Unit1 Growing up Developing ideas The Little Prince教学设计-高中英语外研版选择性必修第二册.docx
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Unit1 Growing up Developing ideas The Little Prince教学设计-高中英语外研版选择性必修第二册.docx
外语教学与研究出版社选择性必修二Unit1 Developing ideas The Little Prince课标分析普通高中英语课程标准(2017)明确指出,普通高中英语课程具有重要的育人功能,旨在发展学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,倡导指向学科核心素养发展的英语学习活动观和自主学习、合作学习等学习方式。本单元的主题语境是人与自我,涉及的主题语境内容是认识自我、丰富自我和完善自我。通过不同角度引导学生理解成长的意义与责任,最终帮学生树立坚定的人生目标,形成积极的生活态度。本节课在设计和实施上,始终贯彻课标的要求,并整合单元主题意义。在主题意义的引领之下,设计教学活动,引导学生自主阅读文本,了解作者对成年人的态度与看法,理解反讽这一修辞手法,是课程内容语篇知识要求之一;引导学生在读懂课文内容的基础上,通过小组合作和角色扮演,巩固语言知识并鼓励学生发展表达性技能;通过设问和呈现书评,让学生感悟课文主题,加深对单元主题意义的理解,同时思考人在成长过程中的得与失,以及如何保持自己的童真与初心。教材分析本单元是外研社新教材选择性必修第二册Unit1 Growing up.主题语境是人与自我,涉及的主题语境内容是认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我。本单元以成长为话题,基于单元提供的诗歌、个人访谈、电子邮件、小说节选、书评等多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能。从诗歌If的节选,到不同年龄阶段学生对成长和成年的理解,从回忆人生中难忘的经历、对未来的人生规划,到小说The Little Prince节选部分的阅读,通过不同角度引导学生理解成长的意义与责任,培养形成积极正确的人生态度。本板块是Developing Ideas部分,从文学作品的角度反映单元的主题Growing up。语篇类型为小说,节选自Antoine de Saint-Exupéry的The Little Prince第一章。故事从儿童的视角出发,通过“蛇吞象”的绘画作品和其他领域的知识,表明儿童与成年人在对世界的理解和解读上存在巨大差异,将儿童的本真与成年人的功利心进行对比。读前活动通过了解作者的生平和主要经历,体会小说的写作背景;并通过图片预测文章的内容,激发学生的阅读兴趣。读中活动引导学生深入阅读课文,明确作者对成年人的态度并找到文中依据;并从反讽这一修辞手法入手,进一步分析文本。读后活动引导学生理解作者对成年人的态度,同时启发学生思考自己对成年人的看法,培养学生正确运用语言合理表达观点的能力;并通过活动后的过程性自我评价环节,培养学生及时反思、查缺补漏和互助学习的习惯。教学设计主题语境:人与自我(认识自我、个人成长)课型:阅读课授课时长:1课时(45分钟)教学目标:经过本节课的学习后,学生能够:1. 通过阅读小王子作者AntoinedeSaint-Exupéry的生平介绍,了解作者及小说的写作背景;2. 通过观看图片和阅读课文,找出作者对成年人的态度与看法,并发表自己对成年人的态度,有逻辑地表达自己的观点;3. 经过小组合作,商讨创设一个表演,进行角色扮演,运用文本中所学的知识和语言技能;4. 通过预习小说,阅读文本,找出使用反讽的地方,理解这一修辞手法。教学重难点:1. 学生通过自主学习和合作学习,找出作者对成年人的态度与看法,并思考自己对成年人的看法,根据提示发表观点。2. 学生思考人在成长过程中的得与失,以及如何保持自己的童真与初心,加深对课文主题的理解。Teaching proceduresStep1 Warm-up1. The teacher shows students a video clip and sentences from The Little Prince to arouse studentsinterest in the passage.2. The teacher asks students a question:Is this a childrens fantasy book or a book for adults?【Designing purpose】To arouse studentsinterest in reading the passage.Let students read with thinking of the question.Step2 Pre-reading1. Teacher asks students to read the introduction to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and answer the questions.(1) What experience made the author write The Little Prince?(2) What kind of person do you think Saint-Exupérywas?2. Teacher asks students to look at the three drawings and predict what the story is about.【Designing purpose】1. To let students know the author's life experience and background of writing the novel.2. To help students anticipate the contents of the text and motivate them to read.Step3 While-readingActivity1.Teacher asks students to read paragraph1-7 and check prediction.2.Teacher asks students to find out grown-upsand“my”opinions towards the drawing.3.Teacher asks students to find out grown-upsresponses towards the two drawings.4.Teacher asks students to find out“my”reaction to grown-upsresponses.【Designing purpose】To train studentsskills of getting specific information and have a deeper understanding of the story.Activity21.Teacher asks students to complete the text and make a summary.3. Teacher asks students to retell the story according to the two pictures and boldwords and phrases.【Designing purpose】To let students use words and chunks they learned and practice telling the story.To encourage students to express logically.Activity3 Teacher asks students to do role-play and give a performance by cooperating with teammates.【Designing purpose】To train studentsskills of analyzing the text and cooperating with others.Activity4 Teacher asks students a question: What figure o f speech does the author use?And let students find out other parts of the passage using irony and other parts of the book using irony.【Designing purpose】To help students know the usage and function of irony the author used in the passage and novel.Step4Think&ShareTeacher asks students the following questions:1.The author himself is an adult,but he tells what happened when he was six years old.Has he grown in to such an adult himself?2.Do you agree with the authors attitude towards grown-ups and why?And let students organize their talks following the steps below1. State your own opinions 2. Give supporting ideas and examples3. Summarizing your opinions Besides,givestudents some useful sentence patterns that may help.1. I totally agree/dont agree with the author because.2. In my view/eyes.Personally,I think.3. 3.Take.for example/instance.4. To sum up./At last,show students some comments on the novel that people of different ages made and explain the deeper meaning of the authors writing this novel.5. 【Designing purpose】To aid students to get a better understanding of connotation and meaning of the text. And let them think about gains and losses on the road of growth to cultivate thinking ability.Step5Assignment 1.Recommend this book to your parents or adults you know, and tell them why.2.Read chapter2 and find out how did“I”encounter the little prince.【Designing purpose】To let students exchange their ideas about the book and motivate their curiosity to read more.学科网(北京)股份有限公司