生产件批准程序生产件批准程序 Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)Presented by:Max Zhang Ford CSO STA 9th August 2007PPAP is to demonstrate suppliers understanding of:PPAP是为表明供应商怎样理解以下内容的一个过程:是为表明供应商怎样理解以下内容的一个过程:-零件的用法零件的用法零件的用法零件的用法 Parts UsageParts Usage-相关的项目相关的项目相关的项目相关的项目 Associated Associated p programsrograms-车辆车辆车辆车辆VehicleVehicle-型号年份型号年份型号年份型号年份Model Year(MY)Model Year(MY)零件的功能Parts functionality零件的特性Parts Characteristics特性的关键性Criticality of features 怎样测量零件How to gauge the part生产要求Production requirements工程图纸要求工程图纸要求工程图纸要求工程图纸要求Engineering Engineering drawing drawing requirementsrequirements工程规范工程规范工程规范工程规范 (ES)(ES)材料特性材料特性材料特性材料特性Material Material CharacteristicsCharacteristics材料处理材料处理材料处理材料处理(热处热处热处热处理理理理,外观外观外观外观)Material Material Treatment(Heat Treatment(Heat Treat,Treat,Appearance)Appearance)安全特性安全特性安全特性安全特性Operator Safety Operator Safety features,if anyfeatures,if any关键特性关键特性关键特性关键特性Critical Critical Characteristics Characteristics 重要特性重要特性重要特性重要特性Significant Significant CharacteristicsCharacteristics 高影响的特性高影响的特性高影响的特性高影响的特性High Impact High Impact CharacteristicsCharacteristics 传递特性传递特性传递特性传递特性Pass Through Pass Through CharacteristicsCharacteristics使用哪些最为使用哪些最为使用哪些最为使用哪些最为合适的量具合适的量具合适的量具合适的量具What most suitable What most suitable gauges to use?gauges to use?-计量型量具计量型量具计量型量具计量型量具 Variable gaugesVariable gauges-计数型量具计数型量具计数型量具计数型量具 Attribute gaugesAttribute gauges基准基准基准基准DatumDatum测量方法和装测量方法和装测量方法和装测量方法和装配工厂存在配工厂存在配工厂存在配工厂存在相关性相关性相关性相关性Measurement Measurement Correlation with Correlation with using plantsusing plants何时需要?何时需要?何时需要?何时需要?When needed?When needed?哪里需要哪里需要哪里需要哪里需要?Where needed?Where needed?多少数量多少数量多少数量多少数量?How much?How much?-按节拍生产按节拍生产按节拍生产按节拍生产 Run at RateRun at Rate-生产能力确生产能力确生产能力确生产能力确认认认认 Capacity Capacity VerificationVerificationApplication什么时候用到什么时候用到PPAP?PPAP is required for,but not limited to:PPAP对以下情况适用(但不局限于):All new tooled parts (使用新模具生产零件)All new vehicle programs and running changes for vehicles currently in production (新车型,或者是对现有车型的变更)Any change in supplier operating pattern(i.e.new shift)(生产模式的变更)Any additional,modified or reconfigured production tooling,equipment or work streams (模具,设备或生产线的增加,改造或重新装配)Revised customer DPV(Daily Production Volume)exceeding verified supplier capacity level(客户需求量的增加)Content内容内容Phased PPAP introduction阶段性生产件批准程序的介绍Ford special requirements to PPAP 18 elements.福特汽车对于生产件批准18个项目的要求。VPP usageVPP的使用方法阶段性生产件批准程序阶段性生产件批准程序PHASED PPAP PROCESSWhat is the Phased PPAP?什么是什么是Phased PPAP?Phased PPAP is Fords approach to PPAP process management Phased PPAP是福特特有的生产件批准管理程序。Introduced to improve upon launch performance 用来提高项目开发和实施的表现。Requires a supplier site to demonstrateManufacturing capability(制造能力)Product quality(产品质量)And production capacity(产能)prior to job#1 (在J#1之前)Phased PPAP vs the old PPAPPhased PPAP与与PPAP的比较的比较Phased PPAP organizes the process into four phasesPhase 0:Run-at-RatePhase 1:Quality VerificationPhase 2:Production VerificationPhase 3:Capacity VerificationPPAPX1 PPFEUJob 1Phased PPAPPhase 0Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Supplier Phased PPAP Process Map阶段性生产件批准程序示意图阶段性生产件批准程序示意图STATUS:Phase 2Completed Phase 2 Warrant#18YesStatus Tracking Database234Proceed to next pageSubmit to CustomerImportant note:Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen concurrently if all Inputs and Outputs are satisfiedNoINPUTSReleased design#1,2,3&4Trained supplier production operatorsSub-supplier(s)material status from Tier-x RRJob 1 Location(final site&line)Quantity of parts required as defined by customer(default 300 consecutive parts)Production process including control plan,flow diagram instructions&Process parameters#5,6&7Production Tools,Facilities&Gauging#8,16&17EVENT:Conduct Run at RatePlanned production cycle times required to support