集体备课记录年级二科目英语时间9月2号单元序号1单元内容备课小组成员全体英语老师中心发言人元学标单教目1 Enable the Ss to learn the words:2 Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns:3 Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking.重难点1 .Enable the Ss to learn the words:2.Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns:单元练习 配套练习册习 题 基础训练练习题检测时间课时分配共计3 课时。新授2 课时,测试一课时。单元授课时间从第1周到第2 周 9 月 2 日9 月 10日。课 时 教 案课 题Mod ule 1 U nit 1 Im Sam.教案序号1-1-1授课时间201 69-1课 型Ne w教学目标1 .懂、会读、会说 he llo,hi,good bye,bye ,I am,you2.知道见面如何向对方问好;能做简单的自我介绍;知道该如何向别人道别。一教学重难点重点:听懂、会读、会说 he llo,hi,good bye,bye ,I am,you难点:知道见面如何向对方问好;能做简单的自我介绍;知道该如何向别人道别。教具准备录音机、磁带、单词卡片板书设计U nit 1 r m Sam.He llo/Hi.r m_.Good bye.Bye-bye.教后感为调动学生的学习兴趣,我设计了许多活动,使学生感到学英语是件十分高兴的事,而不是感到困难,以致成为负担。教学反馈效果不错,学生十分喜欢上英语课,学习积极性很高。教学过程Ste p One:Gre e ting with stud e nts.Ste p Two*Ne w courseT:Ne xt I want to know your name.How d o you introd uce your namethe n?Liste n!I m Elle n.(说三遍)Ple ase say he llo to me.(Some e xce lle nt stud e nts can answe r like the following)SI:He llo,Elle n.S2:He llo,Elle n.T*He llo!Y our name,ple ase?S2:I m Tom.T:He llo,Tom.Y our name,ple ase?S3:P m Mike.T:He llo,Mike.S3:He llo,Elle n.T:W e ll d one.Now ple ase practice.Say he llo and your name,the n le t,s havea race.(给学生一分钟时间练习)T:Le t s try to say that:He llo,I nr .(板书)Te am by te am,and one byo n e.(以小组为单位,计时开始)S:He llo,I m.(学生一一进行自我介绍)T:Y ou are te rrific.Te am One is the winne r.Ste p Thre e:Knowle d ge e xte nsionT*Now le t s play a game.Do what I d o.(教师边做动作,边说,学生学做)Stand up,stand up.Sit d own,sit d own.Stand up,sit d own.Sit d own,stand up.Hand s up,Hand s up.Hand s d own,hand s d own.Hand s up,hand s d own.Hand s d own,hand s up.He llo,he llo,say he llo.Good bye,good bye,say good bye.He llo,he llo,say he llo.Good bye,good bye,say good byeT:Eye s front,try your be st to say it while you are d oing it.S:(学生试图边说边做动作)Ste p Four*Consolid ationT*Ne xt I 1 1 introd uce four child re n to you.Ple ase liste n!W hat are the irname s?(展示四个头饰)T-(教师放 CD 两遍)OK,what s this boy s name?Tom?S:No,Sam.T*Right.Smart girl.And what5 s this girl?s name?Lisa?S:No,Amy.T:Good.Cle ve r boy.And who is she?Y uanyuan?Dand an?S:No.Lingling.T:Y e s,right.He r name is Lingling.And who is he?Qiangqiang?Liangliang?S:No.Darning.T-Y e s,his name is Darning.W e ll,le t s know the m again.His name?Ss:Sam.T:He r name?Ss:Amy.T:And he r name?Ss:Lingling.T*His name?Ss:Darning.T:Fantastic.Following we 1 1 stud y and play with the m for this whole te rm.Ple ase re me mbe r the m and make good frie nd s with the m.Ne xt ope n your Englishbooks and re ad the te xt toge the r.(学生看图像并跟读,强调指读)T:Ple ase practice for a while.S:(学生自己练习指读)T-At last who can introd uce yourse lf in English as much as you can.S:(展示自我介绍)Ste p Five*Sum up and home work.T*Tod ay we le arnt how to gre e t and introd uce.Y ou all d id a good job.Ple ase introd uce yourse lf into the mirror at home.And re ad the te xt five time s.It s time to say good bye.Le t s sing a song and say good bye with e ach othe r.(最后唱再见歌结束)课 时 教 案课 题Mod ule l U nit2 How are you?