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    应用化工技术专业化工设备使用与维护形成性考核题册-答案姓 名:_学 号:_得 分:_教师签名:_化工设备使用与维护作业1 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1D2C3B4C5D6B7B8B9C10B二、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)135×79×2×46810三、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分)1. 压力容器压力容器是指压力和容积达到一定的数值,容器所处的工作温度使其内部介质呈气态的密闭容器。按中国压力容器安全技术监察规程的规定,同时具备下列条件的容器称为压力容器。(1)工作压力大于等于0.1MPa(不含液柱静压力);(2)直径(非圆形截面指断面最大尺寸)大于等于0.15m,且容积大于等于0.025m3;(3)介质为气体、液化气体或最高工作温度高于等于标准沸点的液体。2. 压力容器的名义厚度压力容器的名义厚度指在设计厚度的基础上加钢板厚度负偏差和腐蚀裕量再向上圆整至钢板规格。3. 刚度刚度是设备抵抗变形或保持原有形状的能力。4. 强度强度是设备抵抗破坏的能力。四、简答题和计算题(每小题10分,共40分)1. 为什么要在容器上开孔? 为了实现正常的操作和安装维修,需要在设备的筒体和封头上开设各种孔。如物料进出口接管孔,安装安全阀、压力表、液面计的开孔,为了容器内部零件的安装和检修方便所开的人孔、手孔等。2. 什么叫压力容器法兰的公称直径?公称直径是为了使用方便将容器及管子标准化以后的标准直径,用“DN”表示。压力容器法兰的公称直径是指与法兰相配套的容器或封头的公称直径,对于用钢板卷制的圆筒公称直径就是其内径,对用无缝钢管制作的圆筒其公称直径指钢管的外径。3. 管法兰的公称压力是如何规定的?对于管法兰当公称压力PN4MPa时,公称压力指20号钢制造的法兰在100时所允许的最高无冲击工作压力;当公称压力PN6.3MPa时,公称压力指16Mn钢制造的法兰在100时所允许的最高无冲击工作压力。当温度高于100时,最高无冲击工作压力低于公称压力。但无论那种材料的法兰、在任何温度下,其最高无冲击工作压力均不超过公称压力,这一点与压力容器法兰不同。4.某化工厂容器筒体,内径为1000mm,工作温度为5100,工作压力为1.5MPa,筒体采用1Cr18Ni9Ti钢板卷焊,焊缝为双面对接焊局部无损探伤,焊缝系数=0.85,在工作温度范围内材料的许用应力,t=100MPa,则釜体的名义壁厚n为是多少。(取壁后厚附加量C=1.6mm) 。答:设计压力P=1.5(1.051.1)=1.5751.65MPa 取计算压力 Pc=1.6MPa,Di=1400mm 加壁厚附加量并考虑钢板规格圆整后取名义壁厚n=12mm。姓 名:_学 号:_得 分:_教师签名:_化工设备使用与维护作业2第2章第3章一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. A2. A3. C4. A5. A6. B7. D8. C9. C10. B二、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)1. 2. ×3. 4. 5. 6. ×7. ×8. 9. ×10. 三、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分)1.细小的固体颗粒被流动着的流体携带,具有像流体一样自由流动的性质,此种现象称为固体的流态化。2.当原料气通过反应器催化剂床层时,催化剂颗粒受气流作用而悬浮起来呈翻滚沸腾状原料气在处于流态化的催化剂表面进行化学反应,此时的催化剂床层即为流化床,3.固定床板反应器是指流体通过静止不动的固体物料所形成的床层而进行化学反应的设备。4.温差应力四、简答题(每小题10分,共40分)1.换热器的型号AES 5001.6546254平盖管箱,公称直径500mm,管程和壳程设计压力均为1.6MPa,公称换热面积54m2,较高级冷拔换热管,外径25mm、管长6m,4管程单壳程的浮头式换热器。2.换热器的日常检查内容有那些?日常检查是及早发现和处理突发性故障的重要手段。检查内容:运行异声、压力、温度、流量、泄漏、介质、基础支架、保温层、振动、仪表灵敏度等等。3.简述固定床反应器的特点。固定床板反应器是指流体通过静止不动的固体物料所形成的床层而进行化学反应的设备。以气-固反应的固定床反应器最常见。固定床反应器根据床层数的多少又可分为单段式和多段式两种类型。单段式一般为高经比不大的圆筒体,在圆筒体下部装有栅板等板件,其上为催化剂床层,均匀的堆置一定厚度的催化剂固体颗粒。单段式固定床反应器结构简单、造价便宜、反应器体积利用率高。多段式是在圆筒体反应器内设有多个催化剂床层,在各床层之间可采用多种方式进行反应物料的换热。其特点是便于控制调节反应温度,防止反应温度超出允许范围。4.简述夹套反应釜的基本结构及各部件的作用。夹套反应釜立式容器中心搅拌反应器是最典型的一种,主要包括搅拌罐、搅拌装置、密封装置三大部分。壳体由筒体和传热装置组成。作用是提供反应空间和反应条件。搅拌装置由搅拌器、搅拌轴、传动装置组成。传动装置又由电动机、减速器、联轴器及机座等组成。搅拌轴将来自传动装置的动力传递给搅拌器,搅拌器的作用使釜内物料均匀混合、强化釜内的传热和传质过程。密封装置防止罐内介质泄漏或外界空气进入罐内。姓 名:_学 号:_得 分:_教师签名:_化工设备使用与维护作业3 第4章第5章一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. D2. C3. B4. D、干法、干法 A5. C6. A7. A8. B 9. C10. A二、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)1.×2.3.4.×5.6.×7.8.9.×10.×三、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分)1. 塔设备达不到设计指标统称为故障。2.液体沿填料向下流动时,由于向上的气流速度不均匀,中心气流速度较大、靠近塔壁处流速较小,使得液体流向塔壁形成“壁流”3.管子公称直径公称直径用符号DN表示,它与管子的实际内径相近,但不一定相等。凡是同一公称直径的管子,外径必定相同,但内径则因壁厚不同而异。四、简答题、计算题(每小题10分,共40分)1. 工业生产对于塔设备的要求有哪些?(1)生产能力要大,即单位塔截面上单位时间内的物料处理量要大。(2)分离效率要高,即达到规定分离要求的塔高要低。