U校园 新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程2.docx
.U 校园 新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程 2 unit1 答案Unit 1Campus culture iPrepare1-1 Setting the scene Setting the scene iExplore 11-2 iExplore 1: Reading Viewing1.b,d,h2.c,f,l3.a,g,i 4.k 5.e,j6.Yes,thesuggestionsareveryhelpfulformeascollegeisa criticalmomentformetogettoknowmyselfbetter.OnlywhenIseemyselfclearlyandknowwhatIreallywantandwhoIwan ttobecomecanIsteermyselftowardabrightfuture.Besides, aslongasIfindmytrueself, I need to stay true to it.Otherwise,Iwouldtakethewrongpath,driftfarawayfrommy goalsandfinallylosemyselfinthelifejourney.Reading indetail Vocabulary Understanding1-3 iExplore 1: Building your language Words and expressions1.lean 2.heavily 3.terrified 4.bumped 5.lengthy 6.flaws1.A2.B3.B4.A5.A6.B7.A8.B.Collocations 1.1)B1.2)A2.1)A2.2)B3.1)A3.2)B4.1)B4.2)A1.take notes 2.vitally important 3.takes time4.do the laundry pletely random6.Lean heavily on/heavily lean onVocabulary learning strategies 1.inevitable2.unacceptable 3.immature 4.irresponsible 5.irregular 6.inconsiderate 7.illiterate 8.independent 9.unconscious 10.illegal 11.impractical 12.undecided1.irresponsible 2.illiterate 3.immature 4.lrregular5. unacceptable6. inconsiderate Language focus 1.to be chosen 2.to share3.to be contacted 4.to be taken 5.to know1. to be printed out2. to do whatever you want 3.to discoverwho you are 4.to be warned ofBanked cloze 1.living 2.belong 3.poke 4.seeking 5.chose 6.random fortable 8.found 9.worse 10.amazing iExplore 21-4 iExplore: Reading Viewing1. Mental health problems.2. Anxiety,depression,andrelationshipproblems. 3.Shewenttothetherapist,andaskedforhelp. 4.Theyshouldtalktosomebody.5.Shehaslearnedthatthere'snothinginlifeshe,oranyonefo rthatmatter,can'tovercome.Yes,IfeltalittledepressedafterenteringuniversitylastSep temberasIhadn'tadaptedtothelifeinthenewcityyet.Icomplainedtomyroommatesseveraltimes.Luckily,theywererea llyhelpfulandwarm-hearted,alwayscomfortingandencouragingme. Weoftenspenttimetogetherandhadgreatfun,chattingandl aughinginthedorm,doing assignments in the library, and sharin g food in the canteen. Gradually, I returned to what I was like before. Now, all my roommates have become my intimate friends.No,allthenewfriendsaroundmeseemtobereallypositive.Alt houghwehavealotofpressurefromlifeandstudy,weoften encourageeachothertoovercomedifficultiesonourway to growth.Moreimportantly,ourteachersarealwaysreadytohelp.Whene verwemeetdifficulties,wecanaskthemforhelp.Reading in detail Vocabulary Understanding1-5 iExplore 2: Building yourlanguage Words and expressions1.Obstacles 2.Sympathy 3.Overcome 4.Confident 5.Anxiety 6.Blamed 7.Reacted 8.Hesitated1.stay true to 2.regardless of3.inanotherperson'sshoes/insomeoneelse'sshoes 4.take on5.in the wake of 6.other than Collocations1.ask for help /seek help 2.mental health3.good health 4.close relationship5. meaningfulrelationship/lastingrelationship6. providesanopportunity/providestheopportunity/createsan opportunity/createstheopportunity1.dangerously 2.incredibly 3.ultimately 4.actually pletely 6.understandablyVocabulary learning strategies 1.Confident2.Question3. Lost confidence 4.Uncertainty 5.Excited 6.Vulnerable 7.gratefulTranslation1. 许多新生面临的一个主要问题是既想家,又缺乏归属感。选择加入学生组织、俱乐部或运动队,你会结交新朋友,学到新技能,也能感觉到与学校的联系更密切。2. 大学意味着尝试完成一长串目标,其中一些是你为自己设定的,还有一些是别人为你设定的。要实现这些目标,你需要制定计划,并坚持践行你的计划。3. 近 50的大学一年级学生说他们每周在学校学习的时间不少于6 个小时,而 10 年以前这个比例是 34%。4. 我们永远都不会忘记我们上大学的第一年。总的来说,那是充满期望、些许焦虑和奇妙发现的一年。1. TheextensiveandprofoundtraditionalChinesecultureisattra ctingagreatnumberofinternationalstudentstorushtoChina andlearnChineselanguageandculture.2. SincetheNationalCollegeEntranceExaminationwasresumedin 1977,numerousyoungstudentshavechangedtheirfatethroughhighereducation.3. Variousassociationactivitiesincollegenotonlyenrichstude nts'afterschoollife,butalsoplayapositiveroleinpromoting theircomprehensiveabilities.4. Sincethebeginningofthe21stcentury,Chineseuniversities havebeenexploringestablishmentofcollegemajorsinascientifi cwaysoastomeetthedemandofsocietyfortalent.iProduce1-6 Unit pro ject Unit projectGood morning, my fellow students. It's often said that college li fe is one of the most meaningful and unforgettable experiences fo r a person. I totally agree, but I learned it the hard way. To day I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you my ownexperience in the first semester at college, a painful period o f transition from a high school kid to an independent grown up.Tomostcollegefreshmen,takingtheirfirststepinlivingont heirownandstartingcampuslifecanbeexcitingandjoyful.Iwasnoexception.Butaftertheexcitementworeawayattheen