Daily Production VolumeOutputs from the eventSTATUS:Phase 0 CompletedImplement Corrective Action on InputWas the Pre-Launch Control Plan followed?Were the prescribed number of acceptable parts produced?Were the parts produced in the defined period?Did all operations meet their planned cycle time?YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoAre the RunRate input requirements in place for the production stream?YesSTARTNo Capacity Analysis WorksheetStatus Tracking Database14Proceed to next pageRequired InputsSubmit to CustomerNote:#x refers to the Element Number in PPAP 4th Edition that will assist in confirming requirementsSTATUS:Phase 1 Completed Continue Production Part Approval Process(PPAP)using parts from Phase 0-Dimensional measurements#9-Material Tests#10-Statistical process package#11-Performance Tests#12-Appearance criteria#13-Sample parts#14-Master samples#15-Customer Specific Requirements#17-as defined by PPAPHave the PPAP elements been satisfied?YesStatus Tracking Database1424Important note:For suppliers with only one production stream completion of Phase 1&2 occur at the same timeProceed to next pageReturn to Phase 0 for corrective actionNoSubmit to CustomerPhase 1 Warrant#18Phase 2 WarrantScheduled down time defined(TPM,change over,Breaks etc.)Sub supplier material status from Tier-x Phase 3EVENT:Conduct Capacity Verification RunSTATUS:Phase 3 Completed Quantity required is customer DPV for one full dayAll personnel for all shifts,trained Are the CVR input requirements in place for all production streams?YesENDStatus Tracking DatabaseReturn to affected phase and start corrective action Phase 3 Warrant#18&Capacity Analysis Report Determine Root Cause&Plan Corrective Action Was the control plan followed&acceptable parts produced?Did the volume of acceptable parts produced meet or exceed the requiredDPV?NoYesNo3Required InputsPhase 0Phase 1Phase 2Have Run-at-Rates(Phase 0)been conducted and Quality Verifications(Phase 1)been satisfied for ALL production streams?Copyright 2000-2004 Ford Motor Company.All rights reserved.Phase 0:Run-At-Rate(按节拍生产)StartReleased Design#1,2,3,4Trained supplier production operatorsSub-supplier(s)material status from Tier-X Run-at-RateQuantity of parts required as defined by customer(default 300 consecutive parts)Job 1 location(final site and line)Production process including control plan,flow diagram instructions,and Process Parameters#5,6,7Production tools,facilities,and gauging#8,16,17Planned production cycle times required to support daily production volumeAre the Run-at-Rate input requirements in place for the production stream?Was the pre-launch Control Plan followed?Were the prescribed number of acceptable parts produced?Were the parts produced in the defined period?Did all operations meet their planned cycle time?Implement corrective action on inputEVENT:Conduct Run-at-RateSTATUS:Phase 0 CompleteCapacity AnalysisReportStatus Tracking Database41YESNONONONONOYESYESYESSubmitto customerOutputs from the eventYESCopyright 2000-2004 Ford Motor Company.All rights reserved.Phase 1 Prerequisites(Phase 1的先决条件)In order to begin Phase 1,the following are required:要进入Phase 1,必须达到以下条件:Successful completion of Run-at-Rate(Phase 0)for at least one work stream对至少一条生产线成功完成节拍生产Capacity Analysis Report completed for at least one Job1-intended production work stream对至少一条生产线成功完成产能分析Tier“X”successful completion of Phase 1分供方完成了Phase 1 PPAP.Copyright 2000-2004 Ford Motor Company.All rights reserved.Phase 1:Quality Verification(质量验证)1Continue Production Part Approval Process(PPAP)using parts from Phase 0Dimensional measurements#9Material tests#10Statistical process package#11Performance tests#12Appearance criteria#13Sample parts#14Master samples#15Customer-specific requirements#17As defined by PPAPReturn toPhase 0 for corrective actionSTATUS:Phase 1 CompletePhase 1 Warrant#18Status Tracking Database42NOSubmitto customerYESHave the PPAP elements been satisfied?Important note:for suppliers with only one production stream,completion of Phase 1&2 occur at the same time.4What is required to get Phase 1 PSW approval?