国际教育技术研究领域的新发展张建伟State University of New York at Albany(SUNY-Albany)http:/tccl.rit.albany.edu Content 整体概貌:重要的研究主题和团队 中西研究方法和思维方式的比较 研究论文的写作规范整体概貌 What are researchers doing in this field?A Framework张建伟,2003 Fundation vs.Application Envision the future,refashion educationVs.Address current challenges and improve within the existing frameworkFundational Investigations:Associations,Conferences,and JournalsFundational Investigations:Associations,Conferences,and JournalsApplication-Oriented Association,Conferences and JournalsApplication-Oriented Association,Conferences and JournalsMix:Associations,Conferences,and JournalsNew Learning and Learning EnvironmentsKnowledge Society NetworkNew Learning and Learning EnvironmentsEmerging Technologies Microworlds,Programmable devices,and Construction Kits:MIT Media Lab,led by Michel Resnick(http:/http:/llk.media.mit.edu/)Emerging TechnologiesApplication:Technology Integration and Learning Innovation 中西研究方法和思维方式的比较 Open the file研究论文的写作 APA Guideline Three types of articles:Reports of empirical studies Review articles:problem,summary,relations and gaps,future studies Theoretical articles Toward a Research Career Whom do I want to belong to?Whats my long term goal?(unique,significant vision)Whats my current research focus?(promising work)How is my current work informing my next steps?Reports of Empirical Studies Introduction+Literature review Research questions Method Discussion ConclusionsPrinciples of Academic Writing Idea-centered(不是工作汇报)Understandable:Make your idea transparent to others who may not share the same background.Critical:Am I sure about what Im saying?How might others challenge my thinking?How should I address their challenges?(不说连自己都不明白的话;自己都不相信的话)Fine reasoning chain-connectedness,order,smoothnessIntroduction:Background and Define the Research Question(s)The line of research you want to contribute to?Progresses?Gaps?-focus The point you want to make?Research strategies that help you make this point?Data Question-construct-measures-dataDiscussions and Conclusions What have I contributed?-findings How has my study helped to resolve the original problem?Weaknesses?What conclusions?Then what?