M8U2 (2).ppt
Dream of freedom自由在人间是一种不切实际的奢望。自由在人间是一种不切实际的奢望。很小的时候我喜欢飞很小的时候我喜欢飞,可是我不会。可是我不会。但我依然向往那种在天空中没有任何东西触碰的感觉。但我依然向往那种在天空中没有任何东西触碰的感觉。连一根细线的接触都没有。连一根细线的接触都没有。只有风轻挠着自己的每一根神经发出只有风轻挠着自己的每一根神经发出“沙沙沙沙”声的快乐感觉。声的快乐感觉。滨海学校滨海学校 陈曦陈曦What place is this?Beihai ParkDiscoverylandZhangjiajie Where have you ever been?Unit 2We thought somebody was moving about.Module 8Time offLook at the photo and write down words that can best describe it.hugegreenTips:We can write nouns and adjectivesstrange famous quiet forests beautiful unusual rocksZhang JiajieZhang JiajieforestsmountainsriversIts a magic land of Its a magic land of forests,mountains and rivers.1.Where is it?2.How large is it?3.Where can you stay?4.What animals can you see?5.What is the most famous thing to see?Works in pairs.What do you know about Zhangjiajie?Can you answer the questions?Lets travel to Zhangjiajie with Betty!1.Who wrote the email?2.Who did she write it to?3.Why does she write the email?Betty wrote it.She wrote it to her Mum and Dad.Its about Bettys wonderful time in Zhangjiajie.She promised to write.4.Whats her email mainly about?Watch the video and answer the questions.Whats the order of the passage?last night this morning tomorrow next week SkimmingPara.1 Para.2 Para.3Para.4C.The experience ofclimbing Mount Tianzi todayA.Introduction for ZhangjiajieD.A camping experience at last nightRead the email and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.Task 1B.The travel plan for tomorrowScanning1Where did Betty stay?2.How large is Zhangjiajie?3.How did Betty describe Zhangjiajie?She is staying with Linglings unclein Hunan Province.Task 2Zhangjiajie is about 480 _ /skwe/(adj.平方的平方的)_/kIlmi:ts/(n.千米千米).square kilometres面积:面积:480平方平方千米千米Its famous for the strange _/eip/(n.外形;形状外形;形状)of its tall rocks.Some of them look like _/hju:mn/(n.人人)shapehumans3.How did Betty describe Zhangjiajie?Careful readingRead Para.1-2 and answer:1.Where did Betty camp last night?2.What happened during the night?3.What did they find at last?They camped by a small lake.Task 1During the night,a hungry monkey made a noise.And it woke everybody up.(吵醒了每个人吵醒了每个人)/wuk/.At last,they found it was just a hungry monkey looking for food.What did they find at last?I like the girl _a dress.(wear)He is my best friend_on the playground.(play)wearingplayingIts a magic land of forests,mountains and rivers.Why does Betty write like this at the beginning?Read Para.3 and finish:1.Did the writer describe the lakes and forests?Why?2.What did Betty do on the way to the camp?Task 2Read Para.3-4 and finish:1.Did the writer describe the lakes and forests?Why?Task 2 No,she didnt.In fact she wanted to describe the forests and the lakes.But that morning when She climbed Mount Tianzi,it was a pity that it was cloudy,so she couldnt see the forests and lakes clearly.Its a pity.Then she walked down the _(小路小路),along the river and back to the camp.path/p:/Read Para.3-4 and finish:2.What did Betty do on the way to the camp?/pld/(v.拉拉,牵牵,扯扯)She pulled a leaf off a plant.What did Linglings uncle say during the travel?Linglings uncle said that it was an animal.Linglings uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants and that we should protect everything here.And tomorrow she is going to Dongting Lake _(第二大第二大)_/frew:t/lake in China.the second largest(淡水湖淡水湖)freshwaterWhat will Betty do next week?She will be back home next week.Can you guess what Betty will tell her parents when she comes back home?Why?Wish you were here.What do you think Betty has got from this travel experience?First,she has learnt about the beauty of Zhangjiajie.Second,she has known how to protect the environment while traveling.Third,she may get more interests in learning about the beauties of other places in China.Post-readingNumber the sentences in the correct order.a)Betty pulled a leaf off a plant.b)The noise woke everybody up.c)They climbed Mount Tianzi.d)A monkey made some noise.e)They camped by a small lake.f)Linglings uncle said that people should protect everything in Zhangjiajie.123456Read and try to find out the object clauses with that/(that).Para.1:Introduction of ZhangjiajiePara.2:Last nights camping experiencePara.3:Todays experience of climbing Mount TianziPara.4:The travel plan for tomorrow文章用了比较典型的英文写作方式:文章用了比较典型的英文写作方式:开头直接切题开头直接切题,开门见,开门见山地介绍了张家界的地山地介绍了张家界的地理位置、面积、景致和理位置、面积、景致和特征特征按照按照时间顺序时间顺序介绍了作介绍了作者者昨天昨天、今天今天的旅行经的旅行经历和历和明天明天的旅行计划的旅行计划这种写作方式在一定程度上与西方人这种写作方式在一定程度上与西方人注重逻注重逻辑思维、情感表达相对直接辑思维、情感表达相对直接有关。今后在写有关。今后在写英文文章时可借鉴这种写作方式。英文文章时可借鉴这种写作方式。A tourist without knowledge is like a bird without wings.游客没有知识就像鸟儿没有翅膀一样。1.Choose the most important or interesting facts about Zhangjiajie and write a passage about it.2.Retell the email.