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    新视野大学英语考试试题(A卷)新视野大学英语考试试题(A 卷)专业:姓名:I.Vocabulary(词汇:选择一个合适的词语填入相应的句子中,并且每个词只能使用一次)re sponsi bi li ty i nw ardly w e e kday s di sg usti ng of f e nsi v eacce ss di sturb re ap complai n anni v e rsary pow e rf ul surrounde d unde rli neAssi g nme nt e nv i ous e mbarrass urg e annoy e d amaz e re g ardi ngto th e most re ce nt e v e nts th at h appe n i n th e w orld.2.Th e y are h av i ng th e f i f ti e th of th e i r w e ddi ng.-Oh,I se e.You me an a g olde n w e ddi ng.f or th e i r ch i ldre n s acti ons.4.Sh e smi le d,but sh e w as v e ry ang ry .5.Th e Ame ri can couple about th e h i g h cost of v i si ti ng Europe.6.It s w e i rd th at sh e w orks at w e e ke nds i nste ad of on.7.Wh at a sme ll!Ope n all th e w i ndow s and ai r th e room,ple ase.8.As long as y ou g e t re g ular e x e rci se,y ou can th e be ne f i t ofbe i ng f i t.9.Sorry to y ou,but I w ant to h av e a talk w i th th e ch ai rman.Is h ei n?1 0.He h as made a(n)re mark th at ang e rs all of us.th e m and try to le arm th e m.1 2.Usually,a man w i th strong le g s and arms i s v e ry .1 3.Th e th i e f tri e d to run aw ay but g av e up w h e n h e f ound h i mse lf .1 4.I don t th i nk I m of y our succe ss at y our pre se nt j ob.1 5.He 1 1 g e t i f y ou ke e p bug g i ng h i m.1 6.We w e re to h e ar th e ne w s th at th e w e ll-know n w ri te r,i n h e rlate e i g h ti e s,w as sti ll w ri ti ng a book.1 7.He made a(n)to le t all ch i ldre n le arn Eng li sh,but h e soonf ound i t i mpossi ble w i th out an onli ne course.1 8.He h ad re pe ate dly h e r to come to th e Uni te d State s to j oi n h i m,but sh e w as sti ll re luctant.1 9.A le tte r th e boy s be h av i or w as se nt to h i s f ath e r.2 0.Don,t g i v e stude nts proble ms th e y can t unde rstand as th i s w i ll onlyth e m.II.Cloz e(完形填空:每题选择一个最佳选项)ASi nce i t h as ki lle d Wome n and y outh i n rural of g ov e rnme nt acti v i ty to stopi t,some local org ani z ati on.Th e South Caroli na AIDS le an at ri sk”toi nclude w ome n f rom _ 1 7 _ backg rounds and marri ag e status,e v e ry one sh ouldth e ag ai nst AIDS.1.A.2.A.3.A.4.A.5.A.6.A.7.A.8.A.9.1 0.1 1.w as B.i sth ousand B.le ast B.i nf e cte d B.De spi te B.occurre d B.i ncre ase B.quanti ty B.ov e r B.outth ousandsi nf lue nce dBe cause ofe me rg e dre ducenumbe rmostA.A.e x pe cte d B.e x pe cti ngA.v e ry B.much1 2.A.to B.on1 3.A.th an B.th e n1 4.A.be st B.v e ry1 5.A.assi st B.combat1 6.A.de f i ne B.re de f i ne1 7.A.si mi lar B.di f f e re nt1 8.A.In oth e r w ords B.Tn anoth e r w ords1 9.A.si g n up B.si g n up f or2 0._ A.f i g h t B.w arBw ri te s a pai nf ul quotati on i n a note book,h e r pai n,w e se e a pi cture i n h e rw e ddi ng album and a strang e e v e nt th at h appe ne d h e r w e ddi ng.A strang e w omanw i f e th oug h t sh e w as a h e av e nly ;th e h usband th oug h t sh e w as too f or n tore ad th e li ne s sh e w rote i n h e r note book.1.A.An alone w i dow B.Alone,a w i dow2.A.To unde rstand B.Unde rstandi ng3.A.h e ar B.h e ar about4.5.6.A.on B.atA.h e re B.th e reA.g ood B.h ard27.A.Any B.Ev e ry8.A.arch i te cture B.anni v e rsary9.A.on B.by1 0.A.me sse ng e r B.mi ssi on1 1.A.portly B.port1 2.A.h e av e n B.h e av e nly1 3.A.w h e re B.w h e th e r1 4.A.h ad come B.came1 5.A.ne ar B.ne arby1 6.A.i s B.w as1 7.A.to B.f or1 8.A.Th e n B.Now1 9.A.so B.such2 0.A.e v e n B.e v e rHI.Re adi ng Compre h e nsi on(阅读理解:每题选择一个最佳选项)ATh i s y e ar some tw e nty-th re e h undre d te e n-ag e rs(y oung pe ople ag e d f rom 1 3-1 9)f rom all ov e r th e w orld w i ll spe nd about te n month s i n U.S.h ome s.Th e yw i ll atte nd U.S.sch ools,me e t U.S.te e n-ag e rs,and f orm i mpre ssi ons of th ere al Ame