绝密启用前2022年全国卷地区高考英语仿真模拟试题卷注意事项:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 .请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明评卷人 得分-、阅读理解(共 15题,每题2 分,共 30分)How It Feels to Floatby Helena FoxIf yo u re lo o kin g fo r a mo vin g sto ry that ex plo res themes o f men talilln ess,g rief(悲痛),an d lo ve,pick up a co py o f How It Feels to Float an dfo llo w B iz as she co mes o f ag e.This mo vin g n o vel w ill stay w ith yo u lo n gafter yo u fin ish readin g it.Two Can Keep a Secretby Karen M.McManusPut o n yo ur crime-so lvin g cap an d g et sw ept aw ay in this thriller abo uta g irl,a bo y,an d a strin g o f un so lved murders.A s threats an d clues pileup,yo u 1 1 be burn in g the midn ig ht o il tryin g to fin ish the bo o k befo re daw n.Forest of a Thousand Lanternsby Julie C.DaoThe first bo o k in the Rise o f the Empress series takes the bo n es o f atraditio n al fairy tale-a po o r g irl fated to have po w er,an evil queendetermin ed to sto p her,lo ve fo r so meo n e w ho do esn,t lo ve back an d mag ic 一an d g ives yo u a richly imag in ed East A sian settin g.Duneby Frank HerbertIf the Star Wars mo vies have made yo u fall in lo ve w ith the space o pera,even tually yo u re g o in g to read Fran k Herbert*s mo st famo us creatio n.Thesto ry o f cen turies-o ld po litical plo ttin g abo ut w arrin g factio n s(派系)battlin g o ver co n tro l o f the ex tremely valuable plan et A rrakis 一 is a classican d remain s a w o n derful in tro ductio n to the larg er,mo re co mplex w o rld o fscien ce fictio n just beyo n d the Star Wars trilo g y.1.What is How It Feels to Float main ly abo ut?A.The murder o f a teen ag e g irl.B.A g irl s space adven tures.D.A po o r g irl w ith specialC.Challen g es o f g ro w in g up.po w ers.2.What kin d o f bo o k is Two Can Keep a Secret?A.A fairy tale.B.A scien ce-fictio n sto ry.C.A lo ve sto ry.D.A detective sto ry.3.Which bo o k is abo ut battlin g fo r co n tro l o f an o ther plan et?A.How It Feels to Float.B.Two Can Keep a Secret.C.Forest of a Thousand Lanterns,D.Dune.E-cig arettes lead to as man y lun g diseases as to bacco pro ducts,a n ewstudy has fo un d.The repo rt fro m the Un iversity o f No rth Caro lin a at ChapelHill co mpared saliva(唾液)samples fro m to bacco smo kers,e-cig arettesmo kers an d n o n smo kers.Researchers fo un d that e-cig arette smo kers w erelikely to develo p dan g ero us pro tein s asso ciated w ith lun g diseases such asCOPD an d cystic fibro sis.The study adds to a g ro w in g bo dy o f eviden cepro vin g that e-cig arettes mig ht n o t be the perfect altern ative smo kersaddicted to to bacco are lo o kin g fo r.Last year a Surg eo n Gen eralJ s repo rt claimed that the use o f e-cig arettes amo n g a certain g ro up o f peo ple jumped 9 0 0 percen t fro m 2 0 1 1 to2 0 1 5 an d mo re studies w ere carried o ut to research their side effects.Thatsame year,the FDA put e-cig arettes in the to bacco pro ducts theadmin istratio n mo n ito rs.Previo us research fro m UCLA has pro ven that e-cig arettes can cause lifelo n gdamag e to o n e*s heart,an d that o n e puff(吸一口烟)o f an e-cig arette isall it takes to in crease o n e s risk o f havin g a heart attack.Fo r the n ewstudy UNC researchers o bserved 1 5 e-cig arette users,1 4 cig arette smo kersan d 1 5 n o n smo kers.The smo kin g status o f the participan ts w as co n firmedw ith a urin e(尿)test.The study revealed that e-cig arette smo kers haveraised levels o f n eutro phil-ex tracellular-trap(NET)-related pro tein s intheir airw ays.NET pro tein s fig ht o ff patho g en s,but in creased levels o fthem can lead to lun g illn esses.The pro tein s are asso ciated w ith COPD an dcystic fibro sis,bo th o f w hich make it difficult fo r patien ts to