Media Relations(May 19,2004,Beijing)1n n Media and Journalists in China Media and Journalists in Chinan n Principles of Working with Media Principles of Working with Median n What Can Media Do for us?What Can Media Do for us?n n What Shall We Do for Media?What Shall We Do for Media?n n Case Study Case StudyAgenda2n n 8,725 of magazines 8,725 of magazines n n 2,058 of TV channels/360 TV stationsn n 2,094 of newspapers n n 1,933 of radio channels/360 radio stationsn n 595,550 Websites internet plays an increasingly important role (Info source:Media Analyzing Web,China Internet Info Resources(Info source:Media Analyzing Web,China Internet Info Resources Report)Report)Media and Journalists in China 3n n Limited resources/tight budgetsLimited resources/tight budgetsn n More attention to consumers More attention to consumersn n Window to the Chinese consumers Window to the Chinese consumersn n Patriotism Patriotismn n Thirsty for new info(trends,tech,etc.)Thirsty for new info(trends,tech,etc.)n n Strong support of reform and development Strong support of reform and developmentn n Openness to intl coverage and perspective Openness to intl coverage and perspectiven n Tightened restriction of commercial stories Tightened restriction of commercial storiesn n Tight editorial control Tight editorial controln n Quality of reporting fluctuates Quality of reporting fluctuatesn n Higher turnover Higher turnoverMedia and Journalists in China4n n Each comes with his/her Each comes with his/her own style,level of ethics,own style,level of ethics,expertise,knowledge and expertise,knowledge and personalitypersonalityn n Each one,however junior or Each one,however junior or senior,demands respect,senior,demands respect,attention and patienceattention and patienceMedia and Journalists in China5n n Facts and Figures Facts and Figuresn n Access to the senior managers Access to the senior managers and first-hand infoand first-hand infon n Exclusiveness Exclusivenessn n Juicy stuff and localized materials Juicy stuff and localized materialsn n News&big story News&big storyn n Very quick response Very quick response On top of that,co-operation!On top of that,co-operation!What Do Journalists Want?6Principles of working with media7“The media plays a vital role within society and we“The media plays a vital role within society and werecognize the importance of fast,comprehensive recognize the importance of fast,comprehensive and reliable info.In our relationship with the media and reliable info.In our relationship with the media(television,radio,written press,electronic media),(television,radio,written press,electronic media),we aim forwe aim for honest debate,honest debate,based onbased on mutual respect mutual respectand the constructive pursuitand the constructive pursuit of relevant,objective of relevant,objectiveinfo.”info.”“Accordingly,we refuse all and any relationships“Accordingly,we refuse all and any relationshipscontrary to the contrary to the basic principles of integrity.”basic principles of integrity.”(Source:Michelin Performance&Responsibility Charter)(Source:Michelin Performance&Responsibility Charter)Principles of working with media8n n We are dealing with people We are dealing with peoplen n Equality;mutual respect Equality;mutual respectn n No lies No liesn n Dont be forced into saying/doing which Dont be forced into saying/doing which you dont want to say/doyou dont want to say/doPrinciples of working with media9n n Help us to reach different stakeholders Help us to reach different stakeholders customers,employees,business partners,customers,employees,business partners,opinion leaders,investors,administrators,opinion leaders,investors,administrators,etc.etc.n n Tell people the story Tell people the storyn n Provide 3rd party endorsement Provide 3rd party endorsementWhat Can Media Do for Us?10n n Educate target groups Educate target groupsn n Create excitement and creditability Create excitement and creditabilityn n Win attention Win attentionn n Build customer relationship Build customer relationshipn n Call an action Call an actionWhat Can Media Do for Us?11n n Understand media nature and Understand media nature and their subjectstheir subjectsn n Understand/respect media Understand/respect media needs(e.g.deadline)needs(e.g.deadline)n n Ease them access to necessary Ease them access to necessary company resourcescompany resourcesn n Regular contacts(not only at Regular contacts(not only at important cases)important cases)n n Info/knowledge sharing Info/knowledge sharingn n Treat them as your friend Treat them as your friend What Shall We Do for Media?12Personal relationship is important;butmore importantly,is the professionalismand quality of a media relationsspecialist/manager in your company.What Shall We Do for Media?13CASE STUDY14n n Tire a low interest category Tire a low interest