Unit Three A Good Heart to Lean onI.Background InformationManhattan is an island in New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River.It is one of thefive boroughs that comprise the City of New York.It is also New York Citys business and culturalcenter.Manhattan is connected by bridges and tunnels to New Jersey to the west,and three NewYork City boroughs,the Bronx to the northeast and Brooklyn and Queen on Long Island to theeast and south.II.Pre-reading activitiesIn this story,a man describes that he felt ashamed when walking down the street with hiscrippled father when he was younger.He did not like the way people stared at the two of them.His father,on the other hand,never showed that he noticed others reaction to his disability.Hewas very active and often took part in activities with his son.Over time,the son learned that hisfather had a very good heart.His father has been gone for many years now and he regrets nottelling him how much he admired him.He often remembers the example his father set.Answer to Question One:Because his father was crippled.Answer to Question Two:he felt ashamed to be with his father when he was younger.Now heregrets not telling his father how much he admired him.III.Vocabulary1.lean:vi.1)be against a wall or other surface他喜欢斜靠在桥栏杆上看着船只经过。She was leaning on the bridge,watching the boats go by.她斜靠在公园的树上读书。She was leaning against a tree in the park,reading a book.2)bend in a certain direction比萨斜塔the Leaning Tower of Pisa他俯身向前,听那小女孩说什么。He leant forward to hear what the little girl said.lean on:depend on他们有困难时总寻求我们的帮助。They always lean on us when they are in trouble.这位部长依靠他的顾问提供信息和建议。The minister leaned on his advisers for information and advice.1.He was severely crippled and very short.severe:a.very bad or serious他头部的伤很严重。His head injuries were quite severe.庄家歉收造成粮食严重短缺。The bad harvest led to severe food shortages.severely:ad.seriously房子在去年地震中遭到严重损害。The house was seriously damaged in an earthquake last yea匚17岁那年她在一次车祸中严重伤残。She was severely disabled in the car crash at the age of 17.cripple:vt.make someone unable to walk or move properly because of damage to the back orlegsa crippling blow:致残的一击那次车祸使他终生残废。The car crash crippled him for life.n.C someone who is physically disabled,especially someone who is unable to walk.我们爱椅子下面装了轮子,残疾人能用它们四处移动。We put wheels on these chairs so that cripples could use them to move from one place toanother.Cultural notes:whereas at one time it might have been acceptable to call a person a“cripple”if injuries or deformities kept him from walking properly,it is no longer so.Nowadays we usethe terms“handicapped person or“disable person/individuar*instead of“cripple”.Someespecially sensitive people prefer the terms“handi-capable person and specially-ableperson”.2.I would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attention:I tried to overcome my feeling ofembarrassment caused by the people watched us;I did not want them to watch us.3.If he ever noticed or was bothered,he never let on:He never showed that he was aware of itor troubled.let on:make known;teli someone something别泄露有关会议的任何消息。Dont let on anything about the meeting.我想他所知道的内情比他准备透露的要多。I think he knows more about it than hes prepared to let on.4.It was difficult to coordinate out steps-his halting,mine impatient:We had difficultwalking together at the same speed because he was slow and unsteady and I walked quickly,having no patience to wait for him.coordinate:vt.cause(different parts,body parts,etc.)to work together very well.那项计划协调得不好,所以失败了。The plan was not very well coordinated,so it failed.我们必须齐心协力去帮助遭受水灾的灾民。We must coordinate our efforts to help people affected by the flood.halt:v.stop政府正采取措施抑制房价上涨。The government is taking measures to halt the rise in housing prices.n.singular a stop or pause生产因罢工而停顿下来。Production was brought to a halt by the strike.公共汽车突然停了下来,避免了一场车祸。The bus came to a halt suddenly to prevent an accident.impatient:a.easily annoyed;not patient.对学东西慢的学生,教师不应该没有耐心。A teacher should not be impatient with slow learners.5.But as we started out,hell always said,“you set the pace,Til try to adjust to you.”:But whenwe began our walk,he always said,4tyou set the speed of your walk and t will try to changemy speed to keep up.”start out:begin going somewhere我们一早出发,这样可以在天黑之前到达最高峰。We started out early so that we could reach the summit before nightfall.pace:n.1)singular speed of walking or running他悠闲地往前走。He proceeded at a leisurely pace.年轻人看了一下手表,加快了步伐。The young man quickened his pace after glancing at his watch.2)singular the speed at which something happens.许多人抱怨现代生活的快节奏。Many people were complaining about the fast pace of modem life.公司决定放慢开发新产品的速度。The company decided to slow down the pace of new product development.vi.walk with slow,regular,even steps他在急诊室外踱来踱去等医生回来。He paced outside the emergency room as he waited for the doctor to come back.他踱来踱去,思考解决问题的办法。He paced back and forth as he was thinking how to solve the problem.6.adjust:become or make suited(to new conditions);change我的眼睛还未适应房中的黑暗。