideaofatopiciscarriedoverfromsentencetosentencen nSuccessivesentencescanbeconstructedinparallelform第4页/共76页verbal bridges:n nKeywordscanberepeatedinseveralsentencesKeywordscanberepeatedinseveralsentencesn nSynonymouswordscanberepeatedinseveralsentencesSynonymouswordscanberepeatedinseveralsentencesn nPronounscanrefertonounsinprevioussentencesPronounscanrefertonounsinprevioussentencesn nTransitionwordscanbeusedtolinkideasfromdifferentTransitionwordscanbeusedtolinkideasfromdifferentsentencessentences第5页/共76页n n(1)(1)There are three reasons why I want to There are three reasons why I want to learn English.(2)learn English.(2)One reason is that English One reason is that English has become an international language.has become an international language.(3)(3)It is now used by most international It is now used by most international companies,including the company where I companies,including the company where I work,for business communication.work,for business communication.(4)(4)Another reason why I want to learn Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries.(5)speaking countries.(5)The United States,The United States,England,Australia and many other countries England,Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language.all use English as their primary language.(6)(6)Finally,I want to learn English because Finally,I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S.in the future.I plan to move to the U.S.in the future.(7)(7)I will become a manager for my I will become a manager for my company soon.(8)company soon.(8)For all these reasons,I For all these reasons,I am very excited about learning English.am very excited about learning English.第6页/共76页Parts of a Paragraph n nGo=TopicSentencen nContinue=SupportingDetailsn nStop=ClosingSentence第7页/共76页A topic sentence n nAtopicsentenceisasentencethatindicatesinageneralwaywhatideaorthesistheparagraphisgoingtodealwith.n nSummarizethemainideaofyourparagraph.Indicatetothereaderwhatyourparagraphwillbeabout.第8页/共76页n nThere are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world.First,Canada has an excellent health care system.All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price.Second,Canada has a high standard of education.Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university.Finally,Canadas cities are clean and efficiently managed.Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live.As a result,Canada is a desirable place to live.第9页/共76页Adequate developmentn nThetopic(whichisintroducedbythetopicsentence)shouldbediscussedfullyandadequately.n nYoushouldgivedetailstodevelopandsupportthemainideaoftheparagraph.第10页/共76页Closing Sentencen nTheclosingsentenceisthelastsentenceinaparagraph.n nItrestatesthemainideaofyourparagraph.n nRestatethemainideaoftheparagraphusingdifferentwords.第11页/共76页How to Write a Paragraph 第12页/共76页Prewriting Paragraphs第13页/共76页1.1.Think carefully about what you are Think carefully about what you are going to write.going to write.WhatquestionamIgoingtoanswerinthisparagraphorWhatquestionamIgoingtoanswerinthisparagraphoressay?essay?Whatisthemostimportantpartofmyanswer?Whatisthemostimportantpartofmyanswer?WhatfactsorideascanIusetosupportmyintroductoryWhatfactsorideascanIusetosupportmyintroductorysentence?sentence?HowcanImakethisparagraphoressayinteresting?HowcanImakethisparagraphoressayinteresting?WherecanIfindmorefactsonthistopic?WherecanIfindmorefactsonthistopic?第14页/共76页2.Open your notebook.Writeoutyouranswerstotheabovequestions.Youdonotneedtospendalotoftimedoingthis;justwriteenoughtohelpyourememberwhyandhowyouaregoingtowriteyourparagraphoressay.第15页/共76页3.Collect facts related to your paragraph or essay topic.Look for and write down facts that will help you to answer your question.Timesaving hint:make sure the facts you are writing are related to the exact question you are going to answer in your paragraph or essay.第16页/共76页4.Write down your own ideas.n nAskyourself:n nWhatelsedoIwanttosayaboutthistopic?n nWhyshouldpeoplebeinterestedinthistopic?n nWhyisthistopicimportant?第17页/共76页5.Find the main idea of your paragraph or essay.n nChoosethemostimportantpointyouaregoingtopresent.n nIfyoucannotdecidewhichpointisthemostimportant,justchooseonepointandsticktoitthroughoutyourparagraphoressay.第18页/共76页6.6.Organize your facts and ideas in a way that Organize your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main ideadevelops your main idean nDecidewhichfactsandideaswillbestsupportthemainDecidewhichfactsandideaswillbestsupportthemainideaofyourparagraph.ideaofyourparagraph.n nThenaskyourselfwhichordertoputthemintheThenaskyourselfwhichordertoputthemintheparagraph.paragraph.n nWritedownyourownnotesetthatyoucanusetoguideWritedownyourownnotesetthatyoucanusetoguideyourselfasyouwriteyourparagraphoressay.yourselfasyouwriteyourparagraphoressay.