精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2015年上海各市区高三一模二模翻译汇总宝山区:1. 你能告诉我你热衷于网络游戏的原因吗?(crazy)2. 令大家满意的是政府采取的措施比预期更有效。(measure)3. 谈到向别人表达感谢时,除了“谢谢”外,还有许多更有创意的方式。(come)4. 对于一再挑战极限的人来说,冒险是一种生活方式。(challenge)5. 任何人仅凭背单词是不可能考出好成绩的,更不用说具有和老外交流的能力了。(Only)黄浦区:1前天, 许多物理学家出席了颁奖典礼。(present)2选举结果出乎预料,这令大多数人颇为失望。 (which)3只有相关各方更多地关注青少年,他们才能形成正确的价值观。(Only)4他从没想到保护水资源的文化和社会因素也应被列入考虑范围。(occur)5虽然大多数孩子喜欢吃快餐,但科学研究显示汉堡和匹萨缺乏身体健康和成长所必需的矿物质及维生素。(Although) 静安区:1. 你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗? (possible)2. 桌上有本最新版的英语字典。(On)3. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(aware)4. 正是我国宇航员的精神才使我们克服了所有的艰难险阻。(enable)5. 每天仅准许两百名游客进入博物馆参观,因为里面的物品非常珍贵。(admit)长宁区:1. 均衡的膳食是保持健康的关键。 (key)2. 没有什么能比得上我现在看到的景色。 (than)3. 每个人都要为自己的决定负责,因为人生就是一系列的选择。 (responsible)4. 学生应该学会如何保护自己以防止意外伤害的建议是很有用的。(suggestion)5. 无论遇到什么困难,只要你坚持不懈的努力,你所有的梦想都会实现。(whatever)崇明县:1. 我可以向你保证目前一切都在掌控之中。(assure)2. 你认为人类定居另一颗行星的梦想会实现吗?(come true)3. 面对这样突如其来的灾难,这个国家完全措手不及。(unprepared)4. 没有证据证明受过良好教育的孩子将来就一定会成为非常成功的人。(proof)5. 智能手机(smartphone)不仅让你了解世界上发生的事情,而且可以让你随时随地上网购物。(Not only)奉贤区:1基于真实故事的小说往往更能感动人心。(base)2在告别会上,他含着眼泪向全体同事表示感激。(gratitude)3生活的美妙不在于你有多快乐,而在于你能给别人带来多少快乐。(depend)4电脑技术正变得如此先进以至于它使电脑尺寸越来越小,速度越来越快。(So。)5毫无疑问在如今这个充满竞争的社会,保持幽默有助于减少压力并促进创虹口区:1. 我从未想到我校篮球队会在决赛中败北。(occur)2. 那只迷路的猴子得到了村民们的精心照顾。(care)3. 他再也无法忍受没有被晋升为部门经理的事实。(No longer)4. 就教师而言,没有什么比能看到学生取得进步更令人高兴的了。(than)5. 尽管这项计划的初衷是为了提高人民的生活水平,但由于种种原因计划未能实施。(intend)金山区:1时下,网上购物在年轻人中很流行。(popular)2练得越多,你的钢琴弹的就越好。(the more)3只有当你理解领会了这种知识,才能记住它。( Only )4如何保护我们的视力是个重要的问题,每个青少年都应该知道答案。(whose)5毫无疑问,小时候没有受过教育的父母经常叮嘱他们的孩子要好好读书。( access )浦东新区:1. 老师让我用熟悉的词替换生词。(replace)2. 有些家长从未意识到,做家务可以培养孩子的责任心。(Never)3. 如果有朝一日,学生能自主选择校服的款式,那该多棒啊!(How)4. 鼓励市民买电动汽车,这从长远来看将有助于促进低碳经济。(which)5. 新近开发的智能手表功能如此强大,估计明年一经上市,必将热销。(estimate)普陀区:1、孩子们总是对圣诞节的礼物充满好奇。(curious)2、我们不确定能否按时完成任务。(sure)3、对学生而言,身心健康与在学业表现中取得进步同样重要。(asas)4、评委和专家们对他昨天在表演时脸部表情以及手势动作的印象极为深刻。(impress)5、大家一致认为任何有责任心和毅力的人都有资格申请该职位。(whoever)青浦区:1.这项慈善基金的设立旨在中国推广青山年足球。(promote)2.要不了多久我的同学们定能学会抵制网络游戏的诱惑。(It)3.期望尽可能多的学生参与到“个人职业生涯规划”的主题活动中来。(participate)4.如果压力过大影响了睡眠,最好还是咨询心理老师;不然的话,你可能会有麻烦。(consult)5.随着电影星际穿越(interstellar)的发行, 人们越来越意识到地球所面临的环境危机,从而开始一起行动起来去拯救地球。(With)松江区:1. 我给他发了一封电子邮件,祝贺他升职。(congratulate)2. 年轻人必须与时俱进,这样才不至于落后。 (young)优高考网gkstk3. 你应该一诺千金,否则你会被当做是不可靠的人。(promise n.)4. 我万万没想到对电脑知识一窍不通的奶奶如今也迷上了网购。(occur)5. 昨晚我忙于撰写一份择业报告以至于误了与朋友的约会,这使我朋友大失所望。(So)闸北区:1. 玛丽的表演从来没有这样令人印象深刻。(Never)2. 谁到得最晚,就得为今天的晚餐买单。(whoever)3. 据报道,父母之间的关系将大大影响孩子的学习成绩。(It)4. 在世界许多地方,重男轻女的现象令许多女性在教育、就业方面处于劣势。(phenomenon)6. 商家制造的一年一度的消费节为老百姓提供了花小钱买高质商品的机会。(provide)嘉定区:82、学生们轮流到附近的火车站做志愿者。(turn n.)83、他肯定早就意识到了英语的重要性,所以英语那么好。(awaer)84、不管多忙,我们都应每天给家人腾出些时间来。(spare)85、我认为就此问题与那些固执己见的人争论下去没有意义了。(point n.)86、进入丛林不远,一条清澈的小溪映入了我们的眼帘。(before)高三二模英语翻译闵行区:82. 昨晚我很累,没做完作业就睡了。(without)83. 无论多忙,我们都应该经常花时间与父母说说话。(spend)84. 学生是否必须穿校服,校方和家长各执一词。(opinion)85. 虽然这种产品有利环保,但因其价格昂贵,几乎无人问津。(in favor of)86. 