dofthefirstweek,toomanyunknownsinuniversitylifemade meuncomfortable,confusedandfrustrated,afeelingwhichlasted formorethan half of the first semester.Theunpleasantfeelingcamefrommypoorself-discipline,forwh ichIpaidahighprice.Livingfarawayfromhomeandhaving muchfreetimeathand,Ioftenspenthoursplayinggamesor ch atting with my friends on my cellphone far into the night. As aresult, I felt sleepy and couldn't concentrate in class the nex t day. Low grades of a few tests showed my declining academic p erformance, which affected my final scores of the courses. Only at that time did I realize that each test during the semester co unted in my college GPA. My poor self-discipline was also reflect ed in money management. The suddenly increased freedom brought mefinancial problemsduring the first three months of my freshman year. Going to movi es, buying expensive clothes, and eating out with friends usuallycost more than half of my monthly allowance. The worst case wa s that I spent all of my monthly allowance within the first wee k of the semester, so I had to borrow money from my roommates.For that whole month, I ate only rice and vegetables and dared not socialize.Luckily,Irealizedmyproblemandmanagedtoimprovemyselfbefo reitwastoolate.Theremustbesomethingtobegainedandl earnedfrommyunpleasantexperience.Onemostimportantthingis that in college, I have to adjust to living on my own, think independently, and take responsibility for my life and studies.IfIdoso,I'llleadameaningfulandfruitfulcollegelife.Iamgratefultothehardexperienceforthelessonithase nabledmetolearn.Howeverhardtheexperienceis,Iammores elf-disciplinedandmoreconfidentinmyfuturelife. I hope my personal experience can be also helpful for you, in some way. iAssess1- 7 Unit test Vocabulary and structure 1.A2. C3. D 4.C5. B1. immersed 2.lean on 3.laundry 4.empowerS. perception Banked cloze 1.C2.F3.H4. A5. B 6.G 7.EReading comprehension 1.D2. B3. D 4.A 5.CTranslation1. Forcollegestudents,thecultivationofahobbyoraninterest isthebestwaytotakeadvantageoffreetimeincollege.2. Differencesinculturalbackgroundsandvaluesshouldnotbea nobstacletothecommunicationandcooperationamongstudents.3. Itisanabsolutenecessitytolearntothinkindependentlya ndcreativelyincollegelife.1. 大学里,辅导员会尽最大努力帮助学习和生活上有需要的同学。2. 大学的课程安排比较灵活,学生可根据自己的兴趣选修一些课程。新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程 2 unit2 答案unit2 Friendship we live by2-3 iExplore I:Building your language Words and expressions一1.possession 2.irritated 3.rarely plicate 5.loyalty 6.obligation 7.out loud8. die for9. On one level 10.be thought of as 11.put up with 12.here and now Collocations 1.about / on 2.between3.from / tha 4.with5.in 6.of 7.to8. have the obligation to help our friends / have an obligation to help our friends9. Pleasurable relationships between classmates 10.enjoyed his company11.have formed a friendship with each other 12.meet the obligation to care for his parents 13.could lose our friendship because of money Vocabulary learning strategies1.cultivation2.division 3.management 4.impression 5.association 6.involvement 7.confusion 8.intention munication10. argument 11.requirement 12.expression 13.division 14.intention 15.management 16.involvement 17.expression 18.cultivation Language focus1. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.2. Remember you must follow every step as I've shown you.3. As most people know, their school is one of the top schools in China.4. As he said, he chatted with his old friends to his heart's contentat the party.5. You should treat your friends as you would like to be treated.Banked cloze 1.obligations 2.rarely pany 4.control 5.challenge 6.drops 7.meaning 8.evidence 9.without 10.definesiExplore22-4iExplore:Reading Listening1.relax 2.think over 3.attract4.one person / 1 person 5.who you are / who you're 6.be confident7. be yourself8. When I meet new people, I will try to make friends with them gradually. During the process, I may pay attention to their living habits, personalities and interests. If I find that we share some same values, I will have more contact with them and we will probably become friends.However, if there is little in common between us, I will keep them at a distance and take them as acquaintances.2-5iExplore2:Building your language Words and expressions1.convince 2.approval 3.potential 4.acceptance 5.destructive 6.conflict 7.through 8.to9.into 10.for 11.to 12.by/to 13.byCollocations 1.shift1(A) I work in the night.1(B) The wind changes its direction. 1(C) I expect him to agree with me.1(D) No, the discussion is not efficient.2 drift2(A) No, we don't keep frequent contact. 