Unit 2 Our globe is in danger!th this task.Target score:60%Your current score:78%water pollutionCorrect answer:water pollutionmelting polar ice capCorrect answer:melting polar ice capCorrect answer:droughtCorrect answer:droughtsandstormCorrect answer:desertificationlight pollutionCorrect answer:littering山而le being interviewed by Martha,E d said more people in his culture.1(1)respe(now th.an ever.b efo re.W.h en ask.ed.ab.out th.e most seri.ous)environmental problet,.in the world today,ne mentioned the damaged ozone1(3)pollutioi.er and the I in big cities.learned about environmental problems at school.A lot of clubs and someprograms(4)promote.1c”i i 1environmental safety.He believes that studentsuld learn more about the environment at school.Then they can be more)aware o,.,.,(6)from occurringall the problems and prevent more problems I .n asked about a new I he would like to create to help the.1 1 i i I(8)cigarei.ironment,ne said that when people I their cigarette butts,theye to throw them into the garbage bin.They should be I )fineif theyow them on the floor or ground.sonally,Ed is so against littering that he never litters.He alwaysows his I trainto the garbage bin.Your answerX(1)respect natureQ(2)environmental problemQ(3)pollutionQ(4)promoteQ(5)aware of3 (6)from occurringQ(7)lawX(8)cigarette buttsQ(9)finedQ(10)trashLcccECorrect answernatureenvironmental problempollutionpromoteaware offrom occurringlawthrow awayfinedtrash What is the passage mainly about?(A)1 he most serious pollutan(B)The harm from industrialwaste.(C)The present riverpollution.(D)The causes of riverpollution.2.Why does the river water turn green?7E(A)Because nitrate andphosphate in the waterincrease.C(B)Because nitrate andphosphate in the waterdecrease.C(C)Because algae are killed nitrate and phosphate.c(D)Because the pollutants a:removed.3.What harm does industrial waste cause?l (A)LuLack of oxygen.r-(B)EPoisoning.VL (C)LuA ccumulation of algae.厂(D)L.jA lower temperature ofwater.4.VWhich of the following is true of oil pollution?c(A)It creates a rainbow.c(B)It dissolves in the watgradually.qE(C)It prevents oxygen fromentering the water.(D)It makes the fish dirty.What harm can warm water in a river bring?c(A)Break in the food chain.qc(B)Rapid growth of algae.(0D issolution of chemicalLJsubstances.c(D)Lack of oxygen.i.奇Whatis the passage mainly about?c(A)T he best wsto use elecenergy.n(B)China,sL-Jenormousinvestmentdevelopingcleanenergies.c(C)A compariscbetween Chi:and othercountries icuttingcarbondioxideemissions.E(D)Cuttingcarbondioxideemissions:China,sachievementand problem2.r F F rom four years ago until A ugust this year,how many kilowacoal-fired plant capacity will have been closed?c(A)More than 1million.Vc(B)More than Emillion.qc(0More than Emillion.E(D)More than 7million.By 2020,what will be the proportion of non-fossi 1 energy in tlpower in China?7E(A)15%.c(B)7.2%.c(c)7.8%c(D)0.6%.w Which of the following is true of the investment by China and thS tates in clean energy last year?(A)cChina,sinvestment5.(C)(D)was about t:same as theUnitedS tates.China,sinvestmentwas almosttwice aslarge as thUnitedS tates.China,sinvestmentwas nearlyhalf of theUnitedStates,.China,sinvestmentwas aboutthree timesas large asthe UnitedStates.Which of the following is N O T mentioned in the passage as aarising from curbing greenhouse gas emissions?(A)(B)(0Slowing doueconomicdevelopmentExerting anegativeinfluence cpeople,sincome.Causing morstrikes.(D)cCausingunemploymerMan 1:Well,its aspirational language which is nice and lovely and fluffy,but(1)doesn,t really actually commit anyone to doing anything,and so its really hard to take to the bank.I mean,people*s livesare on the line in the developing world where we are seeing the impactsfelt first and foremost.And obviously(2)the atmosphere simple can,t take the kind of emissions we,ve beenseeing in the business-as-usual scenario and there,s no realcommitment to change that.(3)There,s no real commitment to put serious money on the tableand that*s a big problem.On screen text:Wind Farm This is a great photo op for al 1 the worldleaders,but if(4)Its not backed by action,it really doesn,t mean much at the end of the day.Man 2:Whats in there is very disappointing.(5)It does not constitute a.a deal.(6)Its a hollow shellthat will need to be filled in,and it has some numbers,it talks abouttrying to avoid two degrees.Thats the same language that the G8 usedlast July.But(7)it lacks anything on emissions cutsas yet that would guarantee that were actually on the,on track toget there.And the financing commitments-there is a mention of a100-bill ion-dollar figure and the attempt to raise or mobilise thatlevel of resources,but(8)There,s no guarantee that there will be new money,that the money willbe real,that theres actually a commitment to get there,or that itwill be channeled in new ways,as yet.Your answersCorrect answers1)doesn,t really actuallycommit anyone to doinganything,1)doesn,t really actuallycommit anyone to doinganything,2)the atmosphere simplecan,t take the kind ofemissions weve been seeingin the business-as-usualscenario and there,s no realcommitment to change that.3)Theres no realcommitment to put seriousmoney on the table4)Its not backed byaction,5)It does not constitutea.a deal.6)Its a hollow shell7)it lacks anything onemissions cuts8)Theres no guarantee thatthere will be new money,that the money will be real,that there,s actually acommitment to get there,orthat it will be channeled innew ways,E nvironmental problems.I1.