教案序号1-1-2授课时间201 69-4课 型Ne w教学目标1 .能听、说、认、读 本 节 课 单 词:good,morning,how,are,fine,thank,you.2.能听、说、读 句 型:Good morning.How are you?I am fine.Thank you.一教学重难点重点:能 听、说、认 读 本 节 课 单 词:good,morning,how,are ,fine ,thank,you.及句型。难 点:How are you?句型以及回答。教具准备录音机、磁带、单词卡片板书设计U nit2 How are you?Good morning.How are you?I am fine,thank you.教后感我发现坚持大量的重复和操练,能起到事半功倍的效果,但 如 何 使 这“大曷的重复和操练”显得有趣而不乏味,是教学中的重中之重。教学过程Ste p One Gre e ting with stud e nts.T:Good morning,my d e ar babie s.Nice to se e you again.He llo,Kate.S:He llo,Elle n.T:He llo,Mike.S:He llo,Elle n.Ste p Two:Ne w courseT:Y our name,ple ase.S:Im Tom.T:He llo,Tom.Good morning.S*Good morning,Elle n.T*W e ll d one.ThatJ s anothe r way to say he llo in the morning.Le t5 s le arn tosay.Morning(说三遍,然后学生跟读)T:Le t s practice.Good morning,S a m.(挥手,微笑,大声)S:Good morning,Elle n.T:Now say good morning to your ne ighbors.S*(Practice for a while)T*Good child re n!Now ple ase watch the proje cts and liste n care fully,what arethe y talking about?(看大屏幕)T*W hat d id you he ar?He llo?Good morning?S*No,How are you?T:Good boy!W hat s this in Chine se?S:你好吗?T:Right.一般是指对你熟悉的朋友问好,主要是问身体状况怎么样?T:How d o you answe r it?S*I m fine.Thank you.T:W hat d oe s it me an?S:我很好,谢谢。T:Liste n and re pe at.Pay atte ntion to your pronunciation.S:(模仿跟读)T:Y ou d id a good job!Now ope n your English books.Le t s point and say.S:(point and say)Ste p Thre e:Knowle d ge e xte nsionSte p Four-Consolid ationT:Ne xt le t 担 sing a song and d o the actions.Ple ase re ad the lyrics first.He llo,he llo,how are you?I 辆 fine.I 辆 fine and he llo to you.Good bye,good bye,good bye to you.Good bye,good bye,good bye to you.T:(Play the tape re cord e r)Ple ase try your be st to le arn to sing toge the r.S:(Sing loud ly and frie nd ly,and d o the actions)Ste p Five*Sum up and home work.T:Tod ay we le arnt how to gre e t and introd uce in anothe r way.Y ou all d id a goodjob.Language is colorful.So ple ase practice e ve ryd ay.Practice s make youpe rfe ct.It s time to say good bye.Le t s sing a song and say good bye to e achothe r.(最后唱再见课 时 教 案课 题M o d u l e l G r e e t i n gs教案序号2-1-3授课时间20169-11课 型练习教学目标1、能听、说、认读单词:I,a m ,r m,he l l o,go o d b y e.2、会读简单的词组及句子:I m S a m .G o o d b y e.B y e-b y e.H o w a r e y o u?I m fin e,t ha n k y o u.3、会向他人问好和道别,能简单地做自我介绍。一教学重难点重点:识记本模块的单词和词组。难点:能用简单的英语向别人问好和道别,进行简单的自我介绍。教具准备录音机、磁带、单词卡片板书设计M o d u l e l G r e e t in gsH e l l o/H i.I5 m _ _ _ _ _.G o o d b y e/B y e-b y e.H o w a r e y o u?I m fin e,t ha n k y o u.教后感经常地鼓励、刺激、调动,学生说的欲望会逐步增强,现在最重要的是给他们信心,让他们觉得学英语不是很难的事,他们会做得很好,因为老师经常说:Y o u r e go o d.十分欣赏他。教学过程S t e p I W a r m in g u p1.G r e e t in gs.2.S in g a s o n g.(H e l l o,he l l o)S t e p I I R e v ie w1.R e a d t he n e w w o r d s t o ge t he r.2.R e v ie w t he s e n t e n c e s*H e l l o/H i.I m.G o o d b y e/B y e-b y e.H o w a r e y o u?I?m fin e,t ha n k y o u.S t e p I I I L e a r n t he t e x t(1)L is t e n,p o in t a n d s a y.(2)L is t e n a n d t r y t o u n d e r s t a n d s o m e im p o r t a n t p o in t s.