2022年安徽资格英语考试真题卷八(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Quest i ons 150-152 refer to the following e-ma iI.To:frontoffice IFrom:geraldinebennettRe:Doing our partDear Mr.CobaIt:I m writing to you to express my concern about Pasca19 s reputationas a wastefuI company.I m sure you read the recent letter to the editorin the Sydney Daily News regarding our non-recyclable plastic bottIesand caps.Sinee the letter was printed,U(150)/U have receivedcomp I a i nts from hundreds of customers who are threatening to boycott ourcompany if we don,t change our practices.We have also received flyersfrom U(151)/U manufacturing companies offering to help usbecome a more environmentally friendly company.!have Iooked brieflyinto some of these options on my own time but would I ike to ask yourpermission to do more.I would I ike U(152)/U 20 hours of my upcoming workweek tothis cause in hopes of coming up with a viable plan for Pascal s futureas a company that cares about recycI ing,I hope you wi 11 agree with methat our environment is worth us making an effort.Please respond as soonas possible.Sincerely,Geraldine Bennett,Administrative AssistantPascaIJ s PharmaceuticalsA.(A)devoteB.(B)devotingC.(C)to devoteD.(D)devotion2.Questions 163-165 refer to the following press release.More than 50,000 electronics retai lers and distributors are expectedat the McCormick Convention Center in Chicago starting next Saturday.Some 1,300 manufacturers from more than 35 countries wi 1 1 exhibit the irIatest high-technoIogy equipment,including industrial equipment,o ff i ce mach i nest and househo I d app I i ances.The new products won t appearon re ta ile rs,she Ives untiI next fa ll,but show attendees wi11 be ableto purchase them during the show at spec i a I prices.H i ghIi ghts of theshow incIude the fol lowing:Demonstrations of robots designed for household use.Watch robotsperform everyday househoId chores.Each day,mode Is from a differentgroup of manufacturers wi11 be shown,Hal I of Industry,3:00-5:00 P.M.daily.Talks by product developers representing companies from variouscountries on topics such as The Impact of Electronic Technology onBusiness,Future DeveIopments in Technology,How Electronic TechnologyWiI I Solve Our Transportation Problems,and more.Cal I the ConventionCenter or v is it our website for the speaker I ist.W i Ison Auditorium,7:00P.M.n i ght I y.,MusicaI equipment demonstrations.Show attendees wi11 be able totry out the Iatest synthesizers,guitars,and other electronic musicaIequipment.Exhibit Hal I A,ongoing.Inventors of Tomorrow,a speci a I hands-on workshop for chiIdrenages 10-13.Free with the price of admission to the show,but due to spaceI imitations,pre-registrati on is required.Cal I the Convent i on Centeror v is it our website to register.Saturday and Sunday,2:00 P.M.V is it the Convent i on Center webs i te for a comp Iete schedule ofdemonstrations,workshops,and spec i a I events going on throughout theshow.T i ckets are ava i I ab Ie by calling the Convent i on Center or throughthe Convent i on Center webs i te.Spec ial pr i ces are ava i I ab I e for multi-daypasses.Contact us by phone:800-555-0913 or on the web.The Summer Consumer Electronics Show wi11 continue through June 5.What is the main topic of the press releaseA.(A)The McCormick Convention CenterB.(B)Chicago s convention centersC.(C)Electronics retailersD.(D)The Summer Consumer Electronics Show3.Directions:In th is part you wi 1 1 read a seIection of texts,such asmagazine and newspaper articles,letters,and advertisements.Each texti s fo 11 owed by severa I quest i ons.Se I ect the best answer for each quest i onand mark the lette r(A),(B),(C),or(D)on your answer sheet.Quest i ons 153-155 refer to the following fax.One Devonsh i re Gardens7July,20_Fax to:P.PetermanFax number:0101-202-555-1218Dear Mr.Peterman:Thank you for your conf irmation fax of today.W e take great pleasurein confirming your reservation of one superior doubIe room for theevenings of 28 through 30 July.The cost of this room wi11 be 135 anight,inclusive of tax,newspaper,and continentaI breakfast.The totaIcharge of 405 wi 11 be made to the credit card number which youpreviously provided to us.I would I ike to take this opportunity to remind you that we have afu lly equ i pped exercise room,as we 11 as an i ndoor swimming pool,forthe exc I us i ve use of our guests at no extra charge.W e also have arestaurant Iocated on the premises at which you may purchase lunch ordinner at your discretion.Shou Id you require transportation from theairport when you arrive in our city,we can arrange a spec i a I airportshuttIe for you.Just cal I the hotel from one of the white courtesy phonesIocated throughout the arrivals terminal.Press 15 to reach the OneDevonshire Gardens front desk.W e look forward to we I com i ng you at One Devonshire Gardens.Pleasedon t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regardingyour reservations or our accommodations.Yours sincerely,Debbie SmithDebbie SmithReservations ManagerWhich of the fol lowing is NOT incIuded in the price of the roomA.