新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册听力练习录音文本和答案U NIT1IL Liste ning Sk ills1.M:Why d ont we g o to the conce r t tod ay?W:P H g o g e t the k e ys.Q:What d oe s the woman imply?2.W:I cant find my pur se anywhe r e.The ope r a tick e ts ar e in it.M:Have you che ck e d in the car?Q:What d oe s the man imply?3.M:Ar e you g oing to buy that pir ate d CD?W:Do I look lik e a thie f?Q:What d oe s the woman imply?4.M:Do you think the sing e r is pr e tty?W:Le ts j ust say that I would nt/t vote for he r in the local be auty conte st.Q:What d oe s the woman imply about the sing e r?5.M:Have you se e n Tom?I cant find him anywhe r e.W:The lig ht in his d or m was on j ust a fe w minute s ag o.Q:What d oe s the woman me an?l.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.AIII.Liste ning InTask 1:Encore!As soon as the sing e r comple te d the song,the aud ie nce cr ie d,“Encor e!Encor e!?,Thesing e r was d e lig hte d and sang the song ag ain.She could n,t be lie ve it whe n the aud ie nceshoute d for he r to sing it ag ain.The cycle of shouts and song s was r e pe ate d te nmor e time s.The sing e r was ove r j oye d with the r e sponse fr om the aud ie nce.She talk e dthe m and ask e d the m why the y we r e so much aud ie nce in he ar ing the same song ag ainand ag ain.One of the pe ople in the aud ie nce r e plie d,“We wante d you to impr ove it;now it is much be tte r.nl.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5,FTask 2:The CarpentersW:The y play“Ye ste r d ay Once Mor e”all the time on the campus r ad io.Do you lik eit?M:I d o.I ne ve r g e t tir e d of it.I lik e the Car pe nte r s.The ir voice s ar e so be autifuland cle ar.I g ue ss thafs why the yr e so popular.W:I lik e the way the ir voice s ble nd.The r e we r e j ust two of the m,br othe r and siste r,r ig ht?M:Ye s,Richar d and Kar e n I think the y we r e.She d ie d I think.W:Ye s,anor e xia.It is har d to be lie ve that some one so be autiful wou 1 d star ve he r se lfto d e ath.M:Ifs a pr oble m e ve r ywhe r e in the wor ld,includ ing China,Im afr aid.Wome n wor r ytoo much about the ir appe ar ance s,and ar e so cr azy about losing we ig ht.W:We ll,le fs g o for lunch be for e we g o to the conce r t.1.beautiful and clear 2.blend well 3.sister 4.worry too much 5.moreimportantTask 3:MozartMozart was a fascinating musician and composer whose fame continues to grow morethan two centuries after his death.He was born in Salzburg,Austria,in 1756.Before theage of four,he had shown great musical talent.His father then decided to let him start takingharpsichord lessons.The boys reputation as a musical talent grew fast.At five,he wascomposing music.Form that time on,Mozart was performing n concerts and writing music.By his early teens,he had mastered the piano,violin and harpsichord,and was writingsymphonies and operas.His firs t major opera was performed in Milan in 1770,whenhe was only fourteen.At fifteen,Mozart became the conductor for an orchestra inSalzburg.In 1781,he left for Vienna,where he was in great demand as both a performerand a composition teacher.His firs t opera was a success.But life was not easybecause he was a poor businessman,and his f inances were always in a bad state.Hismusic from the next decade was not very popular,and he eventually fell back on histeaching jobs for a living.In 1788 he stopped performing in public,preferring onlyto compose.He died in 1791 at the age of thirty-five.Although he lived only a shortlife,he composed over 600 works.1.Which of the following is true of Mozart?D2.How long has Mozarts fame lasted?A3.Which of the following is true of the four-year-old Mozart?B4.What could Mozart do at the age of six?C5.Which of the following is not mentioned as one of Mozarfs accomplishments whilehe was in his early teens?CIV.Speaking OutModel 1 Do you like jazz?Laura:Hey!Bob:Hello!Laura:Do you like jazz,Bob?Bob:No,not much.Do you like it?Laura:Well,yes,I do.Im crazy about Wynton Marsalis.Bob:Oh,hes a piano player,isnt he?Laura:No,hes a trumpet player.So,what kind of music do you like?Bob:I like listening to rock.Laura:What group do you like best?Bob:Er,The Cranberries.Theyre the greatest.What about you?Dont you like them?Laura:Ugh!They make my stomach turn!SAMPLE DIALOGA:Do you like classical music?B:No,I dont like it at all.A:What type of music do you like?B:Im a real fan of pop songs.A:Whos your favorite singer or group?B:Jay Chou.What do you think about him?A:1 can hardly bear pop songs.They are all noise to me.Model 2 Do you like punk rock?Max:What kind of music do you like?Frannie:Well,I like different kinds.Max:Any in particular?Frannie:Er,I especially like punk rock.Max:Punk rock?You dont seem like the punk rock type.Frannie:You should have seen me in high school.I had my hair dyed blue.Max:W ow,that must have been a sight!Frannie:It sure was.What about you?Whats your favorite music?Max:I guess I like jazz best.Hey,Im going shopping for CDs tomorrow.Wouldyou 1i ke lo come along?Frannie:Sure,tha【sounds great.SAMPLE DIALOGA:What sports appeal to you?B:I like almost