精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Synchro在交通控制与设计中的应用 在城市的较小的区域内,可以对区域内的所有交叉口进行控制;在城市较大的区域,可以对区域进行分区分级控制。分区的结果往往使面控制成为一个由几条线控制组成的分级集中控制系统,这时,可认为各线控制是面控制中的一个单元;有时分区的结果是成为一个点,线,面控制的综合性分级控制系统。现在对城市道路进行区域协调控制就是将其划分为多级多个信号控制子区,对信号子区进行协调控制,优化管理控制信号子区,然后对整个道路进行区域协调控制,达到整个城市道路优化的目的。 把城市道路划分为多个信号控制子区,也就是进行城市道路干线交叉口交通信号协调控制,把城市划分为多个主路控制,再把主路上各个交叉口进行联动控制,同时,对单个交叉口信号控制优化的同时需要考虑主路上下游各个交叉口的联动控制。主路上的各个交叉口按照设计的信号配时方案进行运行,使车辆进入城市主干道交叉口时,不至经常遇到红灯,称为城市主干道交叉口信号协调控制,称为“绿波”信号控制。 城市单点交叉口作为城市交通网络中的重要组成部分,作为城市道路交通问题的关键点。对城市单点交叉口,评价标准的参考指标:交叉口的通行能力、进口道的饱和度、道路交叉口进口道停车延误、交叉口进口道停车次数、进口道排队长度和汽车的油耗等。交叉口定时信号控制配时方法在不断的改进之中,国内外大部分学者认为从不同的评价指标出发,可以采用不同的种优化算法寻求其它更合理的配时方法。 平面交叉口按交通管制方式可以分为全无控制交叉口、主路优先控制交叉口、信号灯控制交叉口、环形交叉口等几种类型。主路优先控制交叉口,是在次路上设停车让行或减速让行标志,指令次路车辆必须停车或减速让主路车辆优先通行的一种交通管制方式。 交叉口是道路网中通行能力的“瓶颈”和交通事故的“黑点”。国内外城市中的交通堵塞主要发上在交叉口,造成车辆中断,事故增多,延误严重。如日本大城市中的机动车在城市中心的旅行时间约三分之一花在平面交叉口上。同时,交叉口也是交通事故的主要发生源。美国交通事故约有一半发生在交叉口;原联邦德国道路上的交通事故约有百分之三十六发上在交叉口,城市中的交通事故约有百分之六十到百分之八十发生在交叉口及其附近。因此,交叉口这个交通事故“多发源”问题不能不引起人们的高度关注。怎样对城市交叉口实施科学管理就是本节要讨论的问题。实施管制的方式取决于交叉口的几何特征和交通状况目的是为了保障交叉口的交通安全和和充分发挥交叉口的通行能力。本节主要以十字交叉口为主,讨论全无控制交叉口和主路优先控制交叉口,同时简要介绍现代环形交叉口的基本要点。 单个交叉口的控制策略会对其上游及下游道路交叉口的车流量产生很大的影响,上游和下游交叉口距离越近交通流量越大的情况下,影响会越大。交通信号“点控制”就是把单独的交叉口拿出来进行单独的分析,对其进行单独的信号优化和道路控制策略,而不考虑该交叉口对其上下游交叉口的影响。城市道路交通信号区域协调控制的就是研究在一个城市道路子区内,对各个道路交叉口进行的信号周期时长、交叉口的绿信比以及路口间的相位差进行优化,以减小交叉口的停车延误、提高城市路网的通行能力的交通区域信号协调控制方法。 随着城市道路区域信号协调控制理论的发展,研究者发现,可以把一个较大的城市的道路交通区域路网看成一个大的整体,对其进行交通信号协调控制及优化,由于道路路网及机动车流量的复杂性,但是对其优化结果对其通行能力的提高不是很理想。因此,从20世纪70年代,许多研究者开始尝试将庞大、复杂繁琐的道路路网按照一定的原则和方法模型进行划分,划分成若干个信号控制子区,然后再对信号控制子区域内进行协调信号控制,用以提高城市里整个道路路网的协调控制效果。 目前,城市道路交通拥堵问题己经成为全国乃至全世界都普遍关注问题。城市道路及交叉口作为城市交通道路的基本服务设施,主要包括道路交叉口与路段,其服务性能的良好运行直接影响到城市交通的正常运转。 城市道路交叉口是道路系统的重要组成部分,城市道路通过交叉口这个节点把各条道路互相连接构成城市的道路路网,来协调交叉口各个进口方向上的车流量需要;同时在城市道路网络中各种各样的交通流(机动车,非机动车,行人)在此相互交叉通过、分流转向,可见交叉口是城市道路网络最为重要的位置。但交叉口也是交通堵塞和交通事故的多发地点。城市道路运输机动车的效率、道路安全度、交叉口通行能力、道路的服务水平对环境和能源的影响基本上取决于城市道路交叉口的通行能力。 在对城市道路交叉口中控制和优化中最为常见的是信号控制,在信号控制中单点信号交叉口是城市道路控制与优化的基础。对城市道路交叉口进行科学合理的信号控制与优化,是提高城市交叉口的交通安全和通行能力、减少交叉口停车延误的有效措施,可以缓解城市拥堵的交通问题。 对城市道路交叉口信号进行控制优化的方法模型进行说明,介绍了交通信号灯控制的基本方法,熟悉介绍交通信号管理软件synchro的相关功能和仿真情况,以synchro为工具进行城市道路区域的协调控制,对城市道路区域协调控制模型进行介绍!以呼和浩特城市道路为例,通过对呼和浩特道路现状交通的分析调查,运用交通管理软件synchro进行仿真,通过对仿真结果的分析结合呼和浩特现在的道路状况,得到现状道路所存在的交通问题,通过对问题的分析,提出相应的优化方案,然后运用synchro对优化后的交通情况进行仿真,对比评价仿真结果,提出优化方案。对城市交通信号问题进行优化,挺高城市交通道路的通行能力!完善城市交通的基础设施!本论文通过对城市道路交叉口交通信号的控制的说明,介绍了交通信号灯控制的基本方法,引出了城市道路交通信号区域控制,通过对城市交通信号区域控制的介绍,提出了对城市道路交通信号区域进行分级控制优化的方法模型。本论文通过对交通信号仿真优化软件synchro6.0各个功能的介绍,软件优化模型及各评价指标的计算方法与模型的相关介绍。基于呼和浩特市新城区,以新城区新华大街为主干道进行城市道路主干道交通信号控制与优化仿真。通过对新华大街与锡林郭勒北路,新华大街与迎宾北路,新华大街与呼伦贝尔北路各个交叉口交通信号配时方案,道路属性,交通量等进行调查,通过对调查数据进行处理研究,运用交通信号控制仿真软件synchro6.0进行交通现状的仿真,然后再对新华大街主干道信号配时方案进行优化,对优化结果进行仿真,进行评价然后进行优化前后的仿真对比。说明道路主干道控制优化的优点。由于本次设计时间较短,加上本人在这方面的学习研究还有待提高,所以本论文只能简单地介绍相关的设计方法和模型,对于更加复杂交错的交叉口还有待进一步的学习和研究。总体来说, Synchro系统对信号交叉口的配时方案及优化程序主要针对交叉口信号周期时长、相位方案和交叉口绿信比等进行总体综合优化。该系统能充分考虑到该区域道路的各项性质(交叉口范围内的公交站点、公共交通的影响,交叉口范围内的路边停车、自行车和行人等各种外在因素对交叉口通行能力和服务水平的影响, 其适用能力强, 是一种专业针对信号交叉口使用较为简便的信号控制优化配时软件。道路交叉口停车计算与交叉口延误的计算方法相同。在交叉口进口道产生停车延误的车辆数与排队车辆数相同,如上图中的Q。同时Synchro系统认为10s以内延误的车辆没有完全停车,对这些车辆,Synchro通过计算每个车辆每次在进口道延误的时间,对延误在10s以内的车辆按照定好的相应比例确定停车数。由于新华大街各个交叉口相距很近,使得交叉口与交叉口之间的车容量较小,而且各个交叉口之间的信号灯周期时长不同,不能进行关联管理,亦使得新华大街不能进行绿波交通控制。对各个交叉口信号周期进行优化后,可以显著提高交叉口的服务水平,且可以对新华大街主干道进行联动控制,大大的减小了新华大街主干道上的延误在这段时间里,我通过对交通信号管理与仿真软件 synchro的不断熟悉与运用,逐渐深入的了解到了交叉口交通信号对城市道路交通的重要性!交通信号对于缓解现在各个城市道路拥挤的重要性,在这段时间里,我通过对呼和浩特新城区新华大街主干道道路情况和各个交叉口的交通情况的调查与统计,发现可以运用交通信号管理软件synchro对各个交叉口进行优化仿真,可以使新华大街主干道进行“线控制",进而提高新华大街主干道各个交叉口的通行能力。 