East Asian FDI began in earnest after the yen appreciated 60%following the Plaza Accord in September 1985.Japanese multinational enterprises transferred factories to Republic of Korea and Taipei,China.However,as wages and exchange rates in these countries increased,they transferred production to the ASEAN countries.Japanese MNEs provided ASEAN firms with detailed engineering and managerial instructions and specifications,facilitating the assimilation of the new technologies.They also exported parts and components to be used to produce final goods.When the Asia Crisis of 199798 hit,Japanese firms slashed new FDI but continued to export large quantities of intermediate goods to affiliates in ASEAN.Thus,in spite of a once in a generation crisis,Japanese MNEs did not break off existing relationships with Southeast Asian firms.第1页/共4页FDI then migrated to the PRC.After the PRC joined the WTO in 2001,foreign investors gained confidence that the PRC would maintain an FDI-friendly environment.The PRC quickly became the final assembly point of intricate production and distribution networks.It imported hundreds of billions of dollars of parts and components from East Asia and exported the final assembled products throughout the world.To understand this slicing up of the value chain it is helpful to compare the production cost saving arising from fragmentation with the service cost of linking geographically separated production blocks(Kimura and Ando,2005).We show that changes in the service link cost help explain the development of the notebook PC industry in the Yangtze River Delta and the deleterious effects that exchange rate volatility and poor physical and institutional infrastructure have on production fragmentation in the region.第2页/共4页Up until now,production networks in Asia have been producing final goods primarily for Western consumers.As Asia develops,demand will migrate eastward.However,consumers in Asia may have different demand patterns than consumers in the US and Europe.In particular,they may demand more basic goods and fewer luxury items.Assembling basic goods such as refrigerators may require less production fragmentation than assembling luxury goods such as expensive automobiles.Future research should consider how regional production networks will evolve as final output is increasingly redirected towards Asia.1978年,小岛清提出了边际产业转移理论:一个国家的某些产业在本国已经或即将失去发展空间,(既处于或即将处于劣势地位),成为该国的“边际产业”,而同一产业在另一些国家可能正处于优势地位或潜在的优势地位,这样一国就应从本国已经处于或即将处于劣势地位的边际产业开始依次进行海外直接投资。Source:Willem Thorbecke and Nimesh Salike,Understanding Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia,ADBI Working Paper Series,June 2011.第3页/共4页感谢您的观看!第4页/共4页