letters and calls,aletters and calls,a ndnd do prado practical tctical things for things for the massehe masses coms combine gbine good,effective through reaood,effective through rea chiching peng people at the serviople at the servi ce of the last mile.Tce of the last mile.T hird,foster third,foster the develhe developmeopment of new ent of new e nergy,nergy,new General Senew General Se cretary XI Jicretary XI Ji npinping stresseng stressed develd developmeopment of innovation forest restructuring,revitalization of thent of innovation forest restructuring,revitalization of theol old industriald industrial bases ibases in Northeastn Northeast ChiChina is the States major strategy,na is the States major strategy,Central haCentral has issueds issued comprcompreheehensivensive opiopinions of revitalizinions of revitalizi ng Nortng Northeast Chinaheast China andand otherother old iold industrial bandustrial bases,tses,the CPC Cehe CPC Central Committee on revitalizatintral Committee on revitalizati on inon in NortNortheast China wheast China were.Vere.Vigorousigorous detdetermination doesermination does not waver,the wnot waver,the work does not slork does not slackenacken off.Be firm with in theoff.Be firm with in the develdevelopmentopment has more thas more to doo do with harwith hard,and not muddle ald,and not muddle al ong,ong,passivpassive inae inaction.Tction.To reo rely on tly on their owheir own efforts,can efforts,cant wait,cant wait,cant wait,stand still.Tnt wait,stand still.T hishis not only prnot only providesovides newnew opportunities foropportunities for development indevelopment in our regiour region,aon,and gavend gave us neus new requirements.w requirements.We must seize the opportunity,fullWe must seize the opportunity,full useuse of national policy,haof national policy,ha s to be ms to be more comore complicateplicated,to start and target,give full play to td,to start and target,give full play to t heheinitiative of leadiinitiative of leadi ng cang cadres at all leveldres at all level s,active,s,active,active,foactive,fo cusicusing on building new momentng on building new moment um for develum for devel opmentopment,accelerating transformation,accelerating transformation of forest develof forest devel opment.To imopment.To implement tplement the nehe new develw devel opmeopment philosophy.nt philosophy.PhiPhilosophy is thelosophy is the action guiaction guide,de,new ideas anew ideas a nd new devend new developmelopments.nts.CarryingCarrying out innovout innovation,cooration,coordinatidination aon andnd developmentdevelopment of green,opeof green,ope n,shared in,shared ideas,must be meadeas,must be mea surablsurable,diree,direct actict action witon with neh new develw developmeopment concepts,traint concepts,trai ning caning cadres.dres.In aIn a new development concept anew development concept a s a yardstis a yardstick.Estack.Established iblished in line wn line with theith the newnew conceconcept of evaluatipt of evaluati on system aon system and evalnd evaluation criteriuation criteri on,on,embodiesembodies the newthe new develdevelopmentopment polipolicy,cy,organizatiorganization,maon,mandate imndate implementation,always meaplementation,always mea suresured by the newd by the new develdevelopmentopment philphilosophy,osophy,conticontinuous correction of forest transitionnuous correction of forest transitioncourse.course.In aIn a new development concept for tnew development concept for t he pathe path commah command.And.As part of the implementats part of the implementatonon of the neof the new develw developmeopment philosophy followent philosophy followe d and actid and action guion guidelidelines,firmly adjusted,nes,firmly adjusted,correcorrected acted and reject unsuitablend reject unsuitable,ina,inappropriate appropriate a nd evend even againstn againstthe newthe new develdevelopment iopment ideas,deas,bebehaviors ahaviors andnd practipractices,moreces,more pragmatic approapragmatic approa chch basebased on a brd on a br oad visioad vision,on,and creatively carry out eand creatively carry out e colcologicaogical construction,industrial devell construction,industrial devel opmeopment,improvint,improving peng peoploples livelies livelihood,hood,such as tsuch as the whe work to ensure tork to ensure t hat newhat new develdevelopment iopment ideas take root in forest areadeas take root in forest area s.In as.In a new devnew development concept for weaelopment concept for wea pon trainipon training cang cadre.Educatidre.Education leaon leaders in tders in t he nehe new,w,nothinothing two articlng two articl es,ees,enhanhancincing vitality and power.ng vitality and power.CombiCombinedned develdevelopmeopment six big industry,ant six big industry,a nd implnd implementation three bigementation three big engineering,aengineering,a ndnd create two big ecreate two big e nvironment,strengtnvironment,strengt henihening on newng on new develdevelopmeopment,andnt,and new enew economy conceptconomy