(3)L is t e n a n d r e p e a t.T r y t o im it a t e.播放录音,学生跟读模仿。(4)R e a d t he d ia l o gu e in p a ir s a n d in r o l e s.S t e p I V P r a c t ic e1.L is t e n a n d s a y,t he n m a t c h.2.P a ir w o r k.H e l l o/H i.I?m.G o o d b y e/B y e-b y e.H o w a r e y o u?I m fin e,t ha n k y o u.3.L is t e n,a c t a n d s a y.4.E x e r c is e b o o k (配套练习册)S t e p V S u m m a r y教师结合板书引导学生总结主要内容。S t e p V I H o m e w o r k1 .听录音,朗读课文三遍。2.自编小对话,同桌内练习。集体备课记录年级二科目英语时间9月11号单元序号2单元内容备课小组成员全体英语老师中心发言人元学标单教目1 Enable the Ss to learn the words:2 Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns:3 Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking.重难点1 .Enable the Ss to learn the words:2.Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns:单元练习 配套练习册习 题 基础训练练习题检测时间课时分配共计3课时。新授2课时,测试一课时。单元授课时间从第2周到第3周9月11日9月2 0日。课 时 教 案课 题Mod ule 2 U nit 1 I m Ms Smart.教案序号3-2-1授课时间201 69-1 5课 型Ne w教学目标1 .使学生能听、说、认读单词Ms,too,and ,boy,girl.2.能流利使用所学句型做简单的自我介绍和日常问好:How are you,Amy?I m fine.And how are you?Im fine,too.Thankyou一教学重难点重1点:How are you,Amy?I m fine.And how are you?I m fine,too.Thank you.难点:To spe ak and act flue ntly.教具准备投影仪、单词卡片、录音机板书设计U nit 1 r m Ms Smart.A:How are you,Amy?B:I m fine,thank you.And how are you?A:I m fine,too.Thank you.教后感教师和学生们一起唱歌,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,把他们带入英语学习的氛围。并通过多种感官的刺激,使学生听音、看图、会意、学说,提高学生的听说能力。教学过程Ste p One*Gre e ting with stud e nts.Ste p Two*Ne w courseT*Ple ase say he llo to the se frie nd s.(拿头饰 Sam,Darning,Amy and Lingling)S*(带头饰表演)How are you,Amy?T*I m fine.And how are you,Sam?S*I?m fine,too.Thank you.(教师引导学生用这种形式来回答)S*How are you,Darning?T*Im fine.And how are you,Lingling?S*I?m fine,too.Thank you.T*Ple ase say“How are you?”like this with your ne ighbors.(出示大屏幕)A*How are you,?B*Im fine.And how are you?A-I?m fine,too.Thank you.S:(学生自由练习,然后分组展示)T:Look!Sam and Darning are boys.Amy and Lingling are girls.The y are boys and girls.(强调 boys and girls)Te am 1,ple ase stand up.S:(第一小队的学生起立)T:The y are boys and girls.Te am 2,stand up,ple ase.S:(第二小队的学生起立)T*Are you boys and girls?S:Y e s.T:Sit d own,ple ase Te am 1 and Te am 2.Te am 3,boys,hand s up.S*(Boys,hand s up)T:Te am 4,girls say“How are you?”S*(Girls are saying it.)T*Good morning,all of you,boys and girls.S*Good morning,Elle n.T*Good child re n.Do you want to try to be an English te ache r?Look,she is Mssmart.Y ou can be he r now.Ple ase re me mbe r he r name:Ms Smart.Re ad afte r m e.(三遍)S*Ms SmartT*(把头饰戴在一学生头上)Are you Ms Smart?S*Y e s,P m Ms Smart.T*Say good morning to the boys and girls.S*Good morning,boys and girls.Ss*Good morning,Ms Smart.T*W ho can come to the front and act?Ss:I can,I can.T:Y ou,ple ase.Liste n and re pe at what she says.(放录音)S*(听音跟读)Good morning,boys and girls.I m Ms Smart.Ss:Good morning,Ms Smart.(分别叫2-3名学生表演)T:Do you know?This is Ms Smart5 s first English class.Liste n and watch it.W hat happe ne d?