抗击新冠肺炎疫情主题英文演讲稿(中英对照) 抗击新冠肺炎疫情主题英文演讲稿 (中英对比) We Are All Fighters 我们都是战士 This is a war without smoke. 这是一场没有硝烟的战斗 And we are all fighters. 而我们都是战士 To the fighters 敬全部的战士 We are facing a dark time right now. 我们正面临着黑暗时刻 Some of us are stuck at home. 我们中有人不得不禁足在家 Some are stuck far away from home. 有人不得不被迫滞留他乡 Some have to shut down their businesses. 有人不得不关停了赖以为生的生意 Some cant go back to school, and some cant go back to their jobs. 有人无法回到学校,有人无法回到工作岗位 And some of us are still working day and night, no matter how exhausted they are, or how dangerous it is. 我们中有人必需日夜坚守,无论他们有多么疲乏,亦或面临多大的危急 You are not the only one who is struggling. 你不是一个人在苦苦支撑 We are all facing a dark time right now. 我们都在面临一个黑暗时刻 Our whole country is facing a dark time right now. 整个国家都在面临一个黑暗时刻 This is a war, its a war without guns, bombs, or smoke. 这是一场战斗,这是一场没有枪、没有炮、没有硝烟的战斗 But its a war with virus, doubts, fears, rumors, and discrimination. 但这是一场与病毒、疑心、恐惊、谣言、和卑视的战斗 But we shall all be the fighters, my dear fellows. 但我们都应当成为战士,我亲爱的同胞们 Not just the doctors, the nurses, the policemen, and the scientists who should fight, all of us should be the fighters in this war. 不仅仅只有医生、护士、警察、和科学家应当战斗,我们都应当成为这场战斗中的战士 This is going to be a fierce and cruel war. 这将会是一场剧烈的、严酷的战斗 But dont be afraid. 但是不要可怕 We are gonna win this war together in the end. 我们终将取得这场战斗的成功 Weve been on the planet for over 5000 years. 我们已经在地球上矗立了五千多年 Weve witnessed much darker moments. 我们见证过更加黑暗的时刻 We have been through much crueler trails no matter its war, invasion, starvation, poverty or natural disasters. 我们经受过更加残酷的考验,无论是战斗、侵略、饥饿、贫困还是自然灾难 Weve always survived. 我们总是能幸存下来 Weve always stood back up on our feet. 我们总是能够重新站立起来 Weve always won in the end. 我们总是能够取得最终的成功 And we will definitely win this time! 所以这一次,我们也将取得最终的成功! We dont know how long this will take or what cost we have to pay, but there is one thing we are 100% sure. And that is: 我们不知道这场战斗将持续多久,又或者我们将付出什么代价,但有一件事我们百分之百确实定,那就是: We are going to win this war in the end. 我们终将赢得这场战斗的成功 Because thats what weve been doing for the past 5000 years. 由于在过去五千年的历史中我们就是如此 Weve always fought together. 我们总是肩并肩共同抗争 No matter how strong our enemy was, or how impossible it seemed to win. 不管我们的人有多么强大,又或者赢得微乎其微 We just kept fighting, because we are all fighters. 我们只会坚持战斗,由于我们都是战士 When all of this is over, we have another great and heroic story to tell our children, our grandchildren, and they will tell the next generations 当全部这一切完毕的时候,我们又有了一个宏大的、英雄的故事可以讲给我们的子孙听,而他们也就把这个故事告知给他们的下一代 Thats how we will pass the great spirit on and keep it alive forever! 我们会将这份宏大的精神代代相传,永存不朽!