<p>2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试试题含答案(六科试卷)目录1.2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试语文试题含答案2.2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试英语试题含答案3.2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试理综试题含答案4.2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试文综试题含答案5.2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试理数试题含答案6.2023 届陕西省汉中市高三第二次质量检测考试文数试题含答案1/82/83/84/85/86/87/88/81/22/2 语文答案 第 1 页 共 4 页 汉中市汉中市2022023 3届高三年级教学质量第届高三年级教学质量第二二次检测考试次检测考试 语文语文参考参考答案答案 1.【答案】B【解析】本题考查准确理解文中信息的能力。A 项,“经学”传统上不属于“子学”;C 项,原文“如何不使人沦为物质的俘虏”并不等于“已沦为”;D 项,“与西方文艺复兴不同”不合文意。2.【答案】A【解析】本题考查分析论证的思路、逻辑、方法的能力。B 项,文中概述现代考古的丰硕成就,意在表明重塑“新经学”条件成熟、中华传统文化之厚重可与西方匹敌;C 项,第五段引文是为了说明“和表现了中国文化的最高理想”;D 项,文中联系西方文艺复兴,不是与中华文化复兴进行对比,而是类比。3.【答案】D【解析】本题考查分析理解文中观点态度的能力。D 项中对原文“反求诸己”理解错误,“己”在这里不是“个人自己”,而是指中华传统文化。4.【答案】C【解析】本题考查准确理解文中信息的能力。A 项,条件缺失,竹林“永续利用”的条件是“保护得好”;B 项,范围扩大,原文“不可生物降解的塑料制品”前有限定语“部分”;D 项,更改陈述对象,“市场占有率和认可度还有待提高”的是“以竹代塑”产品,不是所有的“竹制品”。5.【答案】A【解析】本题考查准确理解文中信息和合理推断的能力。B 项“确保我国乡村经济可持续发展”扩大范围,原文为“促进竹资源丰富地区经济发展”,同时“确保”用语绝对;C 项“提供了”“减少了”改变了原文“将”所表达的将来时态;D 项原文为“进一步夯实以竹代塑的产业基础,在质量、价格等方面增强竹制品竞争力”,选项颠倒前提和结果,“强化竞争”改变原文含义。6.【答案】经营主体:搞好市场推广,提升创新能力,降低产品成本;产学研方面:坚持产业需求导向,强化创新资源共享,加强关键技术攻关;政府方面:把握减塑降碳与生活便利平衡点,用政策激发龙头企业带动和产业集聚。(每点 2 分)【解析】本题考查筛选整合文中信息、归纳内容要点的能力,作答时依据原材料三有关内容从三个不同方面分条概括即可。7.【答案】C【解析】本题考查分析鉴赏文章内容和艺术特色的能力。C 项“但都谈及了艺术、感情、学业及爱国等问题”错,第二封信件没有涉及到学业方面的问题。8.【答案】比喻。借音乐院院长的话,用流水、河流比喻儿子的演奏,表现了儿子演奏的流畅、恢宏的特点。类比。用罗曼罗兰的理想类比儿子的个性,表现了儿子非凡的理想,饱含着傅雷的欣慰之情。联想。以上文喻体河流为起点,联想到莱茵河、江声、钟声、新中国的黎明,表达了傅雷对儿子为祖国而奋斗、声名远播、艺摄人心的美好期待。(每点 2 分,共 6 分。答其他表达技巧,解释合理可酌情给分)【解析】本题考查鉴赏文段艺术技巧的能力。回答此题,应认真解读文本,分析表达技巧,体会表达效果。语文答案 第 2 页 共 4 页 9.【答案】对儿子深切的爱。体现在对身在异国他乡的儿子的深深思念,以及对儿子身体的关爱、学业的督促上。艺术道路上的导师。在艺术方面,傅雷直言不讳的指出儿子频繁举办音乐会的问题,同时以自己睿智的见解对儿子予以点拨。循循善诱的方式。在感情问题上,傅雷并没有粗暴地干涉,而是耐心地引导儿子,并一点点地向他灌输正确的爱情观。儿子成长路上的镜子。在教育儿子的同时,傅雷也能反观自己,对自己做严格的剖析,并引导儿子意识到自身的不足。爱国主义教育。两封家书都表现了深深的爱国主义情怀,希望儿子不要忘本,时时谨记自己的身份,以潜移默化的方式培养儿子的爱国之情。(每点 2 分,答到 3 点可给满分)【解析】本题考查对文章内容及主旨的理解与把握,同时涉及到对当今家庭教育的方式的认知。回答这个问题需要仔细思考傅雷两封信件的主旨,以及怎么体现他对儿子的教育。其中,第点对应文中“尤其是我急躁的脾气,应当作为一面镜子,随时使你警惕”这一句。10.A【解析】原文标点是:民者,在上所以牧之,趋利如水走下,四方亡择也。夫珠玉金银,饥不可食,寒不可衣,然而众贵之者,以上用之故也。故选 A 11.D【解析】A 中的“食”,前句是使动用法,解释为“给吃”,后一句解释为“吃”;B 中的“以”,前一句是“因为”的意思,后一句解释为介词“用”;C 中的“除”都是“除去”的意思;D 中的“劝”,前一句作“鼓励”解释,后一句是“劝告”之意。故选 D。12.C【解析】C 中的“抢夺珠玉金银”、“但他们也不会有所贪图”错。文中没有提及“抢夺”,并且也没说百姓不贪图粮食,原文说“不为奸邪所利”。故选 C。13.(1)所以让人民从事农业生产,减轻他们的赋税,大量贮备粮食,以便充实仓库,防备水旱灾荒,因此也就能够得到并拥有人民。(“务”“薄”“实”各 1 分,全句准确、通畅 2 分)(2)从这看来,粮食是君王最需要的资财,是国家最根本的政务。(“以是”、“用”、判断句式各 1 分,全句准确、通畅 2 分)参考译文:在圣明的君王统治下,百姓不挨饿受冻,这并非是因为君王能亲自种粮食给他们吃,织布匹给他们穿,而是由于他能给人民开辟财源。所以尽管唐尧、夏禹之时有过九年的水灾,商汤之时有过七年的旱灾,但国家没有被抛弃和饿瘦的人,这是因为贮藏积蓄的东西多,事先早已作好了准备。现在全国统一,土地之大,人口之多,不亚于汤、禹之时,又没有连年的水旱灾害,但积蓄却不如汤、禹之时,这是什么道理呢?原因在于土地还有潜力,百姓还有余力,能长谷物的土地还没全部开垦,山林湖沼的资源尚未完全开发,游手好闲之徒还没全都回乡务农。百姓生活贫困了,就会去做邪恶的事。贫困是由于不富足,不富足是由于不务农,不从事农业就不能在一个地方定居下来,不能定居就会离开乡 语文答案 第 3 页 共 4 页 土,轻视家园,象鸟兽一样四处奔散。这样的话,国家即使有高大的城墙,深险的护城河,严厉的法令,残酷的刑罚,还是不能禁止他们。人在寒冷的时候,不会等有了轻暖的皮衣才穿;饥饿的时候,也不会等有了美味才吃;饥寒交迫,就顾不上廉耻了。人之常情是:一天不吃两顿饭就要挨饿,整年不做衣服穿就会受冻。那么,肚子饿了没饭吃,身上冷了无衣穿,即使是慈母也不能留住她的儿子,国君又怎能保有他的百姓呢?