breathe.E-cig arette smo kers also have in creased NET levels o utside o f theirlun g s.This can cause cell death in tissues.The study s autho rsasso ciated this in crease w ith diseases such as pso riasis,lupus an dvasculitis,but they said mo re research n eeds to be do n e to co n firm thislin k.A dditio n ally,the an alysis said e-cig arette smo kers have an in creasedrisk o f sufferin g fro m bro n chitis,asthma,bro n chiectasis an d w heezin g.Study autho r Dr Mehmet Keismer said:There is co n fusio n abo ut w hethere-cig arettes are safer than cig arettes because the po ten tial adverseeffects o f e-cig arettes are o n ly beg in n in g to be studied.Our resultssug g est that e-cig arettes mig ht be just as bad as cig arettes.z/Dr Keismeralso stressed that e-cig arettes co me w ith their o w n harmful risks alo n gw ith tho se lin ked to to bacco,w hich challen g es the co n cept that sw itchin gfro m cig arettes to e-cig arettes is a healthier altern ative.A citizen n amed Dycln a said,“The e-cig arettes pro bably make yo u co ug hless,but n o bo dy g ives a w arn in g abo ut yo ur lun g s.Fo r man ufacturers,it sjust a mo n ey thin g -it s just abo ut g ettin g pro fits fro m it.The pro blemis that o ur g o vern men t just stan ds there w ith its han ds behin d the back.4.Why did the FDA list e-cig arettes in to mo n ito red pro ducts?A.It mig ht realize the harm o f them.B.It w an ted to impro ve their quality.C.It aimed to reduce their illeg al sales.D.It mig ht be w arn ed by the g o vern men t.5.What harm do es the in creased level o f NET do to peo ple?A.Leading to psoriasis.B.Spoiling people s appetite.C.Making breathing hard.D.Speeding people s heartbeat.6.What do es Dr Keismer thin k o f the view that e-cig arettes can cause sideeffects?A.Critical.B.Doubtful.C.Approving.D.Indifferent.7.What do es Dycln a main ly w an t to ex press?A.E-cig arettes are safer than reg ular o n es.B.E-cig arettes can o n ly ben efit few peo ple.C.Man ufactures make a hig h pro fit fro m e-cig arettes.D.Go vern men ts are to blame fo r e-cig arettes?co n sumptio n.Fin din g time to en jo y life is beco min g harder an d harder.A s the averag ew o rkw eek len g then s,leisure time dro ps.Y et so me o f the w o rld s busiestpeo ple are able to develo p rew ardin g careers an d also make time fo r familyan d leisure activities.Here is their best advice plus that o f timeman ag emen t ex perts:1.Use yo ur peak ho urs w isely.Peo ple ten d to be mo st alert in late mo rn in g an d mideven in g.A ftern o o nbrin g s an in crease in sleepin ess.Use yo ur hig h-efficien cy ho urs to han dledifficult jo bs o r en g ag e in creative thin kin g.Fo r lo w-efficien cy times,co n cen trate o n clean in g up o r so rtin g yo ur mail.B y adaptin g to yo ur men talco n ditio n,yo u can acco mplish mo re in less time.2.Make a plan.Just 2 0 min utes o f o rg an izin g can save an ho ur o f ex tra effo rtrememberin g w hat must be do n e.Do n t try to carry yo ur life aro un d inyo ur head,“says Lucy Hedrick,autho r o f FiveDaystoanOrganizedLife.aWrite thin g s do w n so yo u can free yo ur brain fo r mo re in ven tive pursuit(追求).3.Disco urag e dro p-in s.The perso n w ho w elco mes every visito r w ill g et plen ty o f co n versatio nbut w o n,t acco mplish much.The trick is to develo p harmless w ays to pro tect yo urself fro m min utestealin g in terruptio n s.David E.Levy,a public-relatio n s co n sultan t(顾问),uses an altern ative to the o pen-do o r po licy by keepin g his do o r halfo pen.The messag e is clear:he really do esn,t w an t yo u to co me in,but yo ucan if it is impo rtan t.4.Tame(驯服)the telepho n e.Few devices save mo re min utes-o r w aste so man y mo re-than thetelepho n e.Sig n al the en d o f yo ur