2 02 1年平常高等学校招生全国统一测试考生注重:1.测试时间1 2 0分钟,试卷满分1 5 0分。2 .本测试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷(第1-1 2页)和 第I I卷(第1 3页),全卷共1 3页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或 写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。3.答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。第I卷(共1 03分)I.L istening C omprehensionS ect i on AD i rections:I n S ection A,you wi I I hear ten short conversationsbetween two speakers.A t the end of each conversation,a questionwi I I be asked about what was said.T he conversations and thequest i ons wi I I be spoken on I y once.A fter you hear a conversationand the question about it,read the four possible answers on yourpaper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question youhave heard.1.A.I mpatient.B.C onfused.C.P leased.D.R egretfuI.2.A.At a bus stop.B.At a laundry.C.At thed e n tist s.D.At the chemi s t5 s.3.A.An actor.B.A salesman.C.A tra n sla to r.D.A wr ite r.4.A.He Iost hi s classmate s homework.B.He can t help thewoman w ith her math.C.He broke the womanJ s calculator.D.He doesn t knowwhere the“on button i s.5.A.The woman should go to another counter.B.The woman gives the man so many choices.C.The man di s Ii kes the sandwiches offered there.D.The man i s having trouble deciding what to eat.6.A.She has no idea where to fin d the man s exam result.B.She isn t al lowed to te l I students thei r grades.C.Dr.White hasn5 t finished grading the papers.D.Dr.White doesn5 t want to be contacted while he s away.7.A.Move to a neat dormitory.B.Find a person to sharethei r apartment.C.Clean the room w ith the roommate.D.Wr ite an a rtic le aboutthe i r roommate.8.A.Bob won t take her advice.B.Bob doesn5 t want to go abroad.C.She doesn5 t thin k Bob should study overseas.D.She hasn5 t taIked to Bob s i nee he went abroad.9.A.The snack bar isn?t usual ly so empty.B.Dessert is servedin the snack bar.C.The snack bar is near the I ibrary.D.Snacks arenJ ta I I owed i n the Ii brary.10.A.Take her bicycle to the repa i r shop.B.Leave her bicycleoutside.C.CIean the garage a fte r the rain stops.D.Check if the garagei s dry.Sect i on BDi rections:In Section B,you wi I I hear two short passages,andyou wi I I be asked three questions on each of the passages.Thepassages w ill be read twice,but the questions wi I I be spoken onlyonce.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers onyour paper and decide which one would be the best answer to thequestion you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the fo l lowing passage.11.A.It helps care fo r customers,dogs.B.You have to buy foodfo r dogs.C.None of the dogs are caged.D.There i s a dog namedPr incess.1 2.A.S he I i kes the food there.B.S he enjoys the fun witha pet.C.S he can have free coffee.D.S he doesn t like to bea I one.1 3.A.A new k i nd of cafe.B.A new brand of coffee.C.A new home for pets.D.A new way to ra i se pets.Q uest ions 1 4 through 1 6 are based on the fol lowing passage.1 4.A.A trend that h i gh ach i evers are g i ven a lower saI ary.B.A view that I ife qua I ity i s more important than pay.C.A dream of the young for fast-paced jobs.D.A new term created by hi gh achi evers.1 5.A.1 0%B.1 2%C.6%D.7%1 6.A.P eopI e are I ess sat i sfi ed with the i r I i ves.B.T hef i nanc i a I i nvestment may i ncrease.C.W e I I-pa i d jobs are not easy to f i nd.D.U nexpected problems may ar ise.S ect i on CD i rect ions:I n S ect ion C,you wi I I hear two longer conversat ions.T he conversations wi I I be read twice.A fter you hear eachconversat ion,you are requi red to f iI I i n the numbered bI anks withthe inform ation you have heard.Wr ite your answers on your answersheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the fo l lowing conversation.Comp Iete the form.W rite ONE W O RD fo r each