English for Environmental Engineering v I Description of Course:credit:1.8 duration of course:8 weeks test mode:20%(attendance+vocabulary dictation +80%close exam=multiple choice(20%)+reading comprehension(20%)+description of process(20%)+passaged-based English/Chinese translation(20%)+sentence-based Chinese/English translation(20%)II What I can offer your Qualification and experience:Master degree in environmental management at Brunel University in England and 14 years working experience in environmental science and international cooperation vPersonality-friendly,simple,hardworking,hate any forms of cheating,I prefer being your friend rather than your teacher.vIII Goal of this course?vAfter this course:the students should be clear:v-how to remember technical words,v-how to access to environmental science v-how to read and write scientific papers;v-how to make presentation for environmental science v and describe environmental process v-how to do professional English translationsv-how to plan your career in environmental science vIV How we approach this coursev1 background to environmental knowledge and environmental history,all in English v2 new words and expressions v2 questions and discussions related to topics in v each chapter in English v3 skill training to achieve the goal of the course(Both Chinese and English)vIn-class exercise-90%satisfaction-go next v(all exercises are the foundation of exam)v4 update environmental information exchange(prepared by only a group of students)vV Expectation for students:v1changing your attitude on studying English,from disliking English to enjoying English.2 preparation of an English dictionary for environmental sciencev3 exercises book v4 vocabulary remembering v5 feel free to speak and write 6 routine visit to popular environmental website and access to environmental information http:/www.epa.gov VI Testing your existing English ability for helping my understanding your English levelTranslations:1 Evidence shows that poverty-related urban environmental issues tend to improve as the economy develops and income grows2 These impacts include over consumption of resources,loss of biodiversity,increased amounts and treatment of municipal wastes and increased CO2 emissions v3 Professor G.Solt has underestimated the effects on the environment and public health of tons of carbon dioxide pouring into the atmosphere v4 Some measures are required to be taken in the future to reduce the anticipated environmental degradation v5 环境影响评价可以定义为一种用来预测开发项目的环境后果的方法v6 移动污染源对空气污染的贡献是30%v7 当污水排入河流,河流就被污染了v8 一个生态系统包含了生活在一个地区的不同生物,以及他们的自然环境。vVII Personal expectations from this course Part I Introduction to Environmental Engineering vThe objective of this course:v-to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environmental problems:their causes,why they are of concern,and how we can control themvUnit 1 Background to Environment vAcademic objectives:vAfter the completion of Unit I,the students should be able to:-understand the new words and expressions -understand some basic concepts related to environment -understand how systems interacts -classify environmental problemsI Definitions 1 Environment:v1)the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste;v2)the totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms;v2 System a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form an unit or organic wholevPlease give some examples of a system v3 Pollution:vPollution is the introduction of contaminants-into an environment that causes instability,disorder,harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e.physical systems or living organismsII Interaction of systems v1 Individual system problem-air,water,land,easily managedv 2 Interaction of systems:v for example:acid rainv vpower station,smelters,automobile exhaust-SO2,NOx emissions-transport-washing-acid rain-harmful to aquatic life,forest,public health.v(more examples are given by students)vIII Environmental Disturbance v1 Discussion:make a list of living standard improvement which disturbs environment(side effects)v2 the relationship between human activities and environment.Conclusion:industrialization and urbanization are fundamental causes of water and air pollution vIV Types of Global Environmental Problemsv1 global warming v2 loss of biodiversity v3 air pollution 4 depletion of ozone layer v5 deforestation v6 desertificationv7 Acid rainv8 transboundary shipment of hazardous wastes v 9 water pollutionv10 ocean pollution v vV Useful expression and new words:v1 how to define a termv-to be defined as.v-xxx means.