co n versatio n w ith a phrase such asuB efo re w e han g up Y o u can save even mo re time by n o t takin g everyin co min g call.Keep a reco rd o f w hen peo ple yo u call reg ularly are least busy an d callthem at tho se times.Even better,make appo in tmen ts to call impo rtan tco n tacts.To help us g ain an ex tra ho ur every day,a clo ckmaker in Dallas hascreated a timer measurin g each min ute at 5 7.6 seco n ds.The 2.5 seco n dsbo rro w ed fro m each min ute add up to an ex tra 6 0 min utes at the en d o f eachday.8.A cco rdin g to Lucy Hedrick,yo u sho uld.A.carry o ut yo ur plan s w hen yo u are freeB.sto p o ccupyin g yo ur min d w ith lo ts o f thin g sC.fo rg et everythin g an n o yin g w hen takin g a w alkD.en jo y yo ur life w hen ever yo u can9.Why do es David E.Levy keep his do o r half o pen?A.To sho w dro p-in s are n o t w elco me at all.B.To tell dro p-in s to co me if they w an t.C.To keep un impo rtan t visito rs fro m dro ppin g in.D.To in dicate he is ex pectin g a visito r.10.W ho works most efficiently according to the passage?A.An editor who is trying to produce a title for his article in theafternoon.B.A manager who is designing selling plans with his office door open.C.A visitor to a mayor without making an appointment.D.A student in class without taking any incoming calls.11.What s the best title of the passage?A.Gain an Extra Hour Every Day B.Live One Day at a TimeC.How to Live Your Life to theD.Create Your Own OpportunitiesFullestThe surprising experiment I am about to describe proves that air is allaround you and that it presses down upon you.Air pressure is a powerfulforce.W hen you swim underwater,you can feel water pushing on your body.The air all around you does the same.However,your body is so used to itthat you do not notice this.The pressure is caused by a layer of aircalled the atmosphere.This layer surrounds the Earth,extending to aboutfive kilometers above the EarthJ s surface.The following experiment is an easy one that you can do at home.But makesure that you are supervised,because you will need to use matches.Now forthe experiment!What you needA hard-boiled egg without the shellA bottle with a neck slightly smaller than the eggA piece of paper A matchMethodCheck that the egg will sit firmly on the neck of the bottle.Tear the paper into strips and put the strips into the bottle.Light the paper by dropping a burning match into the bottle.Quickly sit the egg on the neck of the bottle.ResultAstonishingly,the egg will be sucked into the bottle.Your friends willbe amazed when you show them the experiment.But be careful when you handlematches.Why it happenedAs the paper burns,it needs oxygen and uses up the oxygen(air)in thebottle.The egg acts as a seal in the neck of the bottle,so no more aircan get inside.This reduces the air pressure inside the bottle.The airpressure must equalize,so more air from outside must enter the bottle.Theoutside air presses against the egg and then the egg is pushed into thebottle!This proves that air is all around and that it is pressing down onus.12.W hy is there the need to take care when you are doing the experiment?A.The bottle could break.B.You need to light the paper with a match.C.The egg needs to be shelled.D.The egg has to be perfectly placed on the neck of the bottle.13.In the experiment,the burning inside the bottlecan.A.equalize the air pressure inside and outsideB.make a seal in the n eck o f the bo ttleC.fin ish up the o x yg en in side the bo ttleD.Pro duce mo re o x yg en in side the bo ttle1 4.Ho w did the eg g g et in to the bo ttle?A.The o x yg en in side the bo ttle sucked the eg g in.B.It became so ft w itho ut the shell.C.The n eck o f the bo ttle w as w ide en o ug h.I).The o utside air pressure fo rced