concept of learniof learning,and graspng,and grasp andand usiusing,realng,real put thougput thought andht and action unified toaction unified to newnew developmentdevelopment conceconcept up,at withpt up,at with new development concept armenew development concept arme d himsed himself,and guilf,and guide prade practicectice,effective do a,effective do a dvocate innovation,advocate innovation,a nd focusend focused on coord on coor dinatidination,aon,and and advocate gredvocate green,aen,and tnd thick plant open,and advahick plant open,and adva ncence shareshared.Second,we must rely on Scied.Second,we must rely on Scie nce ance and tend technolchnology affects.Togy affects.T chnical innovation ischnical innovation isthe promotithe promotionon of economiof economi c transformation and upgrac transformation and upgra ding,ding,quality aquality and efficiend efficiency first powncy first power.er.职职业业生生涯涯规规划划书书扉扉页页姓名姓名:性别性别:男:男班级:市政班级:市政 11011101学号:学号:学校:学校:学院学院:环境科学与工程学院:环境科学与工程学院QQQQ:联系电话:联系电话:身份证号:身份证号:E-mail:E-mail:livelihood,ilivelihood,is related tos related to peoples wpeoples well-being aell-being a ndnd social harmony and stabilitsocial harmony and stabilit y.Wey.We need tneed to proteo protect and improve the livelihood of thect and improve the livelihood of thepeople as the starting point apeople as the starting point a nd end endinding point of transiting point of transiti on aon and imprnd improve forest peove forest peopleoples feeling and has feeling and ha ppippiness.To promness.To promote poverty relief aote poverty relief a nd development work.Implnd development work.Impl ementing poverty alleviation crementing poverty alleviation cr ucialucial projeproject is a major strategict is a major strategi c dec decisicision madeon made by the CPCby the CPC Central Committee,is also determineCentral Committee,is also determine d by the provid by the provi ncial first project,we must unify thincial first project,we must unify thi nking anking and and action to the rection to the re quiremequirements of the Central,prnts of the Central,pr ovincial,resolutely wiovincial,resolutely wi n then the poverty battle.Tpoverty battle.T he previhe previ ous phaseous phase I to 18 stations,Tahe,I to 18 stations,Tahe,Pine RiPine Ridge research,visitedge research,visite d many of the poor,go,the heavied many of the poor,go,the heavie r,more prer,more pressurssure.For poverty relief ande.For poverty relief and development wdevelopment w ork,we mustork,we must pay attention tpay attention to it,always in mio it,always in mi nd,graspingnd,grasping hands,shouldhands,should not benot be blindly optimistic,tblindly optimistic,t here cahere can ben be no slack.no slack.Poverty alleviatiPoverty alleviati on aon and developmentnd developmentes in prees in precise,acise,accurate.Preccurate.Present,isent,in order to findn order to find out the realout the real basebase of poor peof poor pe ople aople as soon as soon as possis possible,come up withble,come up withfeasible poverty standards,state card,feasible poverty standards,state card,builtbuilt on ton the bahe basissis of documeof docume nt management.To firmly establish the nt management.To firmly establish the poverty reductipoverty reducti on concept,increase ton concept,increase t he intehe intensity of resournsity of resour ce integration,ace integration,a nd relatend related funding,with limited funding,with limite d funds wid funds wisely.Bysely.By usiusing a combing a combi nation of emplnation of empl oyment,eoyment,entreprentrepreneurship forneurship for poverty eradication poverty eradipoverty eradication poverty eradi cation,educatication,educati on,on,poverty allpoverty alleviation,medieviation,medi cal aid of poverty means,due to effectscal aid of poverty means,due to effectsof poliof policies,those policies,those poli cies,ecies,ensure thensure the comcompletion of missipletion of missi onon objectives forobjectives for povertypoverty eradicatieradication for ton for the year.The year.To o activelyactively promote tpromote the constrhe constructiuctionon of new tof new towns.In February towns.In February t his yeahis year,promulgater,promulgate d by the State Councild by the State Council on furton further prher promotingomoting urbaurbanization constructinization constructi onon of newof new opiopinions,nions,proposed to aproposed to a dhere to tdhere to t he people-centerehe people-centere d,four moderd,four moder nizatinizationsons synchronizatisynchronizati on,on,optimizatioptimization,eon,ecolcology civogy civilization and culturalilization and cultural heritageheritage of newof new urbaurbanization patnization path withh with ChiChinesenese characteristicharacteristi cs.Acs.Accorccordingdingo distrio district-wict-wide constructide constructi onon of civilizedof civilized city and thecity and the beautifbeautiful countryul countryside,fside,further streurther stre ngthengtheningning of urbaof urban ntransport,water supply atransport,water supply a ndnd