childrens garden 123滑滑梯滑滑梯slidePlay on the slide.Slide,slide,Play on the slide.Wu,wu.swing秋千秋千Play on the swing.Swing,swing,Play on the swing.Low and high.Low and high.seesaw跷跷板跷跷板Play on the seesaw.Seesaw,seesaw,Play on the seesaw.Up and down.Up and down.Slide,slide,play on the slide.Wu,wu.Swing,swing,play on the swing.Low and high,low and high.Seesaw,seesaw,play on the seesaw.Up and down,up and down.What can you see?你能看见什么?你能看见什么?I can see我能看见我能看见What?What?What can you see?A slide.A slide.I can see a slide.What?What?What can you see?A swing.A swing.I can see a swing.What?What?What can you see?A seesaw.A seesaw.I can see a seesawWhat?What?What can you see?A .A .I can see a .