巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准本系列书籍的问世恰可打破以下观念。以下列出词汇系列丛书的各项特点:1.以“课”为单元,容易安排学习进度,也避免了背词典式学习方法的冗长与杂乱无章。2.每个单词均附有国际音标、词性说明及中文解释。3.适当列出各单词的衍生词、同义词或反义词,以达到举一反三、事半功倍的效果。4.以例句说明单词的用法,各例句附有汉语泽文,以便于参考。5.每一部分后均有习题,以加深对所学单词的印象;每一课后面附有效果检测,以检验对所学单词的理解程度,并增强活用单词的能力。本书重点单词的大家庭词根相同的词。单词的联想词义相似的词。外来语来自法语、意大利语、西班牙语等的单词,分量不容忽视。衍生词单词举一反三的秘决。研读本书,您的单词量将迅速增加5 倍以上!vocabulary 10000 第一部分Lesson 1Lesson 1A monumentmonument was built to commemoratecommemorate1 1 the victory.The children huddledhuddled2 2 together for warmth.CensureCensure3 3 is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.punishment.The new vaccinevaccine4 4eradicateeradicate5 5d all traces of the diseasedisease within three months.The barbarianbarbarians defiledefiled the church by using itby using it as a stable.The pregnantpregnant woman has an enlarged abdomenabdomen9 9.The lost hikers were bereftbereft1010 of hope when the rescue plane did not seethem.1巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第1页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第1页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The children were bereavebereaved by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecratedconsecrated1212 to the memory of the soldiers who died here.A good joke does not necessarily evokeevoke1313 a heartyhearty1414 laugh laugh.Wheels left groovesgrooves1515 in a muddy dirt road.The old car joltedjolted1616 its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.the rough road.Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsoleteobsolete1717custom.Many wild animals prowlprowl at night looking for something to eat.The children scoopescooped holes in the sand.DiplomatsDiplomats1919 are interested in the status of world affairs status of world affairs.The farmer sued the railroadrailroad station because his cow was killed by the train.The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.The cat prowled around the cellarcellar looking for mice.We all sympathized withsympathized with the husband who was bereavedbereaved1111 of his belovedwife.Her singing evokedevoked2020admirationadmiration2121 from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The banditbandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armedgoes armed.eitheralone or in a group.Christmas commemoratescommemorates2222 the birth of Jesus Christ.The childrens muddy shoes defileddefiled8 8 all the rugrugs in the hotel.Running in the hall is a deviationdeviation2323 from the school rules and will not beallowed.She could bear the disappointments of other peoplewith tolerabletolerable fortitudefortitude2424.The little girl was inconsolableinconsolable at the loss of her kitten.2巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第2页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第2页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准Arent you hungry?You are only nibblingnibbling2525 your food.The coronationcoronation of the new king was a splendidsplendid pageantpageant2626.After the scourgescourge2727 of flood of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.The crippled child tumbletumbled down the stairs and was badly hurthurt.The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needlemagnetic needle of the compassof the compass.A marathonmarathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.The pretty girls reputationreputation was defiled by maliciousmalicious2828 gossips gossips.The boy is just learning to walk,he is always tumbling over the floor.The inaugurationinauguration2929 ceremony ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.There are many illnesses,which afflictafflict3030 old people.His employer censuredcensured3131 him for neglecting his work.The thief intrudeintruded into the house with caution and dissimulationdissimulation3333.NowadaysNowadays,it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedientdisobedient soldiers orsailors.According to the inscriptioninscription3434 on its cornerstone,this buildingwas erectederected3535 in 1919.The gifts of charity meddlemeddle3636d with a mans private affair.He doesnt sit straight:his postureposture3838 is very bad.John rummagerummaged all the drawers to find his gloves.The water spoutspouted out when the pipe was broken.The climber traversetraversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountainslope.A child stood looking with wistfulwistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.He was flogging his horse in a very cruelcruel way.She rummagedrummaged3939 change from the bottom of her pursepurse.3巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第3页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第3页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The law does not meddle undulyunduly4141with a persons private life.