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    pep小学英语四年级上册全册教案 全册.pdf

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    pep小学英语四年级上册全册教案 全册.pdf

    Working without a plan is sailing without a compass、A-刖 s上课是否有效,很大程度上取决于备课是否充分,是否有效。上课好比作战,备课也好比做战略部署、写作战方案。“不打无准备的仗”,准备得越充分,越符合学生学习的规律,上课的效果就会越好。因此,要想上好课,首先是要先备好课,决不可忽视这个环节而认为上课才是最重要的。“备课,需要备一辈子。”意思是说:好课是要花费一生的心血来准备的。而且教无止境,常教常新,也需要常上常备,推陈出新。一、备学生全面了解学生,注重科学发展素质教育的一个基本特征就是“一切为了学生的发展”,课堂教学要收到师生双赢的满意效果,教师既要钻研教材,又要充分了解学生。作到掌握学情,分类推进,使学生在不同程度上科学发展,反之,对学生的基本情况,学习态度,知识要求,接受能力或一无所知或若暗若明,容易脱离学生实际,造成教学失败。备学生应做到六个了解:1.了解班级基本状况。包括班级特征、学生构成、智能结构、学习情况、兴趣爱好、对本学科的学习态度及代表性意见等。只有对班级了如指掌,才能通览全局,科学施教。2.了解学生个性特征。教师应对每位学生的姓名、年龄、视力、听力、身体状况、特长爱好、师生关系、居住地址、家教环境等个体自然状况详细了解,作为备课依据,以便区别对待,分类指导。3.了解学生学习基础。一是班级整体基础;二是个人学习基础,还要了解班级中优中差生的所占比例。在讲授新课前,特别要了解学生对原有知识的预习准备是否充足;新课讲授中可能出现的困难和障碍以及学生对新知识的兴趣是否浓厚等。4.了解学生对教学方法的反应。教学工作是教学内容和具体方法的双重体现。教师采取何种方法实施教学直接影响学生的学习积极性和课堂教学效果。因此,教师必须经常深入班级,了解学生对教学的意见,及时反馈信息,调整教学方法。5.了解学生个性品质。学生的个性品质包括学生的观察、记忆能力,思维、想象能力,解决问题能力,实验操作能力,信息接受、处理能力,现代化教学技术掌握运用能力等。还包括学生的气质、性格、动机、兴趣、自信、自律等非智力因素。“人心不同,各如其面”。学生的个性差异是很大的。教师要通过各种途径和方法了解学生的气质类型、兴趣爱好、性格特征、智力差异,为发展个性、因材施教提供依据。6.了解学生动态变化。教师既要从静态角度了解学生,更要从动态角度熟悉学生。即Diligence is the mother of good luck.1Working without a plan is sailing without a compass及时了解学生在各方面的变化和进步。如学习进退、作业完成的变化,组织纪律、兴趣爱好的变化,受到表扬、批评和同学之间纷争、矛盾后的变化等。特别要了解关爱差生的情绪变化。差生是学生中的弱势群体,自卑性强、缺乏动力。对差生的微妙进步教师应及时给予肯定鼓励,并强化引导,使之体验成功的愉悦和增强前进的动力。二、备教材深刻理解课标,吃透教材内容备教材要掌握六个环节。一是掌握课程标准。只有理解课程标准的实质,才能与时俱进、居高临下的钻研教材、确定目标、探索创新、指导教学。二是掌握教材内容。教师只有研究教材体系,明确教学任务,弄清教材的基本结构、指导思想、知识技能、编写意图、内涵外延和深度广度,才能最终明确教学目的与要求。三是掌握重点难点。教材内同类知识中分量较大,处于重要或主要地位的内容就是教学重点;而学生在学习过程中难以理解消化、不易掌握或操作困难的内容、技巧就被确定为教学难点。教学重点和教学难点,既有联系又有区别。教学重点在知识结构中起纽带作用,是教学内容的知识核心。教学重点因有基础知识、基本技能、全局性和规律性强而在教材知识总量中占较大比重。教学重点很容易依据教学内容被确定。教学难点除少数处于教学重点之外外,大多数则包含于教学重点之中,在教材总知识量中比重较小。它的特点是有局限性、差异性和局部性。在备课和教学中,教学难点则往往不易被发现。教师不应把教学重点和教学难点相互混淆。四是掌握教材特点。教材特点在一定程度上决定着备课的结构、教学活动的组织和教学方法的选择。不同教材的特点要选择不同形式的教法。因此,教师在研读教材的过程中,特别要理出教材的特点,才有助于根据教学目标有针对性地选择恰当科学的教学方法。五是弄清教材疑点。所谓教材疑点就是学生对教学内容中含混不清、似懂非懂、容易误解且产生疑惑的部分。教师在备课中要充分考虑学生的接受能力和容易产生质疑的问题,以便释疑解惑。六是掌握教改信息。只有掌握最新教改信息,吸纳现代化教学理念,丰富整体教学活动,拓宽学生思维空间,转化最新教研成果,才能激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效益,使学生得到全面发展。三、备教法突出改革创新,注重教学流程“教学有法而无定法。”体现了教学方法的层次多样性和形式灵活性。教师备教法既要熟练掌握讲授法、谈话法、讨论法、实验法等单一的传统教学方法,更要根据学科特点,实施自主参与、自主探究、小组合作、分层发展的学习策略。要转变教学理念,更新模式,改革教法,探索和采用利于学生开拓创新、个性发展的教学手段。如情景教学法、快乐教学法、诱导教学法、感悟教学法、探索教学法等。既要学习优秀教师和教育科研工作者创造的最新教法和模式,也要借鉴国外发达国家的先进教学方法。还要掌握、利用现代化教学手段。无Diligence is the mother of good luck.2Working without a plan is sailing without a compass论哪种教学方法都要贯穿于课堂教学的每一环节,做到注重过程教学,发展学生潜能。从这学期来看,自己对于备课这个环节做的还不够全面和深入,在以后的教学过程中要从各个方面做好备课这个十分重要的环节.四、教师在集体备课时要树立以下几个意识:1.合作意识合作是进行集体备课的前提条件。集体备课时要创造一种平等、民主、互相尊重、互相合作的氛围。对每一个阶段的工作,备课组教师都要有明确的分工。例如,有些教师可以去寻找有关的资料;有些教师可以准备教具。在进行专项复习时,要根据各位教师的长处,备课组长指定专人负责,准备阅读、改错和书面表达等练习材料。2整体意识集体备课时教师要有整体意识,例如,第一次集体备课时教师要纵览全局,制订整个学期或整个学年的教学计划;同时,还要注意教材各章节之间的内在联系。集体备课活动有可能会因意外的事情受到影响而暂停,备课组长一定另找时间及时补上,以保证备课内容的系统性和连续性。3.超前意识教师超前集体备课,不仅能增强教学的目的性和针对性,而且有利于将问题消灭于萌芽状态。在制订好整体教学计划后,集体备课时最好能提前准备一、两个单元的课。4.反思意识通过对教学行为的反思来提高教学能力是教师成长的重要途径。教学行为研究可以是在教师自己的课堂教学中开展小范围的调研活动。众多在教学上获得成功的教师都十分重视写教学后记。有位学者指出,教 师 的 成 长 密 验 板 思。教师只有通过不断反思自身的教学行为,才能扬长避短,才能促进教师专业化的发展。