We only recognize safe environmental friendly and energy efficient products.台州市路桥区横街亿利达路Add:Hengjie Luqiao District Taizhou zhejiang china P.c:318056Tel:+86_576_82656000 +86_576_82652200Fax:+86_576_82655758 E-mail:Hot Line:400 1135 666 +86_576_82622666(International Trade)亿利达 技术手册Version Number:A201201该手册最终解释权归亿利达公司所有The Smart ASYBS系列离心式空调风机SYBS02-039The Smart Air量、符号与单位Quantities,Symbols and Units风机的声音基础The Basics of Sound温度与海拔对选型的影响The Effects of Temperature and Altitude风机的振动和平衡Fan Vibration and Balancing风机基础及应用Fan Basics and ApplicationsAMCA 介绍AMCA Introduction风机应用部分Fan Applications001-004005006-011012-018019-022023-025风机产品部分Fan Products001AMCA 介绍AMCA Introduction空气运动及控制协会(AMCA 国际),是一家非盈利性的国际性组织,它的成员大多是世界各国与空气系统有关的生产商,涉及产品主要包括(但也不仅限于):工商业和家用的风机、百叶窗、风阀、空气幕、空气流量测量装置、噪声衰减器及其它空气系统组件。AMCA 的使命是促进空气运动及控制行业与公众利益一致并健康发展。AMCA 国际是一种非常有价值的资源,同时也是行业自律的强有力组织。人们不论是购买还是指定风机、风阀和百叶窗,都一定要充分了解 AMCA 国际认证额定值印章的价值。The Air Movement and Control Association(AMCA International),Inc.is a not-for-profit international association of the worlds manufacturers of related air system equipment,primarily,but not limited to:fans,louvers,dampers,air curtains,airflow measurement stations,acoustic attenuators,and other air system components for the industrial,commercial and residential markets.The associations mission is to promote the health and growth of the air movement and control industry consistent with the interest of the public.AMCA International is a valuable resource and a strong means of self regulation for our industry.People who buy and specify fans,dampers,and louvers need to be aware of the value of the AMCA International Certified Ratings Seal.During the last 90 years of representing the air movement and control industry(over fifty years as its consolidated voice),AMCA International has provided value to its membership with the following services:1)Certified Ratings Program2)Unique state-of-the art testing laboratory3)Participation in the development of standards4)Independent AMCA accredited laboratories in 5)Industry statistics and forecasting reports在过去的 90 年中,AMCA 国际代表空气运动及控制行业发展的行业领军者,为其会员提供下列有利价值的服务:1)认证额定值程序 2)独一无二的国家级检测实验室 3)参与标准的制定4)AMCA 认可的独立实验室(在新加坡和韩国)5)行业统计和预测报告 A).什么是AMCA 国际?A).What is AMCA International?Singapore,Korea002003AMCA 介绍AMCA IntroductionAMCA 介绍AMCA Introduction1)AMCA 国际的认证额定值程序(CRP),保证产品系列已经过测试,及其额定值已达到 AMCA 国际的测试标准和额定要求。2)当产品已经过测试,及其样本已经提交给 AMCA 国际的工作人员批准,AMCA 的性能印章会显示在样本和设备上。要维持额定值的认证,每一个经授权的产品系列都要接受 3年一次的重复检测。发布的性能参数都经过核实为准确并有效的。3)AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章向空气运动及控制设备的采购员、专业人士和终端用户保证,生产商公布的额定值是可靠和准确的。4)AMCA 的认证额定值程序向采购员和专业人士保证,各竞争者的额定值都是基于标准的测试方法和程序得出,并由AMCA 国际作为一个公平的权威机构来进行审核。5)所有 AMCA 认证的产品都列入网站,以便您可以验证出您购买的产品是在行列中。你在购买之前,请检查 AMCA 在线目录的认证产品 www.amca.org。