贤明的君主懂得这个道理,所以让人民从事农业生产,减轻他们的赋税,大量贮备粮食,以便充实仓库,防备水旱灾荒,因此也就能够拥有人民。百姓呢,在于君主用什么办法来管理他们,他们追逐利益就象水往低处流一样,不管东南西北。珠玉金银这些东西,饿了不能当饭吃,冷了不能当衣穿;然而人们还是看重它,这是因为君主需要它的缘故。珠玉金银这些物品,轻便小巧,容易收藏,拿在手里,可以周游全国而无饥寒的威胁。这就会使臣子轻易地背弃他的君主,而百姓也随便地离开家乡,盗贼受到了鼓励,犯法逃亡的人有了便于携带的财物。粟米和布帛的原料生在地里,在一定的季节里生长,收获也需要人力,并非短时间内可以成事。几石重的粮食,一般人拿不动它,也不为奸邪的人所贪图;可是这些东西一天得不到就要挨饿受冻。因此,贤明的君主重视五谷而轻视金玉。当今的迫切任务,没有比使人民务农更为重要的了。而要想使百姓从事农业,关键在于抬高粮价;抬高粮价的办法,在于让百姓拿粮食来求赏或免罚。现在应该号召天下百姓交粮给政府,纳粮的可以封爵,或赎罪;这样,富人就可以得到爵位,农民就可以得到钱财,粮食就不会囤积而得到流通。那些能交纳粮食得到爵位的,都是富有产业的人。从富有的人那里得到货物来供政府用,那么贫苦百姓所担负的赋税就可以减轻,这就叫做拿富有的去补不足的,法令一颁布百姓就能够得益。依顺百姓心愿,有三个好处:一是君主需要的东西充足,二是百姓的赋税减少,三是鼓励从事农业生产。按现行法令:民间能输送一匹战马的,就可以免去三个人的兵役。战马是国家战备所用,所以可以使人免除兵役。神农氏曾教导说:“有七八丈高的石砌城墙,有百步之宽贮满沸水的护城河,上百万全副武装的兵士,然而没有粮食,那是守不住的。”从这看来,粮食是君王最需要的资财,是国家最根本的政务。现在让百姓交粮买爵,封到五大夫以上,才免除一个人的兵役,这与一匹战马的功用相比差得太远了。赐封爵位,是皇上专有的权力,只要一开口,就可以无穷无尽地封给别人;粮食,是百姓种出来的,生长在土地中而不会缺乏。能够封爵与赎罪,是人们十分向往的。假如叫天下百姓都献纳粮食,用于边塞,以此换取爵位或赎罪,那么不用三年,边地粮食必定会多起来。14.【答案】A【解析】本题考查鉴赏诗歌内容、手法的能力。“他并非出身杜家”理解有误。首联第二句是赞叹杜鸿渐和杜韶,说这些有名之士都是杜家人。15.【答案】自豪之情。从叔身居要职,乡弟为开江使,此番入朝更是前途可期,杜家人才辈出,诗人充满自豪之情。对乡弟的劝勉。尾联委婉劝勉乡弟珍惜时光,把握机会。语文答案 第 4 页 共 4 页 美好的祝愿。尾联祝愿从叔和乡弟大展宏图,早日功成名就。羡慕之情。与从叔、乡弟相比,诗人此时漂泊江湖,仕途无望,难免有艳羡之情。(每点 2 分,答出三点满分)【解析】本题考查理解和赏析诗歌内容、主题、感情的能力。16.【答案】(1)青泥何盘盘 百步九折萦岩峦(2)山回路转不见君 雪上空留马行处(3)朝菌不知晦朔 蟪蛄不知春秋(每空 1 分,共 6 分)17.【答案】忘乎所以(肆无忌惮)心领神会 如法炮制(每空 1 分,共 3 分)18.【答案】急性子。(1 分)用拟人的手法(1 分)写出了迎春花开得早、开得快的特点(1 分);生动形象地描绘出迎春花早早缀满枝头、热情迎接春天的形象。(1 分)19.【答案】其二是和降水有关 凡事不可太过圆满 也是古人的人生态度(每句 2 分)20.【答案】画线句子有两处语病:“二十四节气作为中国农耕文明的产物”后缺少陈述部分,可将“作为”改为“是”,或将后面的“它”去掉。“不仅还”连接的两个句子不合逻辑,前后顺序应调换一下。(改对一处 2 分,改对两处 4 分)21.【答案】传统的儒道观念影响了中国古人,他们用“芒种”取代“大满”作为节气名称。(3 分)22.【审题提示】可以将“好东西”具体化进行叙事。可以对“好东西都不会消失”“一切好东西都永远存在”进行思辨。可以思考“好东西”“冰一样凝结”的原因和“花一样重开”的条件。联系自身或现实展开阐述或叙述。附:高考作文等级评分量表 水平四(20-16 分)水平三(15-11 分)水平二(10-6 分)水平一(5-0 分)基 础 等 级 内容 20 分 符合题意 中心突出 内容充实 思想健康 感情真挚 符合题意 主题明确 内容较充实 思想健康 感情真实 基本符合题意 中心基本明确 内容单薄 思想基本健康 感情基本真实 偏离题意 中心不明确 内容不当 思想不健康 感情虚假 表达 20 分 符合文体要求 结构严谨 语言流畅 字迹工整 符合文体要求 结构完整 语言通顺 字迹清楚 基本符合文体要求 结构基本完整 语言基本通顺 字迹基本清楚 不符合文体要求 结构混乱 语言不通顺语病多 字迹潦草难辨 发 展 等 级 特征 20 分 深刻 丰富 有文采 有创意 较深刻 较丰富 较有文采 较有创意 略显深刻 略显丰富 略显文采 略显创意 个别语句有深意 个别例子较好 个别语句较精彩 个别地方有深意 汉中市汉中市2023届高三年级教学质量第二次检测考试届高三年级教学质量第二次检测考试英语英语注意事项:1答第1卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。2选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上,否则无效。本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第11卷(非选择题)两部分第I卷(选择题 共100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How many people will go climbing this Saturday?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.2.Why does the man want to call Mr.King?A.To ask for more time.B.To ask for leave.C.To ask for help.3.What did the doctor advise the man to do?A.Have an examination.B.Talk with a partner.C.Take some pills.4.Where are the speakers probably?A.In the shop.B.In the cinema.C.At home.5.What docs the man want to do tomorrow?A.Book a room.B.Visit her sister.C.Make a wake-up call.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Strangers.B.Friends.C.Host and guest.7.Who has been drunk?A.Judy.B.George.C.Michael.