雅 语G u id e T o I E LT S S p e a k in g 2 0 2 1年1-4月口语题库高分素材目录P a r t i固定常考.1Work/Study.1Home/Accommodation.1Hometown.1The area you live in.2Parti 新题.2Farming.2New Year.3Tree.3Window view.3TV program.3Maths.4Decoration.4Museums.5Taking a rest.5Name.5Being happy.6Singing.6Getting up early.6Reading.7Home country.7Part 1 保留题.7Furniture.7List.8Clothes.8Change.8Recycle.8Weekend.8Concentration.9Handwriting.9Picnic.9Text messages.9In a hurry.10Sports.10Stages of life.10New activities.101Part 2+3 新题.11拜访过但不想住的家.11不喜欢的短途旅行.12第一次吃的食物.14电脑罢工.15对家庭重要的东西.17发挥想象力.18感兴趣的名人.19告诉朋友实情.20给别人建议.22鼓励别人做不愿意做的事.23国际新闻.24教别人的技能.26礼貌的人.27买到开心的东西.28排久久的队.30奇装异服的人.31童年喜欢的玩具.32完美的工作.34无聊的经历.35喜欢的城镇区域.37喜欢的天气.38现场体育比赛.39许下的承诺.40野生动物.41有趣的谈话.42迷路的经历.41Part 2+3 新题.36搞笑电影.44昂贵的活动.45改变看法.46不喜欢的音乐.48好决定.49好消息.50获过得奖.51精力充沛的人.52乐于助人的人.53诗句或歌词.54团队合作.55忘记重要事情.56无聊话题.58喜欢的一家子.?.59熊孩子.60一张照片.有用的书.62长久的追求.63直率的人.64重新联系的老朋友.64聪明的人.65感兴趣的科学领域.65第一次用外语.65国家传统.66国外短期工作.663P a r ti固定常考Work/StudyPart 11.Do you miss being a student?2.Do you like your job?3.Why did you choose to do that type of work(or that job)?4.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?5.Are you looking forward to working?Do you like your subject?6.Why did you choose to study that subject?7.What subjects are you studying?Home/AccommodationPart 11.What do you usually do in your flat?2.What room does your family spend most of the time in?3.Can you describe the place where you live?4.Whats the difference between where you are living now and where you havelived in the past?5.Do you plan to live there for a longtime?6.How long have you lived there?7.What part of your home do you like the most?8.Please describe the room you live in.9.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?10.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?HometownParti1.Is that a big city or a small place?2.Is there anything you dislike about it?3.What do you like(most)about your hometown?4.Do you like living there?5.Do you like your hometown?6.How long have you been living there?i7.Please describe your hometown a little.8.Do you think you will continue living there for a longtime?The area you live inPart 11.Do you like the area that you live in?2.What are some changes in the area recently?3.Do you know any famous people in your area?4.Where do you like to go in that area?Part 1 新题FarmingParti1.Have you visited a farm?Yes,I have.Last year,during summer holiday,I traveled to a farm with my parents,which is located in countryside.I remember the farm is called“Donghai Farm”which is every popular in my hometown.2.What can you do on a farm?I can do many things,such as feeding animals,watering plants and squeezing milk.Wow,these are really different from my daily life.3.Do you think farming is important?Of course.No farming,no food,no human beings.Although the society is developingfast,the farming is always the basic thing for people to survive.4.Are there any farms in your hometown?Yes,there are many farms in countryside of Shanghai,such as Bright Farm in Nanhuidistrict,Donghai Farm in Chongming island and so on.However,there is no farm incity center cos you know Shanghai is full of high-rise buildings.5.What kind of farm is important?Some farms which produce vegetables,meat and milk are very important,cos theyprovide food and drinks for people.Besides,some farms for entertainment are alsoimportant,such as those for people to pick up strawberries,cos it is a way to get ridof pressure.2New YearPart 11.How do you celebrate New Year?2.Do you still remember a new year that you celebrated?3.Do you have any ceremonies to celebrate the New Year in your country?4.Why do people think New Year is a new beginning?TreesParti1.Have you ever planted trees?No I haven t.But I guess maybe in the future I will plant an apple tree in mybackyard,which will give me a sense of achievements.2.What kinds of trees do you plants?Although I am a green hand in this field,maybe in the future I II plant oaks,willows,or pine trees near my home.Thus I can enjoy thriving greenery through my window.3.Where did you plant trees?I planted trees in a park near my home within walking distance of my community.4.Are there many important trees in your country?Pine trees is very important,which symbolizes longevity.No matter where you go inChina,you can many pine trees.5.Do you like planting trees?Yes,I do.It is a quite special activity in my daily life.Apart from letting me take mymind off things,planting trees is also a way to protect environment.You know,treescan absorb carbon dioxide,which is helpful to improve air quality in the long run.Window viewPart 11.What scenery can you see from the window of your home/dormitory?2.Do you like to watch the scenery from your window?3.Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views?4.How do you feel when you cant see only beautiful view from your window?TV programParti31.What kind of TV programs do you like?I like watching many types of programs including reality show,documentary and TVseries.Recently,I watch Running Man everyday,which is a hit reality show amongyoung people.2.Do you stick to one type of program all the time?No,sometimes I like to watch reality show,sometimes TV series.3.Do you talk to your friends about the programs you watched?Yes,I chat with my best friends Lisa everyday about what I have watched.BTW,Lisaand I have a lot in common.TV series are the most frequent topic we talked about.4.Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone?I seldom watch something on the TV because there are too many advertisementswhich is a waste of time.But on my cellphone,I can click Skip the Ads.MathsPart 11.Do students learn maths in secondary schools in China?2.Do you think maths is difficult?3.What can people do with maths in their daily life?4.Do you learn maths now?Why or why not?DecorationPartil.What syour home,s decoration?In my bedroom,there is a painting,which is a copy of Mona Lisa.Also,in my livingroom,there are some Chinese lanterns,Chinese couplets and Chinese knots tocelebrate Spring Festival.2.What kind of decoration do you want to have?I want to buy some bearbricks to make my bedroom more colorful and fashionable.Bearbrick is a new brand to produce toys,which is popular among fashion-forwardpeople.3.Do Chinese people like redecorating their home?Well,it depends.Those who are from rich families like to redecorate their homefrequently,like repainting the wall,maybe they what to change a style.However,formost average people,they seldom redecorate their home.They will save money todo some more important things.4.What is your favourite color when decorating your home?Black,white and grey are my favourite colours,especially black,cos it s cool.So Ihave much black furniture,such as a deck chair and a bookshelf.4MuseumsPartil.Do you like visiting museums?Why?Yes,I do.When I travel to a city,the first thing I do is to visit the local museums,because its the best way to gain a better understanding of local culture,history andcustoms.2.How often do you visit museums?I visit museums from time to time,only when I am free or travelling.3.Are there many museums in your hometown?Yes,of course.There are many kinds of museums here,such as Shanghai ArtMuseums,the military museum and even the smell museum.Among these,thesmell museum is the most popular one,exhibiting loads of perfumes,which attractmany visitors.4.Do you think museums are important?Well,I dont think so,cos there are many museums in Shanghai.No matter whichdistrict you go,you will see some museums.Maybe the government should investmoney in more important fields like public transportation.Taking a restParti1.How often do you take a rest?I often take a rest for 30 minutes every 3 hours when I study.I*II eat some snacks torefresh me.2.Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?When I take a rest at home,I will have a nap on my bed for maybe 20 minutes.But atschool,I couldnt take a nap cos it s very noisy.3.How do you feel after taking a nap?I will feel energetic and concentrate on my study well.For me,taking a nap can putme in a good mood.4.What do you like to do at rest?I do many things at rest,such as doing yoga,listening to some light music,and havinga meditation.Among these,meditation is my favorite way to take my mind off things.NameParti1.Is it easy for you to remember peoples names?52.How do you remember peoples names?3.How do you feel when people can*t remember your name?4.Do you often forget peoples names?Being happyParti1.Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?2.What do you do to stay happy?3.Can you stay happy all the time?4.Is it important to be happy?SingingPart 11.Do you like singing?Yes,I do.I like many types of songs,such as rap and R&B,I go to sing karaoke withmy friends almost every week,especially at weekends.2.Where do you sing?I always sing in a karaoke near my home,called Hollyday.It only takes me 5 min towalk there.3.Will you take singing courses in the future?Yes,I will.Since I dont have any talent for singing and actually I m a tone-deaf,Iwant to learn something about how to sing on key and how to write lyrics.4.Did you enjoy singing when you were young?Yes,I did.when I was in secondary school,I sang pop songs,which was a way for meto unwind.Getting up earlyParti1.Do you get up early?No,I dont.I usually get up at midday,cos I m a night owl.Only when I need to havea brunch or have a test,I will get up early.2.What do you do in the morning?I do many things in the morning.Apart from brushing my teeth and washing my face,I usually do aerobics,such as jogging and yoga.3.Do you think breakfast is important?6Of course,breakfast enables me to be energetic.Thus I can focus on my study well.4.Which morning of the week do you like most?Of course the Saturday and Sunday morning.I can collapse on my bed for the wholeday and don*t need to rush to school.5.Do you want to change your morning routine in the future?Yes,I do.Maybe in the future,I tend to listen to BBC news in the morning to practicemy English,meanwhile getting some international news.What s more,I want tomake breakfast for my family members.ReadingPart 11.Do you like reading?2.Do you like to read at home or in other places?3.In what place do you think it is difficult to read?4.Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?Home countryParti1.Which part of your country do you want to live in?2.What makes you feel proud of your country?3.Do you know the history of your country well?4.Will you stay in China in the future?P a rti保留题FurnitureParti1.Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?2.Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?3.What kind of furniture would you like to buy?4.Which furniture do you like best in your home?7ListPart 11.Do you make a list when you shop?2.Do you make a list for your work?(Does it work?)3.Why dont some people like making lists?4.Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?ClothesPart 11.Whats your favorite color of clothes?2.What kind of clothes do you never wear?3.What kind of clothes do you usually wear?4.Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?ChangePart 11.Have you changed a lot since your childhood?2.What do you plan to change next year?3.Do you like changes?Why?4.Are there any changes in your hometown?RecyclePart 11.Do you recycle now?Why?2.Did you recycle when you were a kid?3.Will you recycle in the future?4.What kind of things do you recycle?WeekendParti1.What do you usually do on weekends?2.Did you do anything special last weekend?83.What will you do next weekend?4.What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?ConcentrationParti1.When do you need to be focused?2.What may distract you when you*re trying to stay focused?3.What do you do to help you concentrate?4.Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?HandwritingPart 11.Do you often write with a pen?2.Can we tell someones personality from his or her handwriting?3.Whats the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?4.Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?PicnicParti1.Did you go on a picnic when you were a child?2.How often do you go on a picnic now?3.Where do you go on a picnic?4.What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home?Text messagesPart 11.Do you like texting?2.Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?3.Have you ever received a confusing text message?4.In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?9In a hurryPart 11.What do you always do in a hurry?Why?2.What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?3.Do you usually go out in a hurry?4.Do you like to be in a hurry?SportsParti1.What sports did you do when you were a kid?2.Whats your favorite sport?Why?3.Do you watch sport matches?Why?4.Are you a fan of any sport teams?Why?Stages of lifePart 11.Do you enjoy your current stage of life?2.In which stage of your life were you the happiest?3.Which stage of your life do you think is the most important?4.Whats your plan for your next stage of life?New activitiesPart 11.Do you have any new activities recently?Yes,I do.Recently I m crazy about playing escape rooms,which is very popularamong young people,almost every weekend.I really like finding clues to escape andbrainstorming with my friends.2.Do you like to take part in new activities?Yes,I do.I often go to sing karaoke and do some extreme sports,including scubadiving.Actually,I go scuba-diving every month in Hainan.In the future,I want to trysky-diving and bungee jumping.3.Do you usually like to participate in new activities with friends or byyourself?I prefer to hang out with my friends,which is a way to bring us closer together.But ifI go by myself,I will feel boring and sometimes dangerous.ioPart 2+3 新题拜访过但不想住的家Part2Describe a home that you visited but did not want to live inYou should say:Where it isWhat it is likeWhy you visited itAnd explain why you would not like to live thereMy friend,John lives in a small apartment here in Shanghai.He loves to live alone and hisapartment looks really nice.Thank you for the smart question and I will describe the apartmentnow.John is the owner of this small apartment.It is around 600 square feet.He lives alone here thoughhis parents live on the upper floor of the apartment building.The apartment was meant forcommercial purposes but he has got the apartment for himself after lots of struggles with hisparents.In fact,they did not want John to stay alone.But John had to undergo some struggles toget it.The apartment building is located in the centre of the city of Shanghai and it was meant for a shopor any commercial space.In fact,Johns father is a local businessman and he planned theapartment in that way to sell or rent it.But John let not that happen.He is an extrovert and loves tomeet with people.Sometimes,he also practices a musical instrument.Since the practice in hisbedroom causes disturbance to his family environment,he needed a place of his own.Accordingly,he claimed the apartment and now is happy with that.Th