获得Phase1 PSW的条件Copyright 2000-2004 Ford Motor Company.All rights reserved.Input Requirements(Phase 2的先决条件)Phase 2 requires the following(Phase2需要以下条件):All Job 1 intended production work streams have successfully completed Run-at-Rate(所有生产线都成功完成了节拍生产)Capacity Analysis Reports completed for all Job 1 intended production work streams(所有生产线都成功完成了产能验证)Tier X successful completion of Phase 2 (分供方完成Phase 2 PPAP).Page 51 Define Tier X and include note requesting addl info for script due to soundCopyright 2000-2004 Ford Motor Company.All rights reserved.Phase 2:Production Verification(生产验证)2STATUS:Phase 2 CompletePhase 2 Warrant#18Status Tracking Database3NOSubmitto customerYESHave Run-at-Rates(Phase 0_ been conducted and Quality Verifications(Phase 1)been satisfied for ALL streams?Important note:Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen concurrently if all inputs and outputs are satisfied.4Copyright 2000-2004 Ford Motor Company.All rights reserved.Phase 3:Capacity Verification3Are all personnel for all shifts trained?Quantity required is customer DPV for one full dayPhase 2 WarrantScheduled down-time defined(TPM,change-over,breaks,etc.)Sub-supplier material status from Tier X Phase 3Are the CVR input requirements in place for all production streams?Was the production control plan followed and acceptable parts produced?Did the volume of acceptable parts meet or exceed the required DPV?Determine root cause and plan corrective actionEVENT:Conduct Capacity Verification RunSTATUS:Phase 3 CompletePhase 3 Warrant#18&Capacity AnalysisReportStatus Tracking DatabaseYESSubmitto customerOutputs from the eventNOEndReturn to affected phase and start corrective actionComplete Capacity Analysis WorksheetPhase 0Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3NONOYESYESFord Special Requirements to PPAP 18 Elements福特对生产件批准福特对生产件批准18个要素的要求个要素的要求1.Design Record 设计记录设计记录The design must be released and authorized by Ford D&R.总成图必须获得福特设计工程师的批准,并在福特系统中(WERS)发布。Where the design record is in electronic format,the organization shall produce a hard copy(e.g.,GD&T drawing)to identify measurements taken.当设计记录(如CAD/CAM数模、零件图纸、技术规范)是以电子格式(如数模)存在时,供应商必须复制一份硬拷贝(如示意图、几何尺寸和公差表、图纸)以标识测量的内容。Engineering change level properly indicates the latest design change.工程变更等级必须符合最新的设计变更状态For FSS,if the parts are identified as black box,the design record should at least specifies the interface and performance requirements.(e.g.Vehicle Assembly Position).对全服务供应商,对于定义为黑盒子的零件,设计记录要规定和其他件配合的关系和性能要求。2.Engineering Change Documents 工程变更文件工程变更文件SREA signed by CFT.供应商工程变更申请WERS Concern.-如果有权限进入WERS,供应商可以通过WERS Concern来提交设计变更 -福特提出的设计变更通过WERS Concern来通知供应商和内部相关人员WERS=World Engineering Release System3.Customer Engineering Approval 客户工程批准客户工程批准The organization shall obtain documented Ford Product Development engineering approval of DV(Design Verification)and PV(Production Validation)tests of the initial sample parts.供应商必须获得福特PD部门对D/PVP&R的书面批准。The organization shall conduct the PV testing on parts/products which were produced at“run at rate”.(使用节拍生产出来的零件进行PV试验)Where appropriate,Ford Engineering records initial sample part approval on the ESER/ESO.工程批准的方式可能有很多:ESER,ESO,DVP&RWERS Alert for Interim-Approval.临时批准需要有WERS Alert支持。4.DFMEA 设计不良模式效应分析设计不良模式效应分析When developing FMEA,the requirements of Ford FMEA handbook(special characteristic definition)shall be met.有产品设计职责的组织,必须按照福特的FMEA手册开发设计FMEA。For parts with YC/CC,DFMEAs must be approved in writting by Ford D&R engineer.