drainage adrainage andnd sewage,wastesewage,waste disposal ground,underground,such as infrastructuredisposal ground,underground,such as infrastructureconstruction,strive to create aconstruction,strive to create a safer and msafer and m ore livableore livable environment.environment.To aTo actively seize tctively seize the full sthe full stop aop and opportunities for poverty alleviation and devnd opportunities for poverty alleviation and development,furtherelopment,further efforts to increaefforts to increa se forest villages merge,se forest villages merge,population to the County(distripopulation to the County(distri ct)Council sites act)Council sites a ndnd centrecentres concentrated is concentrated i n villages an villages and towns.Comnd towns.Com binebined develd developmeopment of urban constructint of urban constructi on aon and tnd tourism iourism industries,ndustries,careful placareful planninning and constrng and constr uctiuctionon of a number of suitaof a number of suita ble for resible for residential adential and farm tour towns and farm tour towns a nd vnd villages,fillages,f orming one villageorming one village oneone product,product,a feature pattern.a feature pattern.Closer to the maCloser to the ma sses.Sisses.Since last year,nce last year,our iour in-deptn-depth implementatih implementati onon of the leadiof the leading cang cadres of grassrdres of grassroots masses at woots masses at w ork,solve tork,solve the prhe problemoblems of a large number of people,get the masses give ws of a large number of people,get the masses give wholeholeheartedhearted support to and praise,this wsupport to and praise,this w ork willork will carry on,absolutelycarry on,absolutely cannotcannot or movement.or movement.Grassroots masseGrassroots masse s and cas and cadres indres in comcombination witbination wit h poverty reh poverty reduction,comduction,com binebined dwith the steawith the steady work ofdy work ofletters and calls,aletters and calls,a ndnd do prado practical tctical things for things for the massehe masses coms combine gbine good,effective through reaood,effective through rea chiching peng people at the serviople at the servi ce of the last mile.Tce of the last mile.T hird,foster third,foster the develhe developmeopment of new ent of new energy,nergy,new General Senew General Se cretary XI Jicretary XI Ji npinping stresseng stressed develd developmeopment of innovation forest restructuring,revitalization of thent of innovation forest restructuring,revitalization of theol old industriald industrial bases ibases in Northeastn Northeast ChiChina is the States major strategy,na is the States major strategy,Central haCentral has issueds issued comprcompreheehensivensive opiopinions of revitalizinions of revitalizi ng Nortng Northeast Chinaheast China andand otherother old iold industrial bandustrial bases,tses,the CPC Cehe CPC Central Committee on revitalizatintral Committee on revitalizati on inon in NortNortheast China wheast China were.Vere.Vigorousigorous determination doesdetermination does not wavnot waver,the wer,the work does not slork does not slackenacken off.Be firm with in theoff.Be firm with in the develdevelopmentopment has more thas more to doo do with harwith hard,and not muddle ald,and not muddle al ong,ong,passivpassive inae inaction.Tction.To reo rely on tly on their owheir own efforts,can efforts,cant wait,cant wait,cant wait,stand still.Tnt wait,stand still.T hishis not only prnot only providesovides newnew opportunities foropportunities for development indevelopment in our regiour region,aon,and gavend gave us neus new requirements.w requirements.We must seize the opportunity,fullWe must seize the opportunity,fulluseuse of national policy,haof national policy,ha s to be ms to be more comore complicateplicated,to start and target,give full play to td,to start and target,give full play to t heheinitiative of leadiinitiative of leadi ng cang cadres at all leveldres at all level s,active,s,active,active,focusiactive,focusi ng on building new momentng on building new moment um for develum for devel opmentopment,accelerating transformation,accelerating transformation of forest develof forest devel opment.To imopment.To implement tplement the nehe new develw developmeopment philosophy.nt philosophy.PhiPhilosophy is thelosophy is the action guiaction guide,de,new ideas anew ideas a nd new devend new deve lopmelopments.nts.CarryingCarrying out innovout innovation,cooration,coordinatidination aon andnd developmentdevelopment of green,opeof green,ope n,shared in,shared ideas,must be meadeas,must be mea surablsurable,diree,direct actict action witon with neh new develw developmeopment concepts,traint concepts,trai ning caning cadres.dres.In aIn a new development concept anew development concept a s a yardstis a yardstick.Estack.Established iblished in line wn line with theith the newnew conceconcept of evaluatipt of evaluati on system aon system and evalnd evaluation criteriuation criter