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8.What is the man doing now?A.Booking tickets.B.Making an invitation.C.Canceling an appointment.9.When will the man get to the theater on Wednesday night?A.By 6:00.B.By 7:00.C.By 7:30.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10.What day will the trip start on?A.On May 12th.B.On May 14th.C.On May 26th.11.Where will the woman have lunch during the trip?A.In a university.B.In a restaurant.C.In the hotel.12.How is the woman likely to enjoy her free time during the trip?A.Go to the beach.B.Have a walk.C.Visit a museum.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The benefits.B.The rules.C.The vacation.14.Which of the following can be the contributing factor of the benefits?A.The position.B.The working experience.C.The attendance record.15.Who can enjoy an II-day vacation with salary?A.Employees with one year of experience.B.Employees with five years of experience.C.Employees with ten years of experience.16.What is the woman most likely to be?A.Amanager.B.A CFO.C.A new employee.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17.Why do you feel tired during the day according to the speaker?A.Thinking over things seriously.B.Being short of water.C.Having unhealthy habits.18.What is skin doctorsattitude towards alcoholic drinks?A.Opposed.B.Supportive.C.Indifferent.19.Whats the percentage of water in our bodies at the age of one?A.78%.B.65%.C.60%.20.What does the speaker mainly agree with?A.Figure types have no effect on health.B.Fat bodies have more water than thin bodies.C.Enough water contributes to efficiency.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATHE GAME PLANWith over 4 million registrations across the country,i9 Youth Sports is the nations largest multi-sport providerfocused on high-quality,community-based youth sports programs.We offer youth sports leagues,camps and clinicsfor kids aged 3 and up in todays most popular sports such as football,basketball,baseball,and volleyball.To achieveour mission of helping kids succeed in life through sports,i9 Youth Sports provides a youth sports experience unlikeany other.We are committed to providing age-appropriate instruction,making sports fun for your kids,andconvenient for todays busy families.Pee WeesStarting at age 3,the i9 Youth Sports curriculum for our youngest age group is designed to grow with your childteaching skills and game play.For our Pee Wees,we focus on introducing your child to the sport while providinginstruction through activities and drills that keep kids learning and having fun.JuniorsFor our junior age group,we offer programming designed to keep kids learning the fundamentals of the sportand understanding the dynamics of working as a team all while having fun.The curriculum teaches your child thatwinning and losing are part of the game,but its how you doit that sets you apart from others.SeniorsThe number one reason kids play sports is to have fun.It is not surprising then,that the number one reason whythey quit is that they stop enjoying it.Our senior curriculum gives our oldest age group