第19页/共76页Writing Paragraphsn nSomemethodstomakesureyourparagraphiswell-developed:第20页/共76页n nUseexamplesandillustrationsn nCitedata(facts,statistics,evidence,details,andothers)n nExaminetestimony(whatotherpeoplesaysuchasquotesandparaphrases)第21页/共76页n nUseananecdoteorstoryn nDefinetermsintheparagraphn nCompareandcontrastn nEvaluatecausesandreasons第22页/共76页n nExamineeffectsandconsequencesn nAnalyzethetopicn nDescribethetopicn nOfferachronologyofanevent(timesegments)第23页/共76页Classroom activityn nWrite a paragraph about your future job plan and tell me the reason why.第24页/共76页Editing Paragraphsn nTheeditingstageiswhenyoucheckyourparagraphformistakesandcorrectthem.第25页/共76页Grammar and Spelling1.Checkyourspelling.1.Checkyourspelling.2.Checkyourgrammar.2.Checkyourgrammar.3.Readyouressayagain.3.Readyouressayagain.4.Makesureeachsentencehasa4.Makesureeachsentencehasasubject.subject.5.Seeifyoursubjectsandverbsagree5.Seeifyoursubjectsandverbsagreewitheachother.witheachother.6.Checktheverbtensesofeach6.Checktheverbtensesofeachsentence.sentence.7.Makesurethateachsentencemakes7.Makesurethateachsentencemakessense.sense.第26页/共76页Style and Organization 1.1.Makesureyourparagraphhasatopicsentence.Makesureyourparagraphhasatopicsentence.2.2.MakesureyoursupportingsentencesfocusontheMakesureyoursupportingsentencesfocusonthemainidea.mainidea.3.3.Makesureyouhaveaclosingsentence.Makesureyouhaveaclosingsentence.4.4.Checkthatallyoursentencesfocusonthemainidea.Checkthatallyoursentencesfocusonthemainidea.5.5.Seeifyourparagraphisinteresting.Seeifyourparagraphisinteresting.第27页/共76页Kinds of Paragraphs n nParagraphsneedtobeplanned.Sowecandevelopparagraphsindifferentkinds.第28页/共76页Sequence Paragraphn nInasequencingparagraph,youarewritingtodescribeaseriesofeventsoraprocessinsomesortoforder.Usually,thisorderisbasedontime.第29页/共76页n n Kate Barlow preserved peaches which lasted for Kate Barlow preserved peaches which lasted for years,and you can too if you follow these few simple years,and you can too if you follow these few simple steps.First check the jars for cracks or chips.Second steps.First check the jars for cracks or chips.Second place the lids in boiling water to sterilize.While the place the lids in boiling water to sterilize.While the lids boil,wash the jars and rings in hot,soapy water.lids boil,wash the jars and rings in hot,soapy water.Next place the boiling hot peaches and syrup into the Next place the boiling hot peaches and syrup into the hot,sterilized jars.As soon as the jar is full within a hot,sterilized jars.As soon as the jar is full within a half inch of headspace wipe the rim of the jar clean.half inch of headspace wipe the rim of the jar clean.Immediately cap the jar with the hot lid.Next place Immediately cap the jar with the hot lid.Next place the jar in a steamer.After steaming for twenty the jar in a steamer.After steaming for twenty minutes remove the jar from the steam bath.Once minutes remove the jar from the steam bath.Once the jar has cooled you can store it until needed.The the jar has cooled you can store it until needed.The peaches will stay fresh for several years.peaches will stay fresh for several years.第30页/共76页Ordern nfirst,second,third,etc.first,second,third,etc.FirstFirst,you need to become a leader of,you need to become a leader of a political party.a political party.SecondSecond,you need to,you need to win a seat in the House of Commons.win a seat in the House of Commons.ThirdThird,your party must have a,your party must have a majority of seats.majority of seats.n nin the beginningin the beginningIn the beginningIn the beginning,you need to,you need to become a leader of a political party.become a leader of a political party.第31页/共76页n nbeforebeforeBeforeBefore becoming the prime minister,becoming the prime minister,you need to become the leader of a you need to become the leader of a political party.political party.n nthenthenThenThen,you must win a seat in the,you must win a seat in the House of Commons.House of Commons.n nafterafterAfterAfter winning a seat in the House of winning a seat in the House of Commons,you must make sure you Commons,you must make sure you have a majority of seats.have a majority of seats.第32页/共76页n nfinallyfinallyFinallyFinally,after all these steps,you can,after all these steps,you can call yourself the prime minister.call yourself the prime minister.n n n nat lastat lastAt lastAt last,you can call yourself the prime,you can call yourself the prime minister.minister.n n n nsubsequentlysubsequentlySubsequentlySubsequently,you must make sure,you must make sure you have a majority of seats in the you have a majority of seats in the House of Commons.House of Commons.