My eyes haven,t adjusted to the darkness in the room yet.7.He went to work sick.:He went to work even when he was ill.Here the adjective“sick”indicates a clause“even when he was sick”.Examples:He went to bed hungry last night.The tomatoes should be picked green.8.despite nasty weather:although the weather was very bad.despite:prep.In spite of尽管年龄悬殊,他们还是密友。Despite the difference in their ages they were close friends.尽管雨雪交加,我们还是一大早就走了。Despite the rain and snow,we went at early dawn.9.make it:1)manage to arrive on time我想我们会及时到达。I think well just make it!想要在超市关门前赶到那里,我们必须抓紧时间。WeH have to hurry if we want to make it to the supermarket before it closes.2)be successful at something想在演艺圈出人头地,并非易事。Its hard to make it to the top in the show business.多年之后,他爬上了公司上层。Years later,he made it to the upper levels of the corporate ladder.10.Once there,he would cling to the handrail.As soon as he got there,he would hold on to the handrail for support.Once there:the subject and the verb be”can be omitted.Once(they are)in bed,the children usually go to sleep very quickly.Once(it is)damaged,it takes many years for the environment to recover,cling:vi.1)hold someone or something tightly我紧抓住一颗树,支撑着我的身体。I clung to one another for support myself.他们互相紧抓对方,相互支持。They clung to one another for support.2)Continue to believe or do something他抱着一个信念:儿子还活着。She still clings to the idea that her son is alive.他们固守着旧的做事方法。They cling to all the old methods of doing things.11.free of:not containing something unpleasant我们需要一个没有战争的世界。What we need is a world free of war.膳食免费供应。Meals are provided free of charge.12.subject himself to such shame and stress:make him experience such shame and stress.Subject:vt.cause to experience something unpleasant.他受到了严刑拷打。He was subjected to severe torture.科学家对这种产品进行了数次测试。The scientists subjected the product to a number of severe plaint:C,U a written or spoken statement in which someone says they are not satisfiedwith something.如果你有意见,请与客户服务部联系。If you have any complaints,please contact our customer services department我们的聚会非常吵闹,为此警方接到好几起投诉。The police received several complaints about the noise from our party.14.nor:The reversed order is used in nor”clause.我从未撒过谎,现在我也不打算破这个理例。I have never been dishonest,nor do I plan to start being so now.我从未去过巴黎,我妻子也没去过。I have never been to Paris,nor has my wife.15.unable to engage in many activities.:Although he was unable to take part in manyactivities.Here“unable to.”is used to show concession.In English,adjectives or adjective phrases areoften used,especially at the beginning of a sentence,to show reason,concession,etc.Moreexamples:Glad to accept,the boy nodded his agreement.Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman called for a vote.Rather nervous,the man opened the letter.engage:vi.(cause to)take part in or be involved in something官员们不应参加商业活动。Officials should not engage in business affairs.那位教授日夜从事科学研究。The professor engages himself in research day and night.Vt.1)employ someone to do a particular job.我聘用他做些日常工作。I have engaged him to do routine job.公司雇佣她为新的销售经理。The company has engaged her as its new sales manager.2)Attract someones attention and keep them interested那款新玩具不能长时间地吸引儿童的注意力。The new toy didnt engage the child for long.我喜欢玩吸引我的注意力、使我积极开动脑筋的游戏。I like to play games that engage my mind and keep my brain active.16.have a good time just sitting and watchinghave a good/hard/difficult time+v-ing我费了好大劲才找到你。I had a hard time finding you.她好不容易劝说她接受那份工作。She had a difficult persuading him to accept the job.17.occasion:C a time at which something happens.我在办公楼里几次遇见她,没多久就成了好朋友。I met her on several occasions in the office building,and it was not long before we becamegood friends.你来的那个时候我不在家。On the occasion of your visit,I was not at home.18.break out:begin to happen.如果火灾发生,是不是每个人都知道该怎么办?Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out.他们开始打架时,我正好在房间。I was in the room when the fight between them broke out.19.content:a.satisfied and happy我不满足于美丽的梦想,我要的是美丽的现实。I am not content with beautiful dreams:I want beautiful realities.身居陋室,整日作画,他已心满意足。Hes perfectly content to live in a simple room and to paint pictures all day.20.aid:vt.give help or support他被指控为恐怖份子提供帮助。He was accused of aiding the terrorists.n.U help他们举行了 场音乐会,筹款来帮助那家经费拮据的医院。They held a concert to make money in aid if the poor hospital.21.urge:vt.strongly suggest that someone does something我劝他休假一年,去欧洲学绘画。I urged him to take a year off to study drawing in Europe.队长鼓励自己的队员更努力一点,去赢得比赛。The captain urged his team to greater efforts to win the game.n.C a strong wish or need我突然有一种冲动,想告诉老板我对他的看法。I had a sudden urge to tell the boss what I thought of him.我们应该克制自己对金钱的欲望。We should control our urge for money.22.take a dive:agree to lose a fight or game dishonestly,especially a boxing match.This is a slang expression,often used as a metaphor,meaning“pretend defeat”,as it is used inthis sentence.The phrase comes from professional boxing when boxer is paid in secret bygamblers to lose,so the gamblers can win their bet.23.on leave:away from work or duty我休假回来会很忙。