度米文库汇编之中英文版实习证明实习证明实习证明兹有兹有 xxxxxx xxxxxx 学校学校 土木工程土木工程 专业专业 xx xx 同学于同学于 20152015 年年 7 7 月月 2 2 日日至至 2015 2015 年年 8 8 月月 3030 日日 在在 xxxx xxxx 总公司总公司 实习实习该同学的实习职位是该同学的实习职位是 _ _该学生实习期间工作认真,在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚该学生实习期间工作认真,在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚心向富有经验的前辈请教,善于思考,能够举一反三。对于别人提心向富有经验的前辈请教,善于思考,能够举一反三。对于别人提出的工作建议,可以虚心听取。在时间紧迫的情况下,加时加班完出的工作建议,可以虚心听取。在时间紧迫的情况下,加时加班完成任务。能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保成任务。能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成工作任务。同时,该学生严格遵守我院的各项规章制度。质保量完成工作任务。同时,该学生严格遵守我院的各项规章制度。实习时间,服从实习安排,完成实习任务。尊敬实习单位人员。并实习时间,服从实习安排,完成实习任务。尊敬实习单位人员。并能与我单位同事和睦相处,与其一同工作的人员都对该学生的表现能与我单位同事和睦相处,与其一同工作的人员都对该学生的表现予以肯定。予以肯定。特此证明。特此证明。xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 总公司总公司(实习单位盖章实习单位盖章)2015_2015_年年_9_9 月月 5_5_日日internship qualificationinternship qualificationxx xx,student from xxxx university,majored in civilxx xx,student from xxxx university,majored in civilengineering,started his two months internship at our companyengineering,started his two months internship at our companyfrom july 2,2015 to august 30,2015.from july 2,2015 to august 30,2015.during the students internship,under the guidance of ourduring the students internship,under the guidance of ourcompanys engcompanys eng ineer,he has a preliminary understanding ofineer,he has a preliminary understanding ofthe development process of conducting a project,and is morethe development process of conducting a project,and is morefamiliar with the engineering system and its related equipmentfamiliar with the engineering system and its related equipmentfunctions and implementation methodology,as well as salesfunctions and implementation methodology,as well as salesand distributions module.in addition,he puts much effort intoand distributions module.in addition,he puts much effort intohis work and study.the student never hesitates to ask seniorhis work and study.the student never hesitates to ask seniorco-workers when meeting difficulties.at the same time,heco-workers when meeting difficulties.at the same time,herespects and gets along very well with others and shows us arespects and gets along very well with others and shows us avery good team spirit and ability of communication andvery good team spirit and ability of communication andcooperation.co-workers have all given their approval to thecooperation.co-workers have all given their approval to thestudent who now leaves an excellent impression to thestudent who now leaves an excellent impression to pany.xxxxcorporation of chinaxxxxcorporation of china(valid with a stamp)(valid with a stamp)september 5th,2015september 5th,2015