本科实验报告课程名称:信息安全技术与应用实验地点:实验机房110_专业班级:计 Z1303_学 号:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _学生姓名:杨朝辉_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _指导教师:张辉_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _成 绩:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _20 2 3 年 6 月 5 日太原理工大学学生实验报告学院名称计算机科学与技术学院专业班级计 Z 1 303学号学生姓名杨朝辉实验11期5 月 3 1 日成绩课程名称信息安全技术与应用实验题目实验一常用网络安全命令一、实验目的和规定1.熟悉并掌握使用常用网络安全命令2.由于常用网络安全命令功能强大、参数众多,在有限时间内不也许对所有命令参数进行实验。但规定每个命令至少选择两个参数进行实验,命令参数可以任意选择。命令执行后将执行结果复制到实验报告表格中,并对命令执行结果进行解释。二、实验内容1.i p c o n f i g 命令重要功能:显示本地主机I P 地址、子网掩码、默认网关、M A C 地址等。例 1:C :i p c o n f i g/a 1 12.p i n g 命令重要功能:目的主机的可达性、名称、I P 地址、路由跳数、往返时间等。例 2:C :p i n g 19 2.16 8.0.1 o r t a r g e t _n a m e3.t r a c e r t 命令重要功能:路由跟踪、节 点 I P 地址、节点时延、域名信息等。例 3:C:t r a c e r t w w.b a i d u.c o m o r 1 9 2.16 8.0.14.n e t s t a t 命令。重要功能:显示协议记录信息和当前T C P/I P 网络连接。例 4:C:n e t s t a t -a;C:n e t s t a t -n ;5.n b t s t a t 命令重要功能:显示使用N B T (N e t B I O S o v e r T C P /I P)的协议记录和当前T C P /息,可获得远程或本机的组名和机器名。例 5:C:n b t s tat-a 1 9 2.16 8.0.1;C :n b t s t a t -nI P 网络连接信6.n e t 命令重要功能:网络查询、在线主机、共享资源、磁盘映射、启动服务、关闭服务、发送消息、建立用户等。n e t 命令功能十分强大,输入n e t h e l p c o m m a n d 可获得c o m m a n d 的具体功能及使用方法。例 5:C:n e t v i e w;C:n e t v i e w t a r g e t _ n a m e ;n e t s e n d /d o m a i n:计算机名(*为域内广播)消息三、重要仪器设备W i n 7 0 s 的 P C四、实验环节按照实验内容进行五、实验结果1.ipc o nfig 命令icro so ft Windows 4本 6.1.76011 2009 M icrosoft Corporation o 保留所有权示I1:M isersn yth ip con fig/allI P 配置nytn-PC狙入在 匕 口否.呆缀用启已已理名Nscsd机D点MNS主主HTIPUI本地连接:媒 隹 状 态.茂 接 侑 定 的 DNS后缀相 述.物 理 地 址.DHCP-自 动 配 能 启 用.媒体已断开Realtek PCIe FE Family C ontroller74-86-7A-2B-13-A7i7E无线局域网适配器无线网络连接:连掾特定的D N S后缀抽述.物理地址.D H C P已尼用一自动配翻启用.IPv6地 址.矗到天链士掩网-地U4网认本IP子默选D N S服务第TCPIP上的NetBIOS:Dell Wireless 1705 802.11b/g/n(:BC-85-56-C5-88-25-不:S-7E:2001:250:c01:6191:ldd8:656:5f80:i:2001:250:c01:6191:8097:93fe:fcl5:e80:ldd8:656:580:62c5zl4M: 首选:已启用以太网适配器Bluetooth网络连接:媒 隹 状 态.察权存定的D N S后 缀.工 赢 正:D H C P兼 用.自动配配启用.媒体已断开Bluetooth设备 个人区域网)BC-85-56-C5-88-26以.太网适配器 UMware Network Adapter UMnetl:连描后 缀.:.:UMware Uirtual Ethernet Adapter址饕矗的天I客地已配链掩网U6U6理CP桀U4网认CPCP物DH自本IP子默DHDH用6启PU:.:005056C00001.不.:g.7E地址.:fe80:1066:8ac:477c:df42zi8(首选.:192.168.2 2 0,首选).:山而立ID户.:503337046D U I D.:00-01-00-01-lE-97-BF-D9-BC-85-56-D N S服务器TCPIP 上的 NetBIOSec0:0:0:ff:1Z1fec0:0:0:ffff:2zlfec0:0:0:ffff:3zl已启用iL太网适酉己器 UMware Network A dapter UMnet8:8接述理CP桀U4网认CPCP连描物DH自本IP子默DHDH后缀T矗的圣配链掩网U6U6用6-启PU:地址:UMware U ir tu a l E th ern et A dapter f:0 0-5 0-5 6-C 0-0 0-0 8.