it in to the bo ttle.1 5.The ex perimen t is carried o ut to prove.A.w ater pushes o n yo ur bo dy w hen yo u sw im un derw aterB.the earth is surro un ded by a layer o f air called the atmo sphereC.the pressure o f air aro un d us has a po w erful fo rceD.the air pressure is n o t equalized aro un d us评卷人 得分-二、七选五(共 5 题,每题2 分,共 10分)The In tern et has o pen ed up a w ho le n ew o n lin e w o rld fo r us to meet,an d g o w here w e ve n ever been befo re.chatB ut just as in face to face co mmun icatio n,there are so me rules o fbehavio r that sho uld be fo llo w ed w hen o n lin e.1 6 Imag in e ho w yo u dfeel if yo u w ere in the o ther perso n s sho es.Fo r an ythin g yo u re abo ut to sen d,ask yo urself,“Wo uld I say thisto the perso ny s face?”If the an sw er is n o,rew rite an d reread.1If so meo n e in the chat ro o m is rude to yo u,yo ur in stin ct(本能)is tofire back in the same man n er.B ut try n o t to do so.18 If it w ascaused by a disag reemen t w ith an o ther member,try to fix the situatio n bypo litely discussin g it.Remember to respect the beliefs an d o pin io n s o fo thers in the chat ro o m.1 9 Offer advice w hen asked by n ew co mers,as they may n o t be surew hat to do o r ho w to co mmun icate.When so meo n e makes a mistake,w hetherit s a stupid questio n o r an un n ecessarily lo n g an sw er,be kin d abo ut it.If it s a small mistake,yo u may n o t n eed to say an ythin g.Even if yo ufeel stro n g ly abo ut it,thin k tw ice befo re sayin g an ythin g.Havin g g o o dman n ers yo urself do esn,t g ive yo u licen se to co rrect everyo n e else.2 0 A t the same time,if yo u fin d yo u are w ro n g,be sure to co rrectyo urself an d apo lo g ize to tho se that yo u have o ffen ded.It is n o t po lite to ask o thers perso n al questio n s such as ag e,sex,an d marital status.Un less yo u kn o w the perso n very w ell,an d yo u are bo thco mfo rtable w ith sharin g perso n al in fo rmatio n,do n,t ask such questio n s.A.Everyo n e w as n ew to the n etw o rk o n ce.B.If yo u do decide to tell so meo n e abo ut a mistake,po in t it o ut po litely.C.It s n atural that there are so me peo ple w ho speak rudely o r makemistakes o n lin e.D.The basic rule is simple:treat o thers in the same w ay yo u w o uld w an t tobe treated.E.Y o u sho uld either ig n o re the perso n,o r use yo ur chat so ftw are to blo cktheir messag es.F.When yo u sen d sho rt messag es to a perso n o n lin e,yo u must say so methin gbeautiful to hear.G.Repeat the process till you feel sure that you d feel comfortablesaying words to a person?s face.评卷人得分三、完形填空(共 20题,每 题 1.5分,共 30分)Since our twins began learning to walk,my wife and I have kept tellingthem that our sliding glass door is just a window.The 21 is obvious.Ifwe 22 it is a door,they 11 want to go outside 23.It will drive uscrazy.The kids apparently know the 24.But our insisting it s 25 awindow has kept them from 26 millions of requests to open the door.I hate lying to the kids.One day they 11 27 and discover thateverything they ve always known about windows is a 28 .I wonder if 29 should always tell the truth no matter the 30.Ihave a very strong 31 that the lie we re telling is doing 32 damageto our children.Windows and doors have 33 metaphorical(比喻)meanings.I m telling them they can t open what they absolutely know is a door.Whatif later in 34 they come to a metaphorical door,like an opportunity(机会)of some sort,and 35 opening the door and taking the opportunity,they just 36 it and wonder,“What if it isn t a door?”That is,z,Whatif it isn,t a 37 opportunity?”Maybe it s an unreasonable fear.But the 38 is that I shouldn t lieto my kids.I should just 39 repeatedly having to say,N o We can,t gooutside now.Then when they come to other doors in life,be t