(3)操作稳定,弹性要大,即允许气体和(或)液体负荷在一定的范围内变化,塔仍能正常操作并保持较高的分离效率。(4)对气体的阻力要小,这对于减压蒸馏尤为重要。(5)结构简单,易于加工制造,维修方便,耐腐蚀等。2. 除沫器作用。除沫器安装在塔内顶部,其作用是分离塔顶气体中夹带的液滴,保证塔顶馏出产品的质量。3. 按用途和作用分有那些阀门? 1)截断阀类: 主要用于截断或接通介质流。包括闸阀、截止阀、隔膜阀、旋塞阀、球阀、蝶阀等。2)调节阀类: 主要用于调节介质的流量、压力等。包括调节阀、节流阀、减压阀等。3)止回阀类: 用于阻止介质倒流。包括各种结构的止回阀。4)分流阀类: 用于分配、分离或混合介质。包括各种结构的分配阀和疏水阀等。如三通旋塞、三通为止阀等。5)安全阀类: 用于超压安全保护。包括各种类型的安全阀4. 闸阀的特点:1)结构复杂,尺寸较大,价格较高。2)水力阻力最小;3)开启缓慢,无水锤现象;4)易于调节流量,5)闭合面磨损较快,研磨较难。 姓 名:_学 号:_得 分:_教师签名:_化工设备使用与维护作业4 第6章第7章一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.D2.C3.B4.D5.A6.C7. B8. D9. A10.B二、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)1.×2.×3.4.5.×6.×7.×8.9.×10. 三、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分)1. 离心式压缩机的“喘振”如果管路出口阀门关小,压缩机的流量小到一定程度后,出现反复周期性的气体流量和压力周期性地变化,压缩机和管路产生了周期性的气流脉动,亦即“喘振”。2.扬程 单位重量的液体,从泵进口到泵出口的能量增值称为泵的扬程,用符号H表示,其单位为单位为JN,简化为m,即用高度来表示。3.有效功率与轴功率 泵功率可用有效功率和轴功率来表示。有效功率是单位时间内泵对输出液体所做的功称为有效功率.4.压缩机的排气量是指单位时间内,压缩机最后一级排出的气体体积,换算到第一级入口状态的压力和温度下的数值。四、简答题、计算题(每小题10分,共40分)1. 按泵的工作原理泵分泵有那些类型? 按泵的工作原理分容积泵、叶片泵和其他类型泵。容积泵是依靠泵内工作容积的大小做周期性的变化来输送液体的机器。如往复泵中的活塞泵式泵、柱塞式泵和隔膜式泵等;转子泵中的齿轮泵、螺杆和滑板泵等。叶片泵是依靠泵内做高速旋转的叶轮将能量传给液体,从而实现液体输送的机器。此类型的泵有离心泵、轴流泵、混流泵及旋涡泵等。以外还有流体动力作用泵,电磁等泵。流体动力泵是依靠一种流体(液、气或汽)的静压能或动能来输送液体的泵,如喷射泵、酸蛋、水锤泵等。2. IH5032160心泵表示什么含义?叶轮名义直径160(mm),泵出口直径32(mm),泵进口直径50(mm),单级、单吸悬臂式化工离心泵3. 离心式压缩机的性能调节方法有那些?离心式压缩机的性能调节方法有:压缩机的出口节流调节、压缩机的进口节流调节、改变压缩机的转速调节。4. 离心式压缩机的喘振现象如何判断?1)听测压缩机出口管路气流的噪声离心式压缩机在稳定工况范围内运行时,其噪声是连续的,且较低;而当接近喘振工况时,周期性的气流振荡,会使排气管道中发出的噪声时高时低,产生周期性变化。当进入喘振工况时,噪声立即增大,甚至有爆声出现。(2)观测压缩机出口压力和进口流量的变化离心式压缩机在稳定工况范围内运行时,出口压力和进口流量的变化是有规律地增加或减少,因此压缩机的出口压力和流量都发生周期性地脉动。可以从观测压缩机出口处的压力表或水银U形管测压计的压力波动情况和压缩机流量孔板前后的压差(以水U形管测压计测量)或流量计测得的流量波动情况来判断。(3)观测压缩机的机体和轴承的振动情况离心式压缩机在稳定工况范围内运行时,机体和轴承的振动振幅是很小的(在规定的允许值范围内)。当接近喘振工况运行时,由于气体在压缩机和管路之间产生周期性的气流脉动,引起机组的强烈振动,因此机体、轴承的振动振幅将显著增大。当上述三种现象之一发生时,就不要轻易增加管路阻力(相当于关小压缩机出口管路闸阀的开度),这说明已经接近或进入喘振工况了,制造厂所提供的离心式压缩机的性能曲线,一般都是按上述判断方法来确定近似的喘振点。姓 名:_学 号:_得 分:_教师签名:_化工设备使用与维护作业5 第8章第9章一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. B2. A3.C4. C5. C6. C7.A8. 9. 10.二、判断题(每小题2分,共20分)1.×2.××7.×8.9.×10.×三、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分)1.分离因数是物料在离心力场中受到的离心力与重力的比值。2.临界转速是产生共振时的转速。3.离心机出现自动对中现象是在工作转速大于临界转速46倍时出现的轴旋转极其平稳的现象。4.挠性轴是工作转速大于临界转速的轴。四、简答题、计算题(每小题10分,共40分)1. 分别说明SGZ1000-N型离心机型号的含义。SGZ三足式刮刀下部卸料自动操作过滤式离心机,1000转鼓内径为1000mm;N转鼓与分离物料相接触部分的材料为耐蚀钢。2.三足式离心机的特点.性能特点 人工上部卸料三足式离心机的主要优点是对物料的适应性强,过滤、洗涤时间可以随意控制,故可得到较平的滤渣和充分的洗涤,而且固体颗粒几乎不受损坏。此外,机器运转平稳,结构简单、紧凑、造价低。其缺点是歇操作,生产中辅助时间长,生产能力低,劳动强度大。3.压力容器的安全附件有那些?压力容器的安全附件有:安全阀、爆破片、紧急放空阀、液位计、压力表、单向阀、限流阀、温度计、喷淋冷却装置、紧急切断装置、静电消除装置、 防雷击装置等。4.压力容器操作人员应该具备那些知识和技能?压力容器操作人员需具备:(1)经过安全技术教育和安全技术培训,考试合格并取得“压力容器操作人员合格证”后,方准独立进行操作。(2)操作人员应熟悉生产工艺流程,了解本岗位压力容器的结构、技术特性和主要技术参数,掌握容器的正常操作方法,在容器出现异常情况时,能准确判断,及时、正确地采取紧急措施。(3)掌握各种安全装置的型号、规格、性能及用途,保持安全装置齐全、灵活、准确可靠。(4)严格遵守安全操作规程,坚守岗位,精心操作,认真记录,加强对容器的巡回检查和维护保养。(5)定期参加专业培训教育,不断提高自身的专业素质和操作技能。