骑车不仅能让我们体格强健,还有助于我们免受日益严重的交通拥堵之苦。(suffer)普陀区:1、学校里约半数的学生热衷于玩手机游戏。(keen)2、事实证明,你尝试的越多,就越有可能提前取得成功。(the more)3、他从没像现在这样渴望得到父母的理解和支持。(Never)4、自从有了互联网,消费者足不出户就可以轻松买到各种心仪的商品。(access)5、鉴于日趋严重的环境污染,政府正呼吁市民合理处理废旧电池。(appeal)黄浦区:1这个协议将为两国的合作铺平道路。 (pave)2据说那位年轻教授当众反对了校长的提议。(object) 3一旦那个工程师下定决心,就没有谁能说服他改变最初的决定。(once) 4昨天我把那台不能用的空调退还给了出售它的商店并得到了退款。(where) 5大卫得知要参加即将在北京举行的决赛后是如此激动以致于彻夜未眠。(Sothat)崇明县:1. 我们学习英语不是为了参加考试,而是为了掌握一种交际工具。(tool)2. 我们应怀感恩之心善待那些爱我们并关心我们的人。(grateful)3. 只要你懂得如何反思自己的过错,就能从中吸取教训。(reflect)4. 尽管家境贫寒,但那个男孩志存高远并梦想着有朝一日能获诺贝尔奖。(Despite)5. 那个刚被批评的女孩哭着跑了出去,根本不知道这样其实让她的父母更伤心。(Out)虹口区:82、据我所知,他们学校的面积是我们的两倍。(size.)83、如果你忘记通知他面试时间了该怎么办。(what if)84、在现代社会中,手机不仅是通讯工具,也是一种娱乐工具。(Not only)85、这位经济学家在调查中发现,有些人赚的越多,消费的欲望也更强烈。(the more)86、既然选手们已投入比赛,及时结果不尽如人意,你也别对其吹毛求疵了。(devote)徐汇区松江金山区:1. 众所周知,大量砍树对自然平衡有灾难性的影响。(As)2. 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在年幼时就学会了照顾自己。(age)3. 这部滑稽的电影的确分散了我注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些难题。(which)4. 考官在面试时问了他很多问题,为的是了解他是否能胜任科学研究工作。(in order to)5. 正因为是他被任命为经理,该公司在过去的十年中迅速发展为广告业巨头。(It)长宁嘉定区:1. 人们越来越依赖互联网。(dependent)2. 他有远大抱负,要成为一名宇航员。(ambition)3. 这款手机一上市就吸引了世界各地的年轻人。 (Hardly)4. 你是不是就在这家新开的饭店里看见嫌犯实施犯罪? (it)5. 她一直犹豫是否要做手术,直到医生确切地告诉她到目前为止手术没有失败过时,才下决心做手术。 (assure)静安青浦宝山:82在美国和加拿大,用餐后不付小费是很失礼的事。(tip)83. 据报道,政府已经下定决心要解决环境污染问题。(determine)84. 令他惊讶的是,他的春考成绩比他期望的要好的多。(expect)85. 汉语是世界上最难的语言之一,学习这种语言的人就会很快发现自己遇到了挑战。(challenge)86. 直到真要出国了,这个年轻人才意识到自立的重要性。 (Not)杨浦区:1.仔细检查作文的话,许多拼写错误是可以避免的。(check) 2.花匠告诉他这种树是很难被移植的。(transplant)3.李光耀(Lee Kuang Yew)去世的消息使全国陷入深深的悲痛之中。(pass)4.直到最近发生了一系列空难事故后,人们才开始关注飞行员的心理健康。(Not)5.养成每天看天气预报的习惯,这样你就能够应付上海变幻莫测、变化多端的天气了。(so that)宝山区:82. Can you tell me the reason why you are so crazy about online games?83. To the satisfaction of all people, the measures taken by the government are more effective than expected.84. When it comes to thanking people, there are many more creative ways besides “thank you”.85. Risk-taking is a way of life for those who repeatedly challenge the limits.86. Only by reciting words is it impossible for anyone to get a good grade in the exam, not to mention the ability to communicate with foreigners.黄浦区:1. Many physicists were present at the awarding ceremony the day before yesterday.2. The outcome/result of the election was out of expection, which made most people feel disappointed.3. Only if parties concered pay more attention to the younger generation will teenagers form proper values.4. It never occurred to him that the cultural and social aspects of protecting the water resource should also be taken into account/consideration.5. Although most children enjoy eating fast food, scientific researches have shown(us) that burgers and pizzas can lack essential minerals and vitamins for health and growth.静安区:1. 你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗? (possible)1. Is it possible for you to attend / come to my birthday party this evening /tonight ?2.