第33页/共76页Timen nrecentlyShe was recently elected prime minister.n nn npreviouslyShe is the new prime minister.Previously,she worked as a lawyer in Toronto.第34页/共76页n nwhenwhenWhenWhen she won the party leadership,she won the party leadership,she was still working as a lawyer.she was still working as a lawyer.n n n nafterafterAfterAfter winning a seat in the House of winning a seat in the House of Commons,you must make sure you Commons,you must make sure you have a majority of seats.have a majority of seats.n nafterwardsafterwardsShe won the party leadership last year.She won the party leadership last year.AfterwardsAfterwards,she won the election.,she won the election.第35页/共76页n nI WAS born in the year 1632,in the city of York,of a I WAS born in the year 1632,in the city of York,of a good family,though not of that country,my father good family,though not of that country,my father being a foreigner of Bremen,who settled first at Hull.being a foreigner of Bremen,who settled first at Hull.He got a good estate by merchandise,and leaving off He got a good estate by merchandise,and leaving off his trade,lived afterwards at York,from whence he his trade,lived afterwards at York,from whence he had married my mother,whose relations were named had married my mother,whose relations were named Robinson,a very good family in that country,and Robinson,a very good family in that country,and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer;but,by from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer;but,by the usual corruption of words in England,we are now the usual corruption of words in England,we are now called-nay we call ourselves and write our name-called-nay we call ourselves and write our name-Crusoe;and so my companions always called me.Crusoe;and so my companions always called me.n n(-Daniel Defoe:(-Daniel Defoe:Robinson CrusoeRobinson Crusoe)第36页/共76页Description Paragraphn nInadescriptionparagraph,youarewritingaboutwhataperson,place,orthingislike.Sometimes,youmaydescribewhereaplaceislocated.第37页/共76页Properties n nsizesize Polar bears are big in Polar bears are big in sizesize.n ncolourcolour Polar bears are usually white in Polar bears are usually white in colourcolour.n nshapeshape Polar bears have a special Polar bears have a special shapeshape.n npurposepurpose The The purposepurpose of the polar bears fur is to keep it warm.of the polar bears fur is to keep it warm.第38页/共76页Measurement n nlengthlength The The lengthlength of a polar bears claws is 20 of a polar bears claws is 20 cm.cm.n nWidthWidth The The widthwidth of a polar bears head is about of a polar bears head is about 50 cm.50 cm.n nmass/weightmass/weight Polar bears Polar bears weighweigh up to 650 kg.up to 650 kg.n nspeedspeed Polar bears can swim at a Polar bears can swim at a speedspeed of 40 of 40 km per hour.km per hour.第39页/共76页Analogyn nis likeA polar bear is like other bears in shape.n nresemblesTheir diets resemble that of the brown bear.第40页/共76页Locationn nInMost of Canadas manufacturing is located in Ontario and Quebec.n nAboveThe ceiling is above us.n nBelowMost of Ontario is below Hudson Bay.第41页/共76页n nBeside Quebec is located beside Ontario.n nNearMany companies are located near Toronto.n nnorth/east/south/westOntario is west of Quebec.第42页/共76页n nMabels Lunch stood along one wall of a wide room,once a pool hall,with the empty cue 球杆racks along the back side.Beneath the racks were wire-back chairs,one of them piled with magazines,and between every third or fourth chair a brass spittoon痰盂.Near the center of the room,revolving slowly as if the idle air was water,a large propeller fan suspended from the pressed tin ceiling.It made a humming sound,like a telephone pole,or an idle,第43页/共76页n nthrobbing locomotive,and although the switch cord vibrated it was cluttered 杂乱with flies.At the back of the room,on the lunch side,an oblong椭圆 square was cut in the wall and a large woman with a soft,round face peered through at us.After wiping her hands,she placed her heavy arms,as if they tired her,on the shelf.n n -The World in the Attic,by Wright Morris(Scribners,1949).第44页/共76页Compare and Contrast Paragraphn nInacompareandcontrastparagraph,youwriteaboutthesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweentwoormorepeople,places,things,orideas.第45页/共76页Similaritiesn nis similar toSpring weather in Vancouver is similar to spring weather in Halifax.n nbothBoth Vancouver and Halifax have rain in the spring.第46页/共76页n nalsoalsoHalifax Halifax alsoalso has a rainy spring season has a rainy spring season n ntootooHalifax Halifax 哈利法克斯哈利法克斯has a rainy spring has a rainy spring season,season,tootoo.n n n nas wellas wellAs wellAs well,Spring is always rainy in,Spring is always rainy