AMCA Internationals Certified Ratings Program (CRP)assures that a product line has been tested and rated in conformance with AMCA Internationals test standards and rating requirements.Performance seals may be displayed in literature and on equipment after a product has been tested and its cataloged ratings have been submitted to and approved by AMCA Internationals staff.To maintain a ratings certification,each licensed product line is subject to retesting every 3 years.Published performance is checked for accuracy and validity.An AMCA Certified Ratings Seal gives the buyer,specifier,and end-user of air movement and control equipment assurance that published ratings are reliable and accurate.The AMCA certified ratings program assures buyers and specifiers that competitors ratings are based on standard test methods and procedures,and are subject to review by AMCA International as an impartial authority.All AMCA certified products are listed on line,so you can verify that the product you are buying is listed.Before you buy,check out the AMCA online Directory of Certified Products at www.amca.org.B).认证额定值程序(CRP)B).Certified Rating Program(CRP)1)2)3)4)5)AMCA 国际的实验室可以对风机进行以下的测试:1)风机的空气性能测试包括:风机性能的发展。气流、压力、功率和效率的测量。适用于空气性能测试的测试标准,包括:AMCA 标准 210-07,实验室测试风机气动性能额定值认证的方法。AMCA 标准 220-05,空气幕机组的测试方法。AMCA 标准 230-07,实验室测试空气循环风机额定值的方法。AMCA 标准 240-06,实验室测试正压通风机额定值的方法。2)风机的声音测试包括:进口的声功率。出口的声功率。总声功率。适用于声音测试的测试标准,包括:AMCA 标准 300-08,混响室测试风机声音的方法。3)风机的能源效率测试包括:风机效率等级(FEG)对风机的效率进行分级。适用于风机的能源效率测试的测试标准,包括:AMCA 标准 205-10,风机能源效率分级。Air Performance Testing includes:Development of the fan curves.Measurement of airflow,pressure,power and efficiency.Test standards that apply to air performance testing include:AMCA 210-07,Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating.AMCA 220-05,Test Methods for Air Curtain Units.AMCA 230-07,Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Circulator Fans for Rating.AMCA 240-06,Laboratory Method of Testing Positive Pressure Ventilators for Rating.Sound Testing includes:Inlet sound power.Outlet sound power.Total sound power.Test standards that apply to air performance testing include:AMCA 300-08,Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans.Energy Efficiency Testing includes:The fans shall be classified for their fan efficiency by using the Fan Efficiency Grade(FEG).Test standards that apply to air performance testing include:AMCA 205-10,Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans.C).风机的测试及标准C).Fans Testing and Standards1)2)3)004005量、符号与单位Quantities,Symbols and UnitsAMCA 介绍AMCA Introduction本公司承诺样本中贴有 AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章 的风机,性能都已经通过 AMCA 认证额定值程序(CRP)的测试,并被批准使用 AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章。Yilida committed that all fans and its catalogs affixed with the AMCA International Certified Ratings Seal.The fans are tested and certified by AMCA Certified Rating Program(CRP)and are approved to use the AMCA International Certified Rating Seal.1)亿利达是 AMCA 国际的会员单位。2)亿利达建有国内首家 AMCA 标准实验室按 AMCA标准建设的全性能实验室。3)大部分的产品都通过 AMCA 认证额定值程序(CRP)的测试,相应的样本都获得 AMCA 国际的工作人员批准,这些产品及其样本已被批准使用 AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章。4)亿利达获得的认证额定值印章,包括:风机的空气性能,风机的声音,风机效率等级(FEG)。