当代语言学导论当代语言学导论第1页,此课件共27页哦 2.1 Definition of linguistics 2.2 Branches of linguistics 2.3 Macrolinguistics 2.4 Important distinctions in linguistics 第2页,此课件共27页哦2.1 DefinitionLinguistics is the scientific study of language.study investigationscientific-exhaustiveness 穷尽性 consistency 一致性 economy 简洁性 objectivity 客观性 第3页,此课件共27页哦2.2 Branches of linguistics2.2.1 Phonetics 语音学语音学 2.2.2 Phonology 音系学音系学 2.2.3 Morphology 形态学形态学 2.2.4 Syntax 句法学句法学 2.2.5 Semantics 语义学语义学 2.2.6 Pragmatics 语用学语用学2.2.7 Modern linguistics and traditional grammar 第4页,此课件共27页哦2.2.1 Phonetics 语音学语音学 Phonetics is the study of speech sounds.Three different branches of phonetics:1)Articulatory phonetics发音语音学发音语音学 2)Auditory phonetics 听觉语音学听觉语音学 3)Acoustic phonetics声学语音学声学语音学 第5页,此课件共27页哦2.2.2 Phonology 音系学音系学 Phonology studies the sound system of languages.The aim of phonology is to demonstrate the patterns of distinctive sounds found in a language,and to make as general statements as possible about the nature of sound systems in the languages of the world.The object of study in phonology is phoneme(音位).第6页,此课件共27页哦2.2.3 Morphology 形态学形态学 Morphology studies the formation of words,that is,how words are formed from smaller units of meaning morphemes.Morphemes are the minimal units of meaning.They can be used to derive words and to give grammatical information about a word.第7页,此课件共27页哦Languages differ in their degree of dependence on morphological components.Chinese:男:我是学生。女:我是学生。男男:我们是学生。女女:我们是学生。English:Boy:Im a student.Girl:Im a student.Boys:Were students.Girls:Were students.French:Garon:Je suis tudiant.Fille:Je suis tudiante.Garons:Nous sommes tudiants.Filles:Nous sommes tudiantes.第8页,此课件共27页哦2.2.4 Syntax 句法学句法学 Syntax studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences from words.These rules specify word order,sentence organization,and the relationship between word order,word classes and other sentence elements.Emma loaded the groceries into the car.Emma loaded the car with groceries.He didnt come because of you.第9页,此课件共27页哦2.2.5 Semantics 语义学语义学 Semantics is the study of meaning.Its not only concerned with the meaning of words,but also that of morphemes and of sentences.第10页,此课件共27页哦2.2.6 Pragmatics 语用学语用学 Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context.It deals with specific utterances in specific situations.第11页,此课件共27页哦2.2.7 Modern linguistics and traditional grammarSaussure,“Father of modern linguistics”,Course in General Linguistics.Firstly,modern linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive.Secondly,modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary,not the written.Thirdly,modern linguistics does not force languages into a Latin-based framework.第12页,此课件共27页哦2.3 Macrolinguistics 宏观语言宏观语言学学 2.3.1 Psycholinguistics 心心 理理 语语 言言 学学-linguistics and psychology 2.3.2 Sociolinguistics 社社会会语语言言学学 language and society2.3.3 Applied linguistics 应应用用语语言言学学-linguistics and language teaching第13页,此课件共27页哦Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics studies the correlation between linguistic behavior and the psychological processes thought to underlie that behavior:(a)the mental process that a person uses in producing and understanding language,and(b)how humans learn language.cognitive linguisticsthe study of language development in the child第14页,此课件共27页哦SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics studies all aspects of the relationship between language and society.It includes studies on the social functions of language and the social characteristics of its users.Language attitude before and after the handover of HongkongChanges in the use of“小姐”第15页,此课件共27页哦Applied linguisticsIn the broad sense,applied linguistics is concerned with the application of linguistic theories and findings to the clarification and solution of language problems which have arisen in other areas of experience.But the most well-developed branch of applied linguistics the teaching and learning of foreign languages,and sometimes the term is used in the narrow sense to refer to this field exclusively.第16页,此课件共27页哦Some other applications Literary stylistics 文学文体学文学文体学 It deals with the variations characteristic of literature as a genre and of the style of individual authors.This is where linguistics and literature meets.第17页,此课件共27页哦Anthropological linguisticsThis is a branch that studies language variation and use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs of man,as investigated using the theories and methods of anthropology.Did English and German diverge from a common ancestral language?If they are related,how far back in time did they begin to differ?第18页,此课件共27页哦Computational linguisticsThis is a branch in which computational techniques and concepts are applied to linguistic and phonetic problems.speech synthesis,speech recognition,machine translation,corpus linguistics,computer-mediated communication第19页,此课件共27页哦2.4 Important distinctions in linguistics 2.4.1 Speech and writing 2.4.2 Descriptive vs.prescriptive 描写式和规定式描写式和规定式2.4.3 Synchronic vs.diachronic 共时和历时共时和历时2.4.4 langue vs.parole 语言和言语语言和言语 2.4.5 Competence and performance 语语言言能能力力和和语言运用语言运用2.4.6 Functionalism and formalism功能主义与形式主义功能主义与形式主义第20页,此课件共27页哦Descriptive vs.prescriptive grammarsThey represent two different types of linguistic study.Descriptive-to describe the fact of linguistic usage as they are,and not how they ought to be,with reference to some real or imagined ideal state.Prescriptive-a term used to characterize any approach which attempt to lay down rules of correctness as to how language should be used.第21页,此课件共27页哦Synchronic vs.diachronic Synchronic(linguistics)-languages are studied at a theoretic point in time:one describes a state of language,disregarding whatever changes might be taking place.Diachronic-languages are studied from point of view of their historical development for example,the changes which have taken place between Old and Modern English could be described in phonological,grammatical and semantic terms.第22页,此课件共27页哦langue vs.parole Langue-the language system shared by a community of speakersParole-the concrete act of speaking in actual situations by an individual speaker.第23页,此课件共27页哦Competence and performance Competence-a persons knowledge of his language,the system of rules which he has mastered so that he is able to produce and understand an indefinite number of sentences,and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities.Performance-the actual realization of language knowledge,language seen as a set of specific utterances produced by language speakers,as encountered in a corpus.D.H.Hymes:communicative competenceM.A.K.Halliday:Linguistic potential and actual linguistic behavior 第24页,此课件共27页哦Functionalism vs.formalismFunctionalism or functional linguistics refers to the study of the form of language in reference to their social function in communication.It considers the individual as a social being and investigates the way in which she/he acquires language and uses it in order to communicate with others in her or his social environment.Representative:M.A.K.Halliday,Systemic functional grammar第25页,此课件共27页哦Formalism or formal linguistics is the study of the abstract forms of language and their internal relations.It fixes on the forms of languages as evidence of the universals without considering how these forms function in communication and the ways of social life in different communities.Representative:Noam Chomsky,Transformational-generative grammar第26页,此课件共27页哦Exercises Questions to discuss:1.In what way do langue,competence and linguistic potential agree?In what way do they differ?And their counterparts?2.What are the differences between the traditional study of language and modern linguistics?Terms to define:Competence,performance,langue,parole,descriptive grammar,prescriptive grammar,diachronic linguistics,synchronic linguistics,functionalism,formalism第27页,此课件共27页哦