桌上有本最新版的英汉字典。(On)2. On the table/desk lies / is an English dictionary of the latest issue.3. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(aware)3. People who are/become aware of the importance of health are paying closer/ more and more attention to their diets. 4. 正是我国宇航员的精神才使我们克服了所有的艰难险阻。(enable)4. It was the spirit of astronauts/ the astronauts spirit of our country that enabled us to overcome all the difficulties.5. 每天仅准许两百名游客进入博物馆参观,因为里面的物品非常珍贵。(admit)5. Only two hundred visitors can be admitted into the museum a day/every day because the items in it are very precious.长宁区:1. 均衡的膳食是保持健康的关键。 (key)【参考答案】(Having )a balanced diet is the key to maintaining healthy/good health.The key to maintaining healthy is to have a balanced diet.【考查内容】the key to 表示“是的关键”【试题解析】均衡的膳食用balanced来修饰,并且要注意the key to的词组中to是介词。2. 没有什么能比得上我现在看到的景色。 (than)【参考答案】No scenery is better/ more beautiful than what I am enjoying here.【考查内容】形容词比较级及定语从句的用法【试题解析】定语从句先行词在从句中作宾语,可以省略。3. 每个人都要为自己的决定负责,因为人生就是一系列的选择。 (responsible)【参考答案】Everyone should be responsible for his decision, because life is a series of choices.【考查内容】be responsible for“为负责”【试题解析】because引导原因状语从句4. 学生应该学会如何保护自己以防止意外伤害的建议是很有用的。(suggestion)【参考答案】The suggestion that students should learn how to protect themselves from unexpected injuries is quite useful.【考查内容】同位语从句【试题解析】suggestion表示建议,同位语从句中的谓语动词要用should加动词原形或省略should。5. 无论遇到什么困难,只要你坚持不懈的努力,你所有的梦想都会实现。(whatever)【参考答案】Whatever difficulty you may/might meet (with), all your dreams will come true, as long as you keep on working hard.崇明县:1. I can assure you that everything is under control at present. (2+2)2. Do you think the dream of human beings settling on another planet/the dream that man will settle on another planet will come true. (2+2)3. The country is completely unprepared to face the unexpected disaster Facing the sudden disaster,the country is totally unprepared. (2+2)4. There is no proof that children with good education/children who receive good education/ well-educated children can surely be/ are certain to be very successful people in the future. (2+1+2)5. Not only do smartphones inform you of what is happening in the world, but also they enable you to do online shopping anytime and anywhere . (1+1+1+1+1)奉贤区:1 Novels based on real/true stories are more likely to touch readers.2 At the farewell party, he showed/expressed his gratitude to all the colleagues with tears in eyes.3 The beauty of life doesnt depend on how happy you are but how much happiness you bring to others.4. So advanced is computer technology getting that it makes computers smaller in size and faster in speed.5. There is no doubt that in such a competitive society, keeping a sense of humor contributes to reducing pressure and promoting creative thinking.