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    2011年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题S ectio n I U s e o f En glis hA n cien t Gr eek philo s o pher A r is to tle v iewed lau ghter as “a bo dilyexer cis e pr ecio u s to health.Bu t _ 1_s o me claims to the co n tr ar y,lau ghin g pr o bably has little in flu en ce o n phys ical fitn es s Lau ghter do es2_s ho r t-ter m chan ges in the fu n ctio n o f the hear t an d its blo o dv es s els,_3_ hear t r ate an d o xygen co n s u mptio n Bu t becau s e har dlau ghter is difficu lt to _ 4 _,a go o d lau gh is u n lik ely to hav e _ 5_ben efits the way,s ay,walk in g o r jo ggin g do es._ 6,in s tead o fs tr ain in g mu s cles to bu ild them,as exer cis e do es,lau ghter appar en tlyacco mplis hes the _ 7,s tu dies datin g back to the 1930 s in dicate thatlau ghter _ 8_ mu s cles,decr eas in g mu s cle to n e fo r u p to 45 min u tes afterthe lau gh dies do wn.S u ch bo dily r eactio n might co n ceiv ably help _9_ the effects o fps ycho lo gical s tr es s.A n yway,the act o f lau ghin g pr o bably do es pr o du ceo ther types o f _10_ feedback,that impr o v e an in div idu al semo tio n al s tate._ 1 1 _o n e clas s ical theo r y o f emo tio n,o u r feelin gsar e par tially r o o ted 12_phys ical r eactio n s.It was ar gu ed at theen d o f the 19th cen tu r y that hu man s do n o t cr y_13_ they ar e s ad bu tthey beco me s ad when the tear s begin to flo w.A ltho u gh s adn es s als o _14_ tear s,ev iden ce s u gges ts thatemo tio n s can flo w _ 15_mu s cu lar r es po n s es.In an exper imen t pu blis hedin 1988,s o cial ps ycho lo gis t Fr itz S tr ack o f the U n iv er s ity o f wilr zbu r gin Ger man y as k ed v o lu n teer s to _ 16_ a pen either with theirteeth-ther eby cr eatin g an ar tificial s mile-o r with their lips,whichwo u ld pr o du ce a(n)_17 expr es s io n.T ho s e fo r ced to exer cis e theirs milin g mu s cles _18 mo r e exu ber an tly to fu n n y car to n s than did tho s ewho s e mo u ths wer e co n tr acted in a fr o wn,19 that expr es s io n s mayin flu en ce emo tio n s r ather than ju s t the o ther way ar o u n d _ 20,thephys ical act o f lau ghter co u ld impr o v e mo o d.5.A meas u r able Bman ageable Caffo r dable1.A amo n gBexceptCdes piteDlik e2.A r eflectBdeman dCin dicateDpr o du ce3.A s tabilizin gn gBbo o s tin gCimpair in gDdeter min i4.A tr an s mitBs u s tainCev alu ateDo bs er v eDr en ewable2大家版词典级31年考研英语真题及答案its n ext mu s ic dir ecto r has been the talk o f the clas s ical-mu s ic wo r ldev er s in ce the s u dden an n o u n cemen t o f his appo in tmen t in 2009.Fo r themo s t par t,the r es po n s e has been fav o r able,to s ay the leas t.uHo o r ay!A t las t!”wr o te A n tho n y T o mmas in i,a s o ber-s ided clas s ical-mu s iccr itic.6.A In tu r nBIn factCIn additio nDIn br ief7.A o ppo s ite Bimpo s s ible Cav er age Dexpected8.A har den s Bweak en s Ctighten s Dr elaxes9.A aggr av ate Bgen er ate Cmo der ate Den han ce10.A phys ical Bmen tal Cs u bco n s cio u s Din ter n al11.A Except fo r BA cco r din g to CDu e to DA s fo r12.A with Bo n C in Dat13.A u n les s Bu n til Cif Dbecau s e14.A exhau s ts Bfo llo ws Cpr ecedes Ds u ppr es s es15.A in to Bfr o m Cto war ds Dbeyo n d16.A fetch Bbite Cpick Dho ld17.A dis appo in ted Bexcited Cjo yfu l Din differ en t18.A adapted Bcater ed Ctu r n ed Dr eacted19.A s u gges tin g Br equ ir in g Cmen tio n in g Ds u ppo s in g20.A Ev en tu ally BCo n s equ en tly CS imilar ly DCo n v er s elySection II Reading ComprehensionPart A Text 1T he decis io n o f the N ew Yo r k P hilhar mo n ic to hir eJ A lan Gilber t asO n e o f the r eas o n s why the appo in tmen t came as s u ch a s u r pr is e,ho wev er,is that Gilber t is co mpar ativ ely