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    江苏省昆山市锦溪中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 1名师课件 牛津版.ppt

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    江苏省昆山市锦溪中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 1名师课件 牛津版.ppt

    Unit 4 Do it yourselfReading 11.What is DIY?2.Have you ever tried DIY?What is it?3.Do you want to take a course in DIY?Ask and answertake a course in DIYLook and say be crazy about repair things decorate the house Andrew/kreizi/once(adv.)put in a brighter lightmake a mistakehave a power cut/misteik/pau/hit the nail with a hammerhit a pipe fill the room with water put up a picture on the wall terrible/neil/pap/terbl/ceiling shelf(shelves)You can put the books on the shelf./si:li/elf/crazybe crazy aboutterribleonce put inmistakemake a mistakeadj.着迷的,狂热的;着迷的,狂热的;发疯的发疯的对对着迷着迷adj.可怕的可怕的adv.曾经,一度曾经,一度安装安装n.错误,失误错误,失误犯错误犯错误Words&phrases reviewpower cutpipefillfill with not only but(also)ceilingn.供电中断;停电供电中断;停电n.管子,水管管子,水管vt.使充满使充满用用填充填充不仅不仅而且而且;n.天花板天花板Words&phrases reviewshelfwhoopsadvisecoursealreadyinsteadattendn.(pl.shelves)(橱柜或书橱柜或书 架等的架等的)架子,搁板架子,搁板excl.哎呀哎呀vt.&vi.建议,忠告,劝告建议,忠告,劝告n.课程;过程课程;过程adv.已经已经adv.反而;却反而;却vt.&vi.经常去;出席经常去;出席Words reviewMatch the words with the meanings.(B1)1.be crazy about2.repair3.terrible4.fill5.advise6.attenda.very badb.make something full of something elsec.go tod.like something very muche.fixf.tell someone what you think he/she should doListen to the tape and think:Do you think Suzys cousin is good at DIY?He made some mistakes when he did things himself.jobsProblemsHe put in a brighter light in his bedroom.The whole house had a power cut.He put up a picture on his bedroom wall.He painted the walls in the living room blue.He put up a shelf for SuzyHe hit a pipe and filled the room with water.He painted the ceiling,the floor and his cat blue.The books couldnt stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.Read and do T or F questions.(B3)1.Suzys cousin loves doing DIY.2.Suzys cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom.3.Suzys cousin put a picture on a pipe.4.Suzys cousin thought the cat was boring,so he painted it blue.5.It took Suzys cousin only a few minutes to put up the shelf on the wall.6.Suzys cousin wants to get better at DIY.on the wall.living roomfive hoursthinks he already knows everything about DIY.Read and answer some questions.1.What does Andrew love to do?2.What happened to the house after he finished?4.What did Suzy buy for him and what did Suzy advise him?3.How much time did Andrew spend putting up the shelf on the wall?He loves repair things and decorate his house.The house always looked terrible.She bought some books for him and advised him to take a course in DIY.Five hours.5.Who is better at DIY,Suzy or Andrew?Why?Suzy is.Because she reads the book and attends the lessons.jobsProblemsHe put in a brighter light in his bedroom.The whole house had a power cut.He put up a picture on his bedroom wall.He painted the walls in the living room blue.He put up a shelf for SuzyHe hit a pipe and filled the room with water.He painted the ceiling,the floor and his cat blue.The books couldnt stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.Read and retell each paragraphParagraph 1:be crazy about,repair,decorate,look terribleParagraph 2:a brighter light,make a mistake,power cut,put up a picture,hit a pipe,fillwithParagraph 3:living room,boring,paintblue,ceiling,floor,cat Paragraph 4:a shelf,above,spend five hours,not stay,much higher Paragraph 5:buy,advise,make him angry,attend lessons,know much more 1.对对着迷着迷2.看起来很糟糕看起来很糟糕3.安装安装4.犯错误犯错误5.他的整座房子他的整座房子6.断电断电7.贴一张画贴一张画8.用用填充填充9.把墙刷成蓝色把墙刷成蓝色10.继续做某事继续做某事11.不仅不仅而且而且12.一个一个另一个另一个be crazy aboutlook terribleput inmake a mistake/make mistakeshis whole househave a power cutput up a picturefill withpaint the wall bluekeep on doing sth.not only but alsoone the other13.给某人买某物给某人买某物14.建议某人做某事建议某人做某事15.上上DIY课程课程16.让他发怒让他发怒17.了解一切了解一切18.上课上课19.知道得多得多知道得多得多buy sb.sth.buy sth.for sb.advise sb.to do sth.take a course in DIYmake him angryknow everything about sth.attend lessonsknow much more about1、了解面对逆境,远比如何接受顺境重要得多2023/4/232023/4/232:54:20 PM。2023/4/232023/4/23Sunday,April 23,20232、一般的伟人总是让身边的人感到渺小Sunday,April 23,20232:54:20 PM4/23/2023 2:54:20 PM14:54Apr-23。2023/4/232023/4/232023/4/234/23/2023 2:54:20 PM3、2023/4/23Apr-2323-Apr-234、昨天是张退票的支票23-Apr-232:54:20 PM14:542023/4/232023/4/232023/4/23Sunday,April 23,20235、积极人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末23-4月-23。2023/4/232023/4/232023/4/232023/4/234/23/20236、昨晚多几分钟的准备4/23/2023 2:54:20 PM23 四月 20232023/4/232023/4/232023/4/237、每一发奋努力的背,必有加倍的赏赐2023/4/23四月 232023/4/232023/4/232023/4/234/23/20238、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/4/232023/4/2323 April 20239、要及时把握梦想,因为梦想一死4/23/2023 2:54:20 PM。2023/4/232023/4/232023/4/232023/4/2310、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。4/23/2023 2:54:20 PM2023/4/2323-4月-2311、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。4/23/2023 2:54 PM4/23/2023 2:54 PM2023/4/232023/4/23谢谢大家谢谢大家1、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路2023/4/2314:542、成功源于不懈的努力,人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。2023/4/232023/4/232023/4/234/23/2023 2:54:21 PM3、每天只看目标,别老想障碍Sunday,April 23,2023。2023/4/232023/4/232023/4/23Monday,July 19,202123-Apr-234、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子2023/4/23。2023/4/232023/4/232023/4/23Sunday,April 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