Yilida is a member of AMCA International,Inc.Yilida has build the first AMCA Standard Laboratory in China.The laboratory was built in accordance to the AMCA Standard.Most of the products are tested and certified by AMCA Certified Rating Program(CRP),and their catalog ratings are approved by AMCA Internationals staff.All these products and their catalogs are approved to use the AMCA International Certified Ratings Seal.The Certified Rating Seals include:Air Performance,Sound and Fan Efficiency Grade(FEG).注意:1)有些生产厂商的印刷品中有下列类似阐述“按照 AMCA 标准进行测试”,但请注意这与“产品被获准使用 AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章”有本质区别。印有类似语句的印刷品仅仅表明该产品采用AMCA 公布的标准进行测试,但是其测试的数据不会被 AMCA 承认。2)另一个容易引致误会的方面是 AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章与 AMCA 会员证书之间的差异。有些生产厂商会将 AMCA 会员证书印在产品目录上,这容易让人误解为其产品已通过 AMCA 的测试及认证。红白的 AMCA 会员证书仅仅代表其为 AMCA 国际的会员,只有蓝黄色和绿黄色的认证额定值印章,才表明该产品是通过 AMCA 认证额定值程序(CRP)的测试,并被批准使用AMCA 国际的认证额定值印章。如图 1 所示。Note:Some manufacturers have printed the following statement:tested in accordance with AMCA standards in their catalogs.Please note that there are essentially different from the statement of“the products are approved to use the AMCA International Certified Ratings Seal.These manufactures statements mean that their products are tested in accordance with AMCA Standards,but the tested data are not recognized and approved by the AMCA International.Another statement that can easily lead to misunderstanding is the difference between the AMCA Interational Certified Ratings Seal and the AMCA Membership Certificate.Some manufacturers have printed the“AMCA Membership Certificate”in their catalogs.This is misleading to let people believe that their products have tested and certified by AMCA.The“AMCA Membership Certificate”(red and white color)indicates that the manufacturer is a member of the AMCA International only.Only the“AMCA International Certified Ratings Seal”(yellow and green,yellow and blue color)symbols indicates that the products have been tested through the AMCA International Certified Rating Program and have been approved to use the“AMCA International Certified Ratings Seal.(Fig.1)D).亿利达与 AMCA 国际的关系D).Relationship between Yilida and AMCA International,Inc.1)2)3)1)2)图1Fig.14)Common Fan Symbols3.常用风机符号Basic Symbols1.常用基本符号Common Motor Symbols2.常用电机符号gm/sT绝对温度Temperature in KelvinKt摄氏温度Temperature in CelsiusC媒介密度Density of mediumkg/mpPressure面积Am2The measure of area风机转速nr/min(rpm)Fan Speed/RPM压力气体常数半径圆周速度比容角速度重力加速度Gravitational speed accelerationPa体积VolumeVm3速度Speed质量WeightmkgJ转动惯量Moment of inertiakg.m2力FNForcePW功率PowerRJ/kg.KRadiusGas constantrm(mm)Specific volume Tip speedcm/sm3/kgm/sAngular velocityurad/sSymbolUnit符号SI单位SymbolUnit符号SI单位Designation名称Designation名称C400V电容CapacitorFIN额定电流Rated currentARated voltage额定电压Uv额定功率Rated powerPNWSymbolUnit符号SI单位SymbolUnit符号SI单位Designation名称Designation名称TN额定转矩Rated torqueN.mTcr临界转矩Breakdown torqueN.mTS启动转矩Starting torqueN.m供电频率Power supply frequencyf1HzTl负载转矩Loaded torqueN.m功率因数电机效率绝缘等级防护等级nD电动机转速Motor speed/RPMr/minPower factorMotor efficiencyInsulation classProtection gradecosIPB/F/Hm-c流速Flow speedm/sD叶轮直径Impeller diametermdg管径Duct diameterm流量系数Volume coefficient-l2管道长度Duct lengthmLPAA声压级Sound