考研作文常用句型-)比较1 .The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.2 .The advantages of A are m uch greater than those of B.3 .A may be preferable to B,but A suffers from thedisadvantages that.4 .11 is reasonable to maintain that.but it would be foolish toclaim that.5.For all the disadvantages,it has its com pensatingadvantages.6.Like anything else,it has its faults.7.A and B has several points in com m on.8.A bears some resemblances to B.9.How ever,the sam e is not applicable to B.1 0.A and B differ in several ways.1 1.Evidently,it has both negative and positive effects.1 2.People used to think but things are different now.1 3.The same is true of B.1 4.W ondering as A is,it has its draw backs.1 5.lt is true that A.,but the chief faults(obviousdefects)are.)原因1 .A num ber of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors m ight contribute to(lead to)(accountfor)the phenom enon(problem).2.The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.The phenomenon m ainly stems from the fact that.4.The factors that contribute to this situation include.5.The change in.largely resuIts from the fact that.6.We m ay blam e.,but the real causes are.7.Part of the explanations for it is that.One of the m ost com m on factors(causes)is that.Another contributing factor(cause)is.Perhaps the prim ary factor is that.But the fundam ental cause is that.三)后果1.11 may give rise to a host of problems.2.The im mediate result it produces is.3.11 w ill exercise a profound influence upon.4.I ts consequence can be so great that.四)批驳1 )11 is true that but one vital point is being left out.2)There is a grain of truth in these statem ents,but theyignore a more im portant fact.3)Som e people say but it does not hold w ater.4)Many of us have been under the illusion that.5)A close exam ination would reveal how ridiculous thestatem ent is.6)11 m akes no sense to argue for.7)Too m uch stress placed on.m ay lead to.8)Such a statem ent mainly rests on the assumption that.9)Contrary to w hat is w idely accepted,I m aintain that.五)举例1)A good case in point is.2)As an illu stra tio n,w e m ay take.3)Such exam pies m ight be given easily.4).is often cited as an exam pie.六)证明1)No one can deny the fact that.2)The idea is hardly supported by facts.3)U nfortunately,none of the available data shows.4)Recent studies indicate that.5)There is sufficient evidence to show that.6)According to statistics proved by it can be seen that.七)开篇1)Many nations have been faced w ith the problem of.2)Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3)Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.4)Recently the issue has aroused great concern among.5)Now adays there is a grow ing concern over.6)Never in our history has the idea that.been so popular.7)Faced w ith quite a few people argue that.8)According to a recent survey,.9)With the rapid development of.A)结尾1)From what has been discussed above,we can draw theconclusion that.2)11 is high tim e that strict measures were taken to stop.3)11 is necessary that steps should be taken to.4)I n conclusion,it is im perative that.5)There is no easy m ethod,but.m ight be of som e help.6)To solve the above-m entioned problem,we m ust.7)I n sum m ary,if w e continue to ignore theabove-m entioned issue,more problems w ill crop up.8)With the efforts of all parts concerned,the problem w ill besolved thoroughly.9)We m ight do more than identify the cause;it is im portantto take actions to.1 0)Taking all these into account,we.1 1)Whet her it is good or not/positive or negative,one thingis certain/clear.1 .表示原因1 )There are three reasons for this.2)The reasons for this are as follow s.3)The reason for this is obvious.4)The reason for this is not far to seek.5)The reason for this is t h a t.6)We have good reason to believe t h a t.例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have takenplace in our life.F irstly,peoples living standard has beengreatly im proved.Secondly,mo st people arew ell paid,andthey can afford w hat they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Greatchanges have taken place in our life.There are three reasonsfor th is.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。2.表示好处1 )11 has the follow ing advantages.2 )11 does us a lot of good.3)11 benefits us quite a lo t.4)11 is beneficial to us.5)It is of g reat benefit to us.