不:1小:f e 8 0:a908:f 13e:1092:c5 4czl9:1 9 2.2 6 8.8 5 4.4 1首选:2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0.瑞ID户IA客DUID5201142620 0-0 1-0 0-0 1-1E-97-B F-D 9-B C-85-56D N S服务器TCPIP 上的 NetBIOSf e c 0:0:0:f f f f:l z lf e c 0:0:0:f f f f:2 z lf e c 0:0:0:f f f f:3 z l已启用隧道适配器 isatap.:瞿疆DH自状特由西&述理CP动态定地址.用书启B器 is a ta p.媒体已断开M icro so ft ISATAP A dapter00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0瞿疆DH自靠述理CP动态定地址用书启B:上;.:媒体已断开后 缀.:M icro so ft ISATAP A dapter00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0杳是isatap.:媒+在描物DH自&述理CP动t-FT态定地址用用建媒体已断开M icro 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址址:1 1 92.1 68.220.1 范围 I D:NetBIOS本地名称表名称 类型状态MVTH-PCWORKGROUPMVTH-PCWORKGROUPWORKGROUP._MS BROWS E _-年nrj年rrrj年nrj册册册册册册注注注注注注已已已已已已Unv/are Network Adapter UMnet8:节占 IP 址址:1 1 92:1,68.1,54.1.范闱 ID:NetBIOS本地名称表名称 类型 状态-生rnjdHrnjdfHmJ2b2 rMVTH-PCWORKGROUPMVTH-PCWORKGROUPWORKGROUP_ MS BROWSE.册册册册册册注注注注注注已已已已已已无线网络连棒:一下点 IP 址址:C1 01.7.1 86.1 1 7J 氾围 ID:JNetBIOS本地名称表名称 类型 状态MVTH-PCWORKGROUPMVTH-PCWORKGROUP-生rrrjJj+1rrrj册册册册注注注注已已已已Bluetooth网络连接:节 点I P址址:P0.0.0.0 1范 围ID:缓存中没有名称6.n e t 命令C:Usei*sjnsFthnet uiew服务器名称 注解3 0 1-0 1WBOSSERUERELAB42WELAB43ELAB44ELAB47WELAB61WELAB63WELAB65ELAB66ELAB67WELAB68ELAB69WELAB72WELAB73WELAB77ELAB78WELAB79WELAB83WELAB84ELAB87WMVTH-PC命令成功完成。实验地点 实验机房110 指导教师 张辉6太原理工大学学生实验报告学院名称计算机科学与技术学院专业班级计 Z 1 3 03学号学生姓名杨朝辉实验日期5 月 3 1 日成绩课程名称信息安全技术与应用实验题目实验二端口扫描与安全审计一、实验目的和规定1.掌握使用n m ap软件来进行端口扫描和安全审计的操作2.由于Nma p 扫描功能强大、命令参数众多,在有限时间内不也许对所有命令参数进行实验。但实验内容中列举的扫描命令必须完毕,也可以任意选择其他命令参数进行实验。命令执行后将执行结果复制到实验报告表格中,并对命令执行结果进行解释。二、实验内容和原理1.安装 nmap4.01 s et u p.e x e 软件注意事项:采 用 nmap 4.01 s etup.e x e 时将自动安装W i n P cap分组捕获库,采用解压缩nmap-4.01-Win32.z ip 时需事先安装W inPcap分组捕获库。2 .局域网主机发现。列表扫描:nm ap-s L 局域网地址3 .扫描目的主机端口连续扫描目的主机端口:nmap-r 目的主机IP 地址或名称4.服务和版本检测目的主机服务和版本检测:n m ap-sV 目的主机IP 地址或名称5.操作系统检测目的主机操作系统检测:nmap-0 目的主机I P 地址或名称6.端口扫描组合应用n map-v-A scanme.nmap.o r gnmap-v-s P 19 2.1 6 8.0.0/16 10 0 00-P 0-p-8 0三、重要仪器设备W in70s 的 PC四、实验环节按照实验内容进行五、实验结果1.列表扫描 nm ap-s L 1 9 Nmap 5.21(http:/nmap.org)at 2016-06-01 11:00 中国标准时间Nmap scan report for to resolve given hcstname/IP:孰挎L Note that you can*t use Vmask*AND*1-4,7,100-*style IP rangesHost is up(0.023s latency).MAC Address:AC:E0:10:58:96:IE(Unknown)Not shown:993 filtered portsPORT135/tcpSTATE SERVICEopenmsrpc139/tcpopennetbios-ssn445/tcpopenmicrosoft-ds554/tcpopenrtsp2869/tcpopenunknown5357八cpopenunknown10243/tcp openunknownItoap done:1 IP address(1 host up)scanned in 11.99 seconds2.