会计学1由国际发展部资助的建筑业社会由国际发展部资助的建筑业社会The 9 Labour Standards 9个国际劳工标准个国际劳工标准4 4 core(ILO)core(ILO)n nFreedom of associationn nForced labourn nChild labourn nDiscrimination5 5 broaderbroadern nHealth&Safetyn nWagesn nHours&payn nCasualisationn nSocial SecurityBroader standards based on international conventions of the ILO&provisions within regional/national laws第1页/共14页The international context The international context 国际背景国际背景国际背景国际背景Organisations working on labour standards in infrastructure:n n The ILOThe ILOn n The World Bank The World Bankn n Trade Unions Trade Unionsn n Multilaterals:ADB,IFC,EU,BNDES Multilaterals:ADB,IFC,EU,BNDESn n Bilaterals:DFID,JICA,DANIDA Bilaterals:DFID,JICA,DANIDAn n NGOs NGOs第2页/共14页Labour Standards&Poverty劳工标准与贫穷劳工标准与贫穷n nConstruction sector worlds largest employer of Construction sector worlds largest employer of temporarytemporary workers workersn nImpact on livelihoodsImpact on livelihoodsn nDecent working conditionsDecent working conditionsn nSecurity of employmentSecurity of employmentn nEconomic security&protection from“shocks”Economic security&protection from“shocks”n nRights,freedoms,dignity,well-beingRights,freedoms,dignity,well-beingn nPromotes productivityPromotes productivityPromotes productivityPromotes productivity第3页/共14页Normal site practice Normal site practice 试点试点试点试点our starting point our starting point 我们的出发点我们的出发点我们的出发点我们的出发点Notes from site visit,Zambia 2001Notes from site visit,Zambia 2001n n4 consecutive union reps dismissed4 consecutive union reps dismissedn nWorkers paid$0.68 per day(below min wage)Workers paid$0.68 per day(below min wage)n nWorkers kept as casuals for years to avoid SSWorkers kept as casuals for years to avoid SSn nInjured workers pay own hospital treatmentInjured workers pay own hospital treatmentn nNo women employedNo women employedn nNo overtime payNo overtime payn nWater initially provided then stoppedWater initially provided then stopped第4页/共14页Practical challenges Practical challenges 实际挑战实际挑战实际挑战实际挑战n nGaps between law and practiceGaps between law and practicen nLow capacity of local private sector firmsLow capacity of local private sector firmsn nConstraints in operating environment-access to Constraints in operating environment-access to credit,plant,timely paymentcredit,plant,timely paymentn nInitial resistanceInitial resistancen nGovernment bias to lowest bidGovernment bias to lowest bidn nSustainability?Sustainability?n nInformal practices-incorrect certification level,Informal practices-incorrect certification level,falsification of records,leakagefalsification of records,leakage第5页/共14页Things we knew we had to do Things we knew we had to do in the SAC programmein the SAC programme:所要做的:所要做的:所要做的:所要做的:n nBase contract clauses on national law/include social clausesBase contract clauses on national law/include social clausesn nIdentify Identify processes processes and and issuesissues for implementation&monitoring for implementation&monitoringn nMake capacity building a central aspect of the programmeMake capacity building a central aspect of the programmen nProvide incentives for contractorsProvide incentives for contractorsn nInform workers-and reward them for complianceInform workers-and reward them for compliancen nAddress wider constraints-as far as possible-in Address wider constraints-as far as possible-in collaboration with others(government,donors etc.)collaboration with others(government,donors etc.)第6页/共14页Labour standards:the SAC storyLabour standards:the SAC story劳工标准:劳工标准:劳工标准:劳工标准:SACSAC的故事的故事的故事的故事Implementation piloted in three countries:Implementation piloted in three countries:n nGhanaGhana-formal contracting,bridges and roads -formal contracting,bridges and roads programmes(DFID funded)programmes(DFID funded)n nKeralaKerala-community contracting in the context of -community contracting in the context of state decentralisation(government funded)state decentralisation(government funded)n nZambiaZambia-unpaid labour and formal contracting in -unpaid labour and formal contracting in urban water and sanitation programme urban water and sanitation programme(International NGO implemented)(International NGO implemented)第7页/共14页GhanaGhana:formal contractingformal contracting加纳:正规签约加纳:正规签约加纳:正规签约加纳:正规签约Context:Context:Feeder roads bridges projectFeeder roads bridges projectn nComprehensive legal framework but Comprehensive legal framework but n nPractice!Practice!n nMonitoring!