【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test4 bec的真题对我们的备考特别有参考价值,为了便利大家,下面我给大家带来【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 4,望喜爱! 【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 4 - Part 1 Conversation 1 Hints: Sara 英式拼法 对话人之间以换行区分 Sara, can you bring me up to speed with the production situation? We've had a few problems, haven't we? Yes, we had technical problems on the assembly line and, on top of that, prices of the plastic components have rocketed, and because of that we're about to increase the prices of our goods which won't please our customers. Surely everyone's affected, not just us? Yes, but we should have made agreements with our suppliers to sell only to us, like many of our competitors do. We missed out there. Why was that? I suggested it at the monthly team meeting, but they thought there was no rush. I tried bringing it up at the focus meeting, but we didn't get round to it. Well, it's time we did. What else? We had to recall all products made last month because of defective casings. This was because we simply didn't have enough skilled operators, although the earlier problems with missing machine parts had already been resolved. So we're back on track now. I'm glad to hear it. Thanks. 【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 4 - Part 1 Conversation 2 Hints: Legal department Simon Smith Emma Paynton Production Supervisor Service Engineers 除Aha.外,其他Um, oh等感叹词不写 英式拼法 对话人之间以换行区分 最终一句以all结尾,后面不写 Legal department, Simon Smith's office. Hello, is Simon available? He's in a meeting. Can I take a message? Please. It's Emma Paynton, Production Supervisor. Simon usually does the contracts for our Service Engineers. We've decided to take on some training staff, and I'd like to check details before I finalise their contracts. Aha. Last time Simon okayed some contracts, he recommended including a trial period of three months. The employee hadn't been qualified for long. I'd like to do the same this time. My question is, is three months the maximum time allowed? Right, got that. My other question's about fees. I'm going to pay by the hour, and also give annual bonuses. I know they won't get sick pay, but could Simon advise on whether we're obliged to offer holiday pay, and whether that can be calculated into the hourly rate. Fine. One other matter. If I fax him another contract, could he look through it? We're changing to another distributor, who's sent us the draft document, and the warehouse manager wants someone to go over it for him. OK, I've got all. 【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 4 - Part 2 Section 1 Hints: Finance Department 英式拼法 写数字编号,编号之后空格写说话内容 13 I thought management showed a complete misunderstanding of the issue. We don't need a whole new set of managers that would just increase the salary bill and double the administration. What's needed is new blood coming into the company people who can start off at ground level, working their way up in the company and learning as they go along, as it were. Otherwise we'll really be in danger of cutting ourselves off from our roots. 14 I think the accountants have got mistaken priorities. We are increasingly involved in the type of work where we need the fullest protection. I'm not saying that we should be asking to be compensated for every little thing. It's just that we should know that we're properly covered if something happens. In this day and age, it's not too much to ask. It wouldn't cost that much more and it would be worth it in the long run. 15 It seems curious that the set of products we researched and developed earlier this year isn't included. Management made a big fuss about the launch, a big party, with a lot of press interest, and then it turns out the designer didn't think our photographs were good enough to include, so the whole section stayed exactly the same as it has done for years. It's not going to create the impression we want, frankly. 16 I think it's very worrying that we have spent such an amount on research, and we come up with a world-class product, and then things start going wrong. We've had quite a few customer complaints already about things like the quality of the maintenance we offer. And management is doing nothing about it. They point to all the other improvements and neglect what I regard as the most important part of our work. 17 I was speaking to someone down in the Finance Department last week and they were talking about holiday allowance and flexible working, and I couldn't believe how different their allocations were. For the last five years, management have been saying how they were working for equality between departments, but I think a great deal more needs to be done. I think it's really bad for inter-departmental relations. 攻克BEC中级听力的做题技巧 第一项:单词填空 应对技巧: 1.播放录音前的一般会有几分钟的时间。快速在试卷上划出关键词。三个会话都划完后,小声重复这些关键词,这样会留下较为明确的印象。 不要希望说话人会在提及空格内容之前说出与空格部分前的字句完全一样的字句。说话人往往说出与空格部分前字句意思相同的其他表达,包括运用近义词,近义句,就是paraphrase。但是地点、数字、商品规格是要原原本本的填入的。 2.争取在听第一遍就完成大部分空格,在其次遍时完成并校对全部空格。 3.空格依次完全根据录音的依次。 4.空格部分包括:单个名词或形容词;两个名词构成的结构;一个形容词和一个名词构成的结构;动词加名词的结构;数词。考生记住一个常识:不行在一个空格填入超过两个词。空格是名词的标记是:空格前有介词的出现。空格是形容词的标记是:空格后出名词的出现。空格是动词的标记是:空格后有介词的出现。 5.须要填入数词的地方一般其前面会有介词或动词出现而后面会出名词出现;这在第一步重复关键词时就有预知了。 6.所写单词过长时用速记方式记录或用中文标明其意,往答题纸上转抄时再写出完整的。 7.往答题纸上转抄时切记每个单词的每个字母都需大写;合同、订单的参考号中的字母也不例外。 其次项:多项匹配 应试技巧: 1.驾驭每一选项的中文意思,并用最简洁的文字写出。 2.在该项的十个对话或独白中,通常是不会给出干脆答案的;相反,一般绕个弯子把答案隐藏起来。这也是该题对于考生来说困难的一个缘由。假如听到内容与某选项完全一样,大胆解除该选项。 3.当选项中有赞扬和投诉的,考生须特殊留意说话者的语气,甜蜜愉悦的一般为赞扬,而含有怒气的则是投诉。 4.该题困难的另一个缘由,作者认为是主要缘由考生不熟识外资企业管理层各个部门的实际沟通,尤其是口头的沟通。有一个补救的方法是把往年真题该部分的录音文稿拿到,读上十份左右,不熟识的用语划下来,然后依据功能和职位两个类别予以分类。所谓功能就是说话的人要表达什么目的;所谓职位就是说这些话的人是哪个部门的,职责是什么。 【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 4 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页