little k n o wn.Ev en T o mmas in i,who had adv o cated Gilber ts appo in tmen t in the T imes,calls him“anunpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor abouthim.As a description of the next music director of an orchestra thathas hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez,that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faintpraise.For my part,I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor oreven a good one.To be sure,he performs an impressive variety ofinteresting compositions,but it is not necessary for me to visit AveryFisher Hall,or anywhere else,to hear interesting orchestral music.AllI have to do is to go to my CD shelf,or boot up my computer and downloadstill more recorded music from iTunes.Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute forlive performance are missing the point.For the time,attention,andmoney of the art-loving public,classical instrumentalists must competenot only with opera houses,dance troupes,theater companies,and museums,but also with the recorded performances of the great classical musiciansof the 20th century.There recordings are cheap,available everywhere,and very often much higher in artistic quality than today s liveperformances;moreover,they can be“consumed”at a time and place ofthe listenerJ s choosing.The widespread availability of such recordingshas thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditionalclassical concert.One possible response is for classical performers to programattractive new music that is not yet available on record.Gilbert s owninterest in new music has been widely noted:Alex Ross,a classical-musiccritic,has described him as a man who is capable of turning thePhilharmonic into markedly different,more vibrant organization.”But what will be the nature of that difference?Merely expanding theorchestra,s repertoire will not be enough.If Gilbert and thePhilharmonic are to succeed,they must first change the relationshipbetween America s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hops toattract.21.We learn from Para.1 that Gilbert?s appointment hasAincurred criticism.Braised suspicion.Creceived acclaim.Daroused curiosity.22.Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who isAinfluential.Bmodest.Crespectable.4大家版词典级31年考研英语真题及答案Dtalen ted.23.T he au tho r believ es that the dev o ted co n cer tgo er sA ign o r e the expen s es o f liv e per fo r man ces.Br eject mo s t k in ds o f r eco r ded per fo r man ces.Cexagger ate the v ar iety o f liv e per fo r man ces.Do v er es timate the v alu e o f liv e per fo r man ces.24.A cco r din g to the text,which o f the fo llo win g is tr u e o fr eco r din gs?A T hey ar e o ften in fer io r to liv e co n cer ts in qu ality.BT hey ar e eas ily acces s ible to the gen er al pu blic.CT hey help impr o v e the qu ality o f mu s ic.DT hey hav e o n ly co v er ed mas ter pieces.25.R egar din g Gilber tJ s r o le in r ev italizin g the P hilhar mo n ic,theau tho r feelsA do u btfu l.Ben thu s ias tic.Cco n fiden t.D pu zzled.T ext 2W hen Liam McGee depar ted as pr es iden t o f Ban k o f A mer ica in A u gu s t,his explan atio n was s u r pr is in gly s tr aight u p.R ather than clo ak in g hisexit in the u s u al v agu e excu s es,he came r ight o u t an d s aid he was leav in g“to pu r s u e my go al o f r u n n in g a co mpan y.Br o adcas tin g his ambitio nwas “v er y mu ch my decis io n,“McGee s ays.W ithin two week s,he wastalk in g fo r the fir s t time with the bo ar d o f Har tfo r d Fin an cial S er v icesGr o u p,which n amed him CEO an d chair man o n S eptember 29.McGee s ays leav in g witho u t a po s itio n lin ed u p gav e him time tor eflect o n what k in d o f co mpan y he wan ted to r u n.It als o s en t a clearmes s age to the