请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Shanghais Suzhou Creek has witnessed much of the citys history. Zhou Wenting travels this storied body of water and finds its most fascinating spots. Some lucky cities can boast a great body of water, like London with the river Thames and Paris with the river Seine. Shanghai is privileged enough to have two great bodies of water: Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.Huangpu River became famous when colonists established clusters of grand buildings on its banks on what became known as the bund. Today, the bund overlooks the breathtaking skyline of Lujiazui financial district. Shanghais other body of water, however, Suzhou Creek, has been somewhat overshadowed. Suzhou Creek links the inland cities of Jiangsu province with Shanghai. When the British colonists, who arrived in the city after it was opened as a commercial port in 1843 found they could reach Suzhou, Jiangsu province, via the creek, they named it Suzhou Creek. Thanks to its location, a large amount of cargo and travelers were transported via the creek before rail links were established. But after a century of being utilized as a waterway to transport goods and labor, the creek grew dark and smelly. Industrial factories were established along the banks. In the 1990s it became a key task of the city government to clean the creek. Suzhou Creek, which snakes 17 km from the iconic Waibaidu Bridge downtown to the outer ring road in west Shanghai, maps the changing periods of the citys history, including the imprints of the concessions, the beginning of industrialization and the improvement in peoples living conditions. Where the Bund began In-between the shopping street of East Nanjing Road and the Bund, are a cluster of streets that give me the illusion that I am no longer in modern Shanghai. The streets are narrow and old and criss-cross each other. Any old residential house may turn out to be a former office of the British, constructed in the 1880s. Pawnshops and hardware stores that are hard to find elsewhere, are plentiful here. This area, at the confluence of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek, is called the Bund Origin. Countless tour buses stop at the site every day and visitors from around the world get off to see this place, the starting point of the concessions in the city. It all started in 1872, when the former British Consulate General was constructed and the Bund began its transformation into an the financial street of the East. Now the site of the former consulate is called “No 1 Waitanyuan”, which translates to “the Bund Origin”, to honor its beginnings. The entire complex of this historical site comprises of five buildings, the former British Consulate General, the official residence of the consul, the former Union Church, the church apartments and the former Shanghai Rowing Club. The size of the courtyard is equivalent to that of four standard soccer fields. The building of the former consulate is a two-storey masonry