pressure level A-weighteddB(A)LWAA声功率级Sound power level A-weighteddB(A)LW2A环境声级Surrounding sound power level dB(A)LWiA入口A声功率级Inlet sound power level dB(A)LWoA出口A声功率级Outlet sound power leveldB(A)Po电机输出功率 Motor output powerkW 静压Static pressurePa(in.wg)psF 静压差Differential static pressurePa动压Dynamic pressurePa风机出口处动压Dynamic pressure at fan outletPapdF 动压差Differential dynamic pressurePa全压Total pressurePa(in.wg)ptF升压 Pressures risePat允许最大媒介温度Max.permissable medium temperatureu2叶轮圆周速度Tip speed m/s压缩性系数Compressibility factor-阻力系数Coefficient of resistance-R管道摩擦系数Coefficient of friction of duct work-LPiA入口A声压级Inlet sound pressure level dB(A)LPoA出口A声压级Outlet sound pressure level dB(A)Z雷诺数临界转速Critical speedkW kW r/minr/min qVqm体积流量质量流量Volume capacityMass capacitykg/sReReynolds numberner轴功率PshShaft power效率Efficiency-机械效率Mechanical efficiency-me-比转速Specific speedNssFtF静压效率全压效率Static efficiency Total efficiency -DesignationSymbolUnit名称符号SI单位DesignationSymbolUnit名称符号SI单位m/h(m3/s)运动粘性系数Coefficient of kinematic viscositym2/s进出口噪声差值LWADifferential between inlet and outletdB(A)ptFpsFpdFpd2叶轮平衡等级Impeller balance grademm/sG006007风机基础及应用Fan Basics and Applications风机基础及应用Fan Basics and Applications风机定律方程式:3121212=DDnnqqVV=1221221212DDnnpp=1251231212DDnnPP1212nnqqVV=21212=nnpp31212=nnPPr/minnnnqqVV14641220250003000021212=Papnnpp1051730122014642221212=kWPnnPP91.1247.7122014643231212=该样本中风机性能均指在标准状态下的性能,即风机的气体状态为:The fan performance in this catalogue denotes the peformance under the standard air conditions.The standard air conditions are as follows:应用一:风机转速的变化。a)当风机尺寸、管网系统及空气密度都不变时,可得:例 1:某工程项目需要一台后向离心风机来送风,风量为25000 m3/h,静压为 730 Pa。经选型,可得风机型号为SYQ630R,转速为 1220 r/min,轴功率为 7.47 kW(电机功率为 11 kW)。现场要求风量大于原来设计风量,要求风量增加到 30000 m3/h。求风机新的转速,静压及轴功率。SYQ630R 风机的最高转速为 1700 r/min。当风机转速提高到 1464 r/min,SYQ630R 的风机能满足要求。当前风机的轴功率提高到 12.91 kW。原有的 11 kW 电机已不能满足要求,需更换电机。Fan Laws Equations:Application 1:Change in Fan Speed.a)When the fan,the airflow system and the air density remain unchanged:E.g.1:A project needs a backward inclined centrifugal fan to supply air,its airflow is 25,000 m3/h and the static pressure is 730 Pa.After selection,the fan is SYQ630R,the fan speed is 1220 r/min and the shaft power is 7.47 kW(the motor power is 11 kW).Now the site needs to increase the airflow to 30,000m3/h.Find the new fan speed,static pressure and the shaft power.The maximum fan speed of SYQ630R is 1700 r/min,so it is not a problem for the fan speed to run 1464 r/min.Now,the shaft power is increased to 12.91 kW,so the original 11 kW motor cannot be used,the motor needs to be changed.风机定律Fan LawsNote:This application is normally used to fix the airflow problems(too big or too small)at site.注:这个定理常用于解决现场风量过大或者风量不足的情况。?空气压力空气温度空气密度Air pressureAir temperatureAir density P=101.325 KPat=20 =1.2 Kg/m3注意:当现场需要增加风量时,必须注意(1)风机新的转速不能超过风机的最高转速。(2)如原有的电机功率不能满足新的轴功率时,就需要更换电机。NOTE:When the customer site needs to increase the airflow,please pay attentionThe new fan speed cannot exceed the maximum fan speed.If the original motor cannot meet requirement of the new shaft power,then the motor needs to be replaced.