(看大屏幕)T*Is this boy s name Ming?S:No.T:W hat s his name?S*Darning.T*Y e ah,Ms Smart calle d the wrong name.He is not Ming.His name is Darning.Y e s?S:Y e s.T:So the othe r boys and girls all laugh,Ha,ha,ha.It s funny.Ple ase ope nyour English books and le arn to say.S:(学生模仿跟读)Ste p Thre e:Knowle d ge e xte nsionT:Look at the picture s and le t s act it out.S:(以小组为单位,带头饰,分角色表演)Step Four*ConsolidationT*Next let s sing a song and do the actions.T*(Play the tape recorder)Please try your best to learn to sing together.S*(Sing loudly and friendly,and do the actions)Step Five*Sum up and homework.T*Today we have known Ms Smart.And you acted an English teacher in class.Areyou happy?You are wonderful in class.But I hope you are great at home,too.Believe me!You can speak English well at school and at home.I have to saygoodbye to you.Bye-bye,boys and girls.S*Goodbye,teacher.课 时 教 案课 题Mod ule 2 U nit2 W hat s your name?教案序号3-2-2授课时间201 69-1 8课 型ne w教学目标L 学习目标语句:Good afte rnoon.W hat s your name?I m Sam.The ne wword s*what s,your,name,afte rnoon,Mr.2.能口头运用好hat s your name?这类语句询问他人姓名,并能运用Im Sam这类语句讲进行回答3.能在图片提示下整体识别单词what s,your,name,afte rnoon,Mr.教学重难点1.能口头运用W hat s your name?询问他人姓名,并能运用I m Sam.进行回答这类文句。2.能在图片提示下整体识别单词afte rnoon,your,Mr.what s,your,name.教具准备card s,tape re cord e r,a clock板书设计U nit2 W hat s your name?Good afte rnoon.W hat s your name?r m Sam.教后感通过积极地师生问答检查学生的学习效果,并以生动的课件呈现出重点句型。从而激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们感受到成功的喜悦.教学过程Ste p One Gre e ting with stud e nts.T:Good morning,boys and girls.T:How are you tod ay?T:I m fine,thank you.Ste p Two:Ne w courseT:(手持一个钟)Look,what5 s this?S*A clock.T:W ow,cle ve r boy.It s nine o clock in the morning now.Look,It s not nine.It s one o clock in the afte rnoon.Do you und e rstand the word “afte rnoon”?S:下午T:W e ll d one.Le t s le arn to say afte rnoon(说三遍,然后学生跟读)T:Le t s practice.Look,it s one o clock in the afte rnoon.Good afte rnoon,boys and girls.T:Good afte rnoon,Tim.T:Now say good afte rnoon to your ne ighbors.T*Y ou are gre at!Now ple ase watch the proje cts and liste n care fully,who is them a n?(看大屏幕)T:Is he Mr.L i u?(重读 Mr.)S:No.T-Is he Mr.W ang?S:No.T:Is he Mr.Li?S:Y e s.T:Right.He is Mr.Li.Re ad afte r me.Mr.L i.(三遍)S:(学生跟读)T*Lily,say good afte rnoon to Mr.Li,ple ase.S*Good afte rnoon,Mr.Li.T:Good girl.X X,say it again.S:Good afte rnoon,Mr.Li.T:Y ou d id a good job!Oh,this girl,e xcuse me,what 拒 your name?S:I 辆 Mary.T:He llo,Mary.S:He llo,Elle n.T:Ple ase say good afte rnoon to Mr.Li.S:Good afte rnoon,Mr.Li.T:Oh,this boy,what 担 your name?T*W hat 拒 wrong with my e ars?I can 挟 he ar you cle arly,y.S:I 辆 John.T:How are you,John?S*I 柄 fine.And how are you?T:I 辆 fine,too.Thank you.Ple ase say good afte rnoon to Mr.Li.S:Good afte rnoon,Mr.Li.T*That 担 a se cre t.How d o you ask some bod y 祖 name?W ho canan te ll me softlyne ar my e ar?S:(小声在教师耳边说)W hat s your name?T*Sorry,I can t he ar you.Loud e r,ple ase.S*(学生稍微大些声)W hat s your name?Loud e r,loud e r,ple ase.S*(全体学生大声说)W hat s your name?T*W ow,my e ars.W hat s wrong with you?I can he ar you.Ple ase ask yourne ighbors like this loud ly.S:(学生练习)T:N o w o p e n y o u r E n g l i s h b