牡丹江师范学院学士学位论文Contents摘要.iiAbstrat.iiiI. Introduction.1II. Applications of Culture Adaptation in International Business.22.1 International Business.2 2.2 Cultural Barriers to International Business.3 2.2.1 Psychic Distance.3 2.2.2 Language in Cross-Cultural Communication .5III. The Culture Adaptation in Advertising .73.1 Definition of Advertising in Different Cultures.73.2 The Influence of Cultural Differences in Advertising.8IV. The Culture Adaptation in IMC Technology and Business Traveling.11 4.1 IMC Technology.12 4.2 Business Traveling.13V. Conclusion.15References.16Acknowledgements- 17 -摘要 在世界经济飞速发展的今天,全球一体化进程加快。国际范围内的商务活动日益频繁,跨文化交际成为经济活动的主要内容。由于文化差异的存在,跨国经济活动中的文化冲突现象无处不在,大大阻碍了经济的发展。为解决文化障碍,跨国企业在实践中开始重视文化适应问题。然而国际商务中的文化适应是一个新的课题,企业者对文化及文化适应等概念认识不够,文化差异和文化适应意识不强。本文介绍了什么是国际商务,国际商务中的文化障碍,广告和跨国企业的文化适应。希望通过联系商务实例对国际文化适应的实践研究起一定的作用。本文提出在国际文化适应的实践和信息时代文化差异和心理距离缩小的国际环境中提高企业家文化适应能力的重要性。关键词:文化障碍,文化适应,国际商务 Abstract The world economy is developing fastly and the process of economic globalization has speeded up. The world business activities are more frequent and cross-cultural communication is more important in economic activities. Because of international cultural differences, cultural conflicts are prevalent in international business, which greatly hinder the development of economy. In face of these cultural challenges, multi-national enterprises have given much more attention to culture adaptation. Culture adaptation in international business is a new subject for international marketers, of which international marketers are not aware. In this paper, what is international business, cultural barriers, culture adaptation in advertising and multinational enterprises. The writer attempts to relate concepts and theories to examples in the hope of assisting in the research and practice of international culture adaptation. In this paper, the writer suggests that marketers ability of culture adaptation is of great importance as culture differences and psychic distance diminish at the information age.Key Words: culture barriers, culture adaptation, international business Study On the Cultural Adaptation in International BusinessI. IntroductionWith the trend of economic globalization and integration, international marketers have met the challenges of cultural impact in international business. Culture factors have always been ignored in making global marketing strategy and adjustment. Communication and understanding are crucial to global business in diverse cultures. How to adapt to different cultures in the target market has been a focus for international businessmen. Culture is learned, cultural adaptation is essential to the success of the international marketing. Culture adaptation is the content of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is the attitude that the good or bad points of a culture are relative to specific culture. People can not judge the other cultures and peoples behaviors with their own culture values. And the judging of others behaviors with ones own value systems is the behavior of ethnocentrism. In cross-cultural communication, ethnocentrism may cause cultural conflict, and misunderstanding, especially in cross-culture communication and in international business. The establishment of mutual trust is important in international business, on the basis of mutual trust, the good relationship can be produced and business can be carried on. How to build trust among international businessmen? The way is to reach mutual understanding, the understanding of others cultures, which is the understanding of others values and behaviors. To understand others culture, we must avoid ethnocentrism and apply cultural relativism. That is to escape our own culture bound and see others cultures in their own ways. This paper talks about the cultural adaptation in international business and its new methods used. The first part of this paper introduces the cultural barriers to international business, culture adaptation in international advertising and multinational enterprises. Culture is learned. One can learn and understand another culture. The elements of culture are always the factors to be considered in cross-cultural communication. Business customs are more specific, they are the sub-culture of culture. Attention should be given to the use of nonverbal cues as colors, space, numbers, shapes and animals in business customs when conveying cultural information as in advertising in international business. II. Applications of Culture Adaptation in International BusinessThis chapter is mainly on the barriers to international business. The ability of international marketers is emphasized, and the application of ethnographic method is suggested in analyzing features of specific group of people in a culture. 2.1 International BusinessHow international business takes place? As human beings have the psychological and material needs from the world. In the international environment, each nation has its own natural resources and technology to produce certain amounts and categories of goods, but it is not adequate, and there should be global exchange to meet higher requirements of people. There are several reasons why countries trade with other countries. First, no nation, even a developed one, can produce all of the products that people want and need Second, if a country become self-sufficient, other nations would seek trade with that country in order to meet the needs of their own people. Third, some nations like China and Russia have an abundance of natural resources and a lack of technology, while other countries as Japan have advanced technology but few natural resources. Trade enables each nation to produce what it is most capable of producing and to buy what it needs in a mutually beneficial relationship. As in Free trade, the movement of goods and services among nations is without political or economic trade barriers, this greatly promote regional or world economy. (William G. Nickels, James M. Mchugh. Susan M. Mchugh, 2002:65) 2.2 Cultural Barriers to International BusinessThere are so many barriers to international business, take international trade for instance, the barriers are socio-cultural barriers, economic barriers and trade barriers. Cultural barrier is an important factor in international business. These cultural barriers are the factors inhibit the flow of information and understanding of other cultures in the global environment, which are called psychic distance. To be successful in international business, marketers are to be aware of these factors and try to overcome them.2.1.1 Psychic DistancePsychic distance is use to mean the factors or components that prevent the understanding, flowing of information, and multi-national communication. It includes learning and