(weakness of Min of Labour&TUs)Monitoring!(weakness of Min of Labour&TUs)n nEnforcement wont work talk,negotiate,draw in Enforcement wont work talk,negotiate,draw in all stakeholders-all stakeholders-incentivesincentivesn nCost labour standards into the contractCost labour standards into the contractn nCapacity buildingCapacity building第8页/共14页KeralaKerala decentralisation:community decentralisation:community contractingcontracting 克雷拉克雷拉克雷拉克雷拉放权:社区承包放权:社区承包放权:社区承包放权:社区承包ContextContext:hospitals,schools,water supply,:hospitals,schools,water supply,roadsroadsn nNo legislative or regulatory frameworkNo legislative or regulatory frameworkn nCorruptionCorruptionn nComprehensive worker protection in principleComprehensive worker protection in principlen n5 of 9 LS being applied5 of 9 LS being appliedn nWhen transferring responsibility,how to transfer When transferring responsibility,how to transfer liability?liability?n nFormal workersFormal workersInformal workersInformal workers第9页/共14页ZambiaZambia “participatory “participatory unpaid schemes”unpaid schemes”赞比亚赞比亚赞比亚赞比亚参与式义务计划参与式义务计划参与式义务计划参与式义务计划ContextContext:urban water and sanitation:urban water and sanitationn nCommunity contributions“in kind”Community contributions“in kind”n nmaterials,free labour or forced work?materials,free labour or forced work?n nObjective of unpaid approach-ownership,cost Objective of unpaid approach-ownership,cost sharing,sustainability?sharing,sustainability?n nBe clear about conditions of unpaid labourBe clear about conditions of unpaid labourn nStrong social relations:(+)(-)veStrong social relations:(+)(-)ve 第10页/共14页Constraints/misunderstandingsConstraints/misunderstandings限制限制限制限制/误解误解误解误解Myths Myths 神话神话神话神话n nLS are an outside impositionLS are an outside impositionn nCompliance is required Compliance is required nownown nIt is against contractor interestsIt is against contractor interestsn nWorkers are not interestedWorkers are not interestedReality Reality 现实现实现实现实n nStandards are based on(inter)national Standards are based on(inter)national lawlawn nImprovement is gradual Improvement is gradual n nContractors welcome LS if supportedContractors welcome LS if supportedn nWorkers prefer to work for contractors Workers prefer to work for contractors who opt to address LSwho opt to address LS第11页/共14页Costs 成本成本n nGhana:physical provision of protective measures 2-3%of project costs+n nSocial security,insurancen nFacilitation of the processn nKerala:insurance for casual workers Rp17 per worker第12页/共14页Relevance to the China contextRelevance to the China context 与中国的相关性与中国的相关性n nClosure of migrants Closure of migrants detention centresdetention centres has made their plight has made their plight more visiblemore visiblen nDelays in paymentDelays in payment of construction workers of construction workers commonplace commonplace and publicly visibleand publicly visiblen nSARS SARS/TB/HIV/AIDS /TB/HIV/AIDS construction sites are high risk construction sites are high risk transmission locationstransmission locationsn nCivil societyCivil society groups groups providing active support to injured migrant providing active support to injured migrant workersworkersn nResearchResearch community community documenting the plight of migrantsdocumenting the plight of migrantsn nRural sector reformRural sector reform bringing movement of people to cities.bringing movement of people to cities.Need to accord workers their legal rightsNeed to accord workers their legal rights第13页/共14页