answer.SRTService NotesAccountService Request:Solutions:No.:17Check the 18Send another 19(2 p.m.on 20)Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the fo l lowing conversation.Comp Iete the form.Wr ite NO MORE THAN THREE W ORDS fo r each answer.In what way are these climbers special?They are all_21.Why did they choose to conquer MountKilimanjaro?To prove _22.What did they do in time of difficulty?They persevered,23 each other.How did they record their adventure?By keeping _24.I I.Grammar and vocabuI arySect i on ADi rections:A fter read i ng the passages be Iow,f i l l i n the blanksto make thepassages coherent and grammaticaIly correct.For thebIanks w itha given word,f i l l in each bIank w ith the proper formof the given word;fo r the other blanks,use one word that best f it seach blank.(A)G ift from a strangerMy I oca I supermarket i s always busy.The f i rs t park i ng spaceI found was convenient,but 15 d noticed a woman in a bI ue carci rcI ing for a whi I e.(2 5)I was i n a good mood,I let herhave it.O n the edge of the car park I backed into the next avai I abI espot it was a tight fit.P retty soon I d made my way through the supermarket and wasback i n the fresh a i r.F ee I i ng good,I(2 6)(empty)my pursechange i nto the hands of a home I ess man and he I ped a strugg I i ng womanreverse park.J ust as I approached my car,I saw the woman 15 d let have mycar spot ear I i er.S he was g i v i ng me(2 7)odd I ook ha I f puzz I ed,ha I f i ntent(热切的).I smi led and wished her a pleasant day.A sI squeezed back into my car,I saw the same lady(2 8)(I ook)in at me.H ello,“she said,hesitantly,“T his(2 9)soundcrazy but I was on my way to drop some of my mother5 s things offat the char ity bins.Y ou are just so much(3 0)her.Y ou helpedthose people,I noticed,and you seemed so happy.5 5 S he looked atme meaningful ly and passed a box in through the window.I thinkshe would I ike you to have it.(3 1)(shock),I took it fromher automatically.S he smiled and walked away.A fter a pause,I opened the box.I nside was a beautiful goldneck lace with a I arge grey pear I,I t was(3 2)(nice)gift T dever received,and it was from a comp I ete stranger.T he necklacewas around my neck,a warm reminder of human kindness.(B)Ask He IpfuI HannahDear He IpfuI Hannah,Who wou I d have thought th a t I i t t I e dev i ces I i ke these cou I d havebrought so much trouble!Sick and Ti red Sad ieSect i on BD i rect i ons:Comp Iete the fo l lowing passage by us i ng the wordsin the box.Each word can only be used once.Note th a t there i s oneword more than you need.A.accessB.alte rn a tive sC.ass i gnedD.confi rmedE.conf 1 i ct i ngF.e 1 ements G.function H.i nnovat i ve 1.prospect i veJ.separateK.supportingAs we move away from an i ndustr i a I-based economy to aknowledge-based one,o ff ice designers have come up w ith 42 tothe tra d itio n a l work env i ronments of the past.The des i gn i ndustryhas moved away from a fixed o ffic e setup and created more fle x ib le“stra te g ic management envi ronment.n These 43 solut ions aremeant to support better organizational performance.A s emp I oyee h i erarch i es(等级制度)have f I attened,or decreased,office designers,response to this change has been to moveopen-pI an areas to more des i rabI e locations within the off i ce andcreate fewer forma I pr i vate offices.T he need for i ncreasedf lexibi I i ty has a I so been 4 4 by changes i n workstation des i gn.O ffices and work spaces often are not 4 5 to a given person ona permanent basi s.B ecause of changes to methods of working,newdesigns allow for expansion or movement of desks,storage,andequipment within the workstation.A nother important design goal i scommunication,which designers have improved by lower ing the wallsthat 4 6 workstations.D es i gners have a I