ri ca.At th e same ti me,about th i rte e n h undre d Ame ri can te e n-ag e rsw i ll g o to oth e r countri e s to le arn ne w lang uag e s and g ai n a ne w unde rstandi ngof th e re st of th e w orld.He re i s a tw o-w ay stude nt e x ch ang e(交换)i n acti on.Fre d,ni ne te e n,spe ntlast y e ar i n Ge rmany w i th Ge org e1s f ami ly.In turn,Ge org eJ s son Mi ke spe nt ay e ar i n Fre d,s h ome i n Ame ri ca.Fre d,a li v e ly y oung man,kne w li ttle Ge rman w h e n h e arri v e d,but af te r tw omonth s,study,th e lang uag e be g an to come to h i m.Sch ool w as comple te lydi f f e re nt f rom w h at h e h ad e x pe cte d-much h arde r.Stude nts rose re spe ctf ullyw h e n th e te ach e r e nte re d th e room.Th e y took f ourte e n subj e cts i nste ad of th esi x th at are usual i n th e Uni te d State s.Th e re w e re almost no outsi deacti v i ti e s(活动).Fami ly li f e,too,w as di f f e re nt.Th e f ath e r,s w ord w as law,and allacti v i ti e s w e re around th e f ami ly rath e r th an th e i ndi v i dual(4*A).Fre d f oundth e f ood too si mple at f i rst.Also,h e mi sse d h av i ng a car.“Back h ome,y ou pi ck up some f ri e nds i n a car and g o out and h av e a g oodti me.In Ge rmany,y ou w alk,but y ou soon le arn to 1 i ke i t.At th e same ti me,i n Ame ri ca,Mi ke,a f ri e ndly Ge rman boy,w as also f ormi ngh i s i de a.I suppose I sh ould cri ti ci z e(批评)Ame ri can sch ools”,h e say s.Iti s f ar too e asy by our le v e l.But I h av e to say th at I li ke i t v e ry much.InGe rmany w e do noth i ng but study.He re w e take part i n many outsi de acti v i ti e s.I th i nk th at may be y ou sch ools are be tte r i n trai ni ng f or ci ti z e ns(公民).Th e re oug h t to be some mi ddle g round be tw e e n th e tw o.1.Th i s y e ar _ te e n-ag e rs w i ll take part i n th e e x ch ang e prog ram be tw e e nAme ri ca and oth e rcountri e s.A.tw e nty th re e h undre dB.th i rte e n h undre dC.ov e r th re e th ousandsD.le ss th an tw o th ousand2.Th e w h ole e x ch ang e prog ram i s mai nly to _.A.h e lp te e n-ag e rs i n oth e r countri e s know th e re al Ame ri ca.B.se nd stude nts i n Ame ri ca to trav e l i n Ge rmanyC.le t stude nts le arn some th i ng about oth e r countri e sD.h av e te e n-ag e rs le arn ne w lang uag e s3.Fre d and Mi ke ag re e d th at .A.Ame ri can f ood taste d be tte r th an Ge rman f oodB.Ge rman sch ools w e re h arde r th an Ame ri can sch oolsC.Ame ri cans and Ge rmans w e re both f ri e ndlyD.Th e re w e re more cars on th e stre e ts i n Ame ri ca4.Wh at i s parti cular i n Ame ri can sch ools i s th at .A.th e re i s some mi ddle g round be tw e e n th e tw o te ach i ng bui ldi ng sB.th e re are a lot of af te r-sch ool acti v i ti e sC.stude nts usually take f ourte e n subj e cts i n allD.stude nts g o outsi de to e nj oy th e mse lv e s i n a car5.Af te r e x pe ri e nci ng th e Ame ri can sch ool li f e,Mi ke th oug h t .A.a be tte r e ducati on sh ould i nclude some th i ng g ood f rom both Ame ri ca andGe rmanyB.Ge rman sch ools trai ne d stude nts to be be tte r ci ti z e nsC.Ame ri can sch ools w e re not as g ood as Ge rman sch oolsD.th e e asy li f e i n th e Ame ri can sch ool w as more h e lpf ul to stude ntsBIn orde r to le arn a f ore i g n lang uag e w e ll,i t i s ne ce ssary to ov e rcome th ef e ar of maki ng mi stake s.If th e pri mary g oal of lang uag e use i s communi cati on,th e mi stake s are se condary consi de rati ons th at may be de alt w i th g radually asaw are ne ss of th ose mi stake s i ncre ase s.On th e oth e r h and,stude nts sh ould noti g nore th e i r mi stake s.Th e lang uag e le arne r may obse rv e h ow nati v e spe ake rse x pre ss th e mse lv e s,and h ow nati v e e x pre ssi ons di f f e r f rom