Synchro in traffic control and the design application In city of smaller area, within the area can be controlled all the intersection; In the city of large region, can region partition of hierarchical control. The division of the results often make level control into one by the few line of control the grading of centralized control system, at this moment, you may think that makes the control is the surface control a unit; Sometimes the division of the results is to become a point, line, face the comprehensive control of hierarchical control system. Now on the city road for regional coordination control is dividing the multilevel more signal control branch area, the son of signal area for coordinated control, optimizing the management control signal branch area, and then to the road for regional coordination control to achieve the purpose of the whole city road optimization.The urban road is divided into more signal control branch area, also is the city road junction lines to the traffic signal coordination control, the city is divided into more massive control, and each intersection on running for linkage control, at the same time, to a single intersection signal control optimization and at the same time to consider all the linkage of the massive upstream and downstream intersection control. Each intersection running according to design signal timing formula for operation, make the vehicle into the city intersection, not often meet with red light, called city intersection signal coordination control, known as the "green wave" signal control.City single point as a city intersection traffic network in the important part of urban road traffic problems as the key point. City intersection of single point, evaluation standard reference index: crossing capacity, the import of saturation, the way the intersections, intersection delay import way parking import stops, import way way queue length and the car fuel consumption, etc. Timing signal intersection control timing method in continuous improvement in, most scholars think both at home and abroad from different evaluation index set out, can adopt different kinds of optimization algorithm for other, more reasonable timing method.According to the plane intersection traffic control way without control can be divided into the intersection, massive priority control signal intersection control, intersection, ring intersection of several types. Massive priority intersection control, is on the way in time set the right-of-way or slow down the right-of-way parking sign, instruction time road vehicles must stop or slow down to the right-of-way vehicles running a traffic control method.Intersection of road network traffic capacity is in the "bottleneck" and traffic accidents "black spots". The traffic jam main cities at home and abroad to the hair in the intersection, causing traffic disruption, more accidents, delay serious. Such as Japan cities in motor vehicle in the city center of about a third of the travel time spent on plane intersection. At the same time, the intersection of the traffic accident is the main sources. The United States about half the traffic accident happened in the intersection; The federal Germany on the road traffic accident about thirty-six percent to the hair in the intersection, city in the traffic accident happened about sixty percent to eighty percent in the intersection and its nearby. Therefore, the intersection traffic accident "was" not aroused people's concern. How to carry out the scientific management of city intersection of this section is to talk about the problem. Implementation of the control mode depends on the