例如:Books are like friends.They can help us know the worldbetter,and they can open our minds and w iden ourhorizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit tous.3.表示坏处1 )11 has more disadvantages than advantages.2 )11 does us much harm.3 )11 is harm ful to us.例如:How ever,everything divides into tw o.Television canalso be harm ful to us.11 can do harm to our health and m akeus lazy if w e spend too m uch tim e w atching television.4 .表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1 )11 is im portant(necessary,d iffic u lt,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth.2)We think it necessary to do sth.3)11 plays an im portant role in our life.例如:Com putersare now being used everyw here,w hether inthe governm ent,in schools or in business.Soon,com putersw ill be found in every home,too.We have good reason to saythat com puters are playing an increasingly im portant role inour life and w e have stepped into the Com put er Age.5 .表示措施1 )We should take some effective measures.2)We should try our best to overcom e(conquer)thedifficulties.3)We should do our utm ost in doing sth.4)We should solve the problem s that we are confronted(faced)w ith.例如:The housing problem that we are confronted w ith isbecom ing more and more serious.Therefore,we m ust takesome effective measures to solve it.6 .表示变化1 )Som e changes have taken place in the past/last five years.2)A great change w ill certainly be produced in the w orldscom m unications.3)The com puter has brought about many changes ineducation.例如:Some changes have taken place in peoples diet in thepast five years.The m ajor reasons for these changes are notfar to seek.Now adays,more and more people are sw itchingfrom grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetableto milk for vitam ins.7.表示事实、现状1 )We can not ignore the fact t h a t.2)No one can deny the fact th a t.3)There is no denying in the fact th a t.4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interestedin.5)How ever,thats not the case.This is not necessarily the case.例如:We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization bringsw ith it the problems of po llutio n.To solve these problem s,we can start by educating the public about the hazards ofpollution.The governm ent on its part should also designstricter laws to prom ote a cleaner environm ent.8.表示比较1 )Com pared w ith A,B.2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.3)There is a striking cont rast betw een them.例如:Com pared w ith cars,bicycles have several advantagesbesides being affordable.Firstly.they do not consum e naturalresources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause thepollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute topeoples health by giving them due physical exercise.9.表示数量1 )11 has increased(decreased)from.to.2)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.3)The output of July in this factory increased by 1 5%com pared w ith that of January.例如:With the im provem ent of the living standard,theproportion of peoples income spent on food has decreasedwhile that spent on education has increased.再如:From the graph listed above,it can be seen that studentuse of com puters has increased from an average of less thantwo hours per week in 1 990 to 20 hours in 2000.注:1 1 From the graph listed above,it can be seen th a t”见句式120考生将句式9 和句式1 2 结合在一起,便可较好地写出2 0 0 2 年 6 月CET 一4、6 短文写作的第一段。1 0.表示看法1 )People have(take,hold,adopt,assum e)different attitudestow ards/to sth.2 )People have different opinions on/of this problem.3)People take different view s of(on)the question.4 )Som e people believe th a t.Others argue th a t.例如:People have different attitudes tow ards failure.Somebelieve that failure leads to success.Every failure theyexperience translates into a greater chance of success attheir renewed endeavor.How ever,others are easilydiscouraged by failures and put them selves into the categoryof losers.再如:Do lucky nu m bers really bring good luck?Differentpeople have different views on it.注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这一写作方法。1 1 .表示结论1 )In sho rt,it can be said that.2)11 m ay be briefly sum m ed up as follow s:.3)From w hat has been mentioned above,w e can com e to theconclusion that.例如:From what has been m entioned above,w e can com e tothe conclusion that exam ination is necessary,however,itsmethod should be im proved.