连续扫描目的主机端口 nmap-r 1 92.1 6 8.1.109nmap-r Nmap 5.21(http:/nmap.org)at 2016-06-01 10:58 中国标准时间Nmap scan report for to resolve given hostname/IP:皴 揖.Note that you cant use/mask*AND 1-4,7,100-style IP rangesHost is up(0.038s latency).MAC Address:AC:EO:1O:58:96:1E(Unknown)Not shown:L 993 filtered portsPORTSTATESERVICE135/tcpopenmsrpc139/tcpopennetbios-ssn445/tcpopenmicrosoft-ds554/tcpopenrtsp2869/tcpopenunknown5357/tcpopenunknown10243/tcp openunknownNmap done:1 IP address(1 host up)scanned in 12.28 seconds3.目的主机服务和版本检测nm ap-s V 1 9 2.16 8.1.10 0nmap-sV 192.168.1,100Starting Nmap 5.21(http:/nmap.org)at 2016-06-01 11:05 中国标准时间Nmap scan report for to resolve given hostname/IP:貌挎V.Note that you cant use Vmask AND 1-4,7,100-*style IP rangesHost is up(0.010s latency).MAC Address:2C:D0:5A:44:9E:70(Unknown)Not shown:991 closed portsPORTSTATE SERVICE135/tcpopenmsrpc139/tcpopennetbios-ssn445/tcpopenmicrosoft-ds1025/tcp openNFS-or-IIS1026八cp openLSA-or-ntenn1027/tcp openIIS1028/tcp openunknown10317tcp openiad21032八cp openiad3Nmap done:1 IP address(1 host up)scanned in 6.03 seconds4.nma p-0 0 8nmap-O,1008.1,1048.1,1458.1.158.1,1098.1.107Nmap Output Ports/Hosts Topology|Host Details:Scansnmap-O 192.168.1,108Starting Kmap 5.21(http:/nnsap.org)at 2016-06-01 11:46 中国标准时间Skipping SYN Stealch Scan against because Windows does noc support scanning your own machine(localhost)this way.Neap scan report for to resolve given hostnane/IP:效 潟.Note that you can t use/mask AND*1-4,7,100-style IP rangesHost is up.PORT STATE SERVICEl/tq unknown tcpmux3/tcp unknown compresanet4/tcp unknown unknown6/tcp unknown unknown7/tcp unknown echo9/tcp unlcnown discard13/tcp unknown daytime17/tcp unknown qotd19/tcp unknown chargen20/tcp unknown ftp-data21/tcp unknown ftp22/tcp unknown sshOa/T/r nnlmnwn rl nr5.nma p-v-A sc a n me.nmap.o r gnma p-v-sP 192.16 8.0.0/16 10 0 00-P0-p-80nmap-v-A scanme.nmap.orgS tarting Nmap 5.21(http:/nm ap.org)at 2016-06-01 13:21 中国标准时间NSE:Loaded 36 scrip ts for scanning.In itia tin g Ping Scan at 13:21Scanning scamne.nmap.org( portsCoirpleted Ping Scan at 13:21,0.63s elapsed(1 to ta l hosts)In itia tin g P arallel DNS resolution of 1 host,at 13:21Completed P arallel DNS resolution of 1 host,a t 13:21,0.36s elapsedIn itia tin g SYN S tealth Scan a t 13:21Scanning scanine.nmap.org( portsDiscovered open port 22/tcp on open port 80/tcp on send delay for from 0 to 5 due to 20 out of 65 dropped probes since la s t increaseDiscovered open port 31337八cp on SYN S tealth Scan at 13:21,38.86s elapsed(1000 to ta l