(1)water pollutioiair pollution,I ,destruction of natural habitats,animals and plants,etc.2)the atmosphere simple canttake the kind of emissionswe,ve been seeing in thebusiness-as-usual scenarioand there,s no real commitmentto change that.3)There,s no real commitmentto put serious money on thetable4)Its not backed by action,5)It does not constitute a.a deal.6)It,s a hollow shell7)it lacks anything onemissions cuts8)Theres no guarantee thatthere will be new money,thatthe money will be real,thatthere,s actually a commitmentto get there,or that it willbe channeled in new waysdesertification,overfishing,1(2)over-consumpti Of0 Wi.ld.Central problemthe contradiction between(3)economic growtl,1 .and the environmentA new ideasustainable development;it means:T oday,s economic growth should not wipe out the I resU Iceandoptions for future generations.Planning and development should ensure not only economic growth,buti I (5)social advancemen,.,1111also I and environmental health.(3)S ome economic behavior must be I lestl Hor controlled.What China could doInstill principles of sustainable development into I government planningresource management and(8)economic policWhat China has doneChina has already taken(9)remarkable step,,J,to reduce damage to theenvironment,e.g.,following the huge floods of 1998,the governmentbanned logging in the upper reaches of the Y angtze River.The aim/、(10)emiss:.a(n)I between economic growth and the environmentq(1)x (2)y(3)Q(5)Q(6)q(7)y(8)Q(9)_ X(10)L 6 What isYour answerwater pollutionover-consumptioneconomic growthresourcessocial advancementrestrictedgovernment planningeconomic policyremarkable stepsemissionsCorrect answerwater pollutionoverconsumptioneconomic growthresourcessocial advancementrestrictedgovernment planningeconomic policyremarkable stepsbalancetrue of the cloud of pollution?(A)It hangs over northwestern A sia.l (B)It is three kilometers wide.(C)It increases rainfall in the whole A sia.2.(D)It can move halfway around the world in a week.What is NOT the cause of the cloud of pollution?3.(A)(B)(C)(D)Burning animal wasteE vaporation from theF orest fires.Burning agriculturalin stoves.ocean.waste.What does the cloud of pollution bring about?4.(A)(B)ItItcools the land and oceans.reduces the sunlight on the E arth by 5 0 percent.c(C)(D)ItItlowers its own temperature.changes the direction of the ocean currents.Why will the pollution intensify in the next 30 years?5.c(A)(B)(C)(D)BecauseBecauseBecauseBecausethe cloud will contain more harmful substances.the cloud will gradually turn into acid rain.the A sian population will increase a lot.industries in A sia are developing fast.What is the main idea of the passage?(A)T he size and dangers of a cloud of pollution.(B)T he movement of a cloud of pollution and the disasters.(C)T he causes and results of a cloud of pollution.(D)A terrible disaster in A sia.Mountain people around the world are in great danger of theeffects of the worsening environment,according to a U NA s globaland deforestation accelerate and technology makeswilder places more accessible,environmental and social(4)onthe world,s remotest regions increase.T he U N has found that manyregions inhabited by one out offive of the world,s people一are(6)recognizable when they arecompared to what they were like 60 years ago.This is mostly becauseforests were cut to cattle grazing and agriculture.The authors of the U N study(8)Biological losses are expected to be heavy.The mountains of Europe,partsof California and the northwest Andes in South America are among the mostthreatened mountain areas in the world and should be given priority inconservation.|(9)because they are inhabited by some of the most vulnerable people.Thesepeople could lose their culture and their livelihood with even thesmallest shifts in climate.At the same time,many mountain regions are losing people.|do)In otherareas like Nepal,people are drifting to the cities in search of work.Your answer(9)Correct answernegativereportwarmingpressuresmountainousbarelymake way forexpect 98 percent of themountain areas to experiencesevere climate change by 2055The U N is anxious to raiseawareness of the problemsfacing mountain areasdo)T housands of villages inE urope are deserted most ofthe yearWeather experts may have found a new problem caused by global warming,one which many people will pay attention to:T here are I slgrkthatS antas home in the North may be in trouble because of(2)warmer temperature.T he F innish town of Rovaniemi on the A rctic Circle,which many E uropeans.,1-(-3)-w-a-rm-e-siI w.mt,er m.40 years.A s a result,there has been much less snow than usual-meaning no snowmen,no snowballs,and possibly not enough I sn for S anta to ride his sleighon.More important for local residents,it may mean fewer tourists,as well.S anta,s wintry home town normally I attractvthousands of visitors eachyear,and millions of dollars.A nne Pelt tar i-Bergman,the town,s tourist director,worries that the town11 .I trouble.q 11 工 人.I (7)norma:could be in I it snow levels do not return to I .S heexplains:S now is really important for us,of course,for S anta Claus,for Christmas tourism,and also for our winter tourism because winter isour I (8)best seasoi.IT at i.s real1l1 y i mport/ant f or us.Weather experts and town residents are hoping this warm winter is a(n)1(9)one-timt(h.i.ng.F ew people can imagine a holiday when even S anta does,1/(10)whil.not have a(n)I Christmas.Your answerCorrect answer)z)/17)z7)/777o1234567891z(z(z(z(z!zz(z(/lz(z(signswarmer temperatureswarmestsnowattractstroublenormalbest seasonone-timesignswarmer temperatureswarmestsnowattractstroublenormalbest seasonone-timewhite