写教学后记是教师反思自身教学行为的行之有效的办法。教师参加集体备课,将教学方案付诸课堂实践,并 对 自 己(或他人)的教学过程进行评判性反思和分析,研究并总结出最基本的教学原始资料。可为积累教学经验奠定基础。Diligence is the mother of good luck.3Working without a plan is sailing without a compass四年级上册英语教材分析一、ContentsUnite 1 My ClassroomUnite 2 My SchoolbagUnite 3 My FriendsUnite 4 My HomeUnite 5 What Would You Like?Unite 6 Meet My Family!二、Analyze为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模仿,练习运用。即:听音仔细静听;辩音辨清发音;观察注意观察;模仿认真模仿;练习积极练习;运用实际运用;课堂练习A活动手册它是本套教材教科书的主要组成部分,与课本同步进行。B单元练习每单元课后用一课时巩固前面内容。录音带,投影片和教学挂图,音标卡片,字母卡片,教学图片。这些辅助材料,均为配合课本的系列辅助材料,不仅可以帮助教师有效的进行教学,而且可以活跃课堂气氛,增加学生学习英语的兴趣。三、Aims1、对于有一年学习基础的学生要求进一步提高,加强儿童对英语的感性知识,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和培养能力,使学生敢于大胆开口说英语,在理解的基础上表演英语。2、打下较好的语音,语调和书写基础。3、养成良好的书写习惯,根据单词的拼写和发音规则认读和拼写单词四、Keys1,能通过听,朗读,观察和思考,找出语音练习中出现的字母组合的发音规律,并能读出和写出符合发音规律的重点词汇。2、能按四会要求掌握所学的单词。3、能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话语与场合相符。4、能在图片、手势、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。5、培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范、整洁。并逐渐养成课前预习,课后复习的好习惯和独立学习的能力。五、D ifficultiesDiligence is the mother of good luck.4Working without a plan is sailing without a compass养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯,能自觉地模仿语音、语调,逐步培养语感。逐步培养较好的写作能力。六、A n al y s i s o f s t u d e n t s学生经过了几年的学习,大部分学生对于英语这门学科还是比较感兴趣的,学习积极性比较高。在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,培养学生的独立学习的能力和课前预习的好习惯。面向全体学生,整合教材,认真备课,把握好重难点,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,让学生在轻松快乐的气氛中学习掌握知识。七、M e as u r e1、考虑到小学生好动爱玩的特点,以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。2、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等多种形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习,做到以听说促读写,以读写促听说,让学生将所学知识转化为语言技能,进一步培养语感和用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。3、将直观教具和电教手段、多媒体课件相结合,培养学生良好的朗读习惯,打下良好的语音语调基础。4、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。5、逐步使学生养成课前预习,课后复习的好习惯,培养独立学习的能力。S c h e d u l e单元课时周第 1 单元8 课时2 周第 2 单元8 课时2 周第 3 单元8 课时2 周复习14 课时1 周第 4 单元8 课时2 周第 5 单元8 课时2 周第 6 单元8 课时2 周复习24 课时1周机动复习8 课时2 周Diligence is the mother of good luck.5Working without a plan is sailing without a compassUnit 1 My Classroom 单元分析一、C o n t e n t s1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词:w i n d o w boa r d l i gh t pi c t u r e door f l oor c l a s s r oom c ompu t e r w a l l t e a c h e r sde s k f a n w h a t i n t h e w e h a v e ne w go w h e r e2、本单元要求会听,说的单词和词组:ma ny ou r s e a t ne a r c l a s s ma t e c l e a nh a v e a l ook good i de a a l l r i gh t good job3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学要求A i ms1、能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。3、会唱本单元的歌曲。三、教学重点和难点1 对于较长的单词如c l a s s r oom,c l a s s ma t e,c ompu t e r 的掌握以及对于第-次出现的词组和短语如h a v e a l ook,good job 的掌握。2 对于礼貌用语“T h a nk y ou ,E x c u s e me,A f t e r y ou”的掌握与应用。3、描述教室中所有物件,并能据此编出对话。四、教学时间本单元共6 课时,每周3 课时,2周完成。Diligence is the mother of good luck.6Working without a plan is sailing without a compassUnit 1 My Classroom(1)Teaching contents:Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Let the students master the words:window,classroom,floor,light,door,board,and picture.When they see the objects,they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.Ability aims:1.Enable to use the above words and sentences to talk about the activities.2.