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemyenemy planes.The inscription on the ancientancient monument was very hard to read.The amicableamicable4242flash of her white teeth was very impressive.impressive.The soldiers are very exhaustedexhausted4343 for they have advanced forward withoutrest in ablizzardblizzard4444.If I were rich,I would like to cruisecruise in the Southern Pacific for six months ina private yachtprivate yacht.Yellow fever has been eradicatederadicated6 6 in the United States but it still exists insome countries.The doctors report gave us only a glimmerglimmer4545 of hope.On his desk,many articles and documents are always pilepiled in great lumplump.The woman ransackransacked the house for her lost jewelryjewelry4747.He slashslashed a path through the high grass with a long knife.Out feet slumpslumped repeatedly through the meltingmelting ice.That pop-song had a great voguevogue5050 at one time.Enemy soldiers ransackedransacked4646 the city and carried off its treasuretreasures.Tired from his long walk,he slumpedslumped4949 into a chair.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor,but no one goes to the cinemato see him now.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalianmammalian life inthe Northern HemisphereNorthern Hemisphere.He ascribeascribes his success to skill and hard work.The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwarkbulwark5151.4巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第4页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第4页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准She looked around this way and that in a dubiousdubious5252 manner.Selfishness was a facetfacet5353 of his character that we seldomseldom saw before.For the first time he had to pay heedheed5454 to his appearance,and in fact hebecame very well-dressed from then on.The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.The old man mumblemumbled something to me,but I could not understand him.This ruinedruined bridge is a relicrelic5656 of the Korean War in 1950.AutomobileAutomobile5757exhaustexhaust fumesfumes5858 are one of the major causes of smog.smog.The thirstythirsty wayfarerwayfarer5959 was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.He always speaks with his mouth full of food,it is his wontwont6060.Four people were huddled under one umbrellaumbrella to avoid the sudden showersudden shower.Im feeling better than yesterday,but it is dubious that I can go to schooltomorrow.No one knows who wrote that play,but it is usually ascribeascribed to CyrilTourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwarkbulwarks of democracy.Take heedheed of what I say,or you will fail in the final examination.Lesson 2Lesson 2The judge absolvedabsolved6262 the man of the crime.The umpire should have no biasbias6363 in favor of either side.Our baseball team is contending for the championship.We deploredeplore6464 the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and50 injured.The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg.A crowd of great magnitude attended the Presidents inauguration.5巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第5页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第5页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.I have no relishrelish6565 for seeing people being whipped.Trying not to be seen,they quietly sneakedsneaked6666 into the room.The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield.Many people would be aghst at the thought of another war.We shall not cumbercumber6767 our thought with his reproaches.The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensedlicensed6868.The children were frolicing with the puppy in the backyard.There was much commercial intercourseintercourse6969 between the two countries beforeWorld War II.In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.I was standingstanding7070 on the very edge of a bank,a precipiceprecipice7171 not less thanfifty feet deep.The church is generally considered as a sanctuarysanctuary7272.After a light spring rain,leaves began to sproutsprout7373 from trees.She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby.The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunitionammunition7474.A dotingdoting7575 mother alienatesalienates7676 her husband by lavishinglavishing7777 too much loveon their child.The artist ws so engrossedengrossed7878in his pinting that he didnt notive the peoplewatching him.If you got a deep cut in your arm,theres usually a gushgush7979 of blood.The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim.Her life has been full of ordeals,sickness,poverty and loss of her beloved son.He kept his tobacco in a leather pouchpouch8080 fastened to the belt.6巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第6页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第6页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The brakes screechedscreeched8181 and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk.A man who is six feet talll is bove the average staturestature8282 in China.The Presidents enemies are spreading ill rumorsrumors8383 to undermine hisauthority.The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.Damages from last weeks flood have been assessed at$50000.The children searched each and every chamberchamber8484 of the house for the cat.The Congress of the United States has two House of Representatives.Now that she is rich,she disdainsdisdains8585 to speak to her old friends.One day Robinson Crusoe espiedespied8686 a foot print on the sand.The beautiful glossyglossy8787 coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight.The janitorjanitor8888 swept the floors and locked up the building every night.She bought a packet of envelopsenvelops8989 at the stationerystationery9090 store.The eloquenteloquent9191 and ornate carvingcarving9292 on a church pulpit was done by Indianhands.The meat was black and scorchedscorched9393 outside but still raw inside.The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.The ship surged in the stormy seas,rolling and pitching with each wave.Pots,pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensilsutensils9494.When the soldiers ran out of ammunition,they fixedfixed9595 bayonets to their rifles.CompassionCompassion9696 for the orphansorphans9797 caused him to give money for their support.Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinarylessons are finished.The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning.A factionfaction9898 in our club tried to make the president resign.7巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第7页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第7页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The diamond shoen with every huehue9999 under the bright sun.He polished the metal until it had a fine lusterluster100100.The deeds or heroes add luster to a nations history.He perseveredpersevered101101 in his study until he succeded.Because of his high fever,the sick man ravedraved102102 all night.He intended to slayslay103103his fatheers murderer.The doctor told her to take three tablets a day.Nowadays an actress with voluptuousvoluptuous104104 beauty seems to be more popularthan the one with intelligent look.Lesson 3Lesson 3The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields.Only high officials had access to the emperor.The guide for visitors beckonedbeckoned105105 us to follow him.I concurconcur106106 with the speaker in condemningcondemning107107 every criminal.This summer two weeks of rain concurredconcurred108108 with our vacation.He was denounced as a coward and traitortraitor109109.The first blow makes the anger,but the second makes the frayfray110110.Long wear had frayedfrayed111111 the collar and cuffscuffs112112 of his old shirts.Heavy clothing hamperedhampered113113 the movements of the climbers.Cancer and tuberculosistuberculosis114114 are serious maladies in every country.The old man was ploddingplodding115115 wearily along the bank of the river.Since the factory moved,this town has only a remnat of its former population.The child with a cold in his nose snored all night.Blood tingedtinged116116 the water as he washed his wound.It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailmentsailments117117.8巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第8页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第8页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The children are bickeringbickering118118 with each other about who is the tallest amongthem.The inventor contrivedcontrived119119 a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts.The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyres.She fumbledfumbled120120 about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandummemorandum121121.Poor food and hard work impairedimpaired122122 her health and she became thin.The parents were mortifiedmortified123123by their childrens bad behavior before theguests.The United States became the predominat nation in the Western Hemisphere.He worked to improve the sanitarysanitary124124 condtions of slums.He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet.Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant forthe police to use force?The fordford125125 foundation allocatedallocated126126 millionjs of dollars for cancer research.The brawlbrawl127127 in the street could be heard in the house nearby.The boys made several cynicalcynical128128 remarksj to cover up their disappointmentat being left out of the play.She embellishedembellished129129 the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons.The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallantgallant130130 men.He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water.He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatiousway.Soapy followed the man with a presentimentpresentiment131131 that luck would again runagainst him.She was so satiated with bananas thaat she would not even look at one.9巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第9页巧学妙记-让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准-第9页巧学妙记让你的英语词汇量迅速突破专四水准The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze.A shop selling womans apparel is at the corner of the street.He cajoled his fridends into deciding in his favor.You can discard your old coat but not your old friends.During the middle ages,Greek civilization declined and became effeteeffete132132.She has had a grudgegrudge133133 against me ever since I disagreed with her.Four men kidnapped the little girl,but he police soon caught them andrescued the girl.There is some hope that a peace pactpact134134 will be signed between the twocountries.shepriespries135135 tooo closely itno the private life of her friends.Men scouredscoured136136 the whold coundtry looking for the lost child.The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver.He swaggered down the street after winnign the fight.The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a richmans vaga