building on an H-shaped plan in typical English renaissance style. The building is designed with a five-arch verandah on the ground floor with a raised terrace facing the garden, while the facade features an entry portico beneath a colonnaded loggia. It has been turned into a café where dinner and afternoon tea are available. Visitors can choose to sit indoors or outdoors to enjoy the magnificent gardens with nearly 30 ancient trees.Yuanmingyuan Road behind the complex is also a historical site. The road has been revamped as a pedestrian shopping street and high-end brands have seized the best spots. Altogether, 14 old buildings, including those used for offices and residences constructed during 1920s and 1930s, remain. Today, it is a popular location for commercial fashion photo shoots. New Tianan Church, or Union Church, stands at the intersection of Yuanmingyuan Road and Suzhou Creek. The church, designed in the style of the English countryside, has a capacity of 500 people. It was very popular during the concession period but was converted into factory offices after 1949. The church we see today is a replica, the original burned down in 2007. There used to be an outdoor swimming pool, the first of its kind in Shanghai, beside the church but has been filled-in and is now a small garden. Bridge of romance There is perhaps no other place thats more representative of Shanghai than this bridge, which appears in quite a lot of movies about the city. Dozens of couples visit every day to pose for their pre-wedding photos on the bridge where Suzhou Creek begins and interconnects with Huangpu River. This is Waibaidu Bridge, or the Garden Bridge. The soon-to-be-wed couples pose in splendid attire on the bridge, leaning against the railing or sitting on the wooden floor. Some even risk walking into the middle of the road to get the perfect shot.Colorful lights illuminate the bridge throughout the night, making it a picturesque place for pre-wedding portraits and lovers to meet. Constructed in 1873 and designed by a British company, the 106-meter-long bridge was the first-ever major bridge in Shanghai. In 1856, the first large wooden bridge, Wells Bridge, was built over Suzhou Creek but the bridge toll led to complaints from citizens. So 17 years later, another wooden bridge, which did not require tolls, was built. People called it Waibaidu, which means “going across for free”. The bridge was renovated as a steel truss structure in 1907. Because nearly 40 bridges have now been built over Suzhou Creek, the bridge is no longer a traffic artery but is more of an observation deck for tourists. It is a tradition in Shanghai for a grandmother to walk across a bridge with their grandchild when he or she reaches one month. This represents that the newborn has overcome all the twists and turns and its journey will be safe and smooth throughout his or her life. "Waibaidu Bridge is always the best