积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流,逐步培养良好的语言表达能力。Teaching important points:1 Look,listen and say the words about activities.2 Learn to use the sentences.Teaching difficult points:较难掌握的词汇:Picture,classroom,window,board,and blackboard助动词do/does与动词的搭配。Teaching tools:1.For teacher:Tape-recorder.Teachers cards.2.For students:Students,cards.Activity books.The picture of the portraitVI.Teaching Steps:Teachers activityStudents activityTeaching notesModify1 GreetingsThe teacher asks thequestion:What dayis it today?”“Whats the weatherlike today?,2 New contentThe teacher reads thewords like that theclassroom,the windows,thedoor,the floor,the boardand the lights in English oneby one.Then the teacher asksstudents to read after him.He asks:Whats in theclassroom?Choose severalstudents who knows theanswers to answer by usingthe words theyve justlearned.Listen and answerSs says the words as quickas they can.read it together.Line byline.Try to answerThe words are veryimportant and somestudents didnt graspthem very well,solead students tostudy themDiligence is the mother of good luck.7Working without a plan is sailing without a compassThe teacher shows thecards of the words while thestudents are answering.Then the teacher pointsat the card and asks thestudents to read after herone by one.3 Group workOne student asks thequestion and the otheranswers.Then the teacher asks somegroups to show the work.4 PracticeThe teacher hands thecards of the bloom,thepiece of cloth,the pictureand the board-wiper to thestudents and asks them toread after her.Then the students listento the tape while the teacheris doing the actions:opening the door,turn onthe light,Sweep the floor,clean the window,put upthe picture and clean theboard.Then the teacher doesthe actions again and asksstudents to follow.After that,chooseseveral pairs of students todo it like her.During thisperiod the teacher sayssomething about the verbslike open,turn,sweep,cleanand put.Listen to the tapeand read after it.5.HomeworkAsk the student toremember the new wordsand listen to the tape afterclass and try to imitate theAmerican accent.Listen tothe tape.The students do the action.TPRThe Ss say the phrasesTeacher doHave a look,who passesquickly,Who is winner.Ss keep the quiet and dontmove.Have a match:who isquick and right.Listen,look and learnpracticecheck students havelearned in get readyTry to learn theimportant sentencesin this lessonDiligence is the mother of good luck.8Working without a plan is sailing without a compassAssessment::Teaching notes:Unit 1 My Classroom(2)Teaching contents:Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Let the students recognize and read the words and expressions(classmate,seat,and have a look)and use thedialogue freely.Ability aims:Can describe the dialogue.IV.Teaching difficult points:use the dialogue freely.V.Teaching tools:Tape-recorder.Teachers cards.Students cards.VI.Teaching steps:Diligence is the mother of good luck.9Working without a plan is sailing without a compassTeachers activityStudents activityTeaching notesModify(1)GreetingsSay“Hello to each other.