When I return on leave,I will be very busy.他盼望休假。He is looking forward to going on leave.24.see(to it)that:make sure that something is done父亲确保我的业余时间不会白白浪费。Father saw to it that much of my spare time was not wasted.务请注意不要再迟到。See that you are not late again.25.He has been gone many years now.:He has been dead for many year now.(Euphemism)26.reluctant:unwilling and therefore slow to do something他勉强作了承诺。He gave a reluctant promise.他们很不愿意帮助别人。They were very reluctant to help others.27.worthy:a.(表语或定语)他是个值得重视的对手,我很高兴与他正面交锋。Hes a worthy opponent,and I am happy to face him.她证明了自己是前任冠军当之无愧的继任者。She proved herself a worthy successor to the former champion.她的行为令人钦佩。Her excellent behavior is worthy of admiration.这是一场值得称赞的演出。This is a performance worthy of plain:say that one is not satisfied with something他向我抱怨饭菜不好。He complained about the food to me.他们加班加点工作,从不抱怨。They never complained about working extra time.她抱怨没人去火车站接她。She complained that no one went to the railway station to meet her.When“complain“means“say that one has a pain,illness,etc.”,the preposition oF is usuallyused.他去找医生,说自己呼吸困难。He went to the doctor complaining of difficulty in breathing.29.envious:a.(of)wanting something that someone have it.我十分羡慕你的新工作,真希望自己也能有这份工作。I am very envious of your new job;I wish I could have it.嫉妒之人永不会满足。An envious man shall never be happy for the things he has.IV.Text StructureThe passage is a first person narrative,which describes my fathers good heart.There aremany things that make a good heart,such as having the ability to deal with embarrassment,beinghard working,having self-discipline,possessing the courage to subject oneself to shame and stress,and not showing any envy toward the more fortunate or able.A person with a good heart sets anexample that other people can follow,and a good heart is a proper standard to judge people.Thewriter uses different writing techniques,such as exemplification,metaphor,and flashback.Thepassage also contains the writers own comments and reflections.The passage can be roughlydivided into four parts.Part One(P 1-4).All the four paragraphs are flashbacks about what the writer can recall of hisfather.P 1:the traits of a good heart:the endurance of embarrassment.P2:his father setting astandard for him to adjust to and follow:you set the pace.I will try to adjust to you.,(metaphor)P3,4:a hard-working,self-discipline father.Part Two(5-6).It is the writers comments:he feels amazed at the courage for his father tosubject himself to such shame and stress without any complaint.Part Three(7-10).It is the writers reflections on what a“good heart means and then herecalls more and more how his father displayed his good heart in the upcoming paragraphs.Part Four(11-13).These three paragraphs are mainly the writers own comments andreflections.His father was very proud of him and lived through his experiences.Then the writercontrasts his fathers good heart with his own“bad”heart.He admitted that his father was agreater man than he is.The last paragraph is a touching ending.The writer realized that his fatherhad helped him keep his balance in life,just as he helped his father keep balance during theirwalks.Here the metaphor appears once again to show that it is his father who sets a properstandard for him to adjust to and follow.V.Sentence structureExercises 61.He had his ears pierced even though I told him not to.2.It was an exciting game even though no goals were scored.Exercise 71.After learning some simple Chinese,the American girl was able to.2.When doing the writing exercise for this course,you should.3.Until finished,the problem was a continuous worry to me.4.While working at the computer,the young man was.5.The grass will grow more quickly if watered regularly.VI.TranslationChinese into English1.I have decided to accept the new post,even though the job is not very well paid.2.The job has been taken to be very simple until(it is)actually started.3.Now that you are panning to move to Canada,you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.4.He promised to help us to buy the house,but with a little reluctance.5.This is an important meeting.Please see to it that you are not late for it.6.He is an experiences businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.English in Chinese1.他决心向那个女孩谈谈自己的计划,即使他知道她很可能拒绝听。2.离开那条长长的正街,他就发现自己身处城里十分贫穷的区域。3.听到那首歌,我不禁悲从中来,想起了那些困苦的日子。4.每个想过健康生活的人,都必须在工作和娱乐之间寻求适当的平衡。5.我的第一位老板真让人讨厌,让每个人日子难过似乎是他的乐趣。我干了没多久就走人了。6.你能确保在本周末之前完成这项工作吗?伦敦有重要公干,总公司正在考虑派你去。VIL Rewriting of the TextWith such different writing techniques as exemplification,metaphor,flashback,etc.,the prose“A Good Heart to Lean on“tells us that the writers father is physically crippled,but he has agood heart and sets a good example for the son,which helps him overcome the difficulties.The writer recalls his fathers traits of a good heart.For example,when he was growing up,hewas embarrassed to be noticed that he walked with his crippled father but his father never let on.When walking together,it was difficult to c