会计学1英语口语话题英语口语话题1.1.Teaching Material:6 topics教学内容6个主题2.2.Time:5 days/one topic per day3.3.Aims:1.1.Express your opinion on each topic Express your opinion on each topic in fluent Englishin fluent English2.2.Answer some questions concerned Answer some questions concerned from the experts of the Evaluation from the experts of the Evaluation Committee in fluent English.Committee in fluent English.4.4.Activities:1.1.Pre-class:research work on the Pre-class:research work on the topicstopics2.2.In-class:individual presentation,In-class:individual presentation,group discussion,interview.group discussion,interview.第1页/共18页Campus LifeI.Study第2页/共18页i.How to promote academic atmospheren nLeading-inn nWhat should good academic atmosphere be?n nHow-to:n nStudentsStudents perspective perspectiven nTeachersTeachers perspective perspectiven nSchoolSchool s perspectives perspective第3页/共18页n nIndividual Presentation第4页/共18页1.Students Perspectivedevelopment of students learning skillsn nLearning spirit-academic integrity vs.dishonesty n nLearning habits n nLearning approaches,methods,strategies第5页/共18页2.Teachers Perspectiven nQuality of Teachingn nMoral rolen nresponsible,devoted,diligentresponsible,devoted,diligentn nTeaching abilityn nKnowledgeable,creativeKnowledgeable,creativen nAcademic achievements 第6页/共18页3.Schools PerspectiveDiscipline n nto foster a love of learning n nto set up high academic standards with academic work which is challenging,relevant,useful,and fairn nto affirm the importance of academic integrity第7页/共18页3.Schools Perspectiven nPolicyPolicyn nEfficient administrative managementEfficient administrative managementn nAdvanced teaching facilities,well-Advanced teaching facilities,well-equipped labs and first-class library equipped labs and first-class library n nAnti-cheating policiesAnti-cheating policiesn nplagiarism,fabrication,cheating,plagiarism,fabrication,cheating,sabotage sabotage第8页/共18页Academic Atmospheren nQuestions for Interviewn nWhat do you think of the academic atmosphere of our university and college?n nSchoolSchool s administrative s administrative management and facultymanagement and facultyn nTeaching qualityTeaching qualityn nStudentsStudents performance performance第9页/共18页ii.How to balance in-class and extra-curriculum activities n nPre-Questionsn nWhat extra-curriculum activities do you usually take part in?n nWhat is the problem between your in-class activities and extra-curriculum activities?n nWhat comes first,in-class or extra-curriculum activities?第10页/共18页n nIndividual Presentation第11页/共18页iii.Certificates or Abilities?n nGroup Discussion:n nWhich is more important?n n3 points of viewn nCertificates=abilitiesn nCertificates abilities第12页/共18页Campus LifeII.Economy第13页/共18页Over-Consumption on Campus n nPre-Questionsn nHow do you arrange your living expenses?Is it appropriate?n nWhat is a rational way of spending your money?n nIndividual Presentation第14页/共18页Campus LifeIII.Relationship第15页/共18页i.The Student-Student Relationshipn nPre-Questionsn nWhat should be important in developing a good student-student relationship?n nWhat problems do you have in getting along with your classmates?How do you solve the problems?n n Individual Presentation第16页/共18页ii.The Student-Teacher Relationshipn nPre-Questionsn nHow should both treat each other in a good relationship?n nWhat problems do you have in getting along with your teachers?How do you solve the problems?n nWhats an ideal teacher in your mind?n nInterview第17页/共18页