opportunities to build on theirskills and grow as an athlete who will continue to love the game.21.What is it that sets some junior kids apart from others?A.Whether they win the game.B.Who they choose to work with.C.How they do it during the game.D.Whether they have professional drills22.What might be the first reason why some senior kids give up sports?A.They dont have enough time.C.They cant win the games.B.They have fun in sports.D.They dont like the sport any more.23.Who are the intended readers of this passage?A.Parents.B.Kids.C.Teachers.D.Athletes.BBorn on the 24th of June,1987,Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini is a world-famous professional football playerwho played for Barcelona FC and is also the captain of the Argentine National Team.Messi is often believed to be oneof the best footballers playing today and he won the 2022 World Cup title with Argentina last year.Messi was not born in a well-off family.His father was a worker in a steel factory and his mother worked parttime as a cleaner.Messi had been fascinated by the sport at a very early age and joined his first club at the age of five.Unfortunately,at the age of eleven,Messi was diagnosed with having a deficiency of growth hormones(生长激素缺乏症)and his treatment to overcome the situation would require about$900 a month.While many local clubs andteams had shown a lot of interest in Messi,nobody was willing to shell out the expenses for his treatment.However,this young boy had already managed to raise a number of eyebrows with his perfect skills and hisimmense talent with the ball.His strength and determination shone through on the field and he was noticed by thesporting director of Barcelona FC,who offered him a contract on a paper napkin to join the club.He also assuredhim that if he moved to Spain in order to pursue a football career,the club would pay for all his medical expenses.Messi accepted the contract and moved on to Spain.Ever since that incident,Messi has gained a lot of love fromfootball fans all over the world.Even after becoming one of the biggest stars in the sport,Messi has not forgotten the difficult times.Consequently,in 2007,he established the Leo Messi Foundation which is to provide healthcare and also education topoor and vulnerable(脆弱的)children.Messi is surely a very inspirational figure who has made it big on the basis ofhis determination and skill and has combatted a difficult past to come out on top.24.What was the medical condition that Messi had 6 years after joining his first club?A.Adeficiency of calcium.C.A deficiency of blood cells.B.A deficiency of vitamin.D.Adeficiency of growth hormones.25.What does the phrase“shell out in paragraph 2 mean?A.protect against.B.pay for.C.look into.D.argue for.26.Which of the following words best describe Messi?A.Determined and grateful.C.Shy and nervous.B.Ignorant and proud.D.Adventurous and curious.27.What is the passage mainly about?A.The comparison between Messi and other footballers.B.The admiration for Messis skills and