互联网电视技术互联网电视技术 宪章宪章具体目标具体目标确定互联网电视的目标和应用范围为互联网电视确定框架制定互联网电视相关profile任务任务/提交文本提交文本互联网电视的目标和应用范围互联网电视profile报告宪章与范围宪章与范围 宪章与范围宪章与范围范围范围分组工作范围分组工作范围研究互联网电视的应用场景研究互联网电视技术发展趋势研究互联网电视的相关技术标准研究各位技术小组制定的标准在互联网电视中的位置研究profile分解和定义研究各个profile的交互和集成制定和完成标准与其它分组的关系与其它分组的关系协作 新技新技术术小小组组推介及介推介及介绍绍背景背景新小组目标、技术框架介绍新小组目标、技术框架介绍与同类技术的比较与同类技术的比较未来工作规划未来工作规划其它介绍其它介绍 中国互联网宽带用户大量增加中国互联网宽带用户大量增加占总体网民比例占总体网民比例规模(万人)规模(万人)宽带宽带77.8%16,338窄带窄带有线窄带有线窄带11.1%2,338无线窄带无线窄带 28.0%5,880其中:手机接入其中:手机接入24.0%5,040其中:其他无线接入其中:其他无线接入5.5%1,150不同接入方式的网民规模(多选)*CNNIC第21次互联网调查.2008.01据估算2010年,中国宽带用户将超过3亿www.igrs.org 数字娱乐成为中国网民网络应用的重心数字娱乐成为中国网民网络应用的重心 网络应用网络应用使用率使用率用户规模(万人)用户规模(万人)互联网基础应用搜索引擎搜索引擎72.4%15,204 电子邮件电子邮件56.5%11,865 即时通信即时通信81.4%17,094 电子政务25.4%5,334 网络媒体网络新闻网络新闻73.6%15,456 更新博客更新博客/个人空间个人空间23.5%4,935 数字娱乐网络游戏网络游戏59.3%12,453 网络音乐网络音乐86.6%18,186 网络影视网络影视76.9%16,149 电子商务网络购物网络购物22.1%4,641 网上支付网上支付15.8%3,318 网上银行网上银行19.2%4,032 其他网络求职网络求职10.4%2,184 网络教育网络教育16.6%3,486 网上炒股票基金网上炒股票基金18.2%3,822*CNNIC第21次互联网调查.2008.01 娱乐已经成为我国互联网最重要的网络应用 体现互联网娱乐作用的网络音乐、网络影视等排名明显靠前 互联网娱乐功能成为网民快速增长的拉动因素之一www.igrs.org 与同类技术的比较与同类技术的比较IPTV(Internet Protocol Television)is many a times misunderstood as Internet TV.DTV(DVB)is mostly delivered using cables or digital modulated radio broadcasting.It is a DTV(DVB)is mostly delivered using cables or digital modulated radio broadcasting.It is a digital transmission of broadcast channels in multicast mode.Digital TV delivered using digital transmission of broadcast channels in multicast mode.Digital TV delivered using technologies used for computer network.Internet Protocols(http,rtsp,igmp)technologies used for computer network.Internet Protocols(http,rtsp,igmp)Usually over a managed/closed network,Though IPTV is delivered through the broadband(largely on Usually over a managed/closed network,Though IPTV is delivered through the broadband(largely on ADSL)infrastructure it does not use Internet(www).It uses is a local MAN network and ADSL)infrastructure it does not use Internet(www).It uses is a local MAN network and cannot be accessed unless subscribed for the service and outside the exchange coverage area.cannot be accessed unless subscribed for the service and outside the exchange coverage area.A TV like Quality of Service(always on,reliable)A TV like Quality of Service(always on,reliable)Can be live or pre-recorded(on-demand)Can be live or pre-recorded(on-demand)“Internet TV”:Live broadcast of video signals streamed through the Internet.(http,rtsp,“Internet TV”:Live broadcast of video signals streamed through the Internet.(http,rtsp,igmp,p2p)(eg.Youtube videos,online news clips)igmp,p2p)(eg.Youtube videos,online news clips)Content can be accessed any where in the world.Content can be accessed any where in the world.No guaranteed Quality of Service,Internet uses“Best Effort Delivery”method,many a times No guaranteed Quality of Service,Internet uses“Best Effort Delivery”method,many a times the signal is not in real time.It is buffered before it is being played.The delivery of the the signal is not in real time.It is buffered before it is being played.The delivery of the stream depends on the quality of the Internet connection and the bandwidth available to the stream depends on the quality of the Internet connection and the bandwidth available to the end user.end user.Internet TV can be viewed on the PC using any of the multimedia players.Internet TV can be viewed on the PC using any of the multimedia players.未来工作规划未来工作规划征集技术小组成员征集技术小组成员讨论定义技术小组目标,工作分工及方式讨论定义技术小组目标,工作分工及方式;制定季、年度工作规划制定季、年度工作规划2季度初稿,完成整体框架;3季度第二稿,完成互联网电视profile的分解;互联网电视小组成员互联网电视小组成员闪联信息技术工程中心闪联信息技术工程中心联想联想TCLTCL长城长城长虹长虹创维创维海信海信康佳康佳中和威中和威飞利浦飞利浦