Memo 格式(养成习惯,全部左对齐):很多时候,题目本身已经帮你写好,不是考核的重点to:mike lee,account manager(title,optional)from:same as above date:21 may 1999(p16写分,加减法)subject:1.一般不多千5个字2.名词加名词changesof meeting/apologies for delay/announcement of O,ristmas party 3.adj.+n.Eg.personal mobile body initial(optional)C.C(optional)Example:p9写分审题顺序a.Who are you?b.Who do you write to?Subordinate,superior,colleague,or a customer.c.What is it about?Bad/good news,express gratitude or scolding.肛Decidethe register(informal/formal;direct/polite)wore今In thlS queshon,Very Forma|,pohte.d.Point sequence怎样排列没有问题,只要有逻辑就行了Logic:1-4-3-2/1-4-2-3先告诉有这件事,然后在说细节,总分总第一个内容点仁匀型的应用:通知,宣布消息的句型:1.I am delighted/glad/happy to form a I to inf arm a宣布好消息2.Please be informed/be advised that/note that/formal to informal侄消惠的类型比我空佐3.We are afraid that.I We are sorry to inform you/We regret to inform you宣布坏消息这里不用announce,囚为之前说过尽垃不要抄题干的单词,请换词,换词也是bee写作中的一个重要考核技能“丰宫的词汇”。We are glad to informal you that the annual xmas party would be held at 7,00pm on Wednesday,18th of December/1 i h,December in boarding hall as scheduled(换了planned).这里有三点 tj 1用we而不用I,因为在商务写作里,可以用we的地方,尽量用we因 为,商务里更偏爱团队的口吻。2.用被动表示更正式,而主动是更偏向意愿。3.具体时间的表达和他们的介词。At+具体几点(一定要说明amor pm或者用24小时制),on+具体的日子(儿月几号,星期几),in+年,月。第二个内容点:All staff with company are welcomed。(withcompany比withpartner更正式)第三:The programmes available are given/shown below:A three-course dinner,dance,and raffle.商务常识:不要写24-26,因为不会有人去公司的party,一般:schedule在13-20左右补充:对千数字的写法,10以上的用Arabicdigit,1 O以下用英文。O,7,的手写体。Note:p3写分格式:to:name.time/date messaqe:四Siqnature(mlha|)/messaqe taken by”name”Example:p14写分语气:因为是写给salesmanager,可能是你的上司,也可能不是;但从题目看来,你应该是一个buyer(buy some software for your department),由此推断你跟写信的对方,至少不是同一个department,并且是请求;因此,语气相对的要客气,formal.内容点顺序:这里,应该先解释了为什么衙要samples才提出要求-2-1-3第二个(2nd)内容点:知youmight know,(不会太突兀,适当的承接词可以给你加印象分)Microsoft,our software provider(是用同位语,让你的文坴更商务,给人的感觉更严谨),hasshown(换词)someinterest in our laser printers.1 st&3rd内容点:for this selling opportunities/with this purpose(承接词),Iwould be thankful if I can have your permission for taking(换词)someproduct brochures(20)business思路,先把主要的东西说出来,次要的东西方后面plus(换词)sampleprinters(a1,a2,a3)表示不同型号at3 pm on Wednesday,15th,October(事件的表达)对时间,还可以用by,before.或者你对长句没信心,可以把上面分成两个句子and if I can have the items at.,that would be ortant/crucial/vital for the presentation.请求的句型:1.please do./1 would like you to do上司对下属2.would/could you please do.3.do you think you could possibly do.2.3一般客气4.we would(greatly)appreciate it if you-5.we would be very thankful(grateful)if you.4.5非常客气和正式,对上司,对客户。字数问题另外一个习惯就是,养成数字数的习惯,每写完一段一句,粗略估计一下字数。因为考试时,只要内容点包括了,基本上是不会少字的,怕就只怕写太多,包含了一些多余的信息。一般part1不要超过55,part2,150。p16写分的iv,改写成ema仆格式:to:from date subject cc bcc Email attachment:(attached you will find the agenda/pis find attached the agenda/I am attaching the agenda)enclose dear:/tow hom it may concern main body best regards signature(electronic signature)name tit le 确定语气:因 为barry直呼其名,可以推断不会不太熟,但最好还是formal点为好。记住,当不确定时,客气点,正式点保险;礼多人不怪。内容点顺序1-2-3 1st 凡是这种情况,出了点什么事,导致要道歉,或是感谢;首先应该是告诉别人这件事,否则有同学一来就道歉,对方可能还没反应过来。Dear Barry:I am sorry to tell you that I couldnt attend tomorrows meeting as scheduled due to an urgent meeting(unexpected issue).Please accept my apology for any inconvenience incurred(句型)Shallwe meet at 3 pm tomorrow at my office(句型)?Iwill appreciate仆if you can let me know at your earliest convenience.Regards Mike 3.道歉句型A Sorry for any trouble this has caused.B.We apologised for any inconvenience caused.C.Rease accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience incurred.程度升高。4.提议的句型a.shall we do b.would you like to.c.how about doing(较casual一点)5.尽快a.as soon as possible/as soon as you/I can对下屈,对自己b.at the earliest opportunity较中性c.at your earliest convenience很客气More practice:首先:Messagep14 you are the secretary,Microsoft sales Mgr,John(同位语不但严谨,更提醒了john是谁)called in.he said he wanted us to try our best to finish the project before Friday.Best to call back.Now please leave a message to your manager.To:Mr.Iverson Message:9 am.5th st has turn out to be 25,000rmb more than estimated If you are not convinced with words above,I personally would be happy to give an in-depth presentation.David Test3 p68 Business background:Flextime Advantages of flexible working hours 珈ployeeshave greater freedom Can make travelling easier(e.g.avoiding commuting during the normal rush-hour)Improved morale and reducing absence and lateness Reduction in overtime and less lost time since long lunch breaks or late arrivals are not recorded as time worked Disadvantages of flexible working hours Qsts involved in administering the scheme If the premises are open longer,there may be increased costs for lighting and heating 巳nployeeswill not be in work at certain times and therefore it may not be suitable for organisations where continuous cover is necessary.P110 answer Sample D.bad points and revises the report with the same content.Rndings second paragraph Due to the fact that the majority of our staff need to take care of children,they prefer flexible working hours.Besides,some office are in poor condition.The worst is that some staff dont even have enough natural light by Health and Safety standard.Rnally,complaints about less paid holiday form another issue.It is recommended that we should increase it to the average level in the industry.Qnclusion In a word,working conditions are generally acceptable according to the most staff.And it is wise to rectify the remaining problems so that we can in turn achieve a better productivity.