-What day is it today?-Its Tuesday today.-Whats the weather Hketoday?-Its sunny today.RevisionThe teacher hands the cardsand asks all the students toread them one by one asquickly as they can.Listen to the music and dothe action”开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板 and ask the studentsto say them in English.(3)New content.The teacher shows thetext sentence on theblackboard using the computersentence by sentence and askwho can read them.Let the student who canread them to read and thenchoose 2 or 3 students to readafter him.After that the teacherreads the sentences and letthem follow him.Then listen to the tapeand follow it.(4)PracticeDivide them into some smallgroups and let them practice ingroupsthen asks some of them toshow the text.ChantListen to the tape and askthe students to imitate.Then practice the chant inpairs by clapping hands.After that,choose 2groups to play this game in theask and answer and reviewthe sentences.one by one,two by two.readDo the actionLook and readFollow the teacherListen sand repeatpracticeListen and imitateDo the actionReview the contents andget ready for new lessonUse different ways tograsp the importantsentences in this lessonTry to learn theimportant sentences inthis lessoncheck students havelearnedUse the chant to practiceReport the contents thatthey have learned in thisDiligence is the mother of good luck.10Working without a plan is sailing without a compassfront of the classroom.(5).HomeworkListen to the tape after classand try to imitate the accent.Read the text smoothly.lessonA s s e s s me nt::T e a c h i ng not e s:Unit 1 My Classroom Teaching contents:Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Let the students master the letters A,B,C,D,E.Remember the words and expressions:Diligence is the mother of good luck.11Working without a plan is sailing without a compasscomputer,wall,fan and the teachers deskTeaching important points:1.Review the new words and phrases2.Review and use the sentences.Teaching difficult points:1.对阅读能力的培养,能够根据文章获取有用的信息完成题目。2.语言交流活动的有效展开,既能充分的复习,又能提高优生的口语能力V.Teaching tools:Tape-recorder.Teachers cards.Students,cards.VI.Steps:Teachers activitySludents activityTeaching notesModify(1)GreetingsSays”Good morning!to everybody and talksomething about theweather and the date.(2)RevisionLet the students listen tothe tape and follow itsentence by sentence.Then all the studentsread the text together.Next,ask some ones toread the text.At last,ask somequestions and let themanswe 匚(3)New contentThe teacher asks thestudents to look at theboard while he writes AaBb Cc Dd EeThen ask the students topractice them on theirexercise-books.Then ask some ones tocome to the board and writethe letters to them.Next,let others see wetherthere is mistake.