2(B) The lecture is boring to me.2(C) The sun will come out and it will be sunny.3 fade3(A) It is an old photo.3(B) Yes, it is true. Many researches support this. Besides, senior people around me always complain about their bad memory.3(C) When the last scene finishes.3(D) I would talk with my friends or take part in some activities that interest me.Vocabulary learning stategies1.B 2.G 3.F 4.E 5.D 6.H 7.A 8.I 9.C 10.J11.give you a glimpse into your future 12.elevate you / elevate each other13. friends that I may be holding back / hold you back / hold each otherback14. meet with a lot of resistance Translation1. 当社会环境改变时,要满足以下三个交友条件便更困难了:相似性、交流和让人彼此信任的情境。社会学家一直认为这三个条件对结交密友至关重要。2. 性格向的人在社交活动中会由于不知道该做什么而感到不自在,尤其是当无法预料的情形发生的时候。这正是性格向的人回避社交活动的一个原因。3. 我对最好的自己是什么样子抱有愿景;对我来说,忠诚意味着忠于我的愿景。4. 密友就是那些你感觉非常亲近的人,你难以想象,没有他们你的生活将会如何。2-6Unit project Unit project1. In order to help overseas students learn about Chinese students' views on friendship, I am contributing this report based on the interviews I conducted among 15 classmates of mine.2. Not surprisingly, all the interviewees agree on the importance of friendship. Some believe friendship is an essential part of their life and others think life would be tasteless without friends around them. As one of them said, one can do without marriage or honor, but they cannot do without friendship.3. Almost all of the interviewees said their circle of friends is small. Among the 15 interviewees, 7 of them said that they have few true friends, 5 said they have no true friends but just acquaintances, and only 3 said they have several friends. One important reason is that they are so busy with their studies and social activities in thefast-paced society that they have little time keeping in contact with friends.4. As for the nature of friendship, the interviewees' views differ. In6 students' opinion, friendship is like a tree. To start friendship, people need to plant seeds, something that can bond them such as common tastes and interests or mutual admiration. Then they need to work together to make the small tree grow and bear fruit of mutual benefits in the end. Four students think that friendships build a safety net because our loyal friends are always there to provide timely and unselfish support in times of difficulty. As another 2 students see it, friendship goes along a rocky road. It may be easy to become friends in the beginning, but this is only the start of a long, sweet-and-bitter friendship. Friendship is not a smooth highway. It's a road filled with turns and unpleasant surprises. People should learn to deal with their friendship problems. The remaining 3 students even hold a pessimistic view that friendship is a boat. The friendship boat may turn over and even sink when jealous or distrust occurs.5. To sum up, I think nobody would disagree that friendship is an important part of our life. All the views on friendship do not contradict each other. In fact, each of them looks at friendship from a different angle. The view that "friendship is like a tree" indicates that friendship requires care and efforts on both sides. By saying "friendshipsbuildasafetynet,"theintervieweesmeanthat friendship is a win-win relationship that benefits both. In contrast, comparing friendship to a rocky road or a boat shows that friendship is a delicate affair involving disagreement, quarrels and even fights.Only with care, understanding and tolerance can we go through the difficult time, deepen friendship, and keep it from going sour. As the saying goes, "True friends care and share."新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程 2 unit3 答案3-2iExplore1:Reading ViewingA B AB AI think we can manage the fear of speaking in public. As long as we are clear about the reasons behind this fear, we can "manage" it. Some of us dare not speak in public because of lack of self-confidence or experience. In that case, we should first believe that we have something worth sharing and then seek and make use of public speaking opportunities, for example, speaking up in class or in small groups, to practice our skills. For others of us, the source of fear comes from external factors, such as the concern that the audience will not be interested in our topic. A simple way to get rid of the anxiety is to get to know as much as possible about our audience and then tailor our talk to engage the audience.Frankly speaking, I haven't had any positive experiences with public speaking up to now. In high school, I couldn't give a good public speech no mat