读后续写:Honesty won't let you down 讲义-高三英语写作专项.docx
Honesty Won't Let You Down1 Asad was a 13-year-old boy who was very honest and hardworking. Recently, he had entered a new school so he had no friends yet. On Monday morning, he was nearly late for school. The night before, his family attended his cousin's wedding and reached home late, which was why he couldn't get up on timeas usual.2 At school, Asad could not pay attention to anything and wanted the bell to ring so that he could buy something to eat. After a few hours, when the bell rang, Asad quickly opened his schoolbag to find his money, but just then he remembered that he had left for school in a hurry in the morning and forgotten to take money. He looked under his books, hoping to find some money but there was nothing.3 Not knowing what to do, he walked out of the classroom and sat on a bench in front of the canteen, He saw a few of his classmates there. Among them was Fahad. He was one of the richest kids in his class.but he was a very arrogant boy who thought everyone else was a loser. But as Asad was new, he didn't know much about Fahad.4 When he went towards Fahad and asked if he could borrow some money for his lunch, Fahad laugheda lot and said, "I knew you were a loser, maybe a beggar?" Fahad laughed out so loud that other kids also heard and made fun of the situation, He didn't answer Fahad, and slowly walked back towards an empty bench. When he reached the bench, he noticed something lying near it. It was a wallet, He picked it up and recognized it as Fahad's, as he remembered Fahad showing it to his friends and telling that his uncle bought it for him from the UK. There was quite a lot of money inside for a kid.Paragraph 1: At first, Asad wanted to keep it a secret and punished Fahad.Paragraph 2: Then Fahad said,“Why are you giving it back?01Read for vovabulary3.3 He was one of the richest kids in his class but he was a very arrogant boy who thought everyone else was a loser.傲慢的02Read for appreciation3.1 Not knowing what to do, he walked out of the classroom and sat on a bench in front of the canteen. 分词短语作原因状语03Read for plots写作·分析ANALYSIS OF WRITING TECHNIQUES01逆推法根据第二段首句,可推知第一段末句应该写Asad把钱包还给了Fahad。根据第一段首句和上面推知的结尾,可推知第一段的可能情节为:1.Asad在犹豫是否把钱包物归原主(伴随他两难选择的动作和心理描写);2.Fahad发现钱包不见了(伴随他焦急的动作和心理等描写)。根据第二段首句和故事发展的脉络,可推知第二段的可能情节为:1.Asad给出答复(伴随Fahad听到回答后的吃惊表情描写);2.Asad肚子咕咕叫,再次提出借钱买饭;3.结尾:两人成为好友(和第一段Asad刚进入新学校没有朋友首尾呼应)。02根据划线词推导并丰富情节在构思两段话的情节时,一定要结合10个文本提供的关键词,因为关键词为构思情节的提供了可能的思路。第一段:情节一:Asad看了一眼Fahad,本质善良诚实的他为自己的行为感到内疚,在挣扎是否将wallet归还Fahad。情节二:Fahad发现钱包不见了,焦急的四处寻找;他身边的同学看到这个平日里傲慢的不可一世的rich boy丢了钱包都laugh他,这让他很丢脸。情节三:Asad最后归还了钱包。第二段:情节一:Asad回答说honest person不做偷鸡摸狗之事,并告知Fahad如何发现Fahad丢失的钱包;Asad的行为让Fahad很尴尬。情节二:Asad肚子咕咕叫起来,他主动提出向Fahad借money买lunch;Fahad也主动示好,并quickly提出由他请客。情节三:两人成为了好friends。为了在情节合理的基础上使文本词汇和句法结构运用的更加高级,需有意识的加入人物的情感描写和动作描写,这样才能把高级句式结构充分发挥出来。参考范文01Paragraph1At first, Asad wanted to keep it a secret and punished Fahad. At least he could afford the lunch now. However, another voice popped up, urging him to give it back to Fahad, which made him feel torn. “I should never keep the wallet at the cost of my honesty, and Fahad would be extremely embarrassed without any money in the presence of so many classmates!” Asad convinced himself. Once he made up his mind, he accelerated his pace and caught him up. “Fahad, its your wallet and I found it on the bench.” Taking over the wallet, Fahad stared into Asads eyes with a puzzled look written on his face.02ParagrThen Fahad said, “Why are you giving it back?” He even looked into his wallet, obviously doubtful about Asads act. Calmly and patiently Asad explained, “I had originally wanted to keep it secret as a punishment for your arrogance, but being honest matters more to me.” Hearing what Asad had said, Fahad felt his face burning with shame. He bent, thanking Asad for saving him from the embarrassing situation and apologizing to the classmates around for calling them losers. “And the lunch is on me. You all are my friends!” Fahad announced.aph2参考范文解析一、利用各种高级表达提升语言的丰富性1.When he cast a glance at Fahad, however, guilt suddenly flooded him. 看了一眼;运用了无灵主语结构。2.At a loss about whether to return the wallet or not, Asad was getting butterflies in his stomach. 茫然不知所措(不知道);运用了比喻手法:忐忑不安。3.It was Fahad who found his wallet gone and searched aimlessly for it like having ants in his pants. 运用了比喻手法:像热锅上的蚂蚁。4.Inching towards Fahad, Asad handed the wallet to him, murmuring, .两个动词都形象地表达了Asad因为自己不诚实的行为而感到内疚的心理。5. .replied Asad, telling Fahad the ins and outs of how he discovered the wallet. 来龙去脉。6.Fahad stood frozen stiffly, silence falling for minutes. 用动作描写表达吃惊;运用了无灵主语+独立主格结构。7.It was Asads stomach growl that broke the awkwardness.肚子咕咕叫的形象表达。8.Asad spoke slowly, mustering the strength for each word.运用动作描写生动表达了Asad胆怯心理(因为之前问过一次,被大家嘲笑)。9. . so attached were they to each other that they became best friends.运用了倒装结构二、利用原文本已知信息增强续写文本的逻辑性1.第一段:原文本中Asad因为向Fahad借钱遭到嘲弄,也成为大家的笑料;续写文本可以再次把划线词laugh用出,Fahad因为找不到钱包而被大家嘲笑(因为他平日里的不可一世让人看不惯)。2.第二段:(1)原文本中Asad借钱的桥段,在续写文本中可以借助Asad肚子饿的咕咕叫再次出现;(2)原文本中第一段Asad新入学没有朋友,续写文本中结尾设置二人成为了好友,首尾呼应。 学科网(北京)股份有限公司