understanding foreign cultures, restrictions and adjusting behaviors. It is affected by culture. There are some definitions of psychic distance, and the concept of “psychic distance” was first used to explain the distribution of international trade. Other researchers noticed terms beyond geographical distance also had an impact on the trade and limiting on businessmens knowledge about markets elements. Psychic distance means factors preventing or disturbing flows of information. A broader definition is factors preventing or disturbing firms learning about and understanding a foreign environment. A firm which is interested in pursuing business goals in a foreign environment need to learn the facts about laws, distribution systems, etc., and it must also understand enough of the culture to be able to relate to it and adjust its behavior, this definition emphasizes that the firm should give analysis to the foreign market. Individuals have their own concept of the world in psychic distance. How psychic distance affects the behavior of business firms? Among all the blocks that inhibit international business or trade, culture difference is the difficult and important one. It is significant to be aware of culture difference and explore the similarities in various cultures. However, the psychic distance concept not only means the differences of two countries, and the effect cultural difference has on international business operation, but also the ability to overcome it. It means the particular ability of a country. In spite of obstacles of cultural differences, the Learning about and understanding the foreign environment, the firms or business within a particular country may develop ways and means to overcome these differences. (Kjell A. Nordstrom and Jan-Erik Vahlne, 411) In the internationalized process, psychic distance is used to estimate country-specific competitive force. In marketing, Psychic distance was proved to explain country distribution of foreign markets, the internationalization process, and competitive considerations and country culture characteristics.” The culture differences are greater, the marketing is more difficult. Psychic distance determines that the home market is easy to operate than foreign market. “The more different the culture of the foreign market from that of the home market, the more difficult it will be to learn about and understand the new environment.” (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977 and 1990) So, the internationalization process of business tends to create a foreign market similar to the home market. The internationalization process refers to the entry into more distant markets. Of course, analyzing the forces and factors of psychic distance and trying to overcome them are of great help to international business. Psychic distance is affected by various factors, such as social development, unification of language, political and technological forces. However, though the complex factors affect psychic distance, the psychic distance over the world has decreased. As the factors of psychic distance are overcome, large culture and language communities are formed. And he impact of psychic distance on communication diminishes. There are two basic reasons for this implosion of the business community in psychic-distance terms. First, the world in general and certain regions are becoming more homogeneous. Structures particularly for doing business have been associated with large regions like the EC (European Community). English has more and more taken as the universal second language of the world. “It is the mother tongue for 400 million people, and by 1990 some 1 billion people could speak it.” (Naisbitt and Aburdene, 1990) Moreover, the form and the content of the educational system in many countries are no longer country specific as it used to be. More countries are approaching the same. These factors make it possible that psychic distances have decreased. (Naisbitt and Aburdene, 1990) As the development of professional consultancy company can help marketers obtain knowledge and information. Such as the knowledge of managers training courses, the information about “educational programs for managers, management training organizations, travel, business council for international understanding institute, intercultural communication consultants” can be found. Contact methods, address, subjects or service contents are listed. (Hoopes, DavidS, 1983: 143-154) 2.2.2 Language in Cross-Cultural Communication Among the important elements of culture marketers must consider the verbal language (both spoken and written), various forms of nonverbal communication, needs and values, religion and the related moral and ethical standards, and customs and consumption patterns. Language is the outer form of culture, it is the way people experiencing the world. Language and culture are inter-related, and one culture does not relate to one language, there may be one or more languages spoken in one culture. “Because language plays such a central role in international marketing, its crucial to understand the close relationship between culture and language. Culture and communication are inextricably linked. It has been said that it is impossible to truly understand culture without understanding the language spoken by its people. Conversely, a language cannot be fully understood outside its cultural context. People use language to communicate with each other. It shows the ways we perceive the world and directs our attention to worlds features. Language is important in foreign trade because buyers and sellers must be able to communicate and agree on many matters, including the specific terms of the transaction. But the different languages used in different countries are the barrier in communication when people are doing foreign trade business, and language is considered a common cultural problem. (帅建林, 2003:16) There are often more than one culture in countries with two or more languages. In Canada, there is an English-speaking culture and a French-Speaking culture. The most direct impact of language is in translation, cultural factors are the main problem. Errors in the translation of brand names, packaging copy, and advertising messages have cost businesses millions of dollars, not to mention damaging their reputation. It is not enough for translators to be familiar with the native language. In order to avoid translation mistakes, translators must also be familiar with idioms, and slang. A global marketing strategy can also very difficult to implement. Look at the problems these well-known companies encountered in global markets. The problems they met are largely with language. In translation, communication with local authorities, and data controlli