工作价值观工作价值观3 DimensionsDominantDominantSubmissiveSubmissiveFriendlyFriendlyUnfriendlyUnfriendlyAccepting Accepting Task-orientationTask-orientationOpposing Opposing Task-orientationTask-orientationValues onValues onDominanceDominanceValues onValues onSubmissivenessSubmissivenessValues onValues onUnfriendlyUnfriendlyBehaviorBehaviorValues onValues onFriendlyFriendlyBehaviorBehaviorValues on AcceptingValues on AcceptingTask-orientation ofTask-orientation ofEstablished AuthorityEstablished AuthorityValues on OpposingValues on OpposingTask-orientation ofTask-orientation ofEstablished AuthorityEstablished AuthorityU UD DP PN NF FB BUNBUNBUBUBUPBUPBNBNBPBPBDNBDNBDBDBDPBDPBLocation of Empirical Norm on Field DiagramNFPFNBPBN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y F FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONmepmepNFPFNBPBF FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y Sample:IndividualWSH:WSH:Values you Values you wishwish to show in your behavior to show in your behaviorWSHWSHREJ:REJ:Values you tend toValues you tend to rejectreject in yourself or others in yourself or othersREJREJEXP:EXP:Values you Values you expect expect others will rate you as showingothers will rate you as showingEXPEXPEFF:EFF:Values for you to show in order to be most Values for you to show in order to be most effectiveeffectiveEFFEFFmepmepNFPFNBPBF FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y SAMPLE:TeamThe average of all ratings made on The average of all ratings made on multiple images by a single rater.multiple images by a single rater.mepmepROBROBLINLINTEDTEDTOMTOMPATPATARTARTDAVDAVBEVBEVJOEJOEROGROGANNANNJAKJAKNFPFNBPBN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y F FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONThe OverlayMost Effective Most Effective Teamwork CoreTeamwork CoreRadical Radical Opposition CoreOpposition CoreLine of BalanceLine of BalanceLine of PolarizationLine of PolarizationSwing Swing AreaAreamepmepNFPFNBPBF FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y Polarization and Unification Within a TeammepmepROBROBLINLINTEDTEDTOMTOMPATPATARTARTDAVDAVBEVBEVJOEJOEROGROGANNANNJAKJAKNFPFNBPBF FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y Scatterplot Field DiagramCUR:CUR:What values are What values are currentlycurrently shown in shown in your organization?your organization?Multiple ratings on a single image,(e.g.,Multiple ratings on a single image,(e.g.,CUR CUR)NFPFNBPBF FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y Scatterplot Field DiagramFUT:FUT:What values need to be shown in the What values need to be shown in the future of your organization to be most future of your organization to be most effective?effective?Multiple ratings on a single image,(e.g.,Multiple ratings on a single image,(e.g.,FUT FUT)NFPFNBPBF FACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONACCEPTING TASK-ORIENTATIONB BOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONOPPOSING TASK-ORIENTATIONN NU UN NF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY YP PF FR RI IE EN ND DL LY Y SAMPLE:Organizational CultureCURCUR:What values are:What values are currently currently shown in your shown in your organization?organization?CURCURFUT:FUT:What values need to be shown in your organization What values need to be shown in your organization in the in the futurefuture to be most effective?to be most effective?FUTFUT