so created i nformaIgather i ng places,and upgraded employees5 4 7 to heavilytrafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.C orporate and institutional office designers often struggle toresolve a number of competing and often 4 8 demands,includingbudgetary I imits,employee hierarchies,and techno I ogicaIinnovation(especially i n re I at ion to computer ization).T hesedemands must a I so be balanced with the need to create inter iors(内饰)that in some way enhance,establish,or promote a company5 simage and wi I I enable employees to 4 9 at thei r best.A l I these5 0of office design are related.T he mostsuccessfuI o ffic e des i gns are I i ke a good marr i age thewe I I-des i gned o ffic e and the emp I oyees th a t occupy it are seeminglymade fo r each other.III.Reading ComprehensionSect i on ADi rections:For each blank in the fo l lowing passage there are fourwords or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fi I I in each bIank w ith theword or phrase th a t best f it s the context.If you stud i ed p i ctures tha t anc i ent peop I e I e ft on rock w allsand you t r i ed to determine thei r meaning,you would not detect adeep interest in romance among the a rtis ts.51,you would seeplenty of animals w ith peopIe running a fte r them.L ife fo r ancientpeople seemed to center on hunt ing and gather ing wi Id foods fo rmea I s.Researchers are study i ng whether love,a highly vaIuedemotionaI state,can be 54.They ask,what is love?Toothpastecompanies want us to th i nk a ttra c tio n i s a I I about clean teeth,butclean teeth go on Iy so far.Sc i ent i sts wonder how much the bra i ngets involved.You have probabIy heard that opposites a ttra c t butth a t 55 a ttra c t,too.One thing i s ce rta in:The tru th about Iovei s not yet set i n stone.F irst I mpressionT o he I p determine the 5 6 of attraction,researchers pa i red1 6 4 col lege c I assmates and had them ta I k for 3,6 or 1 0 minutes sothey could get a sense of each other5 s individual ity.T hen studentswere asked to 5 7 what kind of relationship they were I i keI y tobuild with the i r partners.A fter n i ne weeks,they reported whathappened.A s it turned out,thei r 5 8 judgments often held true.S tudents seemed to 5 9 at an ear ly stage who would best fit i ntothei r I i ves.T he 6 0 K nowsS cientists have a I so turned to nonhumans to i ncreaseunderstanding of attraction.M any animals give off pheromones naturaI chemicaI s that can be detected by,and then can produce aresponse in,other animals of the same species.P heromones cansignal that an animal i s either ready to fight or i s fee I i ng 6 1to partnerships.I n contrast,humans do not seem to be as 6 2as other animals at detecting such chemicaI s.S meI I,however,doesseem to play a part i n human attract ion.A l though we may not be awareof chemicaI s I ike pheromones consciously,we give and receive loadsof information through smeI I in every interaction with other peopI e.F ace V aI ueWhen shown an attractive face and then words with good or badassociations,peopIe responded to 65 words faster afterviewing an attractive face.See ing something attractive seems tocause happy thinking.51.A.InsteadB.ThereforeC.MoreoverD.Otherwise52.A.romanticB.stressfulC.centralD.beneficial53.A.priorityB.proofC.possibilityD.principle54.A.testedB.imposedC.changedD.created55.A.appearancesB.virtuesC.similaritiesD.passions56.A.illustrationsB.implicationsC.ingredientsD.intentions57.A.predictB.investigateC.diagnoseD.recall58.A.criticalB.initialC.randomD.mature59.A.memorizeB.distinguishC.negotiateD.question60.A.NoseB.EyeC.HeartD.Hand61.A.openB.alertC.resistantD.superior62.A.disappointedB.amazedC.confusedD.gifted63.A.emotionsB.attractivenessC.individualityD.signals64.A.enhanceB.possessC.maintainD.asses65.A.familiarB.plainC.positiveD.irritatingSect i on BDi rections:Read the fol lowing three passages.Each passage i sfol lowed by severaI questions or unfinished statements.For eachof them there are four cho i ces marked A,B,C and D.Choose the onethat fits best according to the information given in the passageyou have just read.