注:例句1 可用于任何一个段落的结论句;例句3 则多用文章结论段的第一句。12.套语1 )Its well known(to us)that.2)As is know n to a l l,.3)This is a topic that is being w idely talked about.4)From the graph(table,ch a rt)listed above,it can be seenthat.5)As a(n)old saying/proverb says/goes,W here there is aw ill,there is a w ay.例如:As is w ell known to us,it is im portant for the studentsto know the world outside cam pus.The reason for this isobvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developingrapidly,and the cam pus is no longer an ivory tow e r.Ascollege students,we m ust get in touch w ith the world outsidethe cam pus.On ly in this w ay can w e adapt ourselves to thesociety quickly after we graduate.再如:Does it pay to be honest?Th is is a topic that is beingw idely talked about and different people have differentopinions on it.2 0 1 2 年最新资料】考研必备 201 2 年【考研英语】复习资料大全(更新中.)h ttp:/w w w.iH y 201 2 年【考研数学】复习资料大全(更新中.)h ttp:/w w w.iH y 201 2 年【考研政治】复习资料大全(更新中.)h ttp:/w w 号 201 2【考研英语3+1 特种试卷】密押试题p d f版(电子书):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 27/最新更新 2 01 2【红宝书】考研英语考前模拟试题(1 -3 套):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【肖秀荣团队】考研政治冲刺班各科汇总【视频下载】:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【常红利】海天考研政治冲刺班邓 论(M P3版 1-4):h ttp:/w w w.iliyu.co m /source/54344/2 0 1 2【宫东风】海天考研英语冲刺班M P3版(1-12):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【张剑】考研最后五套题考研政治1-5 套 汇 总(试题+答案):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【考研英语】7 天突破小作文(满分宝典):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【蒋中挺】考研政治理论强化通关80 0 题 p d f版:h ttp:/w w 0 1 2【李永乐 李正元】考研数学全真模拟4 0 0 题+试题解析(数一、数二、数三)PDF下载h ttp:/w w w.iH 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1 2 版考研英语【宫东风】序 列 1 -4 阅读+长难句+写作+词汇电子书:h ttp:/w w w.iliyu.co m /source/42724/2 01 2【陈阳】x d f 考研英语写作新思维初级课程讲义+SW F 视频(1-26 课时):h ttp:/w w 01 2【李辉】x d f 考研英语写作新思维高级课程讲义+SW F 视频(1 -36 课时):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 01 1【赵达夫】海文考研数学暑期强化班高数1-2 4【视频】:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 12 新冻方 考研数学 基础班 概率+线代+高数 视频+讲义:h ttp:/w w 0 1 2【任汝芬】x d f考研政治哲学基础班sw f 版【讲义+视频:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 97/2 0 1 2【屠浩民】新东方考研英语【初级+高级】语法讲义下载:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 1 /2 0 1 2 年【考研政治】真题题源(2 年详解7 年透析)PDF电子书下载:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 98/2 0 1 2【张健】考研英语词汇快速突破p d f版下载:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 1 年考研英语真题答案(1 9 8 0-2 01 0 年)全集(吐血推荐,永久免费下载):h ttp:/w w 0 1 2 年考研英语大纲词汇【4 4 页完美打印版】:h ttp:/w w 20/2 0 1 2【刘一男】x d f考研英语词汇(密码破解版):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 2 年【任汝芬】考研政治基础班强化班视频讲义马哲:h ttp:/w w 0 1 2 版考研英语【宫东风】序 列 1-4 阅读+长难句+写作+词汇电子书:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【新东方】考研英语基础班讲义汇总下载(翻译+词汇+完型+写作+阅读):h ttp:/w w w.iliyu.co m /source/41 254/2 0 1 2【范猛】x d f考研英语阅读:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 1 1考研政治真题】内含详细答案:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【唐静】新东方考研英语翻译视频下载:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 2【张销民】x d f考研英语完型及填空式阅读视频下载:h ttp:/w w 0 1 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0 1 1【海天】考研数学冲刺班汇总:h ttp:/w /source/35592/2 0 1 1 年 TW B分析题深度预测1 0 题 考研政治:h ttp:/w /source/36233/2 0 1 1 命题人【肖秀荣】考研政治最后四套卷+增值资料+答案解析:h ttp:/w /source/361 68/2 0 1 1 任汝芬【新东方】考研政治最后3 0 题:h ttp:/w /source/361 69/2 0 1 1【夏 彳 奇 荣】文登考研英语写作预测【讲义+音频】:h ttp:/w w 0 1 1 考研政治(2 0 天 2 0 题)精讲班文本+M P3课件:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 1 年【任汝芬】考研政治最后冲刺1 0 套卷:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 1 年 TWB 考研政治 深度预测四套题1-4 全:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 0 1 1【海天】考研政治 2 8 题【赠送 绝密珍藏5 道大题】:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 9/2 0 1 1【宫东风】考研英语点睛-作文预测:h ttp:/w /source/3571 7/2 0 1 1 年【王江涛新东方考研英语作文必背2 0 篇范文:h ttp:/w /source/35648/2 0 1 1【新东方】考研英语强化班完型视频汇总:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 440/新东方20 1 1【唐静】考研英语强化翻译讲义+视频:h ttp:/w /source/31255/新东方20 1 1【范猛】考研英语强化阅读讲义+视频:h ttp:/w /source/31 253/2 0 1 1【陈先奎】考研思想政治理论基础过关2 00 0 题:http:/ 0 1 1【陈先奎】考研思想政治理论标准辅导全书:h ttp:/w /source/31 250/2 0 1 1【王江涛】新东方考研英语强化写作讲义+视频:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 1 年【徐绽】文都考研英语强化班阅读视频载:h ttp:/w w 1 23/201 1 年【徐绽】文都考研英语*写作*强化视频:h ttp:/w w 0 1 1【徐之明】考研政治超级红宝书:h ttp:/w w w.iH y 1 考 研 英语阅读十大题型的解决方法(黄金版):h ttp:/w w w.iH y 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