Ohfiir 9 飨 氟Lesson 492Lesson 514Lesson 52Lessoh 548You too.And washyour hands9Uhit 10剧y hmm10L史s 跳5712Hess哂窕w O i14Less的 601617Toyslisten andWe can play.Night and day.With a bus,a boatand a plane.phi、heelcarTirace,colouWhut this?11s i.18院交脸64Plane,plane,make u plane.Fly.fly.th nu ay.Float,float,final una.Ball,ball,make a hall.Roll,roll,roll away.Pinwheel,pinwheel,make an and stay.Boat,boat,muke a bout.Q必任(SU矗22Lest於 65(2()()()How many pinwheels can you see?What colour are they?hats your favourite toy?H一 斤!23咖 6624I Peoples Education Pre、.Beijing.China and Lingo Mcdia.Toronio.Canada.All rights reserved.No pan of this book may be repnxiuced or transmitted in any form or h)any means,without permiMon in“riling from the puNishcr.