-The definition of xxx is v-Xxx refers to v2 in(out of)harmony with 与与.协调(一致)协调(一致)v3 waterborne diseases(水传播疾病)水传播疾病),airborne disease(空气污染传播疾病)空气污染传播疾病)v4 stem from.起源于起源于.vNew words:农药pesticide,化肥chemical fertilizer,有机废物 organic wastes,微生物microorganism,衰减decay,稀释dilution,添加剂 additives,合成塑料synthetic plastic,再生 recycle,死亡率mortality,发病率incidencev浓度concentration,可生物降解的 biodegradable,reforestation,deforestation vExercises based on information from Unit Iv1Which of the followings are Not regarded as waterborne disease?va)dysentery b)cholera c)typhoid d)asthma v2 Which of the followings are Not regarded as global environmental problems?va)loss of biodiversity b)depletion of ozonevc)diminish of fossil fuels d)photochemical smog v3 Which of the followings may lead to acid rain problemva)lead particles b)carbon dioxide c)sulfur dioxide vd)cooking oil v4 which of the following chemicals lead to the depletion of ozone layer?va)carbon dioxide b)chloro-fluoro carbons vc)nitrogen d)hydrocarbon v5 Which of the followings led to dramatic decrease in the incidence of waterborne disease in the middle of 19 century vA)new technology in water treatment and wastewater treatment vB)improvement of living standard vC)government contribution vD)medical improvement SKILL I 科技英语翻译技巧v1 科技英语的特点v1.1 文体质朴,语言精练v1.2 结构严密v 1.3 专业词汇较多、复合词、缩略语及利用前后 v 缀构成的派生词v 1.4 多使用长句和被动语态和 介词短语v 1.5 不定式结构、ing分词短语和ed分词结构长用 v 来代替各种从句v 1.6 形态常用过去式和现在式v 1.7 文体连贯、清晰和流畅v2 科技英语汉英翻译的基本技巧v 基本原则:信、达、雅 v2.1 词类转换 2.2 增减词语 2.3 正反译 3科技英语长难句的英译方法3.1 分析结构、准确理解 Oxygen is also injected upwards into the melton bath through the refractory wall providing close control of thermal and chemical conditions,superior process flexibility,high reaction rates and minimization of refractory,dust and other problems encounter with conventional tuyeres or top blowing methods 3.2 调整语序、妥帖表达 1)顺译法 2)到译法 3)分合法 4)综合法v4常用句型v4.1目的和范围v One of the purpose of this study isvThe aim of this study is to carry out analysis forvSome of the specific topics discussed arevThe scope of the research coversv4.2内容和重点vThe paper addresses the problem ofvThis paper is concerned with the analysis ofvAttention is concentrated onvThe primary emphasis in this article is onv4.3实验和方法vThe experiments on xxx have been carried out usingvThe analysis was made withvThe test is demonstrated by usingv4.4比较与评估v The present work evaluates the properties ofvThe calculated results agree with experimental results.vv4.5应用与结果vThe method has been applied tovTwo basic technologies are used to lay downvIt is indicated thatvv4.6综述与建议vThis paper summarizes the theory thatvSuggestions were made for further study ofvThe results obtained suggest thatvSKILL Practices:vPage 6 from Synthetic-biodegradable Unit 2 Historical Review of Hazardous Substance Disposal in the USA vAfter the completion of Unit 2,the students should be able to understand:v-new words and expressions -concept and classification of hazardous wastes;-hazardous wastes management practice in the USA -health effects of hazardous wastes v1 Background information v-1920(early industrial period-the World War 2),v-1962(“silence spring”by RACHEL CARSON)v-1966 Establishment of EPAv-1978 RCRA Act v-1.1definition:hazardous wastes v1)is a waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environmentv2)In regulatory,a RCRA hazardous wastes is a waste that appears on one of the four hazardous wastes lists(F-list,K-list,P-list or U-list)or exhibits at least one of four characteristics ignitability,corrosion,reactivity,or toxicityv1.2hazardous wastes producervbig industries:automobiles,computer manufacturersvsmall business:cleaners,photo labsv1.3 driver for the increased production of organic chemicals and metals vdemand for consumer goods and valuable heavy metals vfor example:the use of pesticides,herbicides and insecticides as well as a broad range of fertilizer help US farm productivityv1.3 production quantity of hazardous wastes:v-2400 pounds produced by average American v-50,000 land sites v1.4 hazardous wastes disposal practice before and after 1966(creation of EPA)v-before 1966:dumpling hazardous wastes into rivers and streams vafter 1966:disposal sites,unregulated dumps v v1.5 Enactment of the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act in 1978(RCRA)vIt forces American industry to be responsible for hazardous waste disposal v2 New Words and Expressions vPesticides农药herbicides 除草剂 insecticides杀虫剂 hazardous 有害的 Heavy metal重金属,growth rate增长率,organic solvent有机溶剂,sewer 污水管 legislation立法 literature 文献 v-prior to.