ports)In itia tin g Service scan a t 13:21Scanning 3 services on scanme.nmap.org( Service scan at 13:22,6.47s elapsed(3 services on 1 host)In itia tin g OS detection(try 11)against scanme.nmap.org( OS detection(try#2)against scanme.nmap.org( itia tin g Traceroute a t 13:22Completed Traceroute a t 13:22,3.20s elapsedIn itia tin g P arallel DNS resolution of 13 hosts,at 13:22Conleted P arallel DNS resolution of 13 hosts,a t 13:22,0.33s elapsedNSE:S cript scanning tarting runlevel 1(of 1)scan.In itia tin g NSE a t 13:22Completed NSE at 13:22,3.84s elapsedNSE:S cript Scanning completed.Nmap scan report for scanme.nmap.org( is up(0.18s laten cy).Not shown:986 closed portsPORT STATE22/tcp openSERVICEsshVERSION(protocol 2.0)I ssh-ho3tkey:1024 ac:00:aO:la:8 2:ff:cc:55:99:de:67:2b:34:97:6b:75(DSA)l_2048 20:3d:2d:44:62:2a:b0:5a:9d:b5:b3:05:14:c2:a6:b2(RSA)42/tcp filte re d nameserver8 0/ts open h ttpApache httpd 2.4.7(Ubuntu)Go ahead and ScanMe!F http-favicon:UnJmown favicon MD5:156515DA3C0F7DC6B2493BD5CE43F795135 八 cp139/tcp445/tcp593/tcp1025/tcp1068/tcp1434/tcp3128/tcp4444/tcp6669/tcp31337/tcp1 servicefilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dfilte re dopenmsrpenetbios-ssnffiicrosoft-dshttp-rpe-epmapNFS-or-IISinstl_bootcms-sql-msquid-httpkrb524iretepwrappedunrecognized despite returning data.If you know the service/version,please submit the following fingerprint at http:/wsubmit.cgi:SF-Port22-TCP:V-5.21%I-7%D-6/llTime-574E70F9%P-i686-pc-window3-windows%r(NSF:ULL.2BrSSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.lplx20Ubuntu-2ubuntu2.3 rn);Device type;general purpose IW AP I broadband routerRunning(JUST GUESSING):Linux 2.6.XI2.4.X(90%)Agaressive OS guesses:Linux 2.6.15-2.6.26(90%),Linux 2.6.18(89%),Linux 2.6.18-2.6.28(87%),Linux 2.6.9-2.6.27(86%)r DEOpenWrt Kamikaze 8.09(Linux Linux 2.6.15(Ubuntu)(85%)r Linux 2.6.23(85%),Linux exact OS matches for host(te st conditions non-ideal).Uptime guess:28.570 days(since Tue May 03 23:41:51 2016)Network D istance:15 hopsTCP Sequence Prediction:Difficulty=260(Good luck!)IP ID Sequence Generation:A ll zerosIRACEROUTE(using port 53/tcp)HOP RTT1 0.00 nsADDRESS192.168.1.12 0.00 ms 31.00 ms ms ms ms ms ms 10ge5-ll.core!.I( ms 100ge8-2.core!( ms 10ge4-( ms ms ms scanme.nmap.erg( data file s from:D:NmapOS and Service detection performed.Please report any incorrect resu lts at h ttp:Z/nziap.org/submit/.ttoap done:1 IP address(1 host up)scanned in 63.65 secondsRaw packets sent:1183(S3.960KB)I Rcvd:1129(48.282KB)nm ap,-sP