o o k s.L e t s l i s t e n,p o i n t a n d s a y.S:(学生跟读、指读)S t e p T h r e e:K n o w l e d g e e x t e n s i o nT:L o o k a t t h e p i ct u r e a t p a g e 8.L e t s a ct.D i a l o g u e I :A*H e l l o,I m .W h a t?s y o u r n a m e?B:H i,I m .W h a t,s y o u r n a m e?C*H i,I m .W h a t?s y o u r n a m e?D:.D i a l o g u e I I:A:G o o d a f t e r n o o n.I m .B:G o o d a f t e r n o o n.I m A*H o w a r e y o u?B:I m f i n e.A n d h o w a r e y o u?A:I m f i n e,t o o.T h a n k y o u.B*G o o d b y e,A:B y e-b y e.S:分小组表演。S t e p F o u r:C o n s o l i d a t i o nT*N e x t l e t s s i n g a s o n g a n d d o t h e a ct i o n s.P l e a s e r e a d t h e l y r i cs f i r s t.G o o d m o r n i n g,S a m.H o w a r e y o u?I m f i n e,t h a n k y o u.A n d h o w a r e y o u?T*(P l a y t h e t a p e r e co r d e r)P l e a s e t r y y o u r b e s t t o l e a r n t o s i n g t o g e t h e r.S*(S i n g l o u d l y a n d f r i e n d l y,a n d d o t h e a ct i o n s)S t e p F i v e:S u m u p a n d h o m e w o r k.T*T o d a y w e l e a r n t h o w t o a s k n a m e.Y o u a l l d i d a g o o d j o b.S p e a k i n g E n g l i s h i sa p i e ce o f ca k e.W o r k h a r d a n d s t u d y h a r d.I t s t i m e t o s a y g o o d b y e.L e t ss i n g a g a i n a n d s a y g o o d b y e t o e a ch o t h e r.(最后唱再见歌结束)课 时 教 案课 题Mod ule 2 Introd uctions教案序号4-2-3授课时间201 69-22课 型练习教学目标1 .使学生能听、说、认读单词Ms,too,and ,boy,girl2.能听懂会说日常问候用语:Good afte rnoon/morning.He llo.Hi.How areyou?3,能听懂并会说会读 Good afte rnoon 和 W hat s your name?4.能流利使用所学句型做简单的自我介绍和日常问好。一教学重难点重 点:能流利使用所学句型做简单的自我介绍和日常问好难 点:能够在实际交际中熟练使用句型How are you?T m fine.And how areyou?向别人问好;W hat s your name句型的使用。教具准备单词卡片、录音机、磁带板书设计Mod ule 2 Introd uctionsHow are you?I m fine,thank you.And how are you?r m fine,too.Good afte rnoon.W hat s your name?I m Sam.教后感通过活动,使学生对课堂知识得到延伸,学生们学习热情高涨,起到了事半功倍的效果。教学过程S t e p I W a r m i n g u p1.G r e e t i n g s.2.S i n g a s o n g.(G o o d m o r n i n g,S a m.)S t e p II R e v i e w1.R e a d t h e n e w w o r d s t o g e t h e r.2.R e v i e w t h e s e n t e n c e s H o w a r e y o u?I m f i n e,t h a n k y o u.A n d h o w a r e y o u?I m f i n e,t o o.G o o d a f t e r n o o n.W h a tJ s y o u r n a m e?I m S a m.S t e p H I Le a r n t h e t e x t(1)Li s t e n,p o i n t a n d s a y.(2)Li s t e n a n d t r y t o u n d e r s t a n d s o m e i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s.(3)Li s t e n a n d r e p e a t.T r y t o i m i t a t e.播放录音,学生跟读模仿。(4)R e a d t h e d i a l o g u e i n p a i r s a n d i n r o l e s.S t e p IV Pr a c t i c e1.Li s t e n a n d s a y,t h e n m a t c h.2.Pa i r w o r k.A*H o w a r e y o u?B*Im f i n e,t h a n k y o u.A n d h o w a r e y o u?A:I m f i n e,t o o.G o o d a f t e r n o o n.B:G o o d a f t e r n o o n.W h a t s y o u r n a m e?A:r m .3.G a m e:Li s t e n a n d d o.4.E x e r c i s e b o o k (配套练习册)S t e p V S u m m a r y教师结合板书引导学生总结主要内容。S t e p V I H o m e w o r k1.听录音,朗读课文三遍。2.自编小对话,同桌内练习。集体备课记录年级二科目英语时间9月23号单元序号3单元内容备课小组成员全体英语老师中心发言人元学标单教目1 Enable the Ss