(1)(2)(b)当风机尺寸,管网系统及压力都不变时;可得:2121122121212=nnnnpp21211212=nnqqVV121221211223211231212VVqqPPnnPP=注:风机样本中的风机性能曲线都是以标准空气为基础的,这个定理是用于高海拔高度或高温度的情况,空气密度有变化时,选择风机的基础。例 2:在同样的情况下,客户要求增加风量,但不想再投资去更换电机,求此 11 kW 电机的条件下,允许增加多少转速?在这个新的转速下,风量和静压是多少?解:11 kW 的电机功率减去 10%的安全系数得轴功率为9.9 kW。r/minnppnnnPP1340122047.79.93113112231212=m3/hqnnqqVVV27460250001220134021212=Papnnpp881730122013402221212=如果不更换电机的情况下,风量只能从 25000 m3/h增加到27460 m3/h。E.g.2:In the same case,the client requests for additional airflow,but do not want to invest to replace the motor.Under the same 11 kW motor conditions,what is the new fan speed?And in this new speed,what is the airflow and static pressure?If the safety factor is 10%,the shaft power will be 9.9 kW.If the motor is not replaced,then the airflow can only be increased from 25000 m3/h to 27460 m3/h.(a)When the fan size,the airflow system and the fan speed remain unchanged:12VVqq=1212=pp1212=PP(b)When the fan,the airflow system and the pressure remain unchanged:(c)When the fan,the airflow system and the mass flow rate(qm)remain unchanged:=vmqq12mmqq=1122=vvqq2112=nn2112=pp22112=PP21=qV1qV2Note:The fan performance curves in the catalog are measured under the standard air condition.This application is used for the selection of the fans that running in the high altitude or in the high temperature condition,when there is a change in the air density.(a)当风机尺寸,管网系统及风机转速都不变时;可得:应用二:气体密度的变化。(c)当风机尺寸,管网系统及空气质量流量(qm)都不变时,可得:Application 2:Change in Air Density.008009风机基础及应用Fan Basics and Applications风机基础及应用Fan Basics and Applications例 3:某工厂需要一台风机用于排除一个锅炉产生的 20000 m3/h 的 120的高温气体,其静压为 450 Pa。求风机所需的轴功率。解:120的空气密度=0.9 kg/m3标准空气的密度=1.2 kg/m320000 m3/h 风量及静压 600 Pa,标准空气工况选型,得风机 SYQS900E.转速为 770 r/min,轴功率为 4.93 kW(电机为 5.5 kW)。当用于 120的高温空气,kWp7.393.42.19.02=所需轴功率为 3.7 kW。Pap6004509.02.12=12=vvqq=20000 m3/hE.g.3:A factory needs a fan to draw high temperature air from an oven which is delivering 20,000 m3/h of 120 air against 450 Pa static pressure.Find the shaft power required for the fan.The air density at 120=0.9 kg/m3The standard air density=1.2 kg/m3Using the airflow 20,000 m3/h and the static pressure 600 Pa,under the standard air condition,the fan selected is SYQS 900E,the fan speed is 770 r/min,the shaft power is 4.93 kW(motor is 5.5 kW).When running at 120 high temperature air,The shaft power required is 3.7 kW.例 4:一家风机制造厂商想把直径为 355 mm 风机的性能数据扩大应用于直径为 710 mm 的风机。355 mm 风机在风量 8000 m3/h,静压为 300 Pa 时,它的转速为 784 r/min,轴功率为 1.33 kW。轮缘线速度为 14.57 m/s。对应一个 710 mm 风机,在相同的转速(784 r/min)时,求它对应的风量,静压,轴功率及轮缘线速度。31212=DDqqVVm3/hqV64000800035571032=21212=DDppPap120030035571022=51212=DDPPkWP56.4233.135571052=1212DDuu=smu/14.2957.143557102=(a)当风机转速及空气密度都不变时,可得:31212=DDqqVV21212=DDpp51212=DDPP(b)当风机的轮缘线速度及气体密度都不变时。可得:12uu=1122DnDn=2112DDnn=21212=DDqqVV12pp=1221212VVqqDDPP=When the fan speed and the air density remain unchanged:When the tip-speed of fan and the air density remain unchanged:注:这个定理一般为风机设计人员所用,很少用于现场。Note:This application is mostly used by the fan designers,it is rarely used