every kind of sport.A:Is there anything you like especially?B:Well,I like X-sports in particular.A:x-Sports?You dont look like the extreme sports type.B:1 have even tried bungee jumping and surfing.A:W ow,you certainly surprised me!B:Then how about you?What kind of sport do you prefer?A:I like ta i chi most.In fact,Im going to buy some books about f a i chi.W hydont you come with me?B:Sounds good.Lefs go.Model 3 It just sounds like noise to me.Philip:Turn down that noise!What on earth is it anyway!Laura:But dad.This is M etallical Theyre so cool.They are one of the most famousheavy metal bands.Philip:I dont care.It just sounds like noise to me.I cant stand i t!Laura:I love this kind of music,but if you really hate it that much,r i l out onsomething else.What do you want to hear?Philip:How about some popular easy-listening music.Maybe something like CelineDion?Laura:Not her again!Her music isn t very hip any more.I think she is a bore.SAMPLE DIALOGA:That music is terrib le!Turn off!B:But,M om,this is Backstreet Boys h it song“Get down!Its really appealing.A:Nonsense.Its just noise tome.I cant put up with it anymore.B:Its my favorite music.But if you hate it so much,I ll hate something you like.What would like to listen to?A:What about some old songs of the 1970s like The White-Haired G irl”?B:Ha-ha-ha-ha.I f s not fashionable any longer.I ll be bored to death.V.Lefs TalkThe Origin of the Song“Happy Birthday to You”The story of the song“Happy Birthday to You“Began as a sweet one,but later becameb itter.Two sisters,MiIdred Hill,a teacher at a kindergarten,and Dr.Patty Hill,the principal of the same school,wrote a song together for the children,entitled“Good Morning to All”.When Mildred combined her musical talents with her siste rsknowledge in the area of kindergarten education,Good Morning to All”was sure tobe a success.The sister published the song in a collection entitled“Song Storiesof the Kindergarten”in 1893.Thirty-one years later,after Dr.Patty Hill becamethe head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia UniversitysTeachers College,a gentleman by the name Robert Coleman published the song,withoutthe sisters5 permission.He added a second part,which is the familiar“Happy Birthdayto You”.Mr.Colemans addition of the second part made the song popular and,finally,the sisters“original first part disappeared.Happy Birthday to You“had altogetherreplaced the sisters original song“Good Morning to All.In 1916 Patty took legalaction against Mr.Coleman.In court,she succeeded in proving that hey were thereal owners of the song.1.teacher at a kindergarten2.Good Morning to All3.Happy Birthday to You4.Happy Birthday to You Good Morning to AllPossible Retelling for the Teachers ReferenceThe story of“Happy Birthday to You“was a nice,sweet on eat the very beginning,but later turned into a bitter one.There were two sisters:one was Mildred Hill,and the other Patty Hill.The former had great musical talents,while the latterhad knowledge of kindergarten education.Bu combining their abilities,the twoproduced a song called“Good Morning to All”.It was a success,and later publishedin a collection of songs for kindergartens.Thirty-one years later a man named Coleman published the song without the sisters5permission.To make things worse,he added a second part,which is the present“HappyBirthday to You”.This new song soon became popular and eventually it replaced thesisters first part altogether.Then,in 1916,Patty took legal action against Coleman.In court she managed to prove that she and her sister really owned the song.VI.Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1:KaraokeDal in:Its Mikes birthday on Friday,so a bunch of us are going to go to the karaokebar.Would you like to come with us?Laura:Karaoke bar?You have a special place just for singing?In America,barssometimes have a karaoke night where the customers can sing a song,but wehavent special karaoke bars!Dalin:Really?In China,karaoke is a very popular way for friends ro spend timetogether.W e can select the music that ur group enjoys.W e mostly sing pop songs.Laura:Do you sing individually or in groups?Singing is not a very in thing,soI dont sing very well.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5,FTask 2:When was music first sent down a telephone 1 ine?So you think downloading music from the Internet through a phone line is a reallycool modern thing?Not so.In 1896,Thaddeus Cahill Filed a patent on the instrumentfor transmitting music electronically,and until 1914 he sent music signals downtelephone lines with this instrument.And he wasnt even the first.Elisha Graytransmitted music over a telephone line in 1876,which was the same year the telephonewas invented.Gray invented the first electronic music instrument in 1874,callingit the“Musical Telegraph”.Alexander Graham Bell also designed an experimental“Ele ctr ic Har p”for spe e ch to be tr ansmitte d ove r a te le phone line using te chnolog ysimilar to Gr ays Be ll was a spe e ch te ache r for the d e af.In 1879 he cr e ate d aninstr ume nt to me asur e he ar ing