category n n Tire knowledge lacking from media side Tire knowledge lacking from media siden n Media training in an entertainment way Media training in an entertainment wayn n Contents-What is a tire,tire maintenance,Contents-What is a tire,tire maintenance,road safety;self tire pressure check,mount road safety;self tire pressure check,mount and dismount,balancing in a dealer shop and dismount,balancing in a dealer shop n n Training handouts for daily use Training handouts for daily useTire Knowledge Workshop15Tire Knowledge Workshop16Results:Results:-Strengthen media relations Strengthen media relations-Nearly 90 journalists in SH+BJ are Nearly 90 journalists in SH+BJ are equipped with professional tire equipped with professional tire knowledgeknowledge-Nearly 60 are coming in 2004 and more Nearly 60 are coming in 2004 and more will be in future yearswill be in future years-Continuous supports from mediaContinuous supports from media-Consumer Day,etc.Consumer Day,etc.Tire Knowledge Workshop17 Thank you for your attention!18 9 9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。5 5月月-23-235 5月月-23-23Friday,May 12,2023Friday,May 12,2023 1010、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。07:36:0907:36:0907:36:0907:36:0907:3607:365/12/2023 7:36:09 AM5/12/2023 7:36:09 AM 1111、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。5 5月月-23-2307:36:0907:36:0907:3607:36May-23May-2312-May-2312-May-23 1212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。、故人江海别,几度隔山川。07:36:0907:36:0907:36:0907:36:0907:3607:36Friday,May 12,2023Friday,May 12,2023 1313、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。5 5月月-23-235 5月月-23-2307:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:10May 12,2023May 12,2023 1414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。12 12 五月五月 2023 20237:36:10 7:36:10 上午上午07:36:1007:36:105 5月月-23-23 1515、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。五月五月 23 237:36 7:36 上午上午5 5月月-23-2307:3607:36May 12,2023May 12,2023 1616、行动出成果,工作出财富。、行动出成果,工作出财富。2023/5/12 7:36:102023/5/12 7:36:1007:36:1007:36:1012 May 202312 May 2023 1717、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。7:36:10 7:36:10 上午上午7:36 7:36 上午上午07:36:1007:36:105 5月月-23-23 9 9、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。5 5月月-23-235 5月月-23-23Friday,May 12,2023Friday,May 12,2023 1010、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。07:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:3607:365/12/2023 7:36:10 AM5/12/2023 7:36:10 AM 1111、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。5 5月月-23-2307:36:1007:36:1007:3607:36May-23May-2312-May-2312-May-23 1212、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。07:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:3607:36Friday,May 12,2023Friday,May 12,2023 1313、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。5 5月月-23-235 5月月-23-2307:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:10May 12,2023May 12,2023 1414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。12 12 五月五月 2023 20237:36:10 7:36:10 上午上午07:36:1007:36:105 5月月-23-23 1515、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。五月五月 23 237:36 7:36 上午上午5 5月月-23-2307:3607:36May 12,2023May 12,2023 1616、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2023/5/12 7:36:102023/5/12 7:36:1007:36:1007:36:1012 May 202312 May 2023 1717、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。7:36:10 7:36:10 上午上午7:36 7:36 上午上午07:36:1007:36:105 5月月-23-23 9 9、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。5 5月月-23-235 5月月-23-23Friday,May 12,2023Friday,May 12,2023 1010、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。07:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:3607:365/12/2023 7:36:10 AM5/12/2023 7:36:10 AM 1111、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。5 5月月-23-2307:36:1007:36:1007:3607:36May-23May-2312-May-2312-May-23 1212、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。07:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:3607:36Friday,May 12,2023Friday,May 12,2023 1313、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。5 5月月-23-235 5月月-23-2307:36:1007:36:1007:36:1007:36:10May 12,2023May 12,2023 1414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。12 12 五月五月 2023 20237:36:10 7:36:10 上午上午07:36:1007:36:105 5月月-23-23 1515、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。五月五月 23 237:36 7:36 上午上午5 5月月-23-2307:3607:36May 12,2023May 12,2023 1616、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/5/12 7:36:102023/5/12 7:36:1007:36:1007:36:1012 May 202312 May 2023 1717、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。7:36:10 7:36:10 上午上午7:36 7:36 上午上午07:36:1007:36:105 5月月-23-23MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Fusce id urna blandit,eleifend nulla ac,fringilla purus.Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus.感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