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    冀教版英语小升初模拟题(二)听力部分一.选择你所听到的单词,将字母代号填入题前括号内。(5分)()1 .A.wouldB.wordC.worldD.could()2.A.sameB.SomeC.sonD.come()3.A.11:15B.11:45C.7:15D.7:45()4.A.houseB.mouseC.horseD.blouse()5.A.teachB.teacherC.peachD.beach二.听句子,选择合适的答语。(5分)()1 .A.No,thanks.B.Youre welcome.C.Thank you.()2.A.Its snowy.B.lts Sunday.C.Its winter.()3.A.Nice to meet you,too.B.See you soon.C.Hello!()4.A.Once a day.hundred kilometres.B.About ten minutes.C.About eight()5.A.Here you are.B.Yes,please.C.Its mine.笔试部分一.找出划线部分读音与其他不同的单词,把答案写在题前的括号里。5分()1 .A.busB.blueC.butD.brush()2.A.ThrowB.nowC.howD.flower()3.A.makeB.nameC.playD 月 bout()4.A.thinkB.thirtyC.their0.something()5.A.childrenB.beachC.muchD.school二英汉互译10分1 .strong muscles _2.早饭前_ _ _ _3.游泳池_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.hurry up5.look like _6.下周_ _ _ _ _7.1 like watching clouds better than flying kites.8.祝你健康。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _三单项选择10分()1.Some times I play s por t s my friends.A.with B.to C.from D.for()2.-:Bobs team won!-:.A.Thank you.B.Thats great!C.Oh,I know.D.lets goand see.()3.In fall,the trees l ose leaves.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs()4.-:is this flag?-:Two dollars.A.How long B.How manyC.How much D.How often()5.Huang Mengyuan and I doing my homework now.A.is B.am C.are D.were()6.In spring,the weather is than in winter.A.warm B.cold C.warmer D.colder()7.Kim doesnt snacks.A.buy some B.buy any C.buys some D.buys any()8.1 have umbrella,umbrella is red.A.a,the B.an,the C.a,a D.an,an()9.Li Ming w川 arrive in Beijing 6:00 the morning 一June twenty sixth.A.at,in,on B.on,in,at C.in,at,on D.at,on,in()10.Its too hot in the room,please your winter jacket.A.put on B.take off C.wear D.taking off四.给问句选择合适的答句。10分1 .Can you sing English songs?A.Tomorrow.2.Did you go to the gym yesterday?B.lm fine,thank you.3.When is the party?C.Because they are so cute.4.How old are you?D.lm coming.5.What is your e-mail address?E.No,I didnt.6.How are you?F.Yes,I can.7.Where do you come from?G.l am twelve years old.8.Can you help me?.H.lts9.Why do you like rabbits?I.Im from Handan.10.Time for supper!J.Sure.五.用括号里单词的正确形式填空10分1 .Look,they are.(sing)2.Is this your book?Yes,i t s.(I)3.Lu Han fun last week.(have)4.Let s basketball now.(play)5.Chen Jie likes to walk(quick)6.How many do you have?(leaf)7.1 can cakes and cookies.(make)8.S he said she Alice crying in the corner.(find)9.quiet,please.The baby is sleeping now.(be)10.He doesnt his car to school.(drive)六.根据要求写句子.10分He plays badminton with his cousin.(改为一般疑问句)2.Li Ming will go home by plane tomorrow.(把 tomorrow 改成yesterday)3.Danny ate dumplings yesterday.(改为否定句)4.They are reading story books.(对划线部分进行提问)5.al ways,after,dry,dishes,the,L supper(连词成句)七.找出句子中错误的部分,并在横线上改正.10分1 .It is Monday、January seven.()A B C D2.1 am going t。playing on the computer.()A B C D3.Did he bought a big panda yesterday?()AB C D4.Jenny swimming in the ocean.()A B C D5.1 dont like any strawberries。.()A B C D八.根据情境选择句子,把答案序号写在题前的括号里。5分()1.当你打电话介绍你自己时,你会说:A.I am Xiao Chenyang B.That is Xiao Chenyang.C.This is Xiao Chenyang.D.You are Xiao Chenyang()2.当你在朋友家做客,你想再喝点果汁时,你会说:A.I want some more juice.B.l would like some morejuice.C.Your juice is good.D.My glass is empty(空的).()3.当别人对你说Happy birthday to you!”,你应该怎么说:A.Thank you.B.The same to you.C.You,too.D.ImOK.()4.如果你问顾客,你想要这条短裤还是那条短裤时,你会说:B.What do you like?B.Do you want this shortsor that shorts?C.Do you want these shortsor those shorts?D.I want theseshorts.()5.如何向玛丽问她弟弟的名字?A.Whats your name?B.Whats Marys name、C.Whats her brothers name?D.Whats your brothersname?九.阅读理解10分There is a new park near my house.Its a sunny day today.Myfamily and I are in the park now.On my left,there is a hill.On myright,there is a big lake.There are many flowers and trees near thelake.Its very beautiful.I want to swim in the lake.But I find asign(标志)near the lake,4 Dont swim in the lake!So I want to fly akite with my father,then my mother will teach me to playping-pong.After that,We will go to the zoo to see monkeys andmother elephant and baby elephant.I will not pick any flowers,because there is another sign near the lake/Dont pick flowers.I think we will be happy today.()1.The park near my house isA.new and beautiful B.old and beautiful C.clean andnew D.old and clean()2.Is there a zoo in the park?A.Yes,there isnt.B.No,there isnt.C.Yes,there is.D.No,there is.()3.People cant in the lake.A.swim B.fish C.boat D.play()4.1 will not.A.fly a kite B.pick some flowers C.play ping-pong D.seethe monkeys()5.which is right?A.There is a sign Dont fish in the lake B.lts a sunny day.C.My father will teach me to play ping-pong.D.The lake issmall.十.作文10分请以“My family”为题目写一下你的家人,你可以写你家有几口人,你家人的职业,年龄,上班方式,爱好等等,要求不少于六句话。


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