talent.C.Messis life stories and achievements.D.The difficulty Messi met when playing football.CIn a high-tech lab on Johns Hopkins Universitys Homewood campus in Maryland,engineers have been buildinga robot that may be able to stitch(缝针)back together the broken tissues in your stomach and even your brain,nodoctor needed.The robot has a high-tech camera on one arm and a high-tech sewing machine on a second arm.The goal is todevelop,in the next several years,a robot that makes the delicate work more consistent.The robot,known as Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot,or STAR,which is run by a highly advanced computerprogram,will advance technology currently in wide use in operating rooms.The robot completes about a stitch aminute,slightly slower than a human surgeon.But the tests so far have shown more consistency than what the humanscan achieve.Long hours of traditional surgery can cause human hands to get tired and tremble,which may cause accidentsduring an operation.Robert Langer,an engineer,said the robotic arm could change the way surgeries are done.He hashelped found dozens of biotech companies including Galen Robotics.The robotic arm being developed by Hopkinsengineers is this companys product.Galen CEO Bruce Lichorowic compared the robotic arm to future for surgeons,saying it increases their stability,reduces tiredness and prevents cramps(抽搐)during long surgeries,all of which lead to safer surgeries.Galen Robotics has its roots in research from Johns Hopkins University,but the company had been based inSilicon Valley until 2019.The company currently employs about 40 people,about half of whom have advanceddegrees from Johns Hopkins,”said Lichorowic,adding that the company plans to grow to 60 positions by the end ofthe year.Galens robotic arm is not for sale yet,but Lichorowic said the company expects to submit an application to theU.S.Food and Drug Administration(FDA)later this year.28.What can STAR do?A.Shorten operation time.B.Replace human surgeons.C.Conduct medical studies.D.Make operations smooth.29.What does Lichorowic think of STAR?A.Flexible.B.High-cost.C.Promising.D.Unpredictable.30.What can we know about Galen Robotics?A.It is sponsored by Jchns Hopkins University.B.It still has its base in Silicon Valley now.C.It is scheduled to expand within this year.D.Its robot arm will be released later this year.31.In which column is this text most likely to appear?A.Mind&Brain.C.Business&Investment.B.Health&Technology.D.Physics&Medicine.DFor almost all of human history.the Earths population has tended to be younger.But since the last WorldPopulation Day on July 11.a major shift occurred:There are now more people aged 65 and older than there are underage five.World Population Day was established by the United Nations Development Program in 1989 to bring attention topopulation issues.Having more people on the planet is not the only concern,though,since a populations age structurematters,too.Increased lifetime is a remarkable human success story,but having</p>