option because its the icon of Shanghai. The picture of my daughter when she was a baby held by her grandmother was also taken here. Its like a family tradition," says Wang Xuefen, a Shanghai native who has a newborn grandson. Changning Riverside There is a 5-km stretch of waterfront by Suzhou Creek in Changning district on Changning Road from the intersection of Hami Road to Jiangsu Road. It has become a popular place to take a walk and sunbathe on the lawn. There is an overpass at the intersection of Changning Road and Gubei Road for people to enjoy the view of the creek and a 3-km plastic runway on both sides of Changning Road, which attracts people of all ages, Chinese and expat. "Jogging on the two sides gives a different feeling because the north side is next to the creek, and the south side is adjacent to the residential highrises, which is like jogging in the jungle," says Xiao Xu, a 27-year-old woman who lives nearby. The riverside used to be completely different. Dozens of textile mills, chemical plants and machine manufacturing factories were set up along the creek in the 1920s. They brought industrialization but also pollution. From the 1930s the creek could no longer be used as a source for tap water, and no living fish or shrimp could be found. "Suzhou Creek in my memory is dark and smelly. I used to go to the riverbank to watch the sewage disposal running out from the chemical plants when I was a little girl. We didnt know it was pollution. We thought it was a red waterfall," says Huang Qi, a 57-year-old Shanghai resident. "So the residential houses along the creek were unpopular, and only migrants with low incomes would live in that area," she says. However, things have changed. The plants were closed and turned into riverside parks and the apartments in the new highrises, especially those facing the creek, are much sought after. East China University of Political Science and Law This is the famous former Saint Johns University, Chinas first-ever modern institution of higher education established by missionaries from the United States in 1879. The buildings combine Chinese and Western elements. Address: 1575 Wanhangdu Road, Changning district The old residential area After you leave the university from its east gate you will enter a shabby neighborhood that retains its original look. The alleys are narrow and the houses are overcrowded. Some things have not changed for many generations, such as raising chickens at home. Address: West Guangfu Road Moganshan Road This is an artsy street that has become very popular among artists and fashionistas in recent years. Graffiti covers the walls on the winding street, where you can find a cluster of art galleries and creative industry offices. Sihang Warehouse  Four banks jointly funded the construction of this warehouse, so it is named sihang, or four banks. The war


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