th e w ay th e le arne rmi g h t say th e m.For e x ample,a Spani sh spe ake r w h o h as be e n say i ng I do i t”to e x pre ss w i lli ng ne ss to do some th i ng i n th e i mme di ate f uture,but,byi nte racti ng w i th nati v e spe ake rs of Eng li sh,y ou may obse rv e th at nati v espe ake rs actually say I ll do i t.Th e re sulti ng di scre pancy(差异)can se rv eas a basi s f or th e stude nt to modi f y h i s w ay of usi ng th e pre se nt te nse i nEng li sh.But a stude nt w h o i s unw i lli ng to i nte ract i n th e f i rst place w ouldlose th i s opportuni ty to le arn by tri al and e rror.6.Accordi ng to th e passag e,f ore i g n lang uag e stude nts sh ould not w orry toomuch about maki ng mi stake s be cause .A.nati v e spe ake rs w i ll i g nore th e i r mi stake sB.communi cati on i s th e pri mary g oal of lang uag e le arni ngC.e v e ry one make s mi stake s w h e n try i ng to communi cate i n a strang e lang uag eD.nati v e spe ake rs li ke f ore i g n stude nts w h o try to le arn th e i r lang uag e7.According to the passage,the present tense in English is.A.not used to express a desire to do something in the immediate futureB.used with some verbs but not with others to express future intentionC.basically the same in English as it is in SpanishD.not the most difficult problem for foreign students48.The author thinks that language learners can reduce the number of theirmistakes by.A.asking native speakers for explanationsB.reading good books in the foreign languageC.comparing their speech with that of native speakersD.speaking without regard to native speakers9.The passage implies that foreign students who do not interact with nativespeakers will not.A.learn very much about the foreign cultureB.learn about the history of the foreign languageC.have to worry about making mistakesD.take advantage of available language models10.The author,s major conclusion about the function of mistakes in foreignlanguage learning is that.A.mistake are not important in the process of learning a languageB.learners are often very afraid of making mistakesC.making mistakes can help the learner discover the rules of the languageD.mistakes do not interfere with communicationCAfter a busy day of work and play,the body needs to rest.Sleep isnecessary for good health.During this time,the body recovers from theactivities of the previous day.The rest that you get while sleeping enablesyour body to prepare itself for the next day.There are four levels of sleep,each being a little deeper than the onebefore.As you sleep,your muscles relax little by little.Your heart beatsmore slowly,and your brain slows down.After you reach the fourth level,yourbody shifts back and forth(来回地)from one level of sleep to the other.Although your mind slows down,from time to time you will dream.Scientistswho study sleep state that when dreaming occurs,your eyeballs begin to movemore quickly(although your eyelids are closed).This stage of sleep is calledREM,which stands for rapid eye movement.If you have trouble falling asleep,some people recommend breathing veryslowly and verydeeply.Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make youdrowsy(昏昏欲睡的).There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep willput you to sleep!11.A good title for this passage is.A.SleepB.Good HealthC.DreamsD.Work and Rest12.The word drowsy in the last paragraph means.A.sickB.stand upC.a little sleepyD.asleep13.The passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make youA.dream more oftenB.h av e poor h e alth sC.ne rv ousD.bre ath e qui ckly1 4.Duri ng REM,.A.y our e y e s mov e qui cklyB.y ou dre amC.y ou are re stle ssD.both A and B1 5.Th e av e rag e numbe r of h ours of sle e p th at an adult ne e ds is.A.approx i mate ly