教案设计:Unit 5 Music-reading & speaking 吴妹 钦州市第一中学 高一英语组 教学背景: 课型:reading and speaking 内容:The band that wasnt学生: 钦州一中高一年级19班学生 课时: 40分钟教学目标:知识目标:重点单词:classical, rap, folk,band, the Monkees, form, type, style,instrument,rap等能力目标:1.培养学生运用skimming的阅读技能,通过找关键词,主题句等方式快速准确确定文章的段落大意,理清文章总体框架脉络。 2.培养学生运用scanning的阅读技能2.使学生学会用英文表达个人喜好。情感目标:1. 了解不同的音乐形式,深化对音乐知识的全面认识,提高音乐修养 2. 在小组合作互动中增强团队协作精神,增强学生自信心。策略目标:1. 通过课上课下多种形式的活动培养学生自主学习意识,促进学生对英语学习热情的调控策略。教学重难点:1.通过找关键词,主题句等方式快速准确确定文章的段落大意,理清文章总体框架脉络。 2.使学生学会用英文表达个人喜好。教辅用具:多媒体电脑,教学卡片,黑板,粉笔教学方法:小组学习探究合作课前学习任务:Task 1. Collect words as well as their pronunciations and Chinese meanings about types of music,instruments and make cards with them. Then stick them to the wall of your classroom to share with your classmates. (收集有关音乐类型,乐器的英文单词及其发音和汉语意思,并提前张贴在教室墙上,请同学们用课余及早晚读时间朗读了解。)(设计目的:促进学生熟知乐种,乐器的英文表达;营造积极的英文学习氛围;为阅读课学习做准备)Task 2. Form your own band and give a show on class.(组建乐队并为课堂舞台表演做准备) Tips: A band should include:a. the name of your band.b. members in your band (lead singer, keyboards, guitarist, drummer, bass player)c. music or band styled. songs While introducing your band, you can refer to the following patterns, and nothing will be better if you can have your own version!(在做乐队介绍的时候,同学们可以参考一下句式。当然,如果你能创作自己的版本就再好不过了!) Hello everyone!We are the band_ I am the _in our band.I am the _in our band.We are good at _.Its our great honor to be here and we can not wait to give you a song.So,are you excited ?Alright, lets enjoy it. For example: Your own version(你自己的版本):_ (设计目的:让学生真实体验如何组建乐队,熟知乐种,乐器,乐手等英文表达;为部分学生提供展示才能舞台,增强自信,培养学生英文口语表达能力;增强同学们对相关音乐知识的了解,激发对音乐和学习英语的热情) Unit 5 Music- reading & speaking Music types:Instruments: SkimmingScanningStructure:Speaking Music types: Homework: 板书设计:Music types:Instruments: Reading; THE BAND THAT WASNTmain idea:the development of the Monkeesbegan _ as a TV showmusic and jokes _ based on the Beatlesa year later_ became seriousin 1970 - broke upin 1980s_ reunited教学过程:Step 1. Lead in: ( 导入 ) Listen and guess (听音乐,猜音乐类型,乐器,歌手)1) What type of music is it ?2) What instrument is it ?3) Who is the singer ? (设计目的: 呈现本单元的中心话题音乐,激发学生对音乐这一话题的兴趣,体验不同风格音乐的魅力, 为阅读的学习做铺垫)Step 2. Skimming:Task One : Whats the main idea of the passage? (文章大意)A. How to be a famous singer.B. How most bands start and the introduction of the Monkees.C. The importance of music.D. Famous bands in the world. (设计目的: 培养学生skimming阅读技能) Task Two:Choose the four best answers as the main idea of each paragraph.从下面6个选项中,选出4个最符合文章各段大意的选项。 Paragraph 1:_ Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_ Paragraph 4:_ A. How most of bands start. B. How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band.C.Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians. D. The Mondees started in a different way.E.The Monkees broke up in 1970.F. Their performance was very popular. (设计目的:1. 让学生适应高考新题型2. 提高学生把握文段大意的能力,了解一般说明文的阅读及写作方式) Step 3. Scanning : Fill the list in pairs(两人合作完成) The development of the MonkeesIt began _ as a _They played music and jokes _ based on _a year later_ they became _in 1970 the Monkees_in 1980s_ the Monkees_ (设计目的:加强学生scanning细节理解能力,详细了解门基乐队发展历程)Step 4.Draw a map structure for this passage (小组讨论与介绍)(设计目的:检验学生对文章结构的宏观把握程度,培养学生对文章结构构建的思维品质) Step 5. Enjoy one song of the Monkees. (设计目的:让学生感受门基乐队的作品) Step6. Speaking1) Two bands shows from students.(本班学生两个乐队表演秀)(设计目的:寓教于乐,让学生在表演和欣赏的真实场景中体验乐队角色,特点,曲风等,提高音乐素养;培养学生乐队自我介绍的英语口语表达)2) Group discussion: Which band do you prefer? Why? Then vote for your favorite band(设计目的:培养学生表达个人喜好的英文口语表达能力)Step7. Homework:make a poster(海报)for the band which you voted. Tips : a poster should include: 1. bands name2. members 3. style 4. songs5. location (地点)and schedule(日程)(设计目的:进一步内化本节课学生了解到的相关乐队,音乐等英文知识,提高学生对该话题的写作能力。)第 4 页 共 4 页