“Fill in the blank”.A:The teacher gives thestudents several letters of aword.B:Let the students guesswhat the word is.Then ask them to fill in theblanks.Do exercises aboutthe 6 words.Listen to the tape and askthe students to do thestudents,book.Then the teacher checks theanswers.BingoListen and answerListen and followRead the textAsk and answerLearn the lettersWrite the letters.Fill in the blanksLearn the six wordsListen and do the exersiesBingoReview the contents fornew lessonReview the importantstructureReview the structures andvocabularyMake a model and try toimitateDiligence is the mother of good luck.12Working without a plan is sailing without a compassLet the students look at theBingo in the book and theteacher explains it to them.Then listen to the teacherand cross it.Choose the students who doit very quickly and finallybe winner.4.HomeworkLet the students tomemorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.A s s e s s me nt::T e a c h i ng not e s:Unit 1 My Classroom(4)L Teaching contents:A.Read and circle T for true F for false B.Role play an interview C.Think and write D.Try to playIL Teaching aims:1 Knowledge aims:Let the students know the word clean(verb and adj.)and the expressions“Good job,Good idea,All right”and use them freely.2 Ability aims:1)Command the words and sentences2)Enable to understand the short passage,To improve the reading skills.III.Teaching important points:Review the words and phrases of lesson 1 to lesson3.use the sentences to ask and answer.适当的扩展,让学生运用本单元的词汇和句型,开展各种形式的运用活动。Diligence is the mother of good luck.13Working without a plan is sailing without a compassIV.Teaching difficult points:To use the sentences well and understand the passage.V.Teaching tools:Tape-recorder.Teachers cards.Students,cards.VI.Steps:Teachers activityStudents activityTeaching notes(l)GreetingsSay“Good morning to theclass and ask them“How areyou?After getting the answer theteacher talk about the date andthe weather.(2)RevisionAsk one student to say thefurniture in his house anddescribe its colour in hishouse.(3)New contentThe teacher reads the textfirst.Then ask the students to readafter her sentence bysentence.When the students arereading the text themselves,the teacher writes“clean,Good idea,Good job,Allright”on the blackboard.Then explain these wordsand expressions(When theteacher explain the word“clean,she shows the cleanpaper and the dirty one to theclass.And then use thetablecloth to wipe the dirt onthe paper.Tell them clean isnot only an adj.but also averb)and ask the students toread them.After that,divide the wholeclass into several groups.Letthem practice the story ingroups.Then choose 2 or 3 Groupsto act it.GameChoose 1 student to cometo the teachers desk.The teacher shows thepictures one by one and let thestudent guess what the pictureis.Play the game some times.HomeworkAsk the students tomemorize the text and listenListen and answerLook and describeReview the contents inthis unitPractice the listeningTry to master theimportant sentencesCheck the importantsentences and try tomake new dialogueDiligence is the mother of good luck.14Working without a plan is sailing without a compassto the tape after class and tryto imitate the tape.Assessment::Teaching notes:Unit 1 My Classroom(5)I.Teaching contents:A.Lets read B.Read,think and match C.Act out the storyII.Teaching aims:Let the students master the letters(Ff Gg Hh li)and the handwriting


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