如果零件有关键特性(YC/CC,车辆安全规范或政府法规控制),DFMEA要获得福特设计工程师的书面确认。Ford reserves the right to review and approve all organization-developed DFMEAs.福特保留审核和批准供应商开发的DFMEA的权利。Over patent concerns,sometimes,supplier does not wanna share DFMEA,we could review it at the supplier site or have the supplier bring them to our office.(现场审核DFMEA硬拷贝)5.Process Flow Diagram 过程流程图过程流程图制造过程绘制制造过程绘制 Mapping the Manufacturing Process.组队Organize the team制作过程流程图Develop A Process Flow Diagram确定每一过程的偏差来源Identify sources of variation in each process结合经验教训Incorporate lessons learned记述各个步骤的目的Describe purpose of each step5.Process Flow Diagram 过程流程图过程流程图6.PFMEA 过程过程FMEAGeneral Procedure to develop PFMEA:编制过程FMEA的一般流程Ask the questions:哪些方面可能会出现错误?What can go wrong?如果发生了会怎样!产生什么影响?So what!Effect?不产生功能No function产生部分功能Partial出现不需要的功能Unintended function原因?Cause(s)?6.PFMEA 过程过程FMEAGeneral Procedure to develop PFMEA:编制过程FMEA的一般流程(续)当此情况发生需要采取何种措施?当此情况发生需要采取何种措施?当此情况发生需要采取何种措施?当此情况发生需要采取何种措施?What do we do when this happens?What do we do when this happens?来预防故障来预防故障来预防故障来预防故障 To prevent the failureTo prevent the failure 来发现故障来发现故障来发现故障来发现故障 To detect the failureTo detect the failure 假如还不够,假如还不够,假如还不够,假如还不够,那么:那么:那么:那么:If that is not enough,then:If that is not enough,then:还需要做什么?还需要做什么?还需要做什么?还需要做什么?What else need to be done?What else need to be done?6.PFMEA 过程过程FMEAProcess FEMA Output 过程FEMA 输出:哪些需要被控制What needs to be controlled对于产品和过程来说哪些是关键的?What is critical in the product&the process怎样来控制这些How to control these things 6.PFMEA 过程过程FMEAIf DFMEA does not exist,the team must have a meeting with the Design Engineer -using the CRT approach.如果没有DFMEA,供应商需要和福特设计工程师确定关键特性和显著特性的清单。For parts with CC,PFMEAs need to get Ford Engineering&STA Approval.对有关键特性的零件,PFMEA要获得福特PD和STA的批准。Characteristic traceability is required from the DFMEA through the PFMEA to the Control Plan(Supp.K).要保证特殊特性在各个文件中的一致性。Error Proving list is one output of PFMEA.防错清单是PFMEA的一个重要输出。PFMEA is living document.(8D,SREA)PFMEA要不断更新。7.Control Plan 控制计划控制计划对过程按从开始到结束的逻辑顺序Documenting the logical order of processes,start to finish说明产品特性及过程参数Specify product characteristics and process parameters对什么进行控制及怎样控制What to control&how何时进行控制及控制程度When to control&how much如遇故障,下步需做什么What to do,if all failed7.Control Plan 控制计划控制计划CC/SC list is properly cascaded in to CP.控制计划要体现对特殊特性的有效控制。Incoming Inspection is the 1st part of CP.来料检验是控制计划的第一部分。The Reaction Plan should be evaluated for effectiveness and use.评估应变计划以验证其有效性Lists all process parameters and part characteristics that require specific quality planning actions.对产品特性和过程特性都要规定有效的控制措施STA approval.STA批准(对CC件,要获得福特PD和STA批准)Living documentation.(根据变更和8D更新控制计划)7.Control Plan 控制计划控制计划 Potential Critical Characteristics andSignificant Characteristics Identified DFMEA DVP&R PFMEA DVP&R Pre-Launch Control Plan Production Control Plan Prototype Control Plan Modificationof PFMEA(as required)Standard Work Instructions/Visual Aids Process Flow Diagram Employee&Customer Safety Government Regulations Design Field Actions Warranty Customer Concerns Actual Critical Characteristics andSignificant Characteristics Identified 8.Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析研究测量系统分析研究All gauges(both general or dedicated)in Control Plan.无论测量系统的类型是什么,用于检查福特产品的所有量具,都需进行量具再生/再现性分析。MSA 3.0 based.基于MSA3.0版本Associated%tolerance and%study variation.在总偏差中的量具误差占公差的比例和过程变差的比例。To variable gages,the parts used for the Gauge R&R study must be within Design Record specifications.对计数型量具,用于MSA的零件必须符合设计规范。The acceptance criteria for Gauge R&R as a percent of TOLERANCE is less than 10%.If%tolerance is over 10%customer approval is needed.The Gauge is unacceptable if%tolerance is over 30%.NDC more than 5.ANOVA Method preferred with Minitab.(优先使用方差方法)9.Dimensional Results9.Dimensional Results 全尺寸报告全尺寸报告全尺寸报告全尺寸报告Dimens