o u ts ide wo r ld abo u t his as pir atio n s.A n d McGee is n talo n e.In r ecen t week s the N o.2 execu tiv es at A v o n an d A mer ican Expr es squ it with the explan atio n that they wer e lo o k in g fo r a CEO po s t.A s bo ar dss cr u tin ize s u cces s io n plan s in r es po n s e to s har eho lder pr es s u r e,execu tiv es who do n t get the n o d als o may wis h to mo v e o n.A tu r bu len tbu s in es s en v ir o n men t als o has s en io r man ager s cau tio u s o f lettin g v agu epr o n o u n cemen ts clo u d their r epu tatio n s.A s the fir s t s ign s o f r eco v er y begin to tak e ho ld,depu ty chiefs maybe mo r e willin g to mak e the ju mp witho u t a n et.In the thir d qu ar ter,CEO tu r n o v er was do wn 23%fr o m a year ago as n er v o u s bo ar ds s tu ck withthe leaders they had,according to Liberum Research.As the economy picksup,opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one isunconventional.For years executives and headhunters have adhered to therule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must bepoached.Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:I can,t thinkof a single search I ve done where a board has not instructed me to lookat sitting CEOs first.”Those who jumped without a job haven t always landed in toppositions quickly.Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age,saying she wanted to be a CEO.It was a year before she became head ofa tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.Robert Willumstad leftCitigroup in 2005 with ambitions to be a CEO.He finally took that postat a major financial institution three years later.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers.The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs orto leave a bad one.The traditional rule was it s safer to stay whereyou are,but thatJ s been fundamentally inverted,“says one headhunter.“The people who ve been hurt the worst are those who ve stayed toolong.”26.When McGee announced his departure,his manner can best bedescribed as beingAarrogant.Bfrank.Cself-centered.Dimpulsive.27.According to Paragraph 2,senior executives quitting may bespurred byAtheir expectation of better financial status.Btheir need to reflect on their private life.Ctheir strained relations with the boards.Dtheir pursuit of new career goals.28.The word“poached”(Line 3,Paragraph 4)most probably meansA approved of.Battended to.Chunted for.Dguarded against.29.I t can be inferred from the last paragraph thatAtop performers used to cling to their posts.6大家版词典级31年考研英语真题及答案Blo yalty o f to p per fo r mer s is gettin g o u t-dated.Cto p per fo r mer s car e mo r e abo u t r epu tatio n s.s s afer to s tick to the tr aditio n al r u les.30.W hich o f the fo llo win g is the bes t title fo r the text?A CEO s:W her e to Go?BCE0s:A ll the W ay U p?CT o p Man ager s Ju mp witho u t a N etDT he O n ly W ay O u t fo r T o p P er fo r mer sT ext 3T he r o u gh gu ide to mar k etin g s u cces s u s ed to be that yo u go t whatyo u paid fo r.N o lo n ger.W hile tr aditio n al“paid media-s u ch astelev is io n co mmer cials an d pr in t adv er tis emen ts -s till play a majo rr o le,co mpan ies to day can explo it man y alter n ativ e fo r ms o f media.Co n s u mer s pas s io n ate abo u t a pr o du ct may cr eate“o wn ed”media bys en din g e-mai1 aler ts abo u t pr o du cts an d s ales to cu s to mer s r egis ter edwith its W eb s ite.T he way co n s u mer s n o w appr o ach the br o ad r an ge o ffacto r s beyo n d co n v en tio n al paid media.P aid an d o wn ed media ar e co n tr o lled by mar k eter s pr o mo tin g their o wnpr o du cts.Fo r ear n ed media,s u ch mar k eter s act as the in itiato r fo ru s er s r es po n s es.Bu t in s o me cas es,o n e mar k eter?s o wn ed