在.之前v-result in.发生,产生.vsimilar expression:lead to,bring about -have an obligation to do sth.vsimilar expression:to be responsible for v-lack of -have insight into洞察v3 Case study on Health effects of hazardous wastesv3.1 Case 1 Minamata Disaster,induced by mercury pollution v3.2 Case 2 Ita Ita disease,induced by chromium pollution v4 Exercise based on information from Unit II v1)which of the following characteristics is not related to hazardous wastes va)inflammable b)reactive c)biodegradable d)toxic v2)which of the following led to the enactment of American RCRA?va)photochemical smog accident vb)unregulated dumping of hazardous wastesvc)mercury pollution d)increased mortalityv3)The adverse health problems from hazardous wastes can be a)birth defects b)cancer c)skin rashes d)heart disease v4)Silence Spring tells pollution caused by use of v 1)heavy metals 2)pesticide 3)petroleum 4)additives v5)Ita-Ita disease in Japan was caused by v a)mercury pollution b)arsenic pollution c)cadmium pollution d)PCB pollution v 5)Minamata Disaster was caused by v a)mercury pollution b)arsenic pollution v c)cyanide pollution d)PCB pollution SKILL 2 科技文章的汉译英v1 环境影响评价可以定义为一种用来预测开发项目的环境后果的方法v2移动污染源对空气污染的贡献是30%v3 当污水排入河流,河流就被污染了v4许多化学品的不适当处置给许多市民带来了健康问题v5 美国的企业有责任处理其内部产生的有害废物v6 由于缺乏有效的经济激励,空气污染法得不到有效执 行v7 当时政府里没有一个当政的人洞察到新机构成立所带来的问题vSkill Practices:v1 由于缺乏有效的规划和法规体系,过去30年里工业产量在发展中国家快速增加v2 农村环境问题,如森林退化、土地流失、水污染比城市环境问题更加严重v3 尽管许多化学品已经存在了几十亿年,人们还是已经学会制造新的叫合成化学品的化合物。v4随着法的颁布,美国国会制定了一陈述削减有害废物重要性的国家政策Unit 3 What is Waste Reduction/Waste Minimization -After the completion of Unit 3,the students should be able to understand:v-new words and expression v-principals of waste reduction/waste minimizationv-some concepts related to waste reduction/waste minimization v-hierarchy of waste managementv-techniques of waste reduction/minimizationvI Background information v1 Basic concepts vWaste minimization:the reduction to the extent feasible,of waste that is generated or subsequently treated,stored,or disposed vRecycling:vThe use or reuse of a waste as a substitute for a commercial product or as a feedback to an industrial processvII hierarchy of waste managementvReduce-reuse-recycle-compost-waste to energy-landfill v vIII Classification of Techniques for waste reduction/waste minimizationv-product changesv-process changes v-equipment modifications v-operating practicesv-recycling and reuse(closedloop)v vIII Questions and Discussions v1 propose solutions to domestic solid wastes v2 describe a hierarchy of waste management vIV Exercies v1 In waste management hierarachy,recyling ranksv1)No 2 2)3 3)4 4)1 v2 The variety of major waste categories includes:v1)process changes 2)equipment modification v3)operating practice 4)all of them v Unit 4 Environmental Analysis vAfter the completion of this unit,the students need to understand:v-new words and expression v-definition of environmental analysisv-types of environmental analysis v-data requirement in environmental analysis v-types of sampling v1 Environmenta analysis:it refers to the performance of chemical,physical and biological measurement in an environmental system v2 Types of environmental analysisv1)quantitative analysis-to identify the species present v 2)quantitative analysis-to to determine how much of the species v3 characterization-to establish details of chemical formv4 impact analysis to determine the extent to which an environmental impact is produced by the pollutants in question v v3 data requirements in EA v1)authenticity v2)detection limitv3)precision and accuracy v4 Types of sampling v1)manual v2)on-line v5 Four steps of any chemical analysis v1)collection and preservation v2)preparation or pretreatment of samples for analysis v3)analytical evaluation v4)presentation of the resulting data in a meaningful way New Words and Expressions v1 New Words:pretreatment预处理,sensitivity灵敏度,stability稳定性,sampling采样,accumulation,累计real time实时,standard deviation标准偏差,multivariate statistics多变量统计 vanalytical methodology分析技术,plume烟缕,criteria/criterion标准尺度 v variable变量,gas chromatography气相色谱法,mass spectrometry质谱法 vVisibility能见度,method employed采用的方法 v2 Expressions:v-depend on.取决于v-to be designed to.设计来作.vIII Questions and Discussionsv1 What does environmental analysis for rivers can tell us?v2 What activites needs to collect and analyze enviromental samples