si x h oursB.around te n h oursC.about e i g h t h oursD.not state d h e reMHow much li v i ng space doe s a pe rson ne e d?Wh at h appe ns w h e n h i s spacere qui re me nts are not ade quate ly me t?Soci olog i sts and psy ch olog i sts areconducti ng e x pe ri me nts on rats to try to de te rmi ne th e e f f e cts of ov e rcrow de dcondi ti ons on man.Re ce nt studi e s h av e sh ow n th at th e be h av i or of rats i sg re atly af f e cte d by space.If rats h av e ade quate 1 i v i ng space,th e y e at w e ll,sle e p w e ll,and re produce w e ll.How e v e r,i f th e i r 1 i v i ng condi ti ons be come toocrow de d,th e i r be h av i or patte rns and e v e n th e i r h e alth pe rce pti bly(可感知地)ch ang e.Th e y cannot sle e p and e at w e ll,and si g ns of f e ar and te nsi on be comeobv i ous.Th e more crow e d th e y are,th e more th e y te nd to bi te e ach oth e r ande v e n ki ll e ach oth e r.Th us f or rats,populati on and v i ole nce are di re ctlyre late d.Is th i s a natural law f or h uman soci e ty as w e ll?Is ade quate spacenot only de si rable,but e sse nti al f or h uman surv i v al?1 6.Th i s passag e i s mai nly about.A.li v i ng space and be h av i orB.population and living conditionsC.interesting experiments on ratsD.a natural law for human society17.What is the purpose of the experiments described in the passage?A.To determine how much living space a rat needs.B.To see what happens when rats live in a limited space.C.To know the likely effects of inadequate living space on human beings.D.to find out the relationship between population and living conditions.18.Which is NOT a result of being too crowded for rats?A.They become nervous.B.they cannot get enough rest.C.They become less active.D.They eat less.19.The passage suggests that overcrowded conditions.A.are directly related with populationB.may cause an increase in violenceC.may lead to high birth rateD.may bring about pollution problems620.The author seems to imply that.A.human society is very similar to that of ratsB.birth control is essential fro a better lifeC.efforts should be made to improve living conditionsD.rats are not social animalsThe United States is full of automobiles.There are sti l l many familieswithout cars,but some families have two or ever more.However,cars are usedfor more than pleasure.There are a necessary part of life.Cars are used for business.They are driven to offices and factories byworkers who have no other way to get to their jobs.Whe n salesmen are sent todifferent parts of the city,they have to drive in order to carry theirproducts.Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school.In some cities school busesare provided only when children live more than a mile from the school.Whe nthe children are too young to walk that far,their mothers take turn drivingthem to school.One mother drives on Monday,taking her own children and theneighbors,children as well.Another mother drives on Tuesday,another onWednesday,and so on.This is called forming a car poll.Me n also form carpools,with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they allwork.More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on theroad and to use less gasoline.Parking is great problem,and so is the trafficin and around cities.Too many cars are being driven.Something will have tobe done about the use of cars.21.Which is N O T true according to the passage?A.Each American family has got at least one car.B.S ome American families have got more than one car.C.Cars are very com m on in the United States.D.Americans do not use cars for pleasure only.22.According to the passage,children must be taken to school by car whenA.their homes are over one mile away f


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