loss.That is why the d e g r e e s of loud ne ss came to beme asur e d in be ls or d e cibe ls.5-4-2-1-3Task 3:Thank You for the MusicIm nothing spe cial,in fact Im a bit of a bor eIf I te ll a j ok e,your e pr obably he ar d it be for eBut I have a tale nt,a wond e r ful thingCause e ve r yone liste ns whe n I star t to singIm so g r ate ful and pr oudAll I want is to sing it out loudSo I sayThank you for the music,the song s Im sing ingThank s for all the j oy the yr e br ing ingWho can live without it,I ask in all hone stlyWhat would life beWithout a song or a d ance what ar e weSo I say thank you for the musicFor g iving it to meMothe r says I was a d ance r be for e 1 could walkShe says I be g an to sing long be for e I could talkAndWhoIve ofte n wond e r e d,how d id it all star tfound outLik e a me lod yWe ll,whoe ve rthat nothing can captur e a he ar tcanit was,Im a fanSo I sayThank you forthe music,the song s Im sing ingSpe ak ingMusical MemoriesTony:Liste n!Quick,tur n up the r ad io!Isnt that“Can You Fe e l the Love Tonig ht?”Nancy:Ye ah,it is,but whafs the big d e al?Tony:Whe n I was a little boy,my g r and mothe r took me to se e the movie The LionKing.Thafs the Elton John song fr om the movie.Nancy:I still cant und e r stand why ifs so impor tant to you.Tony:Be cause it was the fir st movie I e ve r saw with my g r and ma and be cause I r e allylove d spe nd ing time with he r.It is my favor ite song of all time s!Nancy:The fir st time Tom and I we nt on a d ate,we we nt to se e Titanic.I alwaysthink of the song “My He ar t Will Go On“as our song!Whe ne ve r I he ar it,Ithink of that nig ht.Tony:Oh,I can und e r stand why you love that song!Isnt it inte r e sting all theme mor ie s we conne ct with song s?UNIT2IL Listening Skills1.W:From what I can remember,the director asked us to rehearse this a hundredtimes.M:One hundred times?Is the director out of his mind?Q:What does the man imply?2.M:Do you think we have made enough food for the party?W:The refrigerator is about to explode.Q:What does the woman imply?3.W:She said she might become a famous movie star.M:Yes,and pigs might fly.Q:What does the man mean?4.M:Although the man often plays a bad guy in movies,in real life he has a heartof gold.W:So does a hard-boiled egg.Q:What does the woman mean?5.W:What a beautiful sunset!M:Dont blink.You might just miss it.Q:What does the man mean?1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.BIII.Listening InTask 1:Waiting for the New Harry Potter MovieAmy:Im so excited about finally seeing this movie!Peter:M e too.Im crazy about Harry Potter.Have you heard that J.K.Rowling hasadded another book to the series?Amy:Shes already w ritten Book Seven?Im s till waiting for Book Five.Peter:I know.Who isnt?At least we have the movies to watch in the meantime.Amy:By the way,have you se e n the tr aile r ye t?Pe te r:Ye ah.It was g r e at!I think the movie itse lf will be r e ally scar y.Amy:It sur e ly will!All that wr iting on the wall in blood.It scar e s me to d e athj ust to think about it!Both the g ir l and the boy ar e e xcite d/cr azy about the movie and the he r o Har r y Potte r.The boyhe ar d that the wr ite r J.K.Rowling has wr itte n the late st book,which is Book Se ve n,thoug h the g ir l is still waiting for Book Five.The boy has be e n the tr aile r and be lie ve sthe film will be scar y.The g ir l shar e s that vie w be cause of the wr iting on the wallin blood.Task 2:A Gr e at ActorThe r e was once a g r e at actor who could no long e r r e me mbe r his line s.Afte r se ve r alye ar s of se ar ching,he finally found a the ate r that was willing to g ive him a tr y.The d ir e ctor said,“This is the most impor tant par t,and it has only one line.Atthe ope ning you walk onto stag e car r ying a r ose.You hold the r ose to your nose withj ust one fing e r and thumb,sme ll it d e e ply and the n say the line on pr aise of ther ose:Ah,the swe e t sme ll of my l o v e.T h e actor was e xcite d.Al 1 d ay long be for ethe play he pr actice d his line ove r and ove r ag ain.Finally,the time came.The cur tainwe nt up,the actor walk e d onto the stag e,look e d at the aud ie nce,and with g r e ate motion said the line,“Ah,the swe e t sme ll of my love.The aud ie nce e xplod e d inlaug hte r.Only the d ir e ctor was fur ious!4tAhhhhhh!You d amne d fool!n he cr ie d.Youver uine d my play!Youve r uine d me!”The actor was puzzle d,“What happe ne d?Did I for g e tmy line?”No!shoute d the d ir e ctor.You for g e t the r ose!l.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.BTask 3:Movie Re vie wsI love movie s!And afte r I se e the m,I lik e to comme nt on the m.The se ar e movie sI saw this ye ar I would lik e to r e comme nd:Among come d ie s I hig hly r e comme nd “MonsoonWe d d ing”.Ifs an Ind ian movie.The stor y is about an Ind ian we d d ing.Pr e par ations forthe we d d ing br ing out funny and sad situations touching on love and a past r ape.This movieshows some of the wond e r ful customs of Ind ia,and the impor tance of family and love.Itsg r e at!Among d r amas,I lik e “Ad