(A)Look to many of history s cuIturaI symbols,and there you5 I Ifind an ancestor of Frosty,the snowman in the movie Frozen,Itappeared on some of the f ir s t postcards,starred in some of theear Ii est si lent mov i es,and was the subject of a coup Ie of theear I i est photos,dat i ng a I I the way back to the 1800s.I d i scoveredeven more about one of humanity5 s ear I iest forms of fo lk a rt dur ingseveraI years of research around the worId.66.Accord i ng to the passage,why d i d snowmen become a phenomenoni n the Middle Ages?A.People thought of snow as holy a rt suppI ies.B.PeopIe longed to see masterpieces of snow.C.Bui Iding snowmen was a way fo r peopIe to express themseIves.D.Bui I di ng snowmen helped people develop the i r s k ill andthought.A.snowmen were made mainly by a rtis tsB.snowmen enjoyed great popular ityC.snowmen were p o litic a lly cr itic iz e dD.snowmen caused damaging fIoods68.In Zur ich,the blowing up of the Booggsymbo I i zes.A.the s ta rt of the paradeB.the coming of a longer sunvnerC.the passing of the winterD.the success of tradesmen6 9.W hat can be cone I uded about snowmen from the passage?A.T hey were apprec i ated i n h i storyB.T hey have lost thei r vaI ueC.T hey were re I ated to moviesD.T hey vary i n shape and s i ze(B)S cary B unnyT he C urse of the W ere-R abb it(2 005)i s the first fuI l-lengthfeature film made by d i rectors N ick P ark and S teve B ox with the i ramaz i ng plasticine(粘土)characters W aI I ace and G romit.I t won anO scar in 2 006,and if you watch it,you I I understand why.I t san absolutely brill iant cartoon comedy.C heese-1 ov i ng i nventor W aI I ace and h i s bra i ny dog G romit havestarted a company to protect the town s vegetables from hungryrabbits.H owever,just before the annua I G iant V egetableC ompetition,an enormous rabbit begins terror i si ng the town.I t i sattack i ng a I I the vegetables and destroying everyth i ng in its path.T he compet i t i on organ i zer,L ady T ott i ngton,h i res W aI I ace andG romit to catch the monster a I i ve.B ut they wi I I have to f i nd thew ere-rabbit before gun-crazy hunter V ictor Quartermaine who isdesperate to k ill it.The screenplay is w itty and fuI I of amusing visuaI jokes.As usuaI,the voice of Peter S a llis is absolutely perfect fo r the role ofW a I I ace,and Grom it i s so beaut ifu l ly brought to I i fe,he can expressa huge range of emotions w ithout saying a word.And both HelenaBonham-Carter,who pI ays the part of Lady Tott i ngton,and Ra I phFiennes as V ictor are reaI Iy funny.To sum up,The Curse of the Were-Rabb it i s an amaz i ng f i Im whichis suitable fo r both chi Idren and adults.If you I iked WaI lace andGromitJ s previous adventures and you appreciate the B ritis h senseof humour,you I I love th i s film.Don t miss it!70.In the film review,what is paragraph A mainly about?A.The introduction to the leadingroles B.The wr ite r5 s opinion ofactingC.The w rite r s comments on thestory D.The backgroundi nformat ion71.Accord i ng to the film rev i ew,“the monster”(paragraph B)refers toA.agun-crazyhunterB.a bra i ny dogC.a scaryrabbitD.a giant vegetabI e7 2.W hich of the fol lowing i s a reason why the wr iter recommendsthe film?A.I t5 s fulI of wit and humour.B.I ts characters show fee I i ngs without words.C.I t is an adventure fi I m di rected by P eter S allis.D.I t is about the harmony between man and animals.(0O ne of the executives gathered at the A spen I nstitute for aday-long leadership workshop