(A)BreakfastB.(B)TaxC.(C)A newspaperD.(D)Dinner4.Questions 166-168 re fe r to the fo llo w in g table.Programming fo r Sunday,March 2611:30 A.M.Ch 4 Business ReviewA review o f th is week s business news.This week s special guestis in te rn a tio n a l business analyst Mari lyn Kim o f the McGuire In s titu te.1:00 P.M.Ch 9,11 Company P ro file sAn in-depth look at s ig n ific a n t companies around the world.Featuredth is week are Limnex,In c.,and Asian GIobaI Industries,two newcomersto the in te rn a tio n a l finance scene.1:30 P.M.Ch 4 Up Front w ith P o fitic s and EconomicsDiscussion o f the Ia te st p o litic a l decisions a ffe c tin g business andfinance.Host Richard Lee interview s p o litic a l analysts and financeexperts.2:00 P.M.Ch 7,13 Business TodayRecent innovations in business.This week we v is it w ith Tina and LuisGomez,who wi 11 share how they b u ilt the i r sma 11 fam i ly cl oth ing bus inessin to an in te rn a tio n a l company.3:00 P.M.Ch 4 World View o f BusinessNews on business around the world,w ith commentaries by MasafumiSach i moto and Jacques DeLeon.4:00 P.M.Ch 20 Mak i ng MoneySuccessfuI personal investing.This weekf s to p ic:How to TakeAdvantage of the Rea I Estate Market.M Plus,t i ps for f i nanc ing your childs col Iege education.What do these TV Ii st i ngs featureA.(A)ConcertsB.(B)Business programsC.(C)TraveloguesD.(D)Sports events5.Quest i ons 169-170 refer to the following announcement.As a nationaI leader with over forty years of experience providingTV,radio,and marketing services to the corporate world,Abingdon canoffer you outstanding career opportunities.W e are Iooking for energetic,creative,and committed professionalsto join the Abingdon fami ly.If you are Iooking for a position in a dynamicand st i m u I at i ng work environment with plenty of room for professionalgrowth,we want to talk to you.W e are currently seeking appIications for computer programmers andsoftware developers.W e offer a competitive salary and benefits,exce11 ent working conditions,and a chance to make a difference.Please v isit our booth at the NationaI Career Center Job Fair duringthe week of October 13-18 to f ind out about the exciting job opportunitiesawa i t i ng you at Ab i ngdon.What type of announcement is thisA.(A)A government proclamationB.(B)A job announcementC.(C)A television listingD.(D)Publicity for the opening of a National Career Center6.Quest ions 160-162 refer to the following letter.Dear Customer,Congratulations!You have just purchased one of the world s mostsoph i st i cated m i crowave ovens.Th is app I i ance has been des i gned w i th yourconven i ence in mind.It comb i nes an array of spec i a I features with easeof use.State-of-the-art features i ncIude a temperature sensor so thatyou wi11 never again have an overcooked or undercooked meal;a 24-hourtimer so that you can prepare your food when you have time and have itready to eat when you are;an automated defrosting system so that youcan prepare frozen food with no extra waiting time;a programmable chimesystem to let you know when your food is ready;and an automaticseIf-cIeaning system so that your oven is always fresh and ready for use.Al I of these features and more are avaiI able to you at just the pushof a button.It i s so s i mp I e to use.Each feature is comp I ete I y exp I a i nedin this manuaI.Just follow the step-by-step instructions and you wi11be cooking delicious meals in no time at a ll!In addition,recipes forvarious entrees and desserts are incIuded at the back of the manuaI toget you started on your new adventures in microwave cooking.This producthas been designed to give you many years of trouble-free operation aslong as the instructions are fol lowed.If for some reason the productshouId fa il,it is comp IeteIy guaranteed for one year.A comp Ieteexp I anat i on of the warranty is i nc I uded on page 15 of the manua I.AdditionaI instructions and recipes are avaiIabIe on our website.Thank you again for becoming a Kitchen AppIiances customer.Sincerely,M.S.Fuj imotoM.S.Fuj imotoPresidentKitchen AppIiances,Inc.The word sophisticatedM in Iine 2 is closest in meaning toA.(A)popularB.(B)advancedC.(C)dependableD.(D)well-known7.Quest i ons 156-159 refer to the following job announcement.Seeking:Ass i stant Control I er Large downtown I aw f i rm is seek i ng an Ass i stant Control I er for ourAccount i ng Department.,Basic responsibi I ities incIude control of the accounting systems,supervision of a seven-person team,and assisting with the hiring andtraining of new empIoyees.Qua Iif ied appIicant shouId have eight years of account ingexperience,Experience working in a law firm is desirable.Education requirements incIude an undergraduate degree inaccounting.CPA is preferred.The successfuI candidate wi11 have the necessary computer ski I Isand be fam iIiar with the most current automated financial systems.Toapply for this position,send a rsum6 and three letters of referenceto:AnnabeI Ie SmytheForbes,Lawrence,and Ross187 Oak I and BoulevardDetroit,M l 41084Closing date:November 12Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a qua I ificationA.