media beco mean o ther mar k eter s paid media-fo r in s tan ce,when an e-co mmer cer etailer s ells ad s pace o n its W eb s ite.W e defin e s u ch s o ld media aso wn ed media who s e tr affic is s o s tr o n g that o ther o r gan izatio n s placetheir co n ten t o r e-co mmer ce en gin es within that en v ir o n men t.T histr en d,which we believ e is s till in its in fan cy,effectiv ely began withr etailer s an d tr av el pr o v ider s s u ch as air lin es an d ho tels an d will n odo u bt go fu r ther.Jo hn s o n&Jo hn s o n,fo r example,has cr eated BabyCen ter,a s tan d-alo n e media pr o per ty that pr o mo tes co mplemen tar y an d ev enco mpetitiv e pr o du cts.Bes ides gen er atin g in co me,the pr es en ce o f o thermar k eter s mak es the s ite s eem o bjectiv e,giv es co mpan ies o ppo r tu n itiesto lear n v alu able in fo r matio n abo u t the appeal o f o ther co mpan ies mar k etin g,an d may help expan d u s er tr affic fo r all co mpan ies co n cer n ed.T he s ame dr amatic techn o lo gical chan ges that hav e pr o v ided mar k eter swith mo r e(an d mo r e div er s e)co mmu n icatio n s cho ices hav e als o in cr eas edthe r is k that pas s io n ate co n s u mer s will v o ice their o pin io n s in qu ick er,mo r e v is ible,an d mu ch mo r e damagin g ways.S u ch hijack ed media ar e theo ppo s ite o f ear n ed media:an as s et o r campaign beco mes ho s tage toco n s u mer s,o ther s tak eho lder s,o r activ is ts who mak e n egativ eallegatio n s abo u t a br an d o r pr o du ct.Member s o f s o cial n etwo r k s,fo rin s tan ce,ar e lear n in g that they can hijack media to apply pr es s u r e o nthe businesses that originally created them.If that happens,passionate consumers would try to persuade othersto boycott products,putting the reputation of the target company at risk.In such a case,the company s response may not be sufficiently quickor thoughtful,and the learning curve has been steep.Toyota Motor,forexample,alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlierthis year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-mediaresponse campaign,which included efforts to engage with consumersdirectly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.31.Consumers may create“earned”media when they areA obsessed with online shopping at certain Web sites.B inspired by product-promoting e-mails sent to them.C eager to help their friends promote quality products.D enthusiastic about recommending their favorite products.32.According to Paragraph 2,sold media featureA a safe business environment.B random competition.C strong user traffic.D flexibility in organization.33.The author indicates in Paragraph 3 that earned mediaA invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers.B can be used to produce negative effects in marketing.C may be responsible for fiercer competition.D deserve all the negative comments about them.34.Toyota Motor s experience is cited as an example ofA responding effectively to hijacked media.B persuading customers into boycotting products.C cooperating with supportive consumers.D taking advantage of hijacked media.35.Which of the following is the text mainly about?A Alternatives to conventional paid media.B Conf1ict between hijacked and earned media.C Dominance of hijacked media.D Popularity of owned media.Text 48大家版词典级31年考研英语真题及答案It s n o s u r pr is e that Jen n ifer S en io r?s in s ightfu l,pr o v o cativ emagazin e co v er s to r y,“I lo v e My Childr en,I Hate My Life,“is ar o u s in gmu ch chatter -n o thin g gets peo ple talk in g lik e the s u gges tio n thatchild r ear in g is an ythin g les s than a co mpletely fu lfillin g,life-en r ichin g exper ien ce.R ather than co n clu din


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