虹口区:1. It never occurred to me that the basketball team of my school would be defeated in the final.2. That lost monkey was taken good care of by the villagers.3. No longer can he bear the fact that he wasnt promoted to department manager.4. As for the teachers, there is nothing more joyful than witnessing the progress made by the students.5. Although this plan had been intended to improve the living standards of our people, it wasnt implemented for some reasons.金山区:翻译1.【参考答案】Nowadays, shopping online is very popular with young people.【考查内容】词组 be popular with【试题解析】网上购物是shopping online2.【参考答案】The more exercise you do, the better you can play the piano.【考查内容】句型 The more., the more【试题解析】弹钢琴是play the piano3.【参考答案】Only when you understand this knowledge can you remember it.【考查内容】Only倒装【试题解析】Only +状语倒装,时间状语是when you understand the knowledge, 主句部分倒装can you 4.【参考答案】How to protect our eyesight is an important question whose answer to every teenager should know.【考查内容】定语从句【试题解析】主句是“如何保护我们的视力”,要找到whose的放置地点,只能放在question后面,所以还要注意answer to the question, 所以从句中to不能漏5.【参考答案】There is no doubt that those parents who had no access to education in their childhood often ask their children to study hard.【考查内容】There is no doubt that .; have no access to;定语从句【试题解析】先把毫无疑问的句式写好,“小时候。”做父母的后置定语浦东新区:1. The teacher asked us to replace the new word with a familiar one.2. Never are parents aware that doing housework can cultivate/develop childrens sense of responsibility.3. How great (it is) if one day the students can choose the style of the school uniform by themselves/ on their own!4. Citizens are encouraged to buy the electric car/ the electricity-powered vehicle, which in the long run can / will help (to) promote the low carbon economy.5. The recently-developed smart watch is so powerful in function that it is estimated to sell well once it comes out next year.普陀区:1. (The) kids are always curious about (the) Christmas presents.2. We are not sure whether the task can/ will be finished on time.3. For students, physical and psychological/ mental and physical health is as important as the progress (made) in academic performance.4. His facial expressions and gestures in the performance yesterday greatly impressed the judges and (the) experts.The judges and (the) experts were deeply expressed by his facial expressions and gestures in the performance yesterday.5. It is thought that whoever has a sense of responsibility and perseverance/ persistence is qualified to apply for the position.青浦区:1.The charitable fund is/was conducted to promote youth soccer in china.The charitable fund aims/aimed to promote youth soccer in china.The charitable fund is /was committed to promoting youth soccer in china.Youth soccer=adolescent football=teenager football2.It wont be long before my classmates (fellow students) can learn to resist the temptation of (playing) online games.3. As many students as possible are expected to participate in the theme activities of “personal career planning”.4.If too much pressure has influenced your sleep, you had better consult the psychology teacher, otherwise/or, you are likely to get into trouble .5. With the release of the film interstellar, people are more and more aware of the environmental crisis that/which the Earth is facing and thus begin to take action together to save the Earth.