【教案】Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 教学设计人教版(2019)必修第二册.docx
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【教案】Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 教学设计人教版(2019)必修第二册.docx
教学设计A Brief Teaching Plan for Reading and Thinking Unit2,Book 21.文本解读(1)主题意义和主要内容本单元的主题是人与自然,通过学习野生动物的现状,了解保护濒危物种背后的生存意义,构建对野生动物保护的认知、态度和行为选择,并思考如何参与保护动物。本课的主题是“学习保护濒危野生动物”,主要讲述我国保护珍稀野生动物藏羚羊的措施和取得的成就。通过讲述藏羚羊所面临的问题,旨在告诉学生要树立保护野生动物的意识,思考人类如何改变生活方式和参与保护野生动物。(2)写作意图通过了解藏羚羊所面临的危险和保护措施,提高对野生动物保护的意识,提倡寻求动物保护的合理措施。意识到保护野生动物就是保护我们自己,人类只有改变自己的生活方式,才能与自然和谐共生。(3)文体结构和语言修辞本文是一篇日志体的文章,记录一天中所发生的事情。课文的标题是A DAY IN THE CLOUDS,通过作者的所见、所闻、所感,以第一人称的口吻讲述保护珍惜物种藏羚羊的故事。文章共有七个段落,结构完整,文字优美。第一段是引子,交代了作者当天的活动地点和活动目的,作者来到空气稀薄的高原观察了解藏羚羊。第二段展现藏羚羊的优雅美丽,同时指出他们正遭受着非法盗猎的灾难,表达对藏羚羊的怜惜和对不法分子的痛恨。第三段是扎西的野生动物保护理念和认识。扎西在羌唐国家自然保护区工作,担任作者的向导。第四段介绍保护藏羚羊的缘由,种群数量和栖息地数量减少,藏羚羊种群濒临灭绝。第五段讲述我国政府和民间组织为保护藏羚羊所采取的有力措施。第六段讲述保护措施的成效。最后一段是作者的感想,也是文章的立意所在,人类只有改变自己的生活方式,才能与自然和谐共生。2.学情分析授课班级是高一年级学生,该班学生对英语学习兴趣较强,善于思考,积极活跃。从和主题上看,野生动物保护容易引起学生的学习兴趣和探究欲望,是与学生息息相关的熟悉的话题:从语言知识层面上看,语言词汇量方面积累可能不足,教师需要通过教学丰富学生语言表达,激发学生主动思考和分享的欲望。3.教学目标(1)学习理解方面:阅读日志文本,了解藏羚羊濒临灭绝的原因以及国家的保护措施,学习保护动物的语言表达;理解作者写作意图;挖掘文章句子隐含意义。(2)应用实践方面:提高保护野生动物的意识,寻求保护野生动物的方式。(3)迁移创新方面:意识到人与自然和谐共处的重要性。4.教学重点(1)把握日志体叙事的文本特点;阅读文本中有关藏羚羊保护的重要信息;(2)分享对野生物种保护的观点和看法,意识到人与自然和谐相处的重要性5.教学难点(1)挖掘文本的隐含意义;(2)英文阐述人类活动对野生动物的威胁以及保护野生动物的措施6.教学过程教学目标教学活动及互动方式设计意图活动层次效果评价导入本节课主题,激活学生已知唤醒新知,使学生对主题有初步了解Activity1:Lead-inT shows Ss some pictures and a video of Tibetan antelopes,at the same time introducing some information about Tibetan antelopes by the way of asking questions.This part aims to raise Ss' interest and let Ss know more about Tibetan antelopes,which will be helpful for reading.感知与注意导入生动,学生自然跟随进入主题,通过学生已知藏羚羊相关信息,激发学生学习兴趣,对藏羚羊保护有初步了解。带领学生识别文章写作类型,初步了解日志写作问题特点,构建文章整体框架,熟悉日志内容。引导学生深度地理解文本。Activity2:Reading for the information about the protection of Tibetan Antelopes1)Lead Ss to guess the type of the text according to the title and introduce the definition of journal.2) Make Ss to match the main idea of each part.What the author sawWhat the author heardWhat the author thought3) Guide Ss to read thetext part by part and understand the content and purpose of the text by answering questions.4) Guide Ss to appreciate some sentences in the text and try to guess the implied meaning.1)Let Ss know the characters of travel journal.2) According to the characters of travel journal, the text has been divided into three parts.Guide Ss to have a better understanding of the general structure of the text.3) Make Ss know more about the problems thatTibetan antelopes faced, measures that were taken to protect them, and the effects of the measures.4) Based on what Ss know,let Ss guess the implied meaning,so asto get the author's ideas.获取与梳理概括与整合1)通过观察题目特点,学生能够容易准确判断出文章写作类型。2)学生能够准确地捕捉到作者的所见所思所想。3)学生能够快速获取文章信息并回答问题。4)当学生猜测句子背后隐含意义有困难时,及时引导。使学生了解危害野生动物的多种因素Activity3:Further thinkingT shows some pictures and invites Ss to describe what happened in the pictures.In order to raise the awareness of protecting wildlife,Ss can have a better understanding of the threat from human activities to nature.描述与阐释分析与判断学生反馈积极,能够主动发言描述图片展示内容,并且理解危害野生动物的各种因素。寻找保护野生动物的有效措施Activity4:Discuss how we change our way of life to live in harmony with nature.Let Ss discuss how we change our way of life and learn to live in harmony with nature in groups of four and list some key points on the worksheet.One student is chosen to be the spokesman to share his ideas standing for the group.Ss discuss the topicwith classmates so as to exchange different ideas and seek for the proper measures to protect the wildlife.内化与运用批判与评价同学们通过积极讨论,能够列出几点保护野生动物的措施,并积极举手发言表达小组观点。回顾复习并激发想象与创造Ss are supposed to be one of the volunteers who are devoted to protecting Tibetan antelopes.The volunteers are going to write a letter to their grandchild.The following parts can be included:1.Antelopeslife in the past(endangered);2.Antelopes present life (protected);3.Your wishes and hope to your grandchild (measures).With the purpose of reviewing the content of this class, Ss are asked to write a letter by using the expressions that have been learned. Ss are advised to describe the endangered and protected situation together with the measures to protect the wildlife,想象与创造课堂小结回顾建议学科网(北京)股份有限公司