第1页/共15页The Ten Sight of TianjinThe street of ancient cultureDa Gu Pao TaiThe Great Wall of Huang Ya GuanTemple of Solitary JoyHai He RiverShui Shang ParkPan Shan MountainThe Food Street and Hotel Street of NanShiZhong Huan Xian FreewayTianjin television tower第2页/共15页古文化街The street of Ancient cultureThis street was built in 1989.The 580-metre-long Ancient Cultural Street is a major tourist destination where Tianjins old traditions remain largely intact.Imitation Qing buildings,which house nearly 100 shops are scattered along the street with the Tianhou Temple in the center.第3页/共15页Da Gu Pao TaiDa Gu Pao Tai第4页/共15页The Great Wall of huang ya guan Located in the mountainous area of Tianjins northern Ji County,the Huangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty(550-557)and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).natural beauty and cultural interest,it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort第5页/共15页Temple of Solitary Joy第6页/共15页The Haihe RiverHai He river is more than 70 kilometers long.It is an influx of five rivers.It is like a mother who accompany with the people forever.the Haihe River is regarded as the mother river of Tianjin.It is a great contributor to the improvement of Tianjin,and ties closely to the lives of Tianjin people living there for generations.第7页/共15页This park is the biggest one in Tianjin.It is one of ten sights in Tinjin and the scence named“龙潭浮翠”There are 164.57 hectares of land,but a half of the park is warter.第8页/共15页The national park of Mountain Pan Shan第9页/共15页Nan Shi Food Street And Hotel Street第10页/共15页Zhong Huan Freeway第11页/共15页Tianjin television tower-Heaven Tower The tower,located in Hexi district,which is 415.2meters and is famous for its amazing height.It is a typical structure in my hometown.It looks very very beautiful at night,because there are many lights around it第12页/共15页Tianjin Eye(天津之眼)第13页/共15页Thank you!第14页/共15页感谢您的观看!第15页/共15页