松江区:7. 我给他发了一封电子邮件,祝贺他升职。(congratulate)【参考答案】I sent him an e-mail, which congratulated him on his promotion.【考点】congratulate sb. on sth.8. 年轻人必须与时俱进,这样才不至于落后。 (young)【参考答案】 The young should keep pace with the age and only in this way wont they be left behind.【考点】keep pace with; leave sb. behind来源:学优高考网gkstk9. 你应该一诺千金,否则你会被当做是不可靠的人。(promise n.)【参考答案】You should keep your promise, otherwise you will be regarded as an unreliable person.【考点】keep ones promise; be regarded as; unreliable10. 我万万没想到对电脑知识一窍不通的奶奶如今也迷上了网购。(occur)【参考答案】It has never occurred to me that grandma who was ignorant of computer knowledge is fascinated by online shopping nowadays.【考点】occur用法 11. 昨晚我忙于撰写一份择业报告以至于误了与朋友的约会,这使我朋友大失所望。(So)【参考答案】So busy was I drafting a job selecting report yesterday evening that I missed the appointment with my friend, which made him feel disappointed. 【考点】So在句首的用法闸北区:1. Never has Marys performance been so impressive.2. Whoever arrives the latest will have to pay for todays dinner.3. Its reported that the relationship between parents can greatly affect their kids academic scores.4. In many parts of the world, the phenomenon of valuing sons over daughters has put many women at a disadvantage in education and employment.5. The annual spending holiday produced by merchants provides common people with a chance to buy high-quality goods at low prices.嘉定区:82. The students take turn to work as volunteers at the nearby railway station.83. He must have been aware of the importance of English, so he has a good command of English.84. No matter how busy we are, we should spare some time for our family everyday.85. I think that there is no point arguing about the question with those who are stubborn.86. A clear stream came into view before we had walked far into the woods.二模翻译:闵行区:82. I was so tired last night that I went to bed without finishing my homework. 83. However busy we are, we should regularly spend some time talking with our parents.84. The school (authority) and parents have / hold different opinions on whether students must wear school uniforms. 85. Although this product is in favor of environmental protection, few people show interest in / would like to buy it because of its high price.86. Cycling can not only make us physically strong, but also help us avoid suffering from the increasingly serious traffic jams.普陀区:1、学校里约半数的学生热衷于玩手机游戏。(keen)Around half of the students in school are keen on playing games in cell phones.评分标准:满分4分Around half of the