geometrical characteristics of the intersection and traffic conditions the purpose is to ensure the intersection of traffic safety and and give full play to the crossing capacity. This section mainly intersections is given priority to, to discuss all to no control intersection and massive priority intersection control, and briefly introduced the basic points of modern ring intersection.The single intersection control strategy of the upstream and downstream will road intersection traffic produce very big effect, intersection upstream and downstream the closer the greater the traffic flow, the greater the effect will be. The traffic signal "point control" is to separate out the intersection of the separate analysis, and carry on the single signal optimization and road control strategy, and don't consider the intersection of the upstream and downstream the influence of the intersection. The urban road traffic signal control is the study of the regional coordination in a city way way zone, to each road intersections of signal period of how long, how intersection green than and between the letter at phase difference is optimized, to minimize the intersection delay parking, improve the urban road network capacity traffic signal control method coordination area.Along with the urban road area signal coordination control the development of the theory, the researchers found that, can be to a larger city road traffic area network as a great whole, the traffic signal coordination control and optimization, as a result of road network and the complexity of the flow of motor vehicles, but for the optimization results to the travel of the ability is not very ideal. Therefore, since the 1970 s, many researchers began to try to be huge, complex tedious road network according to certain principles and methods model division, divided into several signal control branch area, and then again to signal control subdomain coordinate signal control, to improve the way of city road network coordination control effect.At present, the urban road traffic congestion problem has been become the attention and to the world. City road and intersection traffic as a city of basic services, mainly including road intersection and sections, the service performance in good operating directly affect the normal operation of city traffic.City road crossing the road system is an important component of the urban road through the intersection nodes to the various factors of city road connect each other of road network, to coordinate each intersection on the direction of imported cars need; At the same time in the city road network all kinds of traffic flow (motor vehicle, the motor vehicle, pedestrians) in the cross each other through the shunt turned, visible intersection of city road network is the most important position. But the intersection is traffic and traffic accidents of the multiple sites. City road transport vehicle efficiency, road safety degree, intersection traffic capacity, the service level of the road to the environment and the influence of the energy basically depends on the urban road crossing capacity.In the urban road intersections control and optimization of the most common is the signal of control, signal control of a single point signal intersection control and optimization of city road is based. City road intersection of scientific reasonable signal control and optimization, is to improve the city traffic safety and the intersection traffic capacity, reduce the effective measures to stop intersection delay, can ease congestion专心-专注-专业