(A)Experience as a supervisorB.(B)Familiarity with automated financial systemsC.(C)Alaw degreeD.(D)A degree in accounting8.Questions 147-149 refer to the following magazine article.Is dentistry the career for you Today s dentists have many moreopportunities than they used to.In the past,a dentist5 s Iife waspredictable.Most were men who would leave home for a few years to studyat a dentaI schooIv then return to their hometown,open up an office,and work there their whole Iife.Most dentists Iooked forward to thisor something simi lar.Today,dentists are more mobi Ie.Men and women canU(147)/U denta I schoo I i n d i fferent p I aces.Some s t ill returnto their hometown to work.Others move on to new cities.Dent i sts today may spec i a Ii ze in one or more areas.Two common onesare oral surgery and dentaI pub Ii c health.Oral surgery focuses U(148)/U treating diseases and problems through operations.Denta Ipub I i c hea I th concentrates on i mprov ing the denta I hea I th of a commun i ty.For examp I ev these dent i sts U(149)/)to schoo I s to teachchiIdren how to brush their teeth.Some dentists work only in theirspec i a Ity areas while others do both general and specialty work.A.(A)goB.(B)wentC.(C)had goneD.(D)would go9.Questions 166-168 refer to the fol lowing table.Programming for Sunday,March 2611:30 A.M.Ch 4 Business ReviewA review of this week1 s business news.This week s spec i a I guestis in te rn a tio n a l bus i ness ana I yst Mar i lyn Kim o f the McGu i re In s titu te.1:00 P.M.Ch 9,11 Company P ro file sAn in-depth look a t s ig n ific a n t companies around the world.Featuredth is week are Limnex,In c.,and Asian GIobaI Industries,two newcomersto the in terna tional finance scene.1:30 P.M.Ch 4 Up Front w ith P o fitic s and EconomicsDiscussion o f the Ia te st p o litic a l decisions a ffe c tin g business andfinance.Host Richard Lee interview s p o litic a l analysts and financeexperts.2:00 P.M.Ch 7,13 Business TodayRecent innovations in business.This week we v is it w ith Tina and LuisGomez,who wi 11 share how they b u ilt the i r sma I I fam i ly cl oth ing bus i nessin to an in te rn a tio n a l company.3:00 P.M.Ch 4 World View o f BusinessNews on business around the world,w ith commentaries by MasafumiSach i moto and Jacques DeLeon.4:00 P.M.Ch 20 Mak i ng MoneySuccessful personal investing.This week9 s to p ic:How to TakeAdvantage o f the Real Estate Market.M Plus,tip s fo r financing your c h ild9s col Iege education.What begins on TV a t 2:00 P.M.A.(A)Business TodayB.(B)Company P rofilesC.(C)Making MoneyD.(D)Business Review10.Questions 169-170 refer to the fol lowing announcement.As a nationaI leader with over forty years of experience providingTV,radio,and marketing services to the corporate world,Abingdon canoffer you outstanding career opportunities.W e are Iooking for energetic,creative,and committed professionalsto join the Abingdon fami ly.If you are Iooking for a position in a dynamicand st i m u I at i ng work environment with pIenty of room for professionalgrowth,we want to talk to you.W e are currently seeking appIications for computer programmers andsoftware developers.W e offer a competitive salary and benefits,exce11 ent working conditions,and a chance to make a difference.Please v isit our booth at the NationaI Career Center Job Fair duringthe week of October 13-18 to f ind out about the exciting job opportunitiesawaiting you at Abingdon.Which of the fol lowing peopIe would be most interested in thisannouncementA.(A)A communications majorB.(B)A retired radio announcerC.(C)A production managerD.(D)A computer specialist11.Questions 160-162 refer to the fol lowing letter.Dear Customer,Congratulations!You have just purchased one of the world1 s mostsoph i st i cated m i crowave ovens.Th is app I i ance has been des i gned w i th yourconven i ence in mind.It comb i nes an array of spec i a I features with easeof use.State-of-the-art features i ncIude a temperature sensor so thatyou wi11 never again have an overcooked or undercooked meal;a 24-hourtimer so that you can prepare your food when you have time and have itready to eat when you are;an automated defrosting system so that youcan prepare frozen food with no extra waiting time;a programmable chimesystem to let you know when your food is ready;and an automaticseIf-cIeaning system so that your oven is always fresh and ready for use.Al I of these features and more are avaiI able to you at just the pushof a button.It i s so s i mp I e to use.Each feature is comp I ete I y exp I a i